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watch live https://flowstreams.pw/fishtank
Thanks Jet!
>Thank Jet!
Thanks Jet!
>Thank Jet!
Thanks Jet!
>Thank Jet!
Thanks Jet!
>Thank Jet!
Thanks Jet!
>Thank Jet!
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You think you know dark? Try stepping in my shadow.
Darkness was all I knew in my past life. When I died the first time, I thought I’d finally see light at the end of the tunnel, but instead out I went into a deeper void of blackness.
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>jons future hiding place
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more like kinogames
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can taylor go home already? i want to see her 24 stream. apparently she was thinking of dressing up as a clown and doing balloon animals.
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Gotta love the expressive chud wife
so what are you all doing today bros
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Xavier Gay fucks birds.
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It's physically impossible that Sensei Potbelly has decent cardio
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>yeah you wouldn't believe how fucking ugly this bitch looks
why is dumgay on crutches
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Love this cat
Name one single interesting thing that happened
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baesie mogs
ive just been watching scott it the bag for a while what else has happened?
>hands bigger than a man
>Jet in charge of planning

Jesus christ.
we are in a fishtank thread what do you think nigga
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>Uh Brian, we're not ready
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A little early Deputy Brian
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Played Deep Rock Galactic and vanilla TF2 community servers all day, now I'm eating popcorn and posting here. Will play guitar later.
kek I was posting that a bunch last night
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Neptunian kino
where did he post this
every argument involving jon, pure kino
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>still an incel
it rained and hailed last night
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Jimmy is king.
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>Wtf was I thinking hiring Scott Sullivan
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look at this hottie!
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Satanic show
Is there a clip of xavier talking to the nurse and jon?
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Flowstream chat seething about Letty.
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jet sounded like he just woke up from his whippet coma
Why is Mauro in nazi cosplay today?
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jon had a meltdown over the bibew and quit again
i like scott, he reminds me of well-meaning but kind of lame jock guys you meet in sports clubs. seems like a good person
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How could she get so fucked up in between a few months ?
Only explanation is that she's actually a hardcore masochist and really thrives in being abused.
Picrel she's glowing and in 2.5 she looks like a meth-head
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it's just a regular doctor's hat what do you mean
>suicidal merchant
maybe because shes an insufferable cunt that has a fart fetish
tl;dr on the morning?
Mauro looking fire in that dolf drip
>those shots of Jimmy and Xavier
Not even kidding, kino.
never been to the doctor or something
Brian is doing a good job at RP'ing and should stick around to play other characters in the future
Letty's constant immaturity literally makes my blood boil
princess makes chuddies seethe
They're not "bantfags", they're literally nu-MDE wigger orbiter discord trannies who are paid to spam the threads. They're not even real fans, they're just doing it for money/clout in the wigger discord, which is why they can't help but repeat Jet's party line disinfo and retconning. This is also why they HATE cole with a burning passion, posting cole is like showing a cross to a vampire to them. They don't even like Sam as much as jet and bic and joeyy. They're disgusting.
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Elliott Smith was murdered
Imagine hitting her in the face with a tire iron
kim wexler
She looks the same, better if anything. You're just mentally insane.
jon broke the fishtank by going out of bounds and hiding the gold he stole
>Picrel she's glowing
she looks gross in that pic too
One of the fish should have had to rp in a wheelchair
sorry buddy but Sam needs his titcow punching bag, maybe in a few weeks her simps will get the 24h stream they paid for
Fishtank Live All Stars Jimfacegames
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erm i love the merchant
Channing josh just covered you getting chokeslammed on stream even they dont want you
this is all way to much walking for fatty to endure.
I understand simp faggots way more than I understand cole troons lol
The ‘gay nazis’ poster has tapped into meme magic…
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dead show
dead general
>dead show
>dead general
dead show
dead general
>dead show
>dead general
dead show
dead general
>dead show
>dead general
dead show
dead general
>dead show
>dead general
dead show
dead general
>dead show
>dead general
dead show
dead general
>dead show
>dead general
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this haggling reminds me of this
>10 minutes so I don’t shoot myself
The stakes are high
Look at lettys smiling grin, her posture.
The shopkeeper looks weak to her and she's right.
She treats manipulating men like a sport.
you're either retarded or retconning us all yet again because you are MDEjeet discord trannies.
>1000 posts/hour at 4:00 AM when everyone is asleep
yeah definitely organic and totally not jeeted and botted just like the site! these threads are completely organic and not at all shilled by wigger crew!
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It was a dark and stormy night in the wildlands. The trees were tall and spooky, their branches like claws reaching out to the moon. In the small, crappy village of Schitty, the humans were huddled in their homes, afraid of the night. They knew the vampires would be out hunting. They didn't know what was coming.

Dragomir Zigoyin Gormedius von Goldstraven III (Aka, “The Duke”), rode his green dirtbike ("the Steed”), through the forest, his black trench coat flapping in the wind. He stopped at the edge of the village, his heavy accent rolling off his tongue as he muttered to himself

>"Xavier, I know you're here."

The ancient ninja, Xavier Ravenclaw, leapt from the trees. his eyes gleamed with excitement beneath his mask.
> "Hello, brother," he said, his voice quirky and lighthearted. "Ready for round two?"

The Duke dismounted from his dirtbike, towering at 9 feet tall, his muscles rippling under his coat.
>"Let's finish what we started 300 years ago," he growled.

Xavier unsheathed his two katanas, spinning them in his hands.
>"Bring it on, Dracula wannabe!"

The two brothers clashed in a flurry of steel and shadows. The Duke's strength was overwhelming, his punches like sledgehammers. Xavier danced around him, his moves swift and precise, his katanas flashing in the dark. They fought through the village, smashing through huts and scattering terrified villagers.

>"You always were the stronger one," Xavier panted, dodging a swing from the Duke. "But you lack finesse!"

>"Strength is all that matters!" The Duke roared, grabbing a wooden post and swinging it like a club.
Xavier sliced it in half with his katanas, but the Duke was already on him, smashing him into the ground.

