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>Last 24 years were all a dream
>You wake up in front of your TV
>It's really Saturday January 1, 2000
>You left the TV on the TV Guide channel again

You would never be able to make friends for a long time because you'd think your friends from back then act like retards and they would hate you for your new very adult personality.
Nice thought
>invents bitcoin
No. Your personality would revert to an age appropriate state as it now resides in your younger brain and body and all the physiological inputs to temperament that accompany them
2000 wasn't a good year for me
i would stay up late to watch GGW commercials and there was this one ad that was just titcows trying on bras for an hour.
It would be somewhere in the middle, but
would be mostly true.
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>it’s going to be OK, Pal. You just set it and forget it.

Thanks Ron.
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>Wake up and it's Saturday morning
>4Kids is still on
>Watch Sonic X with cup of instant noodles
>Who Knew by Pink plays somewhere from a radio off in the distance
TV Guide channel was shit compared to Prevue. 2000 is too close to the end of the good times. Barely worth it.
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>Last 24 years were all a dream
I pray for this every day
>go back to a time I wasn't alive
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losing circuit city was a net positive
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Especially once TV Guide channel moved off the old Amiga hardware and for a time used that god awful yellow version that ran on Windows NT-based hardware, at least later they got rid of the awful yellow color but ugh, what in the name of fuck were they thinking in 2000-2003
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i have no idea why this store existed. I never met a person in my life that bought anything from here. It was that store in the mall you went in to look but never bought shit like Hot Topic.
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Time to dump all my allowance into Monster Energy.
>invest all my money into google and apple
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Apple was already too big. Go for amazon
At one point, Electronics Boutique had a “no questions asked” return policy on software. “Buy, Burn, Return” was the order of the day.
*proceeds to make the same mistakes from that dream, thinking things will go different this time*
Oops haha
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All of this is gone because we don't live in a high trust society. While I want to blame the liberals it really is just a total failure of our entire political system that we have to live worse than our parents
welp, I'm officially depressed now.
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Who knew came out in 2006
>make friends
If you had friends you wouldn't need fi make them, retard. There are a lot of people on /tv/ who weren't little kids in 2000 as well.
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Our cable package didn't include a guide channel
Blockbuster used to have the unlimited game pass. I had a 1st gen portable cd burner so I would rent PS1 and Dreamcast games, go to my car, burn them then return them and get another. I usually got 10-15 until they would get mad and ban me but there was like a BB every 2 miles back then and they never talked to one another so I would just go to another. I had so many free games it was unreal.
zoomer faggot :)
>it's a good thing to be old and close to death
weird flex but ok
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Says you ill would buy Vinyls and Mangas from there And A shit ton of stuff from hot topic
I loved the clear plastic fad, now most of the time the only things you can find still doing it are shit meant for prisons and that's only so they cant hide shanks inside
How old are you? Before internet shopping became a big thing, this is where you went for niche movies you couldn't find in a video rental store. There were movies there that I couldn't find anywhere else.
Even if you were 20 in the year 2000, you've probably got another 30+ years. So you're accusing him.of being close to death despite having more years to live than you've had alive so far.
He sees me being younger as some insult despite him being closer to death than I am so that's a weird thing to flex about. I will take youth and not growing up with blockbuster over being old any day
No one is "flexing" people just think zoomers are like gay niggers.
>it's a good thing to be old
Nigga I'm still in my twenties. As for death, anyone can die at any time. It's even possible Clint Eastwood could outlive you.
I'd buy all the airline tickets I could afford, just to fly in pre-9/11 conditions.
*sigh* it was actually bearable back then...
Nigga it's getting tiring on this site when you simply mention you are under 30 and butthurt millennials whine about you and your age. They are becoming worse more bitter versions of baby boomers
>it's the year 2002
>you've got computer class
>everyone's talking about fun times in diablo 2 and counterstrike
>someone shows you the peanut butter jelly time video which seems cutting edge
>play tetris on the gameboy color while waiting for the bus
>get home and watch toonami
>go to the store and buy the latest issue of mad magazine and another which is just cheat codes for videogames
>stop at blockbuster, all new releases are out of stock as always, rent Ghost in the shell because the cover looks cool
>buy a chocotaco during checkout
I'm a millenial under 30
That's great but I guarantee you this person is a bitter butthurt millennial >>200587589 like holy shit you thought baby boomers were bad
huh. I might be able to change a handful of key issues in my life at the time, if so, the knock on effects will be tremendous. And yet somehow, my relationship with my peers will get worse, and my relationship with the older generations will become catastrophically bad.

