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Starting with Captain America: Brave New World.

Anthony Mackie as Sam Wilson, the new Captain America.

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Danny Ramirez as Joaquin Torres, the new Falcon.

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Shira Haas as Ruth Bat-Seraph, the Israeli mutant CIA operative who will most certainly not be called Sabra in the movie.

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Giancarlo Esposito as a mystery character added in reshoots, a mercenary pursuing Wilson. He is rumored to be a reimagining of the Paladin, a comic book character who is essentially a killer-for-hire in the service of the U.S. government.

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Rosa Salazar as cyborg henchwoman Diamondback.

Niggers are villains not heroes and they do not represent or embody American values. This is insulting to people who do. They need to redeem themselves after the George Floyd riots and basically the last 60 years of their existence before this can be appropriate. I would suggest they start by paying back all of the social welfare they've received and also reparations to white people for the loss of 600,000 men that died fighting over their freedom and all of their progeny that were denied existence and for bringing them out of the stone age and tolerating them to this day instead of sending them back to the prehistoric shitholes they belong in.
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The Sons of the Serpent, a supremacist paramilitary group that serves as the opening scene jobbers.

nobody's watching this shit lol
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Wilson and his new love interest, U.S. Army officer Leila Taylor, played by Xosha Roquemore, at the funeral for President Thaddeus Ross.

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Ruth and Liv Tyler as Betty Ross at Ross' funeral.

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Salazar as Diamondback and Seth Rollins as Cobra, members of the Serpent Society, a group of snake-themed cyborg mercs who were the original opening scene jobbers, but got cut for being too goofy and replaced by >>200577622

>Reddcarlo Edditito
I might have pirated it or something but I doubt I'll even bother now.
Why do these nigger never change their nappy heads in roles.
Lol all this shits way too late.
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Moving on to Thunderbolts.

Florence Pugh as Yelena Belova.

>generic magical cult looking henchmen changed to tacticool soldier henchmen
fucking lol
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Hannah John-Kamen as Ghost.

>stupid fucking haircut
>out of shape
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Sebastian Stan as Bucky Barnes leaving an U.S. Congress hearing.

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Geraldine Viswanathan as Erin, the Agent Coulson equivalent for the Thunderbolts. Ayo Edebiri originally had this role, but had to drop out.

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The big hich-tech vault where schizo reality-warping Superman expy the Sentry is being kept.

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David Harbour as Red Guardian in a Cold War-era Soviet propaganda poster.

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Next, Daredevil: Born Again.

Charlie Cox as Matt Murdock/Daredevil.
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Jon Bernthal as Frank Castle/Punisher.
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Wilson Bethel as Ben Poindexter/Bullseye.
Give him the logo
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>had the perfection opportunity to introduce Bullseye's outfit after season 3 by giving him a black Daredevil outifit without the horns and a bullseye painted onto the helmet
>give him generic tactical stealth gear
Marvel's costume designers deserved to be sacked
>ey rig maskusumthin
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Nikki M. James as Kristen McDuffie, Murdock's new law partner.
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Margarita Levieva as Heather Glenn, Murdock's new girlfriend.
Why does this look like AI slop?
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Vincent D'Onofrio as Wilson Fisk/Kingpin and Aylet Zurer as VANESSA.
Didn't her role get cut after the reshoot? I think Foggy and Karen are going to remain Matt's law partners.
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Arty Froushan as Buck Cashman, a corrupt FBI agent working for Fisk.
This guy has been hyping up his role in the MCU forever and he ends up playing some D-list literal who character
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Elden Henson as Foggy Nelson and Deborah Ann Woll as Karen Page.

Here we have Murdock and Foggy having an argument right before Bullseye comes in and headshots Foggy.
>Xosha Roquemore
>39 years old
so they really couldnt find a good looking 20 something year old black women?
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This type of superhero aesthetic has utterly, completely, worn out its welcome. I loathe all the meaningless intricacies. It's all a bunch of gay ass flair with no substance, very symbolic of Disney really. He's wearing a clown suit. Put a big red nose on that clown.
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Jeremy Earl as Cole North, the leader of a group of corrupt cops who appropriate Punisher's symbol.
God Bless America
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The Punisher cops murking White Tiger, a friendly neighborhood vigilante whom Murdock defends in court.
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Anti-Fisk graffiti from Muse, season 1's big bad who is a mutant serial killer who makes art out of his victims' blood and is completely invisible to Daredevil's super-senses. He's an enemy of both Murdock and Fisk, and might even force them into a temporary alliance.
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And finally, Ironheart.