Xavier rolled away, his haori torn, his mask cracked. He got to his feet, grinning.
>"You hit like a girl, Duke."
>Brian taking control as showrunner while Jet sleeps off his whippet coma
I genuinely keep forgetting he's there and hasn't left and every time the camera pans past him it's like deja vu repeatedly
Based blacksmith.
i lasted about 5 min. just post clips if anything happens
>turn on the stream
>all the cameras either don't work, are unusable or paywalled
>stop trying to watch the stream
>check out highlights on youtube
>''letty used an invisibility potion''
>''then Tai used a charisma potion''
>''then some guys pretending to be vampires came at them and they pretended to shoot guns going pew pew pew and I SHOT YOU, NU UH YOU DIDN'T SHOOT ME''
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Cry more.
Cole literally said that he's biggest fan is a gay guy who wanted to fly to his town to meet him, and his only fant on /bant/ is a gay tranny who cuts himself.
The Duke lunged, but Xavier vanished in a puff of smoke, reappearing behind him. He slashed at the Duke's back, but the Duke spun around, grabbing Xavier by the throat and lifting him off the ground.

>"I tire of these games, brother," the Duke hissed, his fangs gleaming in the moonlight. "Prepare to die!"

Xavier's eyes narrowed behind his mask. "Not today," he whispered, pulling a smoke bomb from his belt and dropping it at their feet. The area filled with thick smoke, and Xavier slipped from the Duke's grasp, disappearing into the night.

The Duke roared in frustration, his voice echoing through the forest. "Run while you can, Xavier! Next time, you won't be so lucky!"

From the shadows, Xavier watched his brother storm off. He sheathed his katanas, a determined look in his eyes. "Next time, Duke. Next time."

As the moon rose higher in the sky, the wildlands grew quiet again. But the villagers of Schitty knew this peace wouldn't last. The battle between the Duke and Xavier was far from over, and the wildlands would tremble once more when they clashed again.
>How could she get so fucked up in between a few months ?
she was binging drugs and kentucy cock with a methead for weeks immediately before the show.
hence the need for an IV
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>mfw the deranged cole poster turns out to actually be channing
that's because you're not a real fan of the show, you're a retarded discord wigger.
sam having anal sex with 16 year old marky and then complaining about the poop smell on stream much?
>QUEST STARTED: Plata o Plomo
the woman you worship feminizes men and inhales farts for pleasure. reevaluate your pointless existence you fucking degenerate
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i dont think jon can read
total channing w
>Sam pretending to be anti-trans during his stand up routine


She needs to start taking care of herself to look more like this instead of whatever her current lifestyle leads to

I used to live in a 3rd world village
The nearby supermarket was run by a Chinese family and got robbed all the time
Eventually, they hired a black man to sit out front with a shot gun - to scare off thieves
He would sit out front of the shop and eat snacks and rest his chin on the barrel of his shotgun
One day, I told him that it wasn’t safe to use the gun like that and he told me to mind my own business

True story thank you for reading my blog
he cant read
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do you think the wiggers will do us the courtesy of having nothing happen tonight while the debate is going on?
jon knows some of those words
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nice "full reset" jet you fucking retard
>Jon, your quest is to tell the sheriff how you would feel if you didn't eat breakfast today
I did eat bweakfast though
Streams are working on site now. Use flowstreams if your hardware sucks
Mmmm… farts
I think the soda guy actually managed to talk some sense into Jon. He's like priest class version of him
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Channing patriots in control
Well I am his biggest fan outside of bant and I am not gay
frank will also be back
>pwoduction knows my demands
kick this retard
God damn it I was really hoping they'd commit to the "Fatty roaming miniboss" idea. Airsoft is his entire thing, his fucking name is AIRSOFTfatty.
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She has an awful lifestyle. She chainsmokes, chugs multiple energy drinks a day, only eats junk food, barely goes outside. She could be a really cute girl if she took better care of herself.
>I want a sword
>No I want a gun
red herring
humilation ritual
this is such initiate faggot shit IT GLOWS
but still hilarious to watch
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>FUCK YOU, Taytriots
What the FUCK is his problem?
Fatty as ogre king would have been GOATed.
you can tell how "organic" these threads are when you think there's a single cole poster (aka an actual fan from last season). You jet jeets legitimately ruin everything you touch. Remember how in the first 2 seasons there was a ton of OC? In place of them you make 5 IQ single sentence posts to meet your quota.
Kek everyone posts pix of that tranny with shit on his head
Jon is making demands....Maybe Cole was right about being the new Jon....
Jon holds all the cards
>Jet will talk to you and convince you to be normal
Jon being a crybaby retard is part of his appeal and he is the main driver of the only interesting things to have happened today. Cope.
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He was near death in the fishtank house. What makes you think he would survive the outdoors and the heat more than 20 minutes ?
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Taylor was on the show specifically to be Cole’s new sidekick and he left to go home to jerk off to blacked porn and cry about some chink.

They should have a neutral NPC like the Godling from Witcher 3. He only reveals himself to one person and offers them help. If they ever reveal his existence, he dies.
they better be using the axe he wanted as a bargaining chip to settle dumb shit like this with him
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>Jon LITERALLY doesn't understand class restrictions
Kino but please change ‘dirt bike’ to ‘steed’ and then email this to Xavier
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if I was jet I would be embarrassed that a retard is holding my show hostage.
Honestly the worst aspect to the alleged troon thing with him is that he wanted to be submissive to one. If you're going to do it at least make the little faggot squirm as you destroy its butt, not whatever GAY weiner sucking shit he was saying in those supposed messages.
Jawn has mush for brains holy shit
>fake facial hair
do wiggers really think anyone will believe this shit?
Jon being a retard is amazing
Please God let them not cave into the retards demands for once. He needs to be knocked down a peg.
iDubbbz won
Anisa won
Markyposter won
Channing won
jmaa won
rockystream won
Cole won
Green shark said they have big plans for it
!Votekick Jon
Ok it's time to give credit where credit's due. Jet really knocked it out of the park with this one. It seems like he finally got his shit together. I'm really looking forward to s3 now. Looks like Fishtank might be saved after all.