I either thrive or end up fucking dead within a year. No inbetween. But....thats what happens when you understand what was being done to you.
>reading my harmless comment upset him and made him tired
How old are you jesus christ?
just one year earlier would be nice
kys "nigga"
Is this your first day on this site?
fly out to meet my dad and make sure he doesn't die.
watch some tv together, highlander the series and some crap scifi films.
go for a pizza

>Wake up and it is October 25, 2000
>Megaman Legends 2 just released
>2002 was 24 years ago
Literally the evil burger restaurant in Good Burger lol.

I wake up in Harlingen TX., spent the whole of last night trying to find a NYE party. Tried to hit one out on the island but they were turning people away by the time we got there.
Watched MTV with Carson Daily ringing in the new year at David's place. His dad was concerned about Y2K so there's not even anything to drink but room temperature coke.
are you a retard
or are you just retarded
Makes sense now why that upset you.

Again is this your first day on this site? This isn't reddit. This website is pretty chaotic. There are no rules or standards.
>this is what a salad looks like in America
>plebbitor reveals itself
you don't fit here you fucking faggot, the other is right, you're wrong. eat shit
I turn off the TV, boot up my PS2, and watch The Matrix for the hundredth time. Cable television was trash in 2000.
you're a retarded cunt it seems.
maybe stop being a retarded cunt, don't act like a retard and shut the fuck up you no nothing worthless fuckwit.
I wonder how that owl is doing.
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Defeatists and demoralization ITT.
Life is about pushing forward in spite of the futility.
The nostalgic examples here are just different flavors of consumerism. Make tomorrow better.
>n...n...no u
That's how you know you won the argument.

