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I've been seeing a lot of people talking about neopurinatism and how Smiling Friends is covert altright propaganda, so I decided to watch through the whole show and list all the different dogwhistles. Starting with the first episode or pilot or whatever we have the character of Desmond and how he finds meaning in life.

He's a White male, so automatically that's suspect. But he could also be viewed as an MRA, PUA type figure who has been divorce raped by his wife. He's very depressed and lives with his mother, classic RIght Wing incel stuff. But he isn't viewed as a figure to be scorned, he's actually the hero of the first episode.
The whole episode he is holding a gun to his head, contemplating suicide, but only when he turns the gun on others, specifically a small vermin race living in the walls which could be classified as parasites. They even crucify one of the characters, like how the Jews crucified Christ, so these parasite creatures are obviously meant to represent social vermin like Jews.
Desmond shoots them, and automatically finds meaning in life. This is very clearly telling basement dwelling incels to shoot up synagogues, and is absolutely a racist dogwhistle. This alone should have gotten the show cancelled, but don't worry, there are a lot more dogwhistles to go over, I'm gonna lay them all out for you.
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Episode 2 starts away with the dogwhistles right away by referencing something called basedjaks, which are a racist meme, popular on 4chan. And then goes into a plot about cancel culture and how Hollywood is run by Jews, this is the Mr. Frog episode.
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This episode is self-explanatory, and I don't feel the need to go into how cancel culture and conspiracy theories about Jews in Hollywood is right wing dogwhistle territory. It's just obvious to anyone with a brian.
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Episode 3 is more incel wish fufillment, and also conservative bootstraps mentality. It's all about this little shrimp incel needs to pull himself up and go earn himself a girlfriend, as if that will fix his life. It's treating women like their resources to be won by men.
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You have the whole gym culture, work out more, fascist nonsense about becoming a strongman to overcome the weak sissy liberals.
And when we finally see Shrimpina, she is the typically traditionally attractive western white male idea of what a women should look like. Very sexist, very racist. And she just loves the incel automatically, telling incels that they don't need to change their personality and that they deserve a hot 10/10 girlfriend just for being alive and existing as a White man.
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You also have a mocking reference to Hillary Clinton with a small cuckold character wearing an "I'm with Her" shirt and watching in the corner while the right wing incel gets it on with the hot chick. Classic right wing cuck and bull archetypes. Alpha vs beta, Chad vs virgin, very clear undenaiable right wing dogwhistle.
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Episode 4 then has the blackface scene and plotline where Charlie, the Christian right wing character of the show says that he refuses to dress up on Halloween because liberals try to cancel people and find everything offensive. The payoff is that he is proven right, when party goers mistake a demon for wearing blackface and then violentlly murder him. This is a rightwing dogwhistle in regards to how crazy and psychotic the woke mob is, and how stupid and evil they are for getting offended by black face
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Episode 5 then has a mocking depiction of race mixing. The show often does this thing where they present something that liberals approve of, and then they promote it in an over the top and mocking tone, like in Season 2, where Mr Boss says, "I learned today that there's no such thing as a bad culture" and then kisses the murderous dictator of a non-White nation.
Once I ate some expired cheddar and when I farted it smelled so bad I unironically choked.
wtf i thought this was the new rick and morty but now it's being made by literal nazis? this is why we can't have anything nice.
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Episode 6 surprisingly doesn't have any dogwhistles that I noticed, but then Episode 7 goes big with its very ideological opposition to nihilism.

I don't need to go into this one, because you've all already talked about it here. It's self-evident.
lefties wouldn't even use the term divorce rape. keep writing tho. u r close
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Imagine the smell
>dog whistles
the funny thing about dog whistles is that only dogs hear them
if you're hearing them, then it means you're the dog, not the chud you're worried about
2/10 apply yourself
The final episode of the first season, Episode 8, is just straight up Christian propaganda all the way through, it says Hell is real, the devil is real and bad, porn is bad, and God is real and good. You can't get more blatant than this.
Satan playing Rust was dead on though.
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Also Episode 8 has a racist depiction of an Indian-American ubereats delivery driver.