Copy and post on /tv/
>Cole could've been plapping Taylor rn if he didn't leave early
C4 restream is back up. Join up bros.
>jon the trader's gonna kill himself
so sad. what a waste
season 1 cast is carrying so hard right now
This fucking retard stole the box of silver and won't give it back lol
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Taylor and Cole wouldn't have even gotten along wtf were they thinking lmao
its been 10 minutes, time to an hero merchant.
Just give him a broken/shitty gun.
its ai retard
then he'll just leave
Fatty wouldnt last outside in the heat. I believe him that he isn't going on, even though he would be perfect
LMAO "would you shut up?"
Letty power posing to assert dominance
I agree, I'm very excited for S3. Jet is doing a great job!
Nobody watches this shit
Jon still butthurt over minor argument and as a result trying to shit up the whole game. What a manchild.
Just kick the tard ffs let them actually rp
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I haven't followed a thing since season 2. Are Taylor and TJ still together? who is all there? Also the site has no audio, awesome.
did jon get up and style his hair LMAO
>jon memorizing the letter so he doesn't look retarded because he can't read
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>pwoduction has to giue me a toy gun
>The Awt of The Deaw
wait did jon just say something relatively smart?
Cole 100% would have thought that Taylor was brought there to fuck with him. In that instagram livestream with Brian and CK he thought Taylor was an actor.
dude cole likes blacked he didn't win anything he's the biggest faggot loser we've encountered
Sam a better humiliation ritual than bad hypocritical tranny stand up tour is reconciling with Dr. Fred. Trust me.
I like how all the ex-Taysimps can't cut their losses and are now resorting to spamming how this show sucks and how we are all pieces of shit for watching it.
It's amazing how a randomy edgelord chick from Texan has made some of these Anons absolutely lose their minds.
He’d die instantly then because none of the male cast members can keep a secret for more than 30 seconds
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Jon can't read lol
They just give up on POV cams?
i think its more so if its something he doesnt want to be on film saying he wont read it aloud. he fucking sucks
>still reading that paragraph

he cant read
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why does cole like bbc so much
I wouldn't say that. I'd agree that it is better, but that's because they're not taking themselves seriously and they have a fun premise instead of hell-house and turning everyone against each other. Conflict will develop naturally, forcing it only leads to suffering both to the contestants and the viewers
No he spent all yesterday announcing he was going to rob the NPCs. They should have had a plan ready for when this happened.
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Regardless of what happens this season, Tayleigh lost everything. KWABOTY even over Shinji which is insane.
she would have immediately sussed out that he has the wrong kind of autism (just like she did with Jimmy) and treated him accordingly.
>Are Taylor and TJ still together?
IQ Totem pole

1. Tai
2. Greg
3. Tayleigh
4. Letty
5. trish
99. mauro
100. Jon
101. Jet
102. dumbgay (gays are stupid)
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>Are Taylor and TJ still together
ye, going strong for half a year soon
whenever i feel stressed out i look at jons face and i feel calmer
they need him more than he needs them.
hearing him read this is fuckin hilarious
I genuinely can't understand Jon rn
just use director cam, the others are pointless.
it's Jon, Greg, Letty, Tay, Tai, and Jimmy as the fish. Brian, Taylor, Mauro, and some others are there too. Vance is supposed to be coming soon but who knows
For that to happen Sam would have to admit he was wrong for once in his life
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Those men shouldn't be so weak to allow a women to do that to them.
debunked by Cole himself
jet is #2 he likely has a 140+ IQ
Its the american way
Jon is a Roger Stone double agent
what is bro yapping about?
Can someone summarize what john read? I can't understand what he's saying.
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>Xavier wrote only words he cannot pronounce on purpose
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obsessed MDEjeet whippet wigger discord trannies. At least earn your $0.20/post by putting a little tiny bit of effort into them
>babadu risk to come, hee the voi of weason, gibmen da forwece
How the fuck are so many of these threads allowed? They're off-topic. The structured OP is clearly from someone working on it shilling the """show.""" Are mods being paid off?
she knows retard dick is best dick and can easily steal all his money.
no detractor as bitter as a spurned fan
What's up with Shinji?
Letty is above Greg
None of this is true you’re just baiting for responses
the light behind her head and her big eyes makes her look like a junebug flying around a porch light
>becoming an alcoholic because you're too lazy to find Asian pussy
Gonna cry about it?
Tayleigh is legit <100 and Letty should be above her
pal youre one of those weak men. how many images/videos do you have of a woman youll never meet on your hard drive?
only Letty and Tai aren't retarded. Jimmy and Tay are autists, everyone else is a retard and Greg is a manchild on top of that
Tay goes below Letty
that's how all of them were written tbf
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That's cute, I'm happy for them.
Thanks frens. For some reason the site's director cam has no audio for me. I'll figure it out.
like bro forget WP2 forget standup forget fishtank go tell your dad you're sorry
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chubby trish delish
>blonde or redhead
>... or asian actually, if she's nice to me
God what a fag
Jimmy and Jon are the whole show.
tayleigh is legit the lowest IQ person to ever be on fishtank
Jon didn't understand any of that and neither did I
jon, yes, jimmy, no. greg is way more interesting than jim
Didn’t Tay have the highest IQ on last seasons IQ test
Jimmy has done nothing in the past two days
I get that some speech impediments are caused by physical abnormalities, but there's no way that's the case for Jon's, right? He's just too retarded to know how to speak?
Letty's a good reader tho, it's one of the reasons I love her.
Imagine hitting Channing in the face with a sledgehammer lol
He already spent all his money but he has no foresight. Moved back in with his parents because he can't afford rent
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I want a gun.
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She put him in a self defense situation
You have to understand Jon's mentality. Any backing down is unacceptable. You need to trick him into thinking he has won.
>he still thinks the IQ and autism test results were real
jesus dude
Tay is fucking stupid. She won smartest retard in retard hick school and couldnt even finish college.
Jimmy was the whole show in S2, I loved him from day 1, but he hasn't done a lot of note in 2.5. He's just chilling.