Wrong again.
>my house, gf and kid were all a dream
I think I'd probably kill myself if that were true.
at only 3,500 calories, it's great for those on a diet!
We did mail order. My dad had a Columbia House Record Club membership so he'd get monthly albums and catalogues. I remember getting my Mom to order The Chase with Charlie Sheen over the phone for me because I knew the television edit cut out a side shot of Kristy Swanson's tit.
Hoo knows ;)
you've already admitted you have no idea what's going on in this thread, you write like a desperate for attention female, and you've already shown yourself to be a plebbit cretin.
post your tits or smash your head into the keyboard until it or you stops working.
>child out of wedlock
negro tier
>All of this is gone because we don't live in a high trust society.
All of this is gone because technology changed rhe way we consume media and purchase cheap goods. But sure, the free market isn't real and your ideological enemies are to blame for your nostalgia driven ennui. Dumb ass.
>using jew marketing terms to define which group you belong to
did you forget what decades were
Threads like these become a bigger threat when you realise the morons making them would have everyone return to christcuck controlled 90s era where violent video games were called satanic and segregation was continuing in all but name. They weren’t good times, you were a dumb child growing up in a bubble. It’s fine to revisit that bubble, but when you start emotionally manipulating people to revert all the good changes that have been made since then you become a problem that needs to be dealt with.
You are still mad about a harmless comment I made an hour ago
different guy you newfag spastic, kill yourself
The Sears catalog existed for decades anon and people still went into stores to buy things. It's absolutely left leaning people like you who destroyed this country and any identity it had
I would put my retard hat back on so fast it would break the sound barrier.
>Threads like these become a bigger threat when you realise the morons making them would have everyone return to christcuck controlled 90s era where violent video games were called satanic and segregation was continuing in all but nam
Heres the thing. Christcucks simply said they were bad. Democrat politicians like Hillary Clinton, Joe Liberman and others tried to pass bills to eliminate them but by all means rewrite history.
It doesn't matter who you are you are whining to me about something I did an hour ago. Another angry old person who can't accept they aren't young anymore
>it’s the democrats fault
holy projection, well done for outing yourself
At least some of this cool plastic lives in in our testicles.
>The Sears catalog existed for decades anon and people still went into stores to buy things
Because it is faster to go buy something from a store than it is to wait several days/weeks/months to ship something. That started to change only when shipping times got down two 2 days and less and when the breadth of stores to order from became comprehensive. Same reason streaming beats theaters. The convenience provided by the technology is too great.
>you are now watching MadTV
It's a rerun.
>On December 9, 1993, and March 4, 1994, members of the combined United States Senate Committees on Governmental Affairs and the Judiciary held congressional hearings with several spokespersons for companies in the video game industry including Nintendo and Sega, involving violence in video games and the perceived impacts on children
>The hearings, led by Senators Joe Lieberman and Herb Kohl, put the video game companies to task for the realistic depiction of violence in video games, and threatened that Congress would take action to regulate the industry if they did not take steps themselves
Liberman and Kohl were Democrats. Do you want more examples you stupid retard history rewriter?
It's faster to go to a store now though rather than wait 2 days or less.
Those mistakes made the journey back then mean something, it’s the consequences now that suck
>go to the mall randomly on a weekend
>very good chance you'll see someone you know there
I kinda miss it
And that's why stores still exist and the world isn't just covered in warehouses. But it's not meaningfully faster and so it becomes a much more attractive option for things you don't literally need now. And even then, same day delivery or order pick up exists for nearly anything you need right now. There are far fewer reasons, today, to physically visit a store, and that's why things like malls, niche shops, and large deparment stores have taken the hit they have. This is all enabled by technology that didn't exist (or was vastly less efficient) 20 plus years ago.
Bought tons of anime there, you must be a zoomer.
>he can't hide his power level
if my friends wanted to go do dumb shit you better believe i'd put that mask back on too
Nigga I'm not your wall text.
Summarize it in 3 words or less.
Your entire rebuttal was about shipping taking too long. If that is the concern as you said the best and fastest way is to go now and the sears catalog wasn't that much of a difference either like a week or two. People used to be able to wait a week just fine. The reason people won't go to malls is because they are day care centers for brown teens and in big cities like NYC, LA and San Fran big box retailers are leaving due to retarded democrat laws and policies when it comes to shop lifting. Democrats are making everything worse but as I said in my first post Republicans are letting them and taking kick backs so they deserve blame too
I accept your concession
I would unironically kill myself if I had to do it all over again. I'm just now kind of well-adjusted in life with my own family and a good career. I don't want to go back to being 15 years old.
Suncoast Motion Picture Company still exists at my local mall. It looks basically like that, still. I've never bought anything from it either, but I still like to browse around in there if I happen to be at the mall.
My parents always lied for me on those just so I could get a free pizza
I could read at a college level by the time I was 10 anyway
Zip it, faggot. We used to beat little fairies like you back in the 90s.
I fucking wish “x people who saw this thread didn’t care enough to respond” was a counter here. Fuck it would solve so many problems.
My entire rebuttal is that it's easier today to order things than it used to be. Nobody goes to malls because the only attraction was to be able to able to visit a bunch of shops in a single trip. The internet makes that convenience factor obsolete. This is trivial, anon. I don't know why you're disputing this. The notion that online shopping is not easier and more convenient than catalogue orders multiple decades ago, and that consumers don't value that convenience, is retarded.
Oh god the best years of my life. I had a bisexual Asian girlfriend that liked to have threesome sex with black and Latina girls. She had a weir no Asians rule.
It was easy before too. Only 1 extra step and that was going on the phone calling someone to take your order.

Way to ignore my point about liberal policies shutting down big box retailers.
You had to flip through pages and pages of physical catalogues, note down product skus, call or mail in payment, wait multiple weeks. It is absolutely not as easy as online shopping with search functions and the ability to save cart contents and to quickly compare prices at other retailers and quick delivery and free returns. Again, this is trivial. Why insist on announcing yourself as retarded?

I didn't ignore your shoplifting argument. It simply isn't relevant. A minority of box stores shutting down in certain specific markets because their margins were too low to survive an increase in loss due to theft has nothing to do with the universal change across the nation in how modern shopping has changed. Technology is what has changed it.
I wasn't born yet.
Imagine waking up and you're still in your dad's balls and you can't get along with his other swimmers because mentally you're much more adult.
>You had to flip through pages and pages of physical catalogues, note down product skus, call or mail in payment, wait multiple weeks.
How is this inconvenient? It's the same as amazon only you have to call. Way to exaggerate.

>I didn't ignore your shoplifting argument. It simply isn't relevant.
The arguments was liberals ruining society and creating an anti trust society. That is 100% on topic.
>shop lifting rates get worse and worse
>stores closing
This is just NYC. This is also 100% due to liberal laws about bail reforms. These stores would exist if not for the left including stores in other states and this is just drug stores. The same is happening to Target and other stores. If not for the left social cohesion all across this country would not be breaking down.

