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Did anybody even watch the second half of S2? It feels like it got overshadowed by the boys and also i couldn't see any moment hitting as hard as "think mark" from S1. no memes no nothing
i like robot.
I guess releasing one season every four years isn't a great recipe for viewer retention. And I don't know why they took such a long break when they were just having the animation outsourced to North Korea.
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I got pissed a tiny handful of episodes before a "break" then getting the second batch. Decided to just read the comic to find out what happens instead, now there's no reason to watch the show. Story is more believable when Amber looks like this anyway.
That portal retard is the worse villain, he's was the main cause of his own problems, multiverse crap makes it even worse, it sucks that it was the big thing in the comics save for the ending.
I guess the best thing we got out of this season is that token nigger gf got a reality check so Eve is back on the menu.
S3 won't be filler, a lot of good stuff happens there. It is shit that S2 was slow but the part of the comic they were adapting there was slow too.
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I was a big fan of S1, but haven't even checked out S2. 2 years and a mid season hiatus killed all it's hype. Plus the animation looks like shit and I'm not even thr type to care about that.
mid-season breaks that go for several months are antiquated, but at least there's an excuse when the season is 16-24 episodes long.

When it's a fucking 8 episode season, having a four month hiatus is absolutely unacceptable

weekly release schedules are stupid too in this day and age, the ideal release schedule is twice a week - this keeps the normie's attention and gives them something to talk about at work
Thats like some from Space Ghost
>four month
it was 6 months
and the first 4 episodes were dogshit so the gap felt even longer
and the last 4 episodes were also pretty mid
Anyone who watched the first season probably checked out the comic and discovered how absolutely retarded it gets and just dropped the show
The massive gaps in the release schedule are brutal. But the show is still very fun and I don't feel like it's wasting my time.
I tried watching the Boys season 1 last week and it was miserably bad. Felt every goddamn minute of the first two hours. Shan't be continuing.
I rather read the comic since that one didn't get woke until very late in the game and still even then still focused on white male heroes doing cool action stuff
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People watched it for Nolan and the Viltrumite plotline, not for Mark's faggot friend and the uppity commie niggress working at a soup kitchen.
The casting is overkill, which is probably taking away from the animation budget. Walton Goggins, Mark Hamill, and Sandra Oh seem like massive money pits that could have been played by any number of cheaper industry VAs (I know Mark Hamill does lots of VA work but I can't imagine he's cheap). And you really need Jon Hamm to play Steve?
>watching jewslop based on kirkslop
They took for granted that people will wait for weekly episodes (what is the fucking point when production takes so long). Why wouldn't they take for granted that people will wait for seasons split in half?
>You know what ? Let's take 4 years to adapt 2 volume of this comics
>Only 21 more to go !
Meanwhile there is something like 7 season of 25 episodes or something+movie+oav+game for my hero acadademia

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