Xavier is the whole show here. Brian a distant 2nd.
it wasn't a real IQ test, also it's part of the arc they do where they build someone up and then break them
Jon absolutely but Jimmy is just a fat medicated nuisance
poor parenting for sure. the doctor told them the kid has brain problems so they just gave up
idk his face does look sort of "off"
Have you had sec with her yet?
Jimmy has potential but it has yet to be realized
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he's gonna give in and give jon the gun
Yeah and shinji has aids
this but he's being too stubborn. if they weren't retarded they'd settle with giving him that axe he wanted yesterday
Jown Wick
Get this man a gun
Jimmy thread, newfags.
Greg is actually retarded
>Jon attempting to read
>I want a gun so i can shoot at anyone i please
Yeah he is not getting a gun
cross eyed retard
jimmy has been complete nontent. he's zonked out on SSRIs. the show is jon and tai
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>this is the same kind white people tell me are superior than others and the top race
shut up discord troon
Give him a squirt gun with "holy water" in it.
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>stands on bed in corner of room
>looks into camera and starts whispering to audience
>"I know- I know what they're doing, with Taylor I mean"
>"They think she's the new JC but she's not, there's only one JC- and- well-"
>"I don't even like her, well she's cute don't get me wrong"
>does that autistic thing where he waves his hands in the air while trying to make a point
>"She is cute, but- it's not JC- yeah."
>throws hands in the air again and pauses for a moment
>"Also I think she's an actor, like she's trying to mess with me or something- trying to make me not leave"
>stutters and shrugs shoulders
>"Maybe I'm wrong"
n-no... :(
she also has a 10 inch penis
These people that want Jon kicked are fucking gay. It’s so funny watching him take on every situation the way he does.
oh he's an actual retarded person huh
No, they're right. Jimmy hasn't done much, but I'm expecting for him to have some moments as the show goes on.
You're wrong but have fun enjoying his epic content
He was dropped as a baby
jon pissed his pants
people who actually believe this unironically /pol/ post in 2024
You can see the post-fetal alcohol syndrome in his eyes its so sad.
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Xavier is the whole show
Try writing that agin buddy
I just can't get into this :(
weird how every other off-topic thread is quickly deleted except for these simp threads for the most mid e-girls and their pimp sam
It’s hard to be entertaining in the shadow of giants like Jon and letty. Just goes to show how legendary the S1 cast is
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You aren't any better.
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Soda Man is the key to all of this.
jim only excels under pressure (while under the influence)
what happened to the bossfight?
kek, this is accurate
Humiliation Ritual
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jon aged 30
Vance should replace Tayleigh
Any new expressions from tay today?
didnt they have camera stabilizers the previous seasons?
Yes because it was the first free test they found on google, which are shitty cookie cutter IQ tests, which can be solved by knowing basic stuff from high school.
Only thing the test they did tells you is how she compares to the rest which could be accurate.
the people who want jon kicked off want friend tank
COLE likes.... BBC!?!?!? WTF! Now I fully support heckin' GORAN! Cole never made any content and S2 didn't die at all when he was kick--I mean, he quit! I'm gonna post about how I love JOEYY! and BEN! and THAT GINGER GUY!!! hahaha they're so cool and funny I wish I could be like them right my fellow nu-MDE discord trannies?
how has no one compared his new phase to mac from always sunny?
hes smarter than jet though
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you goon to a woman that looks like a corpse and acts like a bimbo. you are fully retarded
you are way too upset to be posting right now take a lap
He is his own worst enemy. Never seen someone so trapped in their own mental prison of overthinking and neuroticism.
you don't see anything wrong with being a BBC-obsessed faggot?
Sam's his father figure for a least a year now, so it's burned inside his mind that the uglier and fatter he gets, the closer he will be to his daddy
So OOC Jon is holding the RP money 'hostage' until the DM gives him an item to use in the RP. He's so retarded that the line between fantasy and reality all blur into one for him. Somehow this makes sense to him.
He's a groyper now and subscribes to Andrew Tate

I expect him to get groomed by an FBI agent into doing a mass shooting.
take your meds
they can have friendtank just give jon something to do, he seems restless
Letty can literally smell virgins
I wish Letty would laugh at me for being a virgin...
average jewkrainian
based direction brained retard
brian did it too early for jet's whippet brain to properly wake up
Jon is in a different type of mental prison, and arguably worse off
yeah he likes bbc shit that's literally unforgivable, that's instant disqualification if you like nigger dick
That’s based
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There is a general sentiment that Tayleigh is one of the smarter fish but her past behavior suggests otherwise
>Goes out of her way to nonsensically antagonize people like TJ and Jon who would be much more helpful to her as allies
>Sam told her the key to winning season 2 is an uplifting character arc but instead she doubled down on debasing herself and abandoning her morals
>Physically assaults another contestant despite knowing someone else was just disqualified for this same behavior
>Thinks letting Jet and the wigger crew attach an IV into her is a good idea
>Was consistently outwitted and outperformed during the Swamp Olympics by a mentally challenged person and someone who can't speak English
>Mistook the NPC that is an homage to the RE4 Merchant to be a Minecraft reference
>Thought the reference to HAL from 2001 was a reference to the Kirby dev HAL Laboratory
>Looks up to Jimmy during times when Jimmy is being an idiot
>Starts to gain the audience's respect by defying Frank and then immediately switches to become Frank's bitch and kisses him and talks about fucking him
>Finds the simple act of streaming to be a mental challenge
>Fails to understand how angles and mirrors work together so everyone saw her naked on the bathroom cam
>Thinks dressing like an edgy ten-year-old boy is cool
>Easily gaslit into shaving her head for no reason
How did Jon find out Tayleigh talked shit about him in confessional? Does he have a phone or did production tell him?
Jimmy has a CD time to tune out
who did she call a virgin?
Why did you reply to me I like Cole
Here is how to settle with Jon: Give him a gun but make him take a Paladin oath to only do good with it. If he performs any evil act then God will take it away.
it's a bought thread full of paid for shills, thus why the thread gets 10-20 posts/minute even at 4 AM when literally nothing is happening.
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>jon appears or is heard on director cam
I switch cams, simple as
Jon is a retard, the box will be hidden retardedly. Just send 3 people out and they'll find it in some barely concealed place within 5 minutes.
Don't disrespect Letty again