That's all for season 1, I can do season 2 if you guys want me to, but you'll have to send me a torrent, because I refuse to supoort AdultSwim for their platforming of Altright SCumbags like the SMiling Friends crew.
You forgot the Trumpist "Jeb! victory" meme. Mr. Frog in general is a Trump allegory - this becomes more evident in season 2. However, despite being a murderer, drug addict, racist, psychopath like Trump, Mr. Frog is portrayed as a good guy who "say it like it is" and is beloved by the Smiling Friends.
Literally just "I am projecting!".
You're right, and in some ways it's impossible for one person to point out all the dogwhistles, because they're just so dense and present in every frame and aspect of the show.

I made this thread so hopefully we can come together as a community, formalize all this information, and get these bigots and their show cancelled.
Is this the rumored hit piece?
Care to make an actual argument against the facts I've presented?
No, but if you're willing to pay me for the work I've done here I'll allow you to republish it.
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>this whole thread was so OP could bait people into giving him the link.
The alt-right chuds who made the show encourage people to pirate it btw.
Even the most insane pozzed leftie publication wouldn't pay for this trite.
Kek, I forgot about that.
That's not Shrimpina. Did you even watch the episode? That's also not a white man it's a shrimp man and shrimps are asian.
We'll see about that.
Playing cover for White Nationalists and fascists won't get you rewarded. Ever heard of leopards ate my face? That's you, leopards are going to eat your face when they come to power.
All true, this is why the show is successful.
Projecting isn't "presenting facts".
You just sound derranged.
You can bait better than that.
This bit actually went over my head, but now that you mention it that is kind of suspect.
Hopefully we can inform the public about this so they boycott it.
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Oh no how awful, it should be about trans disabled plus sized women of color waaah waaah. Blow it out your ass, all your little campaign did was make like the show even more.
In conclusion now I know what you're thinking: I am more likely to shit myself than you
>implying any average viewer is noticing any of this shit
The show goes at such a rapid pace that you'd have to be desperate to poke holes in it like OP before you start to pick up on anything remotely close to an actual meaningful message.
That's how dogwhistles work. It's about subliminally brainwashing the public into accepting racist and right wing talking points and ideas without criticism.
oh thank god i had to use a dubious site that sends me a discord link everytime i watch a video
but it does have it dubed in portuguese and i recomend everyone to look doug walker dubed in portuguese
>shit and sharty being nihilist anti christian good
>smiling friends not burning the bible and supporting open borders BAD
Episode 1
>Depression can be cured without medication and therapy (broscience)! You just need to find your purpose in life (abelist and conservative "bootstrap" worldview)!
Episode 2
>Cancel culture bad! Anyone can be redeemed even without donating to charity or apologizing on late night TV! (dangerously close to Chr*stian talking points)!
Episode 3
>Dopamine bad, MMO's bad (neopuritanism)! Tradwife ideation. Self-improvement looksmaxxing incel talking points. Woman are a "prize" to be "won"! Unnecessary reference to the 2016 election to gloat over Russian hackers stealing Hilary's victory!
Episode 4
>More tradwife ideation. More cancel culture bad! Subverts the horror genre (a leftist genre about love).
Episode 5
>Junk food bad (neopuritanism)! Chinese food is weird (American exceptionalism)!
Episode 6
>Incel psycho hero worship (weirdly common for this show)! "Gay scare" meme! Jealousy bad (anti-socialist)!
Episode 7
>Let's go mask off and try to "debunk" nihilism. Let's portray nihilists as edgy miserable cowards instead of cool guys who just don't give a fuck like they are! Let's also mock Latino communities!
Episode 8
>Let's go full mask off an make Chr*stian propaganda! Dopamine bad! Vaping bad! Videogames bad! Junk Food bad! (neopuritan overload)

