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Suzy's new movie is a flop edition

Previous: >>200487494
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what drama is this?
Weightlifting Fairy
@15s is my new fetish
Why do they drink so much
How do I get a robotgf?
My sweet mobster!
Its a gameshow but shes also an actress. Her name is Bae Suzy
I wish elon would focus on that, i don't want to go to mars without my robot gf anyway, priorities bro...
yeah, suzy btfo. though you would literally strangle your cat right now just to be able to eat her 3-days old vomit, but let's not talk about that.
My Sweet Barfer
Less than 12 hours until Dreaming of a Freaking Farytale
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Has anyone seen Suzy's new movie?
Gonna go to sleep. Don't let this thread die
it's ok fren, nothing bad will happen to you in your sleep if a thread archives.
I fucking love that laugh. She laughs with her whole face. Is that what its like to have no worries or insecurities?
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Is Angel's Last Mission a good show to watch? I need something feelgood since everything is so stressful these days.
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not sure

but try Mystic Pop Up Bar if you want a feel good series unni

hope you feel better
I enjoyed it because I like the lead actress, she's good on pretty much everything I've seen her in, I'd say still 17 with her is a bit more feel good, she plays a much lighter naive character, in last mission she starts out a lot more salty/bitchy and mellows over the show.
>A young woman grows tired of life in the city and returns to her hometown in the countryside.

try this

please don't post here lewd scene in the other movie ; _ ;

hee do is pure
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Warm and Cozy
Thanks chingus. I hope you have a feelgood day.
I have had this and about a dozen other movies downloaded for the longest time, and even though I could easily watch a couple in a single evening I always end up just going into a new drama, anybody else have this dumb habit?
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>Because This Is My First Life
>Hometown Cha Cha Cha
>Run On
>Love to Hate You
>Reply 1988 (for the classic)
lead couple is amazing, everyone else is annoying and unpleasant to watch.
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I still have a backlog of kdrama that I have yet to finish.

Not because I don't have the time, I just don't want it to end
Thanks fren. I was going to watch Because This is My First Life since the actress is kino but the mdl comments make her character seem like a bitch (eg. I think towards the end she takes his beloved home and sells ir or someting)
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>mdl comments make her character seem like a bitch

people from mydramalist are usually catty. They would often stand or hate an actor or actress based on fandom before even watching it. I would just avoid a majority of them and just check the overall score
don't the personalities of the actors affect your enjoyment when watching dramas?
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Women should kidnap women
unnie bitchysaw?
people from kdg are usually catty unnie
Women should take black out drunk women back to their homes for funny business
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don't the personalities of the actors affect your enjoyment when watching dramas?

No, or else I wouldn't watch any american tv shows or movies ever
let's fucking goooo
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waiting until episode 10 before i start watching
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this shit any good?
>single inferno
slop dating show
watch the jap version its way better
jap versions are never better
JIN and Liar's Game would seem to disprove your argument.
unnie which version of mother do you think is better?
I don't care for either, not the kind of show that interests me.
anyone seen this?

I remember this show being posted on /fit/

Is it a fun meathead competition?
hope you got your tickets
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But I live in burgerland noona
wtf Korea
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90 day fiance is kino
ISP's in Korea are not like the rest of the world. They pretty much have the politicians in their back pockets and get them to pass laws to benefit them over international competition.
I just find out he dead. What the fuck man, how did I miss this. Still cant believe it. I loved him in My Mister. How could they do my man so dirty. I fucking hate Korean society.