the merchant
just saw brian and taylor go through the path behind the portapotty and where the camera doesn't trace you and when they returned taylor can be clearly seen adjusting her panting beneath her dress
>that's instant disqualification if you like nigger dick
big problem for Sam Hyde (pun intended)
No I mean his face literally has the retard look in it like actual mental retards have
who did letty call a virgin
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do you think she gets off to the smell of adult virgins?
When jimmy plays thrash metal chip tunes, I listen
Colebrained aah mf
this is genius, but make it that he can only harm those the production deem evil
Good idea
Maybe he's good at bluffing, you never know with these retards
All it needs is just 100 obsessed retards to post constantly. It's worse than bots and paid shills
nobody should respect her. you have no idea of her actions outside of the show buddy you are a fucking peon in this world pal
why does it look like her face is melting?
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My point still stands.
him lip syncing to snake eater last season was kino
it is her only true sustenance
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She looks like Betty in this pic. Manifestation?
it's gotta be one of the most retarded and mentally ill fetishes of all time. even Greg wanting to fuck Judy hopps is less weird.
You are schizophrenic and place too much importance on 4chan dot org slash tv slash
pretty sure it's a small core of brainbroken simps who post like their lives depend on it to drum up interest. notice how none of the big reactors on youtube aren't making any videos about it, and the number of clips and recaps has fallen off? grim.
When Jimmy speaks I sit my white ass down and listen.
Tayleigh specifically said "narcissist" and Jon repeated that. Someone is giving him info.
cole is definitely worse off than jon.
jon has somehow made a life out of being an ACTUAL RETARDED PERSON, meanwhile cole was born into a wealthy family and squanders it jerking off to BBC porn and drinking himself to death.
sorry thought you were a discord tranny
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one time she looks busted af, then a minute later shes super cute. how does she do it, actual shapeshifter
Jon is a very typical dunning Kruger retard and easy to figure out. Cole is something that you don’t see everyday because it’s entirely in his head and can only be understood when he starts monologuing his stream of consciousness
Amazed how dumb this guy is.
He got away with it for being silent for so long.
He's as dumb as jon
you are a porn addict and its as simple as that
He knew Trish tweeted about him also
she said it like a hundred times and he was literally right behind the base camp when she said it one time. is that why you retards think he's getting information?
I don't know how but he definitely is being fed intel. He was talking about how he knows about Tayleigh "behind the scenes" and Trish shittalking him in the site chat.
I have to shit. Pm me if something happens
>you goon to a woman that looks like a corpse
youre thinking of tayleigh. letty has a great body, nice tits and a nice hairy muff.
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well when you put it that way it actually sounds cool
isn't he the one solely responsible for ruininng tons of s1 hd camera footage? lmfao
there was a seinfeld episode about this
hey jon, where you going with that gun in your hand?
i said hey jon, where you going with that gun of yours in your hand?
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she hasn't had her fix of virgin semen for a while now, she needs you to help her out
hey buddy ever looked at her face? are you a moron? tayleigh looks like a middle school boy sure, letty genuinely looks like a witch and thats why they gave her that role to begin with
Watch Fishtank with a Web Developer
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literally the two face girlfriend from Seinfeld
I love Cole. He's certified /oneofus/ and is actually purposely funny sometimes. Jon is an arrogant dickhead and I only like him in the same way I enjoy watching kingCobraJFS and DSP
I think she’s just unphotogenic perhaps
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Letty and betty are shape shifters
nah i'm pretty sure it was Jet's incompetence like usual
Yeah the Cole hate is astroturfing. He's one of us thru and thru
nobody is thinking about her face numbnuts
nta but she still mogs tay
lmao these stupid niggers sharing their letters
She was standing only 40 feet away when she said it.
Everything seems to be too quiet, audience wise. This is pretty fun to watch and even funnier than previous seasons, what makes S2.5 an apparent flop? No Josie or new contestants? The bigger part of the audience got over parasocial dynamics or they just don't like anything related to being outdoors?
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Did tayleigh and letty talk? Do they know they've both been tasked with going after Jon?
porn addict kill yourself with a 3d printed shotgun
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Cole fans and betty fans are the same
letty's the only one that was explicitly told not to share it to be fair
if that were true then the bots wouldn't constantly shill for jet and retcon and insult cole. All the real fans loved cole. These people are obvious nu-mde orbiter discord trannies. Just look at how obsessed they are with disparaging Cole every time he's mentioned.
>have the camera man shooting with all the NPCs tai and jimmy
>director cam focuses on the stupid talk between jon and letty via the basecamp cam
I don't consider any nigger dick lover a "peer" speak for yourself you fucking faggot I don't give a fuck if Jon is an arrogant dickhead or how retarded he is I don't care about any made up competition in your head Cole has a fucking blacked fetish he gets off on white women being fucked by niggers he's a fucking pathetic disgusting faggot worse than a pedophile, literally worse than women fucking dogs
we don't sign our posts here
>Tayleigh specifically said "narcissist" and Jon repeated that. Someone is giving him info.
Jon has had his phone every night and has been retweeting shit.
>you need to cook it longer