Season 2 to follow.
This is good, short, succinct. Should be reposted to reddit for maximum effect.
this post reads angry whether you read it as sarcastic or as genuine
It's just the truth, man.
The indians are in every delivery in every country. It's an actual suprise when I see someone white working at delivery. Even in small Europoor countries the delivery people are indian.
That's called a stereotype and it's racist.
So what, is Alan supposed to be Jesus? Because you do know Jesus wasn’t the first or last to be crucified
That's what the average democrat looks like
It's a metatextual subliminal dogwhistle, not a textual narrative.
OP must be getting a huge dopamine rush knowing Zach reads and responds to his shitposts.
According to who?
It's not a stereotype it's the reality lol. Order a delivery and see who comes. For me it's gonna be an indian 9/10 times. Spoiler I'm not in india.
>censoring the first i and not the second i, and not the T
hillary lost
For me? It's usually a black guy or a Mexican guy.
Season 2

First I forgot the Brazil special, but really it's more American exceptionalism and "other cultures bad!"

Episode 1
>Videogames were better in the past (Gamergate 2 talking point)! Fast food bad again! Fatphobia! Bullying is good and bullies have their place (common manosphere, furphobic and transphobic talking point)!
Episode 2
>Trump v Biden allegory! Let's excuse people who vote for Trump as a "joke"! Biden is incompetent (boomerservative obsession)! Let's also add in more incel psycho hero worship!
Episode 3
>Hanging out and smoking weed and filling your bellies with diet soda and playing Burnout Revenge for the PS2 bad (neopuritan)!
Episode 4
>Women steal your soul (Incel talking point)! Even more incel psycho hero worship!
Episode 5
>Science is bad! More bootstrapping and anti-unemployment bullshit!
Episode 6
>Conspiracy theory culture portrayed as anything less than dangerous! More praying! Partying bad (Fucking neopuritans)! Flat Earth conspiracy theories (Really?)!
Episode 7
>Other cultures bad/barbaric (unsubtle Islamophobia)! Praying (more Chr*stian crap)!
Episode 8
>More bootstrapping and "live life to the fullest" bullshit! More science bad! More nihilism bad! Unrealistic depiction of a panic attack!

I'm going to take a break to smoke some weed and chill out then make a separate post for the final scene of season 2 because that's when Hadel goes full mask off.
Sounds like something a racist would say.
>it's more American exceptionalism and "other cultures bad!"
Very low IQ take
Should definitely post this to /x/ given how schizo this is lmfao
Mmmm no. Sorry sweaty, it doesn’t work like that. Perchance if Alan had more interactions with them and declared himself the ruler of the purple people
You’re gay and retarded.
They are talked out of visiting Brazil because they "heard it's dangerous". Brazilians are portrayed as hostile to tourists. They go to a Brazilian restaurant and order Freedom Fries (American exceptionalism). Then it ends with a "Never Forget" 9/11 reference to encourage Jingoism in the Middle East.
Objectively, Allan (this is the canonical spelling btw) being pieced in the side with a spear while being crucified is a reference to Jesus' crucifixion.
That resetera thread unironically had people talking like this
wow you really think you're special huh
based. you're right OP. I already liked the show but now im convinced
High IQ take.
Brazils *is* dangerous, though.
And you believe those to be bad things? Really telling on yourself right now.
No, that's totally about some other guy being crucified. Stop projecting, you loony liberal.
Let me guess, you also think Haiti is a shithole country?
kek it's funny I tried watching that "New Norm Show" twitter pilot and thought to myself
>These woketard strawmen are way too over the top. This is even worse than faceberg boomer memes.
and then later that day someone linked a resetera thread about SF and I remembered there genuinely are living parodies out there.
Lol yes, indeed-- I sure do. Didn't a prominent politician literally get taken hostage by a gang leader a little while back?
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And Finally we come to this. The end result of all the neopuritan propaganda. Hadel reveals his true beliefs.

