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What the fuck was her problem?
she's just another nepo cunt
some woman wrote that shit
Whores are shitty people, who knew?
>Written by Micah Bloomberg
I'm 30 and still a virgin.
lvl 35 wizard reporting in
lvl32 i lost my virginity at 30 with a coworker girl who vibed with me
i probably will never have sex ever again
What counts as losing your virginity? I've put my flaccid, uninterested penis in many undesirable women over the years. I guess that counts?
You’re just a lazy normalfag.
It's either a woman or a Berg
Double Whammy, no wonder why its so shit
are times really this tough now? i consider myself an exceptional one of a kind loser so it surprises me when people can relate to me
That does count but why did you do it
I’m going to be a 31 year old virgin pretty soon. I’m legit fucked in the head. My first and only girlfriend abused me and every chick who followed made sex gross to me.
(former) sex haver here. body count in the double digits (not very high into the double digits but still there). haven't fucked in years though and not due to lack of opportunity.
sex isn't all it's cracked up to be. what's more important is the connection that bonds you. but sadly have never reached through and connected with anyone so still a love virgin.
Rainey > Margaret
Being drunk, mostly. Also being young and curious and unwilling to turn down an opportunity for sex.

Other chances I've had were all less than ideal or with women who wouldn't put out.
I find the Qualley girl to be somewhat annoying.
Why doesn’t slut-with-a-heart-of-gold actually exist, why is it 100% fiction? I actually do wish it was a real thing but it clearly just isn’t. Man, it really does drive white women so fucking insane that they can’t fuck around and stay unfazed like men, would rather commit spiritual suicide than just accept that they can’t slut like that.
>Man, it really does drive white women so fucking insane that they can’t fuck around and stay unfazed like men
Also that they perceive this as like nature inherently oppressing women, don’t think I want anything as badly as they wanna be stray-dog sluts.
We're literally living through the worst time in American history but no one will admit it until it's over and then they'll write it up in the history books as if they knew all along.
>We're literally living through the worst time in American history

t. white guy
Yes, problem?
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>i lost my virginity when i masturbated for the first time at age 13, unlike you i dont have an open wound that bleeds
>hehe, it's just White guys who are suffering, everything is fine
... Do you actually not realize that it's White guys who envisioned, created, and are maintaining the nation? Without them it's over.
>white guys are now sniveling cowards who sit behind a screen and shitpost online about the death of their race
So much for your legacy of pushing the human race forward.
i've heard its very bad to fuck where you work
i'm always cold with any women i sense getting close
because it's all based on lies and manipulation, you've only been warned for thousands of years at this point
You can try to play this however you want, but at the end of the day reality will still be reality and the death of White men means the death of civilization.
>the death of lazy, spineless cunts is the death of civilization
Anon, pls.
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Aren't these German names, though?
Not in the US they aren't.
she didn't want to acknowledge women doing statutory
He didn't say the councilor was a woman, anon.
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this girl had issues
>jews should remove themselves from positions of power and be replaced by Aryans
I liked the message of this movie. I was surprised a Jew would write something like that.
Is this too much to ask for?
She's too hot
Mama what the fuck
>grew up in a household full of woman
>sisters, nieces over all the time
>i was older then most of them
>all of them had several boyfriends and where most definitely fucking long before i lost my virginity.
oh, and the cheating, my sisters were spending all day with their boyfriend and sneaking in other guys at night when the boyfriends left.
I have pajeet levels of hate for woman at times.
I think my life would be a lot easier if a was a faggot so i could ignore woman all together, but i want a family some day.
I literally never gave a fuck
So i went off the point in my post, point is it's piss easy for girls to lose their virginity at a very young age.
And girls making fun of boys because they didnt lose their virginity at 14 or older is because they cant imagine how it's so different for boys.
What show jfc
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>he doesn't know
if a girl actually said "im ovulating right now" i would be unable to stop myself from laughing and say "no way fag"
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You guys aren't all actually virgins, right? It's just something you say to fit in or as a joke.
What do you think?
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>be unattractive
>when I tried out dating websites I got ignored once I sent a picture of myself
>be too self-aware and neurotic to be the funny 0 fucks given guy
>retreat into my room and don't talk to people ever again
>even though prostitution is legal here I am too embarassed about my ugly body

it's that easy
>he's just now realizing that the incel hordes are you going to drag his normalfag ass from his house and rape his wife
Wifeguys get the rope first. Fathers with daughters especially.
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dank meme
>wifeguys instead of husbands
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I am, at 32. kinda.
I lost some opportunities in the years before smartphones and apps, and the modern apps and expectations exclude people like me for a few reasons. It's not the worst though, I have a good handful of family and friends.

i went to a couple of prostitutes. they don't care about your body. the first one was disappointing and a waste of money, the second one was nice and fun and half the price. it was mostly stupid and i didn't get much out of it overall.
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She fucks blacks so no.
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