By the way malls in "affluent" areas aka white are actually doing well because these places are not littered with blacks and spics constantly shop lifting

I am an empathetic person that always puts other's needs above my own, but I have to admit that I would commit unspeakable things, condemn millions to death or worse, to be transported to the early 80s all the way through 2007 or so, at my current age.
You can't type in a keyword and have a catalogue return relevant results, anon. No catalogue on the planet will return as many potential hits as the internet.
>The arguments was liberals ruining society and creating an anti trust society
No, the argument was that people do less in person shopping today than they did 24 years ago. Well, no shit. There were also fewer people talking to each other online. What a revelation.
>This is just NYC. This is also 100% due to liberal laws about bail reforms
Exactly, this is just New York City and this is just within the last few years. The trends we are talking about started well before this and affect the entire nation. They are not limited to specific markets.
That article says that mall traffic is up in low tier malls as well, anon.
>liberals and niggers killed malls
>as proof here is this article that shows mall revenue is up

I would immediately start buying amazon stock and bitcoin.

You just outed yourself as a retard downplaying the cost of theft.
Suncoast was THE place to get poorly dubbed anime with visible tits in it.
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What the fuck happened to aesthetics man? 95% of the images ITT are just storefronts and ads but they look so damn good, why is everything now so flat and fucking ugly?
>Y2K design
pure fucking orgasm, goddamn

Unironically brutalism as a form of humiliation propaganda. You will get nothing beautiful because you are lower than the elites and must be reminded of it every moment of every day.
Ok but why? Happy cattle are productive cattle and much less likely to rebel.

You're thinking from your perspective, not theirs.
>new very adult personality.
I do not have one of these though

On the topic of why people shop less in person than they did 24 years ago, theft downplays itself. The impact is clearly negligible on the scale we're talking.
>Shoplifting incidents reported to police have rebounded since falling dramatically in 24 large American cities during 2020. But whether the overall tally is up or down compared with pre-pandemic levels depends on the inclusion of New York City. With New York’s numbers included, reported incidents were 16% higher (8,453 more incidents) in the study cities during the first half of 2023 compared to the first half of 2019; without New York, the number was 7% lower (-2,552 incidents).
It is only in certain markets that you are seeing this this trend. Shoplifting does not account for the broader change in shopping trends.
I had a dream like that. Or maybe it was that I was teleported into my younger self. I remember wondering if I should go on 4chan and warn people about 9/11 but realized it eouldnt exist for anoyher four years.
I would be already friends with them and they would think I'm suddenly cooler.
I was at a wake today and was talking to a cousin about old crt tvs.
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2000? No. Further back...
I would be enjoying inexistence for the next 4 years
I would in a heartbeat trade some Christians calling video games bad over what society has become today. I like playing vidya but it’s not even a hard choice
>parents are alive
>best friend hadnt committed suicide
>i had a social life
>i had a job

Bro take me back
>new very adult personality
Negro posts on 4chan. 99% he's a retarded subhuman manchild.
High IQ post
what a lot of kids forget is the late 90s and early 00s (before 9/11) were so bad in the west that anime became globally popular.
Taco Bell?
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Wendy's. Here is Taco Bell.
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Looks like arbys
Have an old Pizza Hut too?
Year 2000 issues of Cheri. Those glossy covers with the chicks naked in pools or whatever. My friend had one we kept passing around.
Nvm, anon is right. Definitely a wendy's
I was a one-year-old. Can a one-year-old's brain even contain an adult personality?
im so tired of these fucking nostalgia threads. im so tired of having to remember how my only life memories even from childhood revolve aroun television bullshit. yeah great, january 1 2000. i was 8 years old and was actually a happy child, blissfully unaware of how horrific my life would become.

i wish my 8 year old self could see me now as a 32 year old with no friends, kissless virginity, no career, still living with parents, and absolutely zero positive to reflect on in three decades of life. might be the youngest ever suicide to prevent the following 25 years of misery.
I suppose
They want you to rebel so they can turn their dogs on you, expand the police state and further curtail your freedoms.
an hero
tough times kid, but one day you'll grow up big and strong
My Taco Bell looked like this until around 2018-19.
Crazy how Pizza hut still looks like this
I don't care when anybody says anything that was poured into this cup made it taste 100 times better
i'm tired of them because blockbuster fucking sucked. never anything in stock, entire walls for fucking jerry macguire, all rented out of course, and then suddenly they want to sell brutalized VHS copies of it for $30, then $20, then, THEY'RE ALL IN THE FUCKING DUMPSTER BECAUSE ITS BETTER TO JUST WRITE OFF THE LOSS OF THE BILLION COPIES THEY ORDERED THAN IT IS TO JUST FUCKING SELL THEM AND ITS ALSO A FUCKING CRIME TO JUST GET THEM OUT OF THE DUMPSTER


Only zoomers have "nostalgia" for renting videos. That shit sucked, and there's a fucking reason blockbuster went out of business
anon, blockbuster was gone before generation z was conscious. its millennials and late generation x that are nostalgic for it... ... ... and only the ones who could get into a blockbuster just after school let out.