First lets look at the characters, they're all white or white passing. There isn't a single POC or COC (critter of color) in the scene. In the front and center is, of course, the Chr*stian protagonist clutching his cr*ss. The women in the scene are nothing more than sex objects, appearing in revealing bikinis reminiscent of teenage boy fantasy videogames of the past.

The scene ends with a flyover by the Blue Angels warmachines shooting smoke the colors of the American flag - a blatant display of American exceptionalism and a tacit endorsement of the Military Industrial Complex.

And of course, Charlie speaks. And here he reveals Hadel's sick ideology. It has deliberate echoes of the N*zi slogan of old:

>I love my friends
>I love my god
>And I love my country

And there it is, clear as day.
Smiling Friends explicitly endorses CHR*STIAN FASCISM in it's final scene!
The show is unironically exactly what they say it is. You only think it's apolitical because you're a right wing piece of shit who agrees with all the disgusting racist shit in Smiling Friends.
>And of course, Charlie speaks. And here he reveals Hadel's sick ideology. It has deliberate echoes of the N*zi slogan of old:
>>I love my friends
>>I love my god
>>And I love my country
This is actually unironically true, though.
We need to get this shit cancelled ASAP.
5/10 bait. It started okay but you laid it on too thick.
>Jealousy bad (anti-socialist)!
OH come on! You can make better bait than THAT.
>covert altright propaganda
cool, i'll need to go buy some of their merch
What's wrong, big guy? Something's bothering you.
I was on the fence about getting into this show, but now Im convinced to check it out. Tonight will be a cozy binge watching in bed. Thank you very much, have a good day.
oh this is cool at this rate how can i know what opinion and mentality that i should seriously adopt into my life based on this thread
Are Right Wingers really so detached that they think people telling the truth about them is bait? You sound like schizos.
What's this from? Twitter?
You will live to see the white race be destroyed.
I would suggest not looking to this thread for opinions and mentalities that you should seriously adopt into your life.
so basically it's trash "mature" content that depicts everything I already see all the time, but also with patronizing, heavy-handed, on-the-nose "reference" jokes.
I saw a webm of the demon and thought he was neat looking, but the DID YOU GET THE JOKE??? DID YOU SEE OUR JOKE THERE?? DO YOU GET WHAT WERE SAYING?? level of ability on display is way more offensive than any possible propaganda could be.
i'll watch it in a year or so if I still care. eh.
I wish our population was interesting or AT LEAST was capable of interesting satire. sorry, content.
>COC (critter of color)

Every critter is a different color, though.
Do you believe that Smiling Friends is an accurate representation of all right wing beliefs and ideology or something? Do you think there are any credible political scientists who would agree with a claim like this?
Is this even a real person? What the fuck is this faggotry?
This is like saying "WhItE iS a CoLoR tOo!"
It is, though.

Still not watching this unfunny liberal tim and eric fag style show.