black person wrote that
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she'd probably bully you first for being a pathetic virgin though, are you okay with that anon?
the initial premise is pretty polarizing and most people don't seem to get it plus it doesn't have the appeal of a brand new fresh season with a new cast
Jet groomed Sam (lol) on /r9k/
Best of luck, man.
gb2r faggot
Pepper your angus
player cameras are almost always dead
the only place where you can really send TTS in in they're in base camp
>jon has somehow made a life out of being an ACTUAL RETARDED PERSON, meanwhile cole was born into a wealthy family and squanders it jerking off to BBC porn and drinking himself to death.
MDEjeet discord tranny post. There is no reason to think he's "drinking himself to death" lmao he put on 10 pounds in several months? He works construction at his dad's company. He will inherit more than you will make in your life, retarded whippet wigger discord troon.
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Sam and Jet lost all the good faith the audience had with them over the last two seasons and
Yeah, people seem to be treating it like some filler miniseason, but I thought the audience was obsessive enough to still watch it anyways
If you have not made a black dick joke before you are not one of us and if you are so mortified by a joke it actually makes you angry you probably secretly love BBC just like Jon is secretly gay.
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Sam probably imagines it all the time
yeah he just posted two hours ago lol
this is the trvth nvke they don't want you to hear
>want to smell it again
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Letty fertile
you will never feel the warmth of a woman
only a redditor would say this
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>Jon theology lesson
Here we go
>the initial premise is pretty polarizing
The first preview test footage they released on twitter was gay and cringe and deflated most hype but the random nonsense they get up to can still be entertaining, the actual "running around in the dark literally larping" where they fight vampires with shit camera quality and angles is the worst aspect of the entire thing
that's what you get for being a literal retard narcissist with zero inhibition. also dont believe anything he says
>wetard and letty sexual tension
i missed it bros
least delusional MDEjeet discord tranny pill popper
Has anybody else pointed out that TJs twitter account is gone?
>n-no u...
>also /pol/ is LE BAD
go back
What was the deal that got the box back? Did anyone catch what Ben said to Jon?
KEK he's a self-admitted alcoholic and constantly talks about how much he drinks, he had to cover up his face in that video because his face has bloated up too much from all the drinking
i pray everyone like you dies the most painful death possible. nina included
>Letty back to asking Jon to serenade her with Bible stories
It's S1 all over again
oh my fucking gosh. they put up shitty cameras around their retarded play areas that never get used, and there are only two cameras in the town square where people gather for the majority of the day and conversations that happen that we cant hear because only one camera is good. FUCK YOU JET
They fumbled hard by having the first clip being Jimmy, if it was the Letty one the hype would've been higher
Ugly incel
I don't make black dick jokes like a cuckold and I've been disgusted by niggers and the thought of race mixing since I was a kid

shane gillis is a fucking faggot cuck sellout for filling his latest comedy special with nigger dick worship btw
he must be drinking an insane amount to get that bloated
Letty reading the Bible to Jon is still one of my favorite Fish Tank moments.
they didnt get it back. a retard is still holding the show hostage.
unironic /pol/ posting puts you in the same IQ bracket as Jon
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you've been thinking about black dicks since you were a child huh
This is what no Asian pussy does to a nigga
speaking like this is literally gayer than being fucked in the ass by a black dick
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Cole was and still is the MC, the organized discordsister opposition against him is all the proof you need
jon could get into a heated argument with her and wish for her death but he will always forget it the instant she puts on her seductress voice
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To former cuck buddies (Taytriots): the Trisha Militia welcomes you with open arms, as long as you didn't actually think that beat dyke was more attractive than our Queen of Hearts.
>scott plays horde and says alliance is for nerds
no I've thought you gross monkeys smelled like dog shit and were fucking ugly as sin from the first time I encountered one of you
return to discord, reddit troon
>The Hoard
Kek, alright. Props for Jimmy for at least trying to make it somewhat RP.
>Sam claims to have had "nasty young years" where he would fuck a lot of girls because he was skinny
I don't know any bitch who would fuck a nigga that looks like your picrel
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its on your mind a lot huh, little guy
>the way brian pronounced comedian
Dudes like this used to be able to fuck enough to get mono in the early 00s. Hoeflation is insane
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trish delish my favourite fish <3
Girls let him hit cause he was tall rich and goofy
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oh shit TJ is dead
No, Ben and Jon walked back to basecamp with it, letty wanted to give it back but got told no.

I only caught it on the Basecamp cam but it's back now.
Holy FUCK jimmy is fat as fuck
lettygooners are just as delusional and insufferable as the wretch herself
Could Letty fix Jimmy?
Then hoeflation is good, niggers like that shouldn’t be having sex or reproducing
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okay but imagine this guy all scene emo boy'd out with skinny girl's jeans and doing weird pervert edgy shit like flashing his pubes at girls and being a mysterious outsider
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what does it mean
Looking corn fed
This is true too
But even then he had advantages
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He's a big boy
he had a killer jawline
Give him a sword and tell him its an axe but he has to pretend its an axe. Now Jon feels like he won
this is the unfunniest bit so far
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GRIFTING GREG!!! >>>/wsg/5601127
No he didn’t
I love Jimmy
Mauro's hat makes sense now. He's a Nazi German doctor conducting experiments on people
oh also bear in mind he's rich as fuck and 6'3 and has Nick's brother as a wingman
There are a whole lot of ugly bitches out there willing to fuck, anon.
This niqqa starts break dancing at your winter formal how do you react?
Does Jimmy consume any content besides children's cartoons and youtube poop?
kek fucking jimmy
in that picture I was replying to he did
What the fuck is going on?
>Jimmy kino
He’s being very iFunny
What's happening?
Was watching jon
He also loves Kingdom Hearts
instead of OLIVAH GAY

they should do JIMMY FAT

till they break him
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Jimmy's a great side character, Jon taking the main character role is fantastic
What the fuck is happening who is this guy??
Also for children
I didn't even notice that both tay and tai are soldiers, they couldn't even think of another name for a gun class?
I muted, this is dogshit
Sam walled so hard. How does he cope?
he's the main character in his head only.
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idk i checked out yesterday and haven't been paying any attention
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Jimbo cringekino
Where's airsoftfatty? Is he dead?
It takes all kinds to have a functioning society you dumb roasty dyke.
>I didn't even notice that both tay and tai are soldiers, they couldn't even think of another name for a gun class?
They'll upclass later on. Tay was supposed to be "Chudette" and Tai 'Gunslinger"
>thread acts like something is happening
>tune back in