Rip sweet prince
ikr. can't a married man have some privacy while he's fucking a prostitute.
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IU could have used her massive influence as Korea's "little sister" to save her coworker and supposed friend's career and thus his life. She refused.
the kmob would have taken IU down with him
she doesn't want you hyun woo she's a mob wife now
yeah he was fucked no matter what happened, it would be like trying to save someone like seungri during the whole burning sun scandal
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ah so the Viki subtitlers were playing the long game. later in the show mini unnie says she doesn't like the title hyungnim and wants them to use hyung. this is all lost in the VIU subtitles.
Yes, it's fun.
I'm looking forward to her next drama.
Im Sol is for _____ ?
time travel!
No one cared who I was until I put on the mask.
any good or netflix slop?
so better than your average kdrama it's not even considered a kdrama anymore
Goyslop. No real justice ngl
Sex scenes, nudity, LGBT, etc
It's westernized kdrama
slop then
why would he lock her in the freezer? unnies wae?!
Just a couple of hours left before the finale
What are you talking about
just ignore, it's a schizo.
Do asians consider this a "man jaw"?
It's a "cute jaw"
you dont watch kdramas
I do, I've watched far more than you and did so long before they were cool.
yes schizo, you're the only one here who watches kdramas, we heard you the first 50 times, take your meds.
no worries unnies he just locked her in the freezer so she could get some alone time with oppa
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Why do Koreans buy flowers before a rape?
Nowhere else in the world has forced foreign companies like Youtube and Twitch to pay between up to 10 times the costs for bandwidth compared to local firms just because they are "foreign".
This actually looks like it could have been a scene in a drama.
It's not as vain as it seems, it's good brainrot, might actually inspire you to get in better shape
>cdrama schizo pretends he watches kdramas again
Ahhh stfu you normalfags. You both ruined the thread.
/kdg/ is too big to be ruined by any one or two unniefag goys
Will koreans be watching the US presidential debate?
this general isn't your own personal domain you autistic fuckwit.
I thought it was just a drug thing?
He was taking the drugs with her, then she and her friend tried to blackmail him.
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Why are women like this? Does she feel guilty he briquetted himself because of her?
I'm currently depressed because the albanian blocked me.
I guess the best I got was a bunch of discord bpd "girls" that wanted me to cum in a sandwich for them, they might've been teens, and one "cut" herself for me even though it look like she'd smeared ketchup on her arm.
If you knew me you'd understand that I'm not stopping until I get a wife and that I woke up today for the sole purpose of buying cat food for my fat cats.
But I would definitely strangle you with my very big, barely above average cock until you try to vomit and choke on it (but since your throat would be blocked the vomit would ebb and flow in your cracking esophagus, so instead your gastric juices would change in direction with full force making you shit yourself out of fear and respect, and only once you've soiled yourself like a downy I might consider letting my meat go and letting you take a gasp in awe not for air).
And suzy still is a whore and I hate her.
What is? Revenant?
Heartless bitches. Couldn't they just have been satisfied with being fucked by mister?
This is why you can't trust a ho, ever
Where THE FUCK is my retarded savant Korean attorney waifu that walks like a penguin???
This may come as a shock to you anon but TV isn't real life.

This is releasing later I think
This has a kino as fuck supporting cast btw
So many fantastic actors but you have to admit it's a show staring / for old people.
at least i can finish it in 2-3 days.
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Yes, and?
It looks good but I'm not really interested in Korean politics.
It was really funny that they let the low level MMA fighter bring out his belts from tiny promotions acting like hot shit. Then they had Dong Hyun Kim who was top ten in the world at his peak come out right after him.
I need at least one hottie to keep me interested and milfs don't do it for me.
Yeah, depending on timezone it's released on Netflix today or tomorrow. Also it was a hell of a surprise to see The Double airs from Saturday. Looks like Netflix are getting on the cdrama bandwagon too.
Turns out the screenwriter of Whisper wrote this. I'm in.
Based Whisperbro. Adding the show to my list.
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Netflix Korea-Japan BL drama
This shit seems gay, won't watch.
I'd watched a GL drama but unfortunately 90% of the audience are women so it doesn't make business sense to make any.
Why do they call it bl instead of just gay
Because it's an asian term, iirc first used in manga.
Japan makes some iirc
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For me it's not homodrama but incestdrama. Please recommend more.
Unnies, we are waiting for the next episode of Dreaming of a Freaking Fairytale before we watch the last two episodes
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I think we should stop calling each other unnies and call each other chingus instead.