Nice try though.
Stop fantasizing.
chuck schumer
op has convinced me to watch smiling friends
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>unfunny liberal tim and eric fag style show.
You haven't seen it at all as its the opposite, Zachary Hadel supports Trump
Nature is healing. Kino
>It is, though.
It's not chud. I would also like to retract my previous post as I accidentally capitalized "white".
The show is just mediocre overall.
And yeah you could say some stuff is borderline right-wing because that's how an unfortunately large part of online gamer culture operates nowadays. However they're too lazy to actually craft coherent messages (even the supposedly "anti-nihilist" moment was very sloppy) so it all just comes off as muddled.
Pussy. White people are White.
you need help.
I'm here to help you.
This is the most media literate thread I've seen, you deserve Reddit Gold!
you’re very obviously a right wing person larping as the neopuritan guy. you aren’t smart enough to falseflag effectively and it’s too obvious
The insane asylum doesn't host debates. You might be able to find some flat earthers who'd be willing to trade hot air, though.
>They even crucify one of the characters, like how the Jews crucified Christ
This one fails. The romans crucified Christ. Ancient Jews killed people by stoning them to death.
Read a book nigga
Usually bait is one or two posts but anon went and made a whole thread for it.
More like smiling jews.
Not right wing dogwhistles. Just Jewish/Christian ones.
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Forgot image.
>Don't watch porn
>jew dogwhistle
Thank goodness you pointed this out to me. Let me check how many evil White Christians there are running the porn industry
Thats a lot of words for jew propaganda on adult swim.
Christianity is jewish, Newfriend. Step 1 of waking up.
trips confirm, too long to read
>Christianity is jewish
That's right it is. Just let me check who killed Christ. Oh. Well let me check how many times the Bible mentions the star of David. Oh, well let me check what the Bible has to say about jews.
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>he trusts the golem's book
That anon is probably getting confused with Scam Hyde's brief stint on adult swim. Oh wait, you LOVE Daddy Sammy.
Good point bro. Let me read what the Talmud says about Christians. I know you already know that since you are so enlightened. Mind if you drop your reddit account so I can gift you some reddit gold? ;)
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Immediate digits.
>The romans crucified Christ.
you're almost there, who demanded that jesus be crucified
>Christians exist for a million years, waiting for the messiah
>He finally comes
>A bunch break off and form a new religion because they don't like Him
>Historians pretend the second group came first
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>a lot of people
One schizo scat fetishist isn't a lot of people.
>it's another episode of a leftist being baffled at someone being capable of basic human empathy
Jews have a scat fetish.
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Why just lie? Whole old testament is Talmud adjacent tripe.
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Debunk a single point.
Do you have a source for that?
peoople are retarded on here that they have bumped this dogshit thread and think he is genuine
>It's not true because it makes me angry
One day you're going to have to grow up.
Scat fetish is bad, actually.
thanks for replying to me forgot to click off this dogshit thread.
According to who and why?
To everyone who's not a freak.
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A toast! to noticing
Zach and Sam are successful and funny, you aren't, you weasly little samefagging shitskin
How has this not gone viral in leftist circles?
how many people have you tried to report in this thread?
Christmas exanple
I agree, it's too accurate and true to life to be anything except far-right propaganda.
>seeing a lot of people talking about neopurinatism
Correction. One person
Wouldn't be this many threads if it was just one guy.
Mental illness and porn addiction are a motherfucker
>verification not required
I prefer the neopuritismfag to the mentally ill browncel who cant stop replying to himself
Just look at how much work you have to put in mentally to feel like you belong in this world
>"super secret esoteric code speak that secretly means the N-word in morse code"
>implying people wouldnt just say "nigger"
>what kind of person would be CRAZY enough to post so regularly
gee, skip. I dun fuckin know
Desmond is actually black but with severe vitiligo, chud.
Wtf I love Smiling Friends even more now. Thanks!

Unfunny and gay joke.
This show was made by terminally online twitter 4chan trolls
Don't you get it? The show is making fun of you. It's not for you. How did it take you three seasons to figure that out?
Lol cry more rick and mortyfag. Enjoy your incest fetish show.
I thought people like you only watched Rick and Morty, Bojack Horseman, Steven Universe. and shit like that.
oh the porn addict guy is an stinky jeet
isn't the creators of the show australian? biggest shitposters on this basket weaving forum
At least >>200589541 channels his mental illness into these ms powerpoints embodying the leftist essay meme etc, I should check if he has a reddit account like the other fag.
Meanwhile seth harris is a pos who replies to himself, spams ugly soulless ai shit and cries like a bitch who cant accept nobody likes him.
>Crying about "rightwing dogwhistles"
>On 4chan
Where do you think you are?
Who's that on the left?
I thought Salt and Pepper were just a joke about the implication that Mr. Salt and Mr. Pepper from Blue's Clues fucked like rabbits.
>COC (critter of color)
I laughed and I especially appreciated this bit.
Holy shit this thread. So this is the power of autism.
Yeah, non-whites and zoomers getting internet access was a mistake
I think its a decent effort of a shitpost
A real schizo would be more relentless than whatever this 2nd draft satire is
Need to see zach react to this
The whole Old Testament Jesus said was the word of God?
Fuck off neopuritian shitposter. You don't even sound convincing. You say you haven't seen the show and then immediately naming the characters and scenes like you're on a fan.