yep its nothing

>turned back off
Would you fuck Idris Elba?
When Taylor first started posting videos he told her to make them more like youtube poops and her editor called him a retard lol
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So are you.
how the fuck am I supposed to laugh at this shit? where's top J?
reddit spacing
MDEjeet astroturfed discord troon detected
running Cole sequence
preparing to intercept BBC counter-offensive
I worked out why Jimmy is so fat now. He's on anti psychotic drugs that cause weight gain.
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>If that young man wasn't actually baptized already, Jimmy seems to have just administered a valid baptism and his soul just got cleansed on livestream
Jon will do any amount of evil and claim he is the good guy because hes Jon the paladin and gods on his side. He will then throw a temper tantrum if you try to take his gun after he shoots an NPC in the eye
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How do you explain fat Jon then?
No, it's excessive beer drinking. Shit has a lot of calories
>t. Used to have that body from drinking
NO YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOO YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DONT YOU DARE TALK ABOUT ABOUT NINA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ITS YOUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
xavisie mogs
Psychotic drugs don't cause weight gain.
Eating more food while being less active causes weight gain.
Sam isn’t included in that
Jon dirty bulking
He was good at frauding angles just like Letty is, I couldn't find his old video shooting a rubber at some chinese chick in college, he was an ugly dork back then
threads are astroturfed and not even entertaining, just ignore them. Wish someone would make OC but wigger spammers get paid by the quantity not by the quality
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hopefully dead in a bush somewhere
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So Xavier’s tattoos are fake
Trish sex
roid gut
He's bloatmaxxing/dirty bulking. Eating as much calories he can to gain muscle.
is fishtank officially dead? feels like the bubble (as small as it was) has well and truly burst
I'm not gay but I'd fuck this guy
He fucks Birds anon.
you are just now figuring this out?
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Based Xavier
itd be funny if xavier and the duke switched actors to simulate xavier getting more powerful, and then have sam go beat up jon for a while
Did you all annoy TJ with cuck dms, why is his twitter gone?
monstergirl feet... I kneel
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>Letty saying people that watch capeshit should reincarnate as shrimp
this jimmy is notably absent and i blame his meds
Xavier has epic moves
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He's eating a salami right now. He'll show up when he's done.
yeah yeah now start posting ack's its literally all you are good for if that
I was checking socials of the current people on the show (Brian, Trish, Taylor, Greg etc) and noticed Taylors following list dropped by 2 and TJs account was likely one of them since his account is now gone. It doesn't appear to be a suspension, but like it was deactivated.
If he was off his meds he'd be gone by now
The ant smelled the beetle. We gotta move him now. This creature cannot survive without our intervention.
Xavier boss battle phase 2 he transforms into Frank, phase 3 he transforms into fatty.
these threads sure are. Nothing but shills.
season 3 lore reset it'll be back bigger than ever
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she based
Just a wetawd wookie being bad at dirty bulking
>tune in for the first time today
>xavier is immediately being kino AF
>somehow scott is actually entertaining and not just holding pads for sam
>fish found a big ass beetle and are torturing it
>everyone has some silly accent

I thought the whole larp thing was gonna get old really quick, but it's been rather entertaining so far.
Someone TTS Taylor asap
Those drugs do cause weight gain and his behaviour has calmed down. It would make sense that he'd be on them.
is the show good? I can't get cameras to work.
Jimmy was off his meds for the entire duration of S2
What happened to that dead or alive mission brian gave?
Did they just forget about it??
Jet uhhhh..???
Vance save us
same size vore with xavier
kek this would be perfect, I know Fatty especially could nail Xavier's flamboyant speech
And what happened to him in season 2?
ben is so much funnier than sam
Explain, anon, how the hell it would do that.
Go on\ I'm listening.
kek we love automated defense systems don't we folks
xavier mogging the shit outta ben
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probably. tj seethers are deranged. remember they tried taking out taylors youtube channel and TJs twitter account multiple times now.
>xavier immediately mogging ben
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>while you were posting in ftl threads, I was mastering the blade
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>You've insulted my blades!
I think people should post about it twitter to get some traction going
>*kicks down the punching bag*

I'm fucking dying
>I don't speak In poems
>I'm not a faggot

Is Tayleigh writing the dialogue now? lmao
So the crew is just a bunch of theatre kids and they set this up for themselves?
oh boy here we go again with john
Ben is so fucking hot
>While you were at parties, I studied the blade
I'm surprised the "they're incompetent and don't plan shit but that sort of makes it funny" thing sustained even 2 seasons
>Why Do Antipsychotics Make You Gain Weight? Antipsychotic drugs can make you hungrier, so you might eat more. That's because they change the way your brain and hormones work together to control your appetite. You might crave sweets or fatty foods.
From Google.
I think he had two twitters, did you check the other?
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He made content

except ben
He was there for 3/4ths of the show?
Kek I forgot about that
>threads lasting over an hour in the middle of the day
fishtank bros...
Don’t forget TJ got his Twitch and Twitter accounts suspended multiple times because of false flaggers.
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caW cAw Caw caW cAw Caw caW cAw Caw caW cAw Caw
all the while mogging sheriff ben
Carrying the show until he couldn't
>xavier being kino
>ben getting mogged
>jimmy choking on fruit snacks
ben getting mogged is my favorite fishtank bit
(sorry ben still love you my princess)
why does that boyish looking girl talk like that and make those faces?
yep. they were probably sending cuck shit about taylor and brian and all that.
it's cringe kino
the horrible production quality adds to the vibe
i'm having a blast
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>is fishtank officially dead? feels like the bubble (as small as it was) has well and truly burst
Sam and Jet got too far up their own ass and appeased the sociopathic part of the fanbase by making Season 2 into a miserable torture fest. Nobody wants to see a fat fuck like Frank hurling around Letty, Trish or Tayleigh around a room for "content" they wanted to see the fish doing a mix of fun and extremely cringe things that they find personally unbearable.

Its a shame, 2.5 is actually quite fun but they've hollowed out the fanbase indulging that bad part of the fanbase. Sam made this mistake with WP back in 2016 so he obviously never learned how to gauge how to grow the audience beyond securing loyal paypigs.
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Xavier knew he had to train harder. The Duke's power was unmatched, but Xavier had speed and agility on his side. For the next several nights, Xavier trained in the shadows of the wildlands, his movements a blur as he honed his skills. He crafted new techniques, combining his ninja prowess with his samurai discipline. Every strike, every parry, every dodge was perfected to an art form.

Meanwhile, the Duke brooded in his lair, a crumbling castle hidden deep within the forest. He spent hours in his ancient library, studying forbidden texts and dark rituals, seeking ways to enhance his already formidable strength. He was determined to crush Xavier once and for all, to prove his dominance.