We don’t stand a chance against girls this cute, god I hope my kids at least get some blonde.
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There are cuter
You're the midwitted disgusting cretin normalfag. Fuck offf
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Oh noes, you called them normal. I'm sure they're devastated by that cutting insult.
minyoung was such a qt
minni unnie a cute
wish I had watched kdramas and not the debate
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why does no one talk about this kdrama?
i liked it
hate this attitude, if you don't want to pay attention just don't watch it, never watch dubs of live action they're so awful
I pretty much switched to Asian dramas becuase I kept watching western shows in the background
Yes. It's a fun show.
I'm following a cute gremlin thanks to that show.
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Are there any asian masculine shows for high testosterone individuals such as myself? I hate this romance bullshit with a passion. How can a man watch that? I want to see samurai tier shows like i am a hero or something. Theres got to be a korean show like that. Post em
no us unnies here like cute romance slop you need to leave
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I will grift and advocate for masculine alpha male focused korean shows to spite you for spiting me hahaha.

Its already begun with sweet home and squid games. The days of beta male domibance is soon over. The alpha males time has finally come
typical man coming in to ruin female spaces
seems interesting but i haven't gotten around to watching it myself
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The Worst of Evil
dreaming of a freaking fairytale is out!
Time for the binge watchers to start binging
Gonna air fry some popcorn chicken and then watch the final two episodes
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Thinking about watching her new movie
>no romance

unnie michyeosseo?
started watching it too right now
what sauce do you use?
Honey mustard
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right side
Dreaming of a Freaking Fairytale was meh
My Sweet Mobster. Just finished the prosecutors flashback and I'm guessing he misunderstood the situation. Ji-hwan was probably there with the bat defending the prosecutors father from his brother
It was fine because it was only 10 episodes and had a feel-good ending.
WAS, she is a department store mannequin now
There is a history in Korea of men abducting, and raping, to marry a woman they want. It was a normal practice along with gifting women to visiting dignitaries.
She was too busy saving her other friend SUK. He was about to be outed as gay which in Korea would end his career.
FL wanted to bang the young guy who owned the coffee shop the whole time
are you projecting your cuck fantasies on kdrama again fren? that's not healthy.
This fucked me up when I found out.
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it happened at new year and we still talk about him every week, how did you not notice til now?
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Yoona's face is so fucked
Nope. I also do not like the ML character nor the madding stoic ML trope Lee Min Ki and Lee Dong-wook portray to perfection. They not only frustrate the FL's but deeply hurt them too, making it unbelievable the FL hangs in there when they should run off for the young hot guy.
>oh noes I'm acting all retarded
Stfu you dumb adult.
unnies stop fighting
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> unnie
that's rude and presumptuous. if you're going to call me anything then call me daddy.
Any new IU drama?
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when life gives you tangerines is still slated for 2024, but no specific release date yet.
I watched a bunch of kpop videos yesterday. does this count as a kdrama?
no, there's kpop threads on /mu/ if you want to post about that, they are pure cancer, have fun.
that's ok, I'll stay here. I've been to the /mu/ threads and they are complete garbage
trying to be cupid baka
the whirlwind is out. time for politic kino
I turned it off 1/2 way through the first episode. Completely over the top melodrama where everyone is out to betray everyone else. I can already tell it would be an exhausting watch where nothing makes logical sense.
I'm watching Moving, t's alright but about 12 episodes too long, it feels like everys single shot is extended as much as possible to pad out
Are they all like this?
he's just like me frfr
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without text
>Completely over the top melodrama
my jam
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I was not ready for that ending
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ahh i dropped lately a jap show that took place in highschool or smt with really fucking hot teacher with glasses