112 Palestinians died screaming in the last 24 hours
Good post OP, you convinced me to watch it and it's based. Cheers. Also episode 6 is full of chad anti-gay sentiment.
This thread made me smile. Thanks, friend.
If Zach saw this thread he would laugh his ass off kek
He’s said so many times you were never supposed to take shit seriously in it. So many people tried saying that frowning guys episode was a commentary on nihilism, politics, etc. This isn’t Rick n Morty
still nowhere near close to 6 million bud
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I look like that
Not according to your photo, Cubbins
ceaser was killed by romans I guess he wasn't a roman
He would never draw attention to this.
>season 2 episode 1 has a stereotypical wignat and the only thing that can make him smile is killing a very obvious jew (the ceo)
What did they mean by this??
Smiling Friends is straight out of the Rick and Morty school stylistically. One of the creators even made a Rick and Morty short (Bushworld Adventures, which is 100x funnier than Smiling Friends or R&M post-S2).
BREEEEXIIIT ruined my roife.
It's like chuds never watched adult animation before to realize smiling friends is extremely par for the course and isn't anything they want to project onto it.
dont use this shit. I got a trojan from it. fuck you retard who spam this shit
so this is the insane schizo they mentioned in the Forespoken playthrough?
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Biden lost
The fedora tipper?
>zoomer doesn't understand you can make fun of everything without being a right wing chud

Yeah well the last guy who was at that level went to prison for it after shitposting to terrorists to make bombs, in between making posts about white supremacists being bad/good in Reddit, Twitter and Stormfront.
The Oneyplays cast are mostly all chuds. This is why they fell out with the Grumps. They all follow Sam Hyde and make fun of leftists constantly. Every other word is a slur covered by the donkey kong noise. Bic Flame animated a few episodes too. Keep up troon, they’re not like you.
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zogman and swinger Roger Stone
So you agree that they should be canceled.
>Oneyplays cast are mostly all chuds
Jeff is a left-wing nut job
Cory is dating a tranny
Lyle is a leftoid cuck
how are you guys getting all this it's just a funny 10 minute cartoon
Notice the word MOSTLY you faggot

If they haven’t been for Sleepy Cabin they never will be. Arin tried his damndest though.
I agree with you on S1
S2 is a bit of a letdown
Literally everything normal is a "right-wing dog whistle" to you nutbags.
No, they should be given a Prime time Emmy.
>A1 foregrip and stock
>no forward assist
interesting. what did they mean by this unironically
I think it would be funny seeing Chris and Zach have a unironic mental breakdown on camera like every other YouTube apology.
lol you lost me with soijaks are racist, theyre almost always white caricatures
cool now i have more reasons to think smiling friends is based

im sure the ep about the guy who was stalking the princess that uses a bomb on her has your dogwish or whatever that means
That was about how nihilism ultimately defeats cynicism though.
>I refuse to supoort AdultSwim
*other than all the free advertising and marketing I give them with my encyclopedic knowledge of their shows
sounds pretty based desu
no one who thinks like you could ever conceive the truth
If you care hear all these "dogwhistles" what does your adept abilities at hearing say about you?
Anyone who doesn’t know this is retarded honestly. Chris was on a panel next to Josie from fishtank also follows Sam on instagram
really makes me optimistic for the future that a mainstream show ends in a speech that values family, friendship, god, and our country, actually put a tear to my eye
prayer is good for you no matter what religion you follow quit being racist
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he certainly made me realize smiling friends was more alt right than I thought it was, i sorta saw it as a moderate show
They're not Chuds. They're just mild edgelords. I've been around enough. I know the difference.
They're all at least ambiguously gay too. Pretty sure Stamper was cruising to fuck all of them, back in the day.
Frowning friends wasn't a dig at nihilists, it was a dig at cynics. Charlie is the nihilist, its a traditionally nihilist tv name from Charlie Brown to Charlie Harper to Charlie Kelly.
>oh thank god i had to use a dubious site that sends me a discord link everytime i watch a video
>but it does have it dubed in portuguese and i recomend everyone to look doug walker dubed in portuguese
(pretty pls :)
Ok so if its true that all that stuff is bad, why are you mad at them for making fun of how bad it all is?
>you can't be racist against White people
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Look at the voice actor for Grandpa Gleb, if you havent already. The end of the episode is LITERALLY a wink at the viewer that Jewish voice-actor is portraying Christianity as the "true" religion.
>The women in the scene are nothing more than sex objects,
Sure, that is exactly what everyone was thinking about that pale nerdy femcel in the one piece.
it's not what you're thinking?
Not a single one of the "critters" (ie non-human looking characters) is the color white.
alt right moron doesn't know about coding