Dominique Thorne as Riri Williams/Ironheart.
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Ironheart prototype suit.
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Anthony Ramos as Parker Robbins/The Hood, a street thug who is given magical weapons by Mephisto to wreak havoc in New York City.
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remember five years ago back when every mcu leak thread got at least like good 100 responses ? shit been long gone now, slowly but not completely dying due to public remaining interest
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The crossover of the century.
It's amazing that they fully filmed like 6 episodes of this show then totally scrapped them and started over.
That's his new girlfriend and she's fucking hideous. Matt has a cute one that dies for no fucking reason in the story and then he has to deal with that piece of shit next to him for the rest of the show. No thank you.
That series has been in the can since 2019 lmao
They only scrapped the pilot, the other five episodes are still being used with some some alterations, like reshooting Vanessa's scenes with the original actress.
>They only scrapped the pilot, the other five episodes are still being used with some some alterations, like reshooting Vanessa's scenes with the original actress.
There's no way the new series is anything watchable, even with the reshoots. I'm amazed Loki S2 wasn't a steaming pile a shit.

I didn't even bother with Echo.
Disney+ killed the MCU. Same thing with Star Wars. Too much content. Doesn't feel special anymore. Not an event when a movie comes out. Everything watered down and stretched out. Quality lowered. Hype gone. Too much modern politics shoved into schlock. ridiculous and insulting. The only remaining signs of life are from the leftover remnants from the bygone days like Deadpool/Wolverine

I feel bad for her. She's gonna get so much hate and it's really the fault of the producers who thought that a black teenage actress was gonna be a replacement for Iron Man. It would have been hard enough if they just used Harley, a teenage white dude, but fans would have been a little nicer. This is just gonna ruin the girls life
They should have cast Ella Balinska.
Holy shit what a fucking mess this all is, they have not a single decent thing left and they know it.
I don’t understand how he’s remotely suited to be Cap’s replacement. He’s just a regular dude. Sure, you can say that it’s bout carrying forward what Cap represents, but none of that means anything if your symbol dies.
the man works
got to give him that
he was what? 45? 50? when he finally had his break through with breaking bad
Why are her neck and torso segmented like a worm?
Foggy dies? That’s kinda unfortunate. His actor was pretty decent.
bro was paid six figures for a couple days work and all he has to do is say
and people will go see it for him
Florence Poop
I'll tell you what I think. I think I was being too hard on the Superman set photos. What is all this shit?
The MCU is a dead franchise
looking at these pics, I'd say the MCU is fucking over, and that's a good thing.
they're not even trying anymore. they're going thru the motions.
shes so out of shape that despite being malnourished and small she looks fat
They ruined this character in season 3 daredevil then pissed on his grave in she hawkeye.
Looks like that one Shaq movie where he had an armor
This guy is the current Ghost Rider in the comics, I wonder if they'll attempt to introduce that gimmick in this or wait for a solo movie.
Why are they still making capeshit movies? Is there some sort of enforced contract?
Nah it'll probably be Johnny Blaze and there's been rumors Gosling has been cast but no official confirmation yet.
They're just introducing some of those elements like Mephisto. He was originally going to appear in Dr Strange 2 but that plan got scrapped.
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God the MCU devolved into the CW quick. Wtf happened
not a fan of this redesign
They really have never been able to make this guy interesting
>Ugly mutt as Heather Glenn
>Even uglier mutt as Vanessa Fisk recast
>Revolting mutt as Kristen McDuffie who admittedly is also a mutt in the comics
Why does Disney hate Daredevil so much
what's Disney supposed to do with the Marvel film rights? it's not like they're making profits with anything else, Star Wars is a fucking disaster, all the other Dinduney movies are flopping.
they will keep making the slop hoping to sell some of it.
Everything, everyone, must be black or have a black helper or elevate black people into the spotlight. Marvel Cinematic Niggerverse, you really don't want that Chinese yuan do you Disney?
I can't believe how committed Disney is to making Iron Man a black woman. It flopped in thr comics, no one likes her in the video games, and they're still intent on shoving this in thestoers. I reject it. I reject all of it. Go to hell jews.
They’re really pissing white tiger away like this? God damn it
the forspoken chick? you've posted about her before.
>in Marvelslop

I doubt it.

>too goofy

Have these niggers watched nuMarvel? It cannot be too fucking goofy.
>ayo letmehollatchu


Goddamn, Pugh is revolting. Literal pig of a woman. Sow, I guess.
dis bitch look 40


They love that DEI money, and I guess they love repulsive mutts. They keep replacing all their redheads with mutts.


Not only that, but she is a complete psycho cunt in the comics, almost the anti-thesis of Iron Man.
Captain Nigger
Bullseye and The Hood look like hot garbage
Why does he have huge shoulder pads and nothing to protect his head? Seems like a costume sign flaw.
show bobs
Why do people still watch this shit after endgame?
>protect his head?
what for? he's black, there's no brains in that skull.
I wish it was possible to short box office grosses. I could fucking retire from this one.
what a mess lol
wait what the fuck, is she named after the massacre?
>Buck Cashman
lmao the man's name is Dollars Moneyguy? Who's his henchman, Sterling Breadchap, Franc La Moolahsier and Mark Flockenmann?
so they're ripping off magnum force?
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I just can't see Sabra going down well at all
You wish! ...me too
Disney once again at it
fucking LOL
can't wait for the fucking shitstorm, no matter what Sabra does in the movie someone's gonna be real mad about it
Which one is the dude?
That's the costume? A muscle shirt? Are there no longer costume designers available?
So much is riding on "Brave New World" it's insane.
No idea what the fuck they're thinking with "Thunderbolts". Florence Pugh is not at all a draw and doesn't have a male fanbase and the everyone else is a bunch of "literal whos" that either made no or bad impressions with the exception of Bucky. Centering the movie around Yelena, Ghost, and Taskmaster is insane; 2023 proved yet again that female superhero teams eat shit at the box office.
Couldn't they have cast a hot black woman?
I legit forgot they were still making this. I think they're reshooting parts of it.
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Wait, they finally brought Deborah back and her and Matt are not even gonna be together? Wtf?? The writers literally wasted 3 seasons of the relationship built-up for nothing?
Just pure kek
And Foggy is dead??? Bruh
Marvel is soulless, I am not gonna watch this shit. It's just hilarious.
When I heard they were bringing back Foggy and Karen I was optimistic, but then I watched the leaks where Foggy gets shot and was hoping it was non-fatal and he's in a hospital or something
Is it really fatal?
It's fatal, can't have too many white men in the show. Foggy is 100% dead just like the MCU
You never know, Foggy faked his death to go into witsec once.
He looks like evel keneval not captain america
I thought he died of ass cancer?
>A character who’s super power is having a cool suit
>has never once actually had a cool suit
Damn why they didn’t throw this shit away is beyond me.
>The Sons of the Serpent, a supremacist paramilitary group that serves as the opening scene jobbers.
So now they're too pussy to do something as campy as The Serpent Society?
Nevermind, I'm a retard
This and his sister, he's cursed with having only ugly niggress around him. Not hot black chicks allowed
>hot black woman
Black actresses all look the same. And I'm not even being racist.
apparently its the og white tiger (hector ayala) so they'll probably use that to bring in his successor (ava ayala)
Wait, i thought She-hulk was his gf, did they change their minds? Did she die?
I'm honestly astonished Thunderbolts is still kicking. Marvel really, really hates officially canning projects, don't they. They just get left in dev hell forever. It's worse than knowing something is cancelled.
>She-hulk was his gf
The showrunners admitted that was a last minute add on & didn't plan on it leading anywhere. But I'm actually all for it. I can handle She Hulk as a side character in someone else's film/show. But other than that, I never want to see her again.
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Why would you ever think Thunderbolts would be forgotten about? The last time Marvel did an event showcasing upcoming films, Thunderbolts was their headliner. They brought everyone out on stage (except Pugh because she was busy with Dunc & Oppenheimer). She's basically the only real star they have left!

I'm more shocked that Wonder Man went into production after the disaster that was Echo. And Ironheart & Agatha are so awful, they won't even release them even though their finished.
>another role where Giancarlo wears glasses because the blind nigga is too lazy to wear contacts even for a movie
Looks bad but I like how red it is it's better than Pig Man or whatever we called him
Why are you calling an average looking white woman an UGLY MUTT that's a bit gay I hate seeing you evil faggots water down the mutt meme
It's my favourite character, Counterstrike-Man!
The original story of the hood was fukkin great
>Captain America: Brave New Flop
>Moving on to Thunderbolts.
>leader of a group of corrupt cops who appropriate Punisher's symbol.
I fucking hate disney so fucking much
Saw it all man
Let's just say it's looking very very grim
Marvel is dead in the dirt
Had some hopes from daredevil but it's also turning out to be shit
looks like a geriatric blade

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