(,_. )
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>anon, blockbuster was gone before generation z was conscious
Yeah, that's my point. Nobody but zoomers gives a shit about blockbuster.
Hey Marty ;)
no. no.... you miss my point. large amounts of generations X and Y liked/loved blockbuster because that was where they went to directly after school.

t. late gen X who never got there just after school ( ._.)
This photo was taken in 2020
I just want to live in a world without niggers.
It does? All the pizza huts near me are delivery and pickup only
Do people call the era the 2000s or pre 9/11 America?
All the chairs and tables are stacked in a corner, but everything is still there
i'd be really sad because having a kid is awesome.
Was pre-9/11 unironically as hopeful as all the pics make it seem?
gosh, the early 2000s had such a dreamy quality. you can't tell me that humanity hasn't become less spiritual in the past 15 years
In a few years people will be nostalgic for pre 2008 financial crisis
this image fills me with dread
They aren't already?
Caroline in the City
I remember those kinds of shows kept up for awhile from the 90s. It was like an actress that was big in the movies gets some quirky sitcom where they are navigating this single life craziness. Like your Cybill, Suddenly Susan,and Caroline in the City.
Want a job and can't get movie roles again? Get in a sitcom.
>be kid
>try hard in life to contribute to society
>grow up
>"Finally, I'm in the real world and can now be an active part in the world and my community!"
>everything is globohomo
>everyone who speaks English talks like niggers
>the other 1/3 only speak Spanish
>low trust society where any effort to take the first step or give people an ounce of trust will result in you getting fucked over
>women hate men and pop out abominations with niggs who will inevitably leave them
Holy shit I unironically just wanted to be a good goy but I can't even do that unless I somehow learn to tolerate the degeneracy all around us. It's not even worth forming bonds with the average normie anymore.
Malls were mankind's first step towards archologies. Then in the mid-90s they went "Nah, we choose jews instead" and here we are.
>tv guide channel
my grandparents used to think this was some kind of complex high tech
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>very adult personality
nigga i aint feeling more adult than i was when i was 18. Older yeah sure, but no adult.
t. 35
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Jesus, remember when Taco Bell was edible. An entire plotline of a movie involved them winning a franchise war. Imagine that appearing in anything but a comedy today.
Kek loser
Don't try to use logic to understand the actions of rich childfuckers. Remember, wimmin are in charge now and all they care about is hurting people.
If that store was still open it'd be a GameStop full of Funko pops
The baja beef gordita was probably where Mexican food peaked. Mexico has never recovered from that loss.
It would be worse than that
>emotionally scarred
>childhood ruined
>the future is going to repeat itself or be just as bad since the machinations were already underway in 2000
Your only choice is to bet on all the right things and stocks and be some sort of neo-Biff Tannen or become a soothsayer
>room temperature coke
I prefer room temperature coke, but I had not reached that conclusion in 2000.
jokes on you I never grew up
Peter Pan syndrome
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i had a tv with the guide but does anyone how my tv knew all the tv listings? my old crt was never connected to the internet or did it have cable just the tv antenna.
Hope things turn around for you.
Yup. We could have had an all-nuclear grid with free energy and colonies on Mars by now, but women starting voting in blocks and got the ick from thinking about the easily solved problem of nuclear waste.
>implying I didn't leave E! on and now it's playing Wild On! with Brooke followed by Girls Gone Wild ads.
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Where so you fall here?
I am between late gen x and early millenial.
I bought a shitton of inuyasha manga there
Core millennial ('88). SNES/OG Gameboy should include us. A lot of those "early millennial" shows should also be core millennial.
1: You're never going to Mars because it has less than 40% Earth gravity which is lethal.

2: You store the nuclear waste in your living room and we'll call it a deal.
the actual dividing line is the point where internet access became ubiquitous, in the late 90s. no, i am not going to look at your shitty image to figure out where that happened.
Core GenX. Also known as the Wagon Train Generation. We are the greatest as we had one foot in the analog world and one