knews at 11
Where are the new testament quotes where Jesus referenced the exact books that were canon since "The Old Testament" is actually a bunch of different things that have shifted over time and depend on your religion which exact stories are included?
>durr when I mentioned the color white, I was actually talking about the colors red, pink, green, and yellow, obviously, since I don't need to be consistent since I only speak in liberal newspeak.
Cardposting thread
Now do a similar analysis of the dozens of woke shows around. Say The Boys or Bridgerton
incelcoded comment
tardcoded codetarding
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I love that this show gets trannys so fucking mad for being different.
About the anti-nihilism stuff
If you’re referring to the frowning friends episode they’re just killed shortly after for no particular reason undercutting their new take on life. They do this a lot where, yeah it seems like a pro-Christian show but then make a joke about how Charlie’s grandma was sent to Hell for a trivial reason. But I don’t think any of those are meant to be serious at all or say anything about Zack or Michael. I think people are looking way too deep into this shit
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NGL the girls are really hot.
>not including le sex penis vagina dude sex sex sex stuff in your show is bad
You know you can create life by fucking, right?
Smiling Friends is what a right-wing show should actually be
Not cucked GoAnimate NFT goyslop garbage like Mr. Birchum

I thought it was a shout out to leo and satan.

I will accept this as truth IF you can provide a similar summary of all the altright dogwhistles contained in the show the big bang theory.
>COC (critter of color
Lmfao, quality shitpost
You really want to go for a deep dive, there’s a couple of times where bible authors cross-reference other books that are not in the bible today / no longer exist.
Dude these retards can't just add oneyplays 2022 as a source, I'm not going through hundreds of videos to find the correct one
chudfags are incapable of making high tier art or comedies lol suck it chudfag
>chud chud chud
Broken record ass nigga lol
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mfw the cartoon implies I shouldn't spent 16 hours a day gooning and playing Mouse Quest II
OP, I hope this is bait. If not, I hope you fucking die. Kill yourself. People like you are evil, scum of the Earth, and the reason the world today is so horrible to live in.
sounds based
i will watch it
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>The schizo diaper fetishist is still seething about being called out on Oneyplays
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I know this is just a meme but even if Smiling Friends was a psyops to instill Christian values on people it's really funny that the left would rather people be miserable, reclusive, social outcasts, and suicidal than to improve their lives and become happy people.
Bro I am not fucking reading that
is this like nu age happy tree friends or some shit
I can't believe I've been chudding around this whole time
This guy posts this every night he’s a Lolcow I wish I knew who he was schizophrenia can be very funny. I wonder what else triggers him?
>a future school shooter took the time to "research" Smiling Friends to throw a tantrum about it

