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is he right?
I hate fat people so much. I don't even remember what your question was because I was disgusted by whoever that bald faggot is.
>try put in disc
>physically crumbles into dust due to disc rot
not an argument
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funny, I never have that problem either without a bunch of plastic cases on shelves
It is. Not an argument isn't an argument. I win be default.
I use streaming services, pirated copies on my harddrive, and bluray discs. Sometimes I even see movies in theaters.
The NF audience doesn't care about movies being removed. They consume whatever is on the menu because they have no discernment or taste.
I read somewhere that hard drives only last 5 years
>be default
Phone poster loses by default.
this. and honestly it's fine.

it's like how Spotify has exposed that a massive swathe of the music-listening public simply don't care about albums or even about who exactly wrote the music they're currently listening to.
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>laughs in HDD full of mkvs
My computer has a hard drive that's been in there for over 12 years. It has my OS install on it
I guess I need to tell that to the numerous 15-20 year old HDDs that I have and still work.

Either way, I end up having to get a larger HDD every few years because I keep downloading more stuff.
I have 2 16TB right now, one as a backup that remains unplugged and I back up everything to every few months, and another that is almost always on.
All these streaming services turning to shit is a bad thing because they're starting to put an eye back on piracy again. Of course piracy is never going to be stopped but now that normies are turning to it because of how shit streaming platforms are, they're talking about it again.

I swear greed turns people retarded. Steam more or less solved PC piracy. Netflix solved movie piracy at first and now everything is expensive and split between 350 000 streaming platforms and they're wondering why people are going back to piracy
enjoy assrape in prison
>changes VPN region
Problem fixed.
But the better alternative is to just pirate.
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Good for him, maybe he can get his life together now.
>But the better alternative is to just pirate
Enjoy your cryptominers bro
>all this shit burned up that can be downloaded in 2 minutes
>I'm retarded so by default you are retarded
Lmao gtfo
I don't have that problem because I have 120 TB of kino saved on redundant drives.
>b-b-b-but muh bit decay
Oh no I'll just have to redownload anything I want to save 25 years from now.
maybe if they stopped making movies that nobody cares about with budgets of hundreds of millions of dollars they could make the subscription cheaper without missing on any profits
>what is 3-2-1
lmao, skill issue
>just pirate and have 10 years of internet experience bro!
Not everyone is a dead end neet like you anon
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Funny, I never had that problem either, and I somehow got more money and room. Uh.
You're a loser!
>said while posting on 4chan
Lmao gtfo
Even if it wasn't for a fire, it's so funny to think that physical collections are good methods of preservation. Piracy is for preservation, digital is for convenience, physical is for hobbyists and hoarders.
That's why you get home owners insurance. Sure you can't replace what is loss, but you can get a massive check for it.
Not an argument
How come less than half of your storage capacity is taking up more than half of your space?
Achievable natty?
bottom is the biggest ick for women
>hit up No Intro
>dl every single one those game in seconds
Streaming services suck. I remember back when Netflix was fairly new it was quite good at surfacing content you might like from a wide range of different studios, but now that they all mostly host their own in-house libraries their recommendations have gone to shit. They recommend their own garbage movies & shows regardless of whether it thinks you'd like them or not. All they care about is boosting the numbers of their own content. It's impossible to find anything worth watching unless you already know what it is you want to watch, and at that point you may as well just pirate it.
You'd think that with the rise of algorithms in content delivery, like tiktok, streaming services would be great at knowing what you like and giving it to you. But it just never happened. The selling point of these things used to be that they had huge varied libraries you could find something to watch on, but those days are gone.