all because it had terrible sub

i regret it now that its dry af when it comes to kdrama; gotta watch something japanesee
The only thing your webm spam is achieving is proving how bad the show is. If your goal was to stop us watching it then great job.
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unnie wae?!
I think it´s too long to, I´m watching it because Hideo Kojima said it made him cry in the end. I really liked the first few episods, focused on the teenagers rather then the adults.
If you love it so much, just move there and post on South-Korean boards. They're a discount Japan.
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anime is trash and somehow jdramas are even worse
You're a fucking idiot. You're probably some malding fat whale cat lady that sees shit that's not there. The FL is a nutjob that's still a virgin at 30 for a reason. She's a self fellating pretentious bitch. She's crushes on some obvious fuckboy for years and the whole time fantasizes that he'll confess his love for like some pathetic loser. Then she sexually harrases the ML by kissing him out of nowhere when she's known him for like 5 minutes and runs off like a child. She gets mad that the ML gets a taxi for his sick cat back from the vets because if he takes him on the bus it'll freak him out and because he didn't get her a taxi home too, she in return immaturely hangs out with the young coffee shop guy after work to get back at the ML and puts herself in a vulnerable situation when he starts acting creepy towards her. And don't get me started on that cringe "secret room" book shit she spouts off about when the ML can't express his feelings. The whole show was a cringe ultra feminist shit fest. Her cunt friends are also insufferable bitches just like her. Fuck that piece of shit propaganda show and fuck you too.
women stay with guys who hurt/confuse and can't express their emotions properly all the time, they think they can fix them. just running away with someone young and hot is not very common, and much less believable.
calm down dude.
Anybody else agree with me?
Would be funny if those old people were mobster.
she's the next big kdrama star
What if the prosecutor's dad was a gangster
unnie bitchysaw?!
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>Completely over the top melodrama
That's fine cause Uncle Samsik was more rooted in realism and barely anyone here watched it, you ungrateful fucks
unnie these oppas are too old...
>uncle samsik never had pizza
hyung not like this
>no action
>no romance
>just some ajussi slice of life
no thx lol
is any kdrama worth watching? unironically.
mostly ironically but it's still good
are most of you Korean?
money flower
I'm not. I just like qt Korean girls
no, most of us have yellow fever.
I'm not but I find korean mixed men handsomeI'm a femanon
if only the yellows weren't infertile
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glad he's working.
The fact is western k-dramas are not going to stop getting made now that studios have had a taste of streaming money. But if actual good shows like Uncle never get any love, you deserve all the Netflix slop coming your way.
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is hierarchy worth watching if i'm a straight male who likes romcoms?
hierarchy is slop and is not romcom.
unnie we don't like oppas that smoke
sad, i wanted to watch a show that takes place at highschool
true beauty is highschool romcom.
Who's we? Your other 3 personalities? That's funny cause the Korean girls I know all have bf's that smoke
Lee Dong Wook <3
Worst of Evil FL is really pretty
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why would he not be working, he's a cutie.
i should wait 3-4 months to start binging daily drama shows.
They are much more tolerable that way
I go in bursts of not watching at all and only watching kdramas
mid dbh
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She was cuter in Shopping King Louis and That Winter The Wind Blows.
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Nah she's an underrated qt for sure. Looks like IU's older sister in some photos. You're going to get brainwashed by the idol makeup jew if all you watch is romance.

Well yeah they're not going to cake up women in thrillers.
What about in that winter the wind blows>>200626319
she looks like kim tae ri
Sun jae aaaa
yeah I was just about to say that, from this angle she definitely looks like our rug munching heedo.
please shut the fuck up
nice twist, let's see if that works it won't
Haven't watched it but she's cute in your pic. It definitely helps that she was 11 years younger in that show.
your screeching doesn't help either fyi
we did it unnies
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I want it to be over already so i can watch.
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for about 2 months i spent 8+ hours a day watching kdramas

i began to see the patterns and every show became completely cliche and predictable

now no matter what kdrama i watch, i can predict the ending with high certainty

its kind of like a super power
On episode 3 rn. Fun drama.
>it's another episode of "/kdg/ slows down just as I have time to browse it after the end of the work week"
>i began to see the patterns and every show became completely cliche and predictable

It's part of the charm, anon
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i like how she acting like she JUST found out she was fat lmao
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it's fine, some schizo will show up soon, run it to the limit being a spamming retard, then we'll have a comfy thread over the weekend.
I still can't get the atypical family soundtrack out of my head. CHEFFFF
based chefbro
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If you haven't already. Watch pic related and guess how it ends.
don't be a dick, it doesn't end, they wanted a second season that never happened.
so triggering open space with one table work environment in daily drama.
what shows compare to my mister?

i already watched its ok to not be ok and liked it.
Why is there a mentally ill person spamming "unnie"?
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>what shows compare to my mister?
none. reply 1988 maybe, but it's very different. everything else is a notch below and just personal taste. coffee prince, hotel del luna, alchemy of souls.
yes i am halfway through hotel del luna but its not as good as my mister. still enjoyable but it was not really what i was looking for after my mister
For some reason kpop and kdrama threads seem to attract an unusually high number of schizos. They are all sad, lonely, mentally damaged people, it's best just to ignore them.
i also enjoyed because this is my first life
One is a serious drama, the other is some fantasy fluff with a great aesthetic. You can't really compare the two. Just appreciate them both for what they are.
This is Bae Suzy's best tv series even though she's not even the main character.
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christ no it isn't, vagabond is a mid action thriller with no ending. uncontrollably fond, start up, anna, doona. all much better perfromances from her.
Her best isn't that great thoughever.
they keep the cdrama schizo and ccp shills at bay
hahaha finally the weekend

time to watch more kdrama
kim ji won is perfect
Yes, we know you like that very mid show Vagabond, we know, however this is your most retarded post yet. Literally what the fuck. Congrats.
bravo netflix (i don't care if it's on or not on netflix don't @ me it's still netflix's fault second seasons are more common now)
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stop bullying
we are all unnies here unnie
Who is this? She's cute but very pale.
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Based. They hated anon because he told them the truth
the "it's ok to not be ok" girl in a lower iteration of boggenisation.
Suzy's best drama is Doona because she is reliving her idol past. Miss you Miss A
yejibros what are we watching this weekend? for me it's a couple episodes of legend of the blue sea and maybe an episode of pyramid game
I'll be watching Gauss Electronics after seeing some nice webms an anon posted.
I love the shamelessness of these clickbait trash titles

> new all time high
> oh you thought we meant compared to anything? nah we just meant for the show itself
> oh btw the rating is 2.4%, and absolute disaster-trash tier amount, lmao
king the land
Just finished Celebrity. Better than I was expecting it to be, especially the early episodes. But like so many shows the last third was kind of meh.
I just filter all posts containing the word. It makes the thread 10 times better.
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31 years old btw
I hope you like it anon :3
eonni wae?!
Thanks chingu
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>watch Hello me
>main girl is so cute in it
>find out she was only 15
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>tfw no k-daughter to dote on
having a hard time deciding what to watch. i guess doona will have to do. never watched any of suzy's stuff
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boiled in 27 medicinal herbs? sounds gross
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Why did they have a beach trip episode AND an amusement park episode?
I wish she would do another nice drama like that or the alien one.
That's why it's kino. They were put in every romcom trope for you to see and have a laugh.
I swear all these "good looking asian women" you guys post on this retarded website all look EXACTLY the same. Its like they are all clones of one another or something?
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you're just racist
Does uncle samsik have any romance?
because the male actors are the real good looking ones, sis
pizza romance
It has a star-crossed romance between man and pizza
the whirlwind must be bad. no one has recommended it yet
imagine having this much pride in being a faggot
Just because schizos aren't spamming a new show doesn't mean it's bad.
New thread


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