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how do they travel faster than light
what kind of engine do they use
They fold space
hey look, another shitty leftist postmodern deconstruction thread for no purpose
how do you fold space
Get off your fucking nut on spice and just see what happens.
Better question is what their tax policy was to afford that
They got the loudest shit in the universe.
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Uhh, in ENGLISH doc?!
Space Bose speaker
Some addicts railing and mainlining spice get so completely high that they nod off in a spice dream where they see all potentialities and pathways to move through spacetime.
Literally a physicalmeta pencil through a folded piece of paper
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Akshually... Navigator's don't fold space to move a ship around. That occurs some 5000 years later with the Ixian No Ship. A heighliner is different. It uses a Holtzmann engine that provides faster than light travel just fine. Spice is NOT needed for FTL space flight. It is used only for navigation. Hence why the Navigators are off their gourd on the stuff. They can easily use a computer to do this like literally all other sci-fi franchises. But of course the Butlerian Jihad rendered the thinking machines the most taboo of all creations and no one would dare challenge it.
The films get it wrong.
Guild navigators use spice in order to see future paths the ship may travel in order to avoid crashing.
They could travel by FTL without a navigator, however the likelihood of survival is extremely low, to the point it's almost impossible without one.

That said I liked how the heighliners were shown in Dunc, even if it wasn't very accurate to the source material.
Is it a giant floating uncircumcised space weiner?
Was Event Horizon really the first movie to use this metaphor?
I don't understand why they don't just keep the door open or just remember the proper path to take? Why do they have to calculate every single time?
>ship runs on spice
>it sorta looks like a worm
bravo denis
The galaxy is constantly shifting. Stars aren't static, they are constantly moving but in a much more chaotic way around the galaxy compared to planets around a star.
In the books, the heighliner actually moves from one point to another, it's only in the Denis film that it resembles a portal instead of a ship.
Everything in space is is always moving. Travelling through FTL ain't like harvesting spice. Without precise calculation they'd fly right through a star or bounce to close to a supernova and that would end the trip real quick.
>Travelling through FTL ain't like harvesting spice
almost like travelling through hyperspace ain't like dusting crops boy
without precise calculations we could fly right through a star or bounce too close to a supernova and that'd end your trip real quick, wouldn't it
Well you see, that would be like saying why can we not keep a road open from my house to my job so I never have to navigate with my car again. I drove it once, did I not? That is improper an analogy of course but there we go.
No, I remember it from something earlier. They didn't use a porno image though, which was a pretty inspired riff.

If you're ever watching Stargate again, maybe keep an eye out for it in that. It was something related to the exact same scenario of someone describing how a wormhole works. Paul WS Anderson tends to just wholesale rip off bits of other movies or media (the woman chasing the kid in a red coat is straight from Don't Look Now for instance).
A Helmholtz drive. Depending on what you are reading or watching, it either folds space or it travels so fast through space you need someone with prescience to predict and dodge debris.

I thing that always irked me was if Dune was so critical to space flight, how was it discovered in the first place? I prefer the later interpretation of the drive, in that it was so dangerous it was by blind luck you ended up somewhere without dying.
A wrinkle in time (the book), and various other sci-fi would often use this description, but I think Event Horizon does it the best in both describing the ship and developing the sex starved character of the crew.

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