Yea idk about all that. I’m a 34 year old bisexual man and I can kind of understand how a straight man in his early 20s could become more conservative or alt right. Casual sex is a bit overemphasized in western youth culture and there’s so much extreme stuff like strong weed, gangster rap, hardcore porn. For gen x and millennials we are older and saw that stuff advance in our lifetimes and got comfortable with it as it was happening. For zoomers growing up in this culture I could see how it would seem crazy.
Why else do you think he'd get so triggered when someone says scat fetish is gross and harmful?
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> I’m a 34 year old bisexual man

thoughts on bbc ?? u seem like a wise sage, thanks for ur advice
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Wait a minute, I thought only democrats and libs had the artist gene and could create something good, cool and popular? Chuds shouldn't be able to create something like Smiling Friends!!!!
But I thought cancel culture was just a myth?
> I can see how zoomies are going conservative/ alt right
Why? How is the status quo benefiting younger generations?
That's just what leftism has always been about. If the people actually became happy and prosperous there wouldn't be any need for leftists to save them anymore, therefore every single leftist policy is made by grifters and designed to perpetuate misery while promising that the utopia will come in just two more weeks.
Trumpfags vote against their own economic interests
Bot post.
bait, why would a streaming website send you a condom?
Is this that "media illiteracy" I keep hearing about?
Why isn't the main gang considered cocs?
That's Jennifer. Pay attention when a woman is talking.
>the devil is bad
and you find this offensive because...?
I know like the show even more. Thanks for the unpaid shilling work OP. Also remember that YWNBAW
They're white coded/white-passing coded. Allan is a "model minority" stereotype rooted in white supremacy.
I'm glad I'm not terminally online with political brain rot. But I am glad you're a leftist piece of shit that wakes up miserable and goes to sleep miserable :). Your boy made a fool of himself last night too :)
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>he didn't notice that Mr. Frog is a Pepe reference
This is exactly like something Zach would say
Zach is successful and funny, yes.
Scam Hyde is a worthless unfunny LARPer preying off fatherless zoomers like you after the show his parents paid for bombed horribly.
an animator molested me in 2011 and thats why i samefag all day
Sam Hyde has never illicited a genuine laugh in his life. His entire career is built off his fans' parasocial relationship with him.
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You're so mad, why don't you pretend to be a woman again to cope?

What will I never be, anon? I'm in suspense.
Link that reset era thread please.
Link pls
seth n harris has never illicited a genuine laugh in his life. his entire career is built off him samefagging himself
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>you’re very obviously a right wing person larping as the neopuritan guy. you aren’t smart enough to falseflag effectively and it’s too obvious

I don't really see a meaningful difference.
Why wouldn't you assume the "real" neopuritan guy is a right wing troll?
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>t. pic related
It would be a waste of time even if you did.
Episodes are frequently deleted and reuploaded to remove swear words or racial humor.
>Yeah well the last guy who was at that level went to prison for it after shitposting to terrorists to make bombs, in between making posts about white supremacists being bad/good in Reddit, Twitter and Stormfront.




(pretty please with sugar on top)
Who's that?
Lucifer was a rebel, he was an anarchist and a feminist who believed in Eve.
>Jeff is a left-wing nut job
Literally who?
Which playthrough has Jeff and Cory has said he would fuck a Male Sonic but when has he mentioned fucking a tranny?
>Arin tried his damndest though.
Why do you say that?
Gemmy show.
Cardposting? What's that?
wtf is this shit lol
What happens when you give Chuds an inch.
chatgpt or reddit pasta?
>>Jeff is a left-wing nut job
>Literally who?
The biggest fan of Markiplier, Angry Joe, Minecraft, and Jimmy Neutron.
I kept getting recommended a video with this scene in the thumbnail and the title was something like "smiling friends just made the best joke in television history"
God I hate youtubers sometimes
lol zoomers, that guy shot ronald reagan. he got out a couple years ago and makes music
This just makes me like zach and the show even more and i'm not even a neofaggot or whatever the word is. This is just hilarious
As a standard white man zoomer who has been seeing this show for talked about but ignoring it. I shall say:
The show is alright, overall humor aside from the politics is good, when le politics, funny references such as >>200581987 , and when it mimicked the liberals getting mad at black face.
I'm only on episode 6 or so, does feel like it gives me low key brainrot though fr fr, probably just the pacing of the show

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