The villagers of Schitty whispered among themselves, fearing the inevitable clash. They had seen the devastation of the last battle and knew the next would be even worse. Some tried to flee, but the wildlands were treacherous, and many were lost to the darkness.

One night, as the full moon bathed the wildlands in an eerie glow, Xavier emerged from the shadows, his golden haori now tattered and stained with sweat and dirt. He moved silently through the village, his eyes scanning the forest for any sign of his brother. He knew the Duke would come for him soon.

The Duke, sensing Xavier's presence, revved up his steed and roared through the forest, his trench coat billowing behind him. He burst into the clearing where Xavier stood waiting, the two locking eyes with a mix of hatred and respect.

>"It's time," the Duke growled, dismounting from his steed.

>"Yes," Xavier agreed, drawing his katanas. "Let's end this."
Jon just killed Xavier. The show is over.
>Why would i need to wield a blade when he wields a blade to his own ego?
Holy shit Jace is a fuckin pro at this shit.
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wow you are sorely mistaken about what the fans want my friend
I tried looking for it and couldn't find it. Its possible he deleted that one also and it would account for the second account that dropped out of her followings list. Someone else might know more, I just remember the other one being penispoet/bruhigotx at one point.
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Enjoy your HD chud
"Eating more"
got it, I'm right.
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He did nothing wrong
They clashed once more, their battle even more intense than before. The Duke's raw power met Xavier's refined skill in a whirlwind of violence. Trees were felled, rocks shattered, and the ground itself seemed to tremble under their onslaught.

Xavier unleashed a flurry of strikes, his katanas moving so fast they were almost invisible. The Duke countered with brutal swings, his fists and claws tearing through the air. Each blow was a test of will, a measure of their determination to prevail.

>"You cannot win, Xavier!" the Duke bellowed, slamming his brother into a tree. "I am eternal!"

Xavier coughed, blood trickling from his mouth.
>"Eternal, maybe," he gasped, "but not invincible."
With a burst of energy, he thrust his katanas into the Duke's chest, aiming for his heart.

The Duke howled in pain, staggering back. But he did not fall. Instead, he ripped the blades from his body, his eyes burning with rage.
>"It will take more than that to kill me, brother!"

Xavier panted, his strength waning. He knew he had to finish this quickly. Summoning all his remaining energy, he launched himself at the Duke, his movements a blur of desperation and fury.

The villagers watched in awe and terror as the two titans battled, their fate hanging in the balance. In the end, only one would emerge victorious, but the scars of their conflict would remain forever etched in the wildlands and in the hearts of those who witnessed it.
Jon is turning into the greatest villain in the lands
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what if he’s depressed from not being able to be on?

too long didn't read
>we're missing Hong Kong 2 Podcast episodes for this shit
It's amazing how retards like you tie their fucking shoelaces. This nigger thinks he's smarter than Google.
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HAHAHA fucking Peter
>Supposed to be a paladin
>Is the most antagonistic out of all of them
every jon and brian interaction is kino
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he literally argues like an 8 year old on the playground
Super dead
dont worry. it'll get much longer
is that not what larping is?
it's summer, all streamers have low numbers.
4k ain't that bad and they already have paypigs buying season passes, in the thousands.
Combined with TTS they're making good money.
they seriously need to lock john in a fucking cage. ben and xavier are being funny and here comes dipshit to ruin it again.
Has this show gotten more than 5k watching at a time yet? What a failure. If Jon leaves no one is watching this shit
This guy gets it
Ben is so cool I want to kiss him and maybe do hand stuff
>he wants full blown RP and friend tank
Is Xavier The Chessmaster from The Great War? I love that guy!
>TJ's class is druid
>can transform into a horse
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him ruining it adds to the fun
>paladins are antagonistic by nature
I forget who said that but it was funny
This is the future of arguments in a post-debatebro/xitter world.
It was over 5k before Jon was there
jon is carrying the entertainment
nobody watched that shit lol
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>Jon legitimately trying to get into Brian's pants
any kino today?
id frot with him until we spurt all over each other :3
No it wasn't I was watching. You're lying.
I did. It was great.
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they will kiss before the 2 weeks is over
Google is saying what I'm saying, anon.
Eating more food and doing less activity causes weight gain.
It's the only thing that ever causes weight gain.
>bro, which actresses do you like?
>uhh…I don’t know man
>*ben laughs maniacally*
>I just got these new balances recently, they’re comfy
>bro…what time are we at? Should we go to the patreon?
>let’s order Chinese food
All Jon does is antagonize people and butt himself in to where he has no place being. If he perceives you as a threat, he'll start to yell at you and use retard logic that results in him always being right no matter what.
It's a funny shtick at first, but it gets really fucking old fast and he needs to be put in his place, not allowed to bully everyone like a big kid in a playground.
The anti psychotics cause people to eat more than they normally would. The drugs make people eat more, if they weren't on the drugs they wouldn't have gotten fat.
lol is vance supposed to be a tough guy now?
No, you fucking retard. Certain meds increase water retention, which also increases weight. God you're fucking dumb.
Seems like it, he has the ultimate confidence now
that's how normal people look you nerd
Anon the drugs do not make people eat more.
They may crave more.
But ultimately it's down to Jimmy being a fat fuck stuffing his face.
That's on him, anon.
Would be able to counteract that weight gain if he'd just move more.
Now that Vance is here are they going to hold Greg hostage again?
Jimmy can't control his cravings.
Production missed opportunity to have Vance arrive during a vampire siege and rescue the party from certain death before joining them…tsk tsk
"a vampire attack..yeah"
Did Vance say hi to letty? It looked like she tried talking to him and he just walked past her
The vibe immediately mellowed out as soon as Vance came in. He won’t be a charisma vacuum, will he?
Yes he did, they even had a really awkward hug.
of course he will be
That's not due to the drugs, anon.
That's because Jimmy's a sperg who can't control himself.
Once again: a failure on his behalf.
Nah man don't be doing Jimmy a bad like that man. He can't help himself yo.
thas rite
he a good boi
he dindu nuffin
>Nobody wants to see a fat fuck like Frank hurling around Letty
Boy you couldn't be more wrong
Fr nocap
lol tai at base his fire went out

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