tldr piracy is on the rise again and streaming services are to blame
It depends. I have one in my machine right now that's been with me since around 2011. But I've also had ones that died within 3 years. It's a crapshoot. But if you want to archive stuff then getting an external drive you can unplug, so it isnt being used more than it has to, is pretty foolproof.
bottom is literally me if he were 200 lbs lighter and the shelves were lined with kino instead of slop
Based pirate chad
>just pirate
Yeah maybe for a portable computer you throw in your bag on daily basis
That’s why you back them up but five years is the worst case scenario, they usually last ten+ years
I don't have that problem
just pirate your neighbour's electricity so that the mining is free
>Nes games
>Snes games
all those thing could be stocked on a 32 go sd card lmao
You are not white
Americans don't know what insurance is.
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My favourite part about streaming services is how they don't actually have anything on them. 9 times out of 10 when I check if a movie I want to see if on any streaming service, it isn't. It's only available to rent, or not at all. It isn't even worth the effort of checking. I just default to pirating.
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Absolutely and more and more over time people are going to realize it as all the best movies and shows ever made get retroactively revised in the advent of AI to diversify the cast and alter problematic content. Buy your hard copies now, rip them, make three separate backups, because 20 years from now all your kinos will be hard to access in their original versions and prices for physical media will get jacked up just like video games.
Are you literally so fucking young you haven't owned a hard drive for longer than five years? Is that what kind of community posts on this forum now? What the fuck, this is like hearing someone tell me that they were told cars only last 5 fucking years
>open up hulu
>check catalogue
>opt to watch American Dad for the 8th time.
Never fails.
>Buy your hard copies now, rip them
I don't have to, scene groups already do.
Demolition Man was on tubi a few weeks ago.

I do find alot of stuff is on it or freevee
we dont got tubi in bongland m8. that's the other great thing about streaming: regional fragmentation.

for example here in the UK Disney+ includes everything you yanks have on Hulu, whatever that is. It basically includes everything Disney owns. Which is a lot.
>physical media
I have mine since 2010
Look at the pokemon seasons chart for some lols.
(And this is on the OFFICIAL website)
I care about who made my Spotify music because I often will discover a song and then immediately check out the artist page
But I can’t tell you how often a song I discover is the only good one on an album anyway
Thanks, saving that for future shitposting purposes.
Oh, also obligatory fuck Nintendo even though I have no idea how much influence they have on the anime.
It’s not really Netflix’s fault, although they do also suck at business decisions. All these legacy media companies saw what they were doing and immediately went into protectionist mode; Netflix wasn’t able to maintain rights on most of their provided media
If there was such a thing as legacy media for video games, steam would have suffered the same fate. You can already see the principle with the Epic games store, but fortunately steam was first and also principled
>I spent 4000 dollars on hard drives

yar har fiddle de dee
Honestly it's pretty based of them to put that information in an easily findable location. For any other series you'd have to rely on fan autism to make infographs like that on where to watch things.
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I kneel
pussy repellent
Yeah it's nice to do that but also the fact that they have to in the first place is so fucking hillariously stupid.
cope thinlet
I still have my hard drive from the first computer I built in 2007 on one of my backup computers. It's not the OS drive but all the files still appear to be working fine.
i have 20 year old hard drives that have been in use every day still working fine
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Sorry, but we all saw that article about Sydney Sweeney pirating. We know you're just an industry plant trying to get people to hate piracy.
not piracy, having a NAS.
>for example here in the UK Disney+ includes everything you yanks have on Hulu, whatever that is. It basically includes everything Disney owns. Which is a lot.
Yeah, they bundle hulu, Disney+, and espn+, together
Hulu is basically just the stuff that isn't kid friendly enough to go on Disney. It used to be it's own thing but Disney bought them. Oddly, they show stuff that's on Hulu as being watchable on disney+ now.

Regardless, free streaming services (tubi, freevee, Pluto, roku) tend to have the stuff I wanna watch seems like.
No, his eyes are too fat he can’t see shit
every movie worth watching is on 123movies
Normally I’m not a “everything is a psyop” guy, but the memes about not getting laid if you partake in piracy seem like a psyop to me
Yeah its pathetic but women are completely retarded so who cares
are you saying typing "123 free movies site" in google isn't pussy repellant but having a NAS is?
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Has a Fudd revolver that he shoots warning shots with
Probably not right about much
Was it in Cumguzzler Monthly?
This cunt have a whole blockbuster video in his house
>Of course piracy is never going to be stopped but now that normies are turning to it because of how shit streaming platforms are, they're talking about it again.
If they don't brag online, fat chance, then we might not get noticed.
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funny I never have that problem
>dude have a closet filled with plastic crap!
sex havers just download a yify rip
Holy based
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>Dude... I... must... CONSOOOOOM
he's gonna die before he's 50 be easy on him he has to start watching those now or he'll never see them again
The left can meme? This is the first time ever. Long may it continue.
Feel bad for him.
>not using RAID + Backups

>oh no I lost all this shit I didn't pay for and can just redownload
This. All my movies and games I just get digitally because it’s the most convenient. I still get books in print tho because my eyes really start to hurt if I read for too long on a tablet. Anyone else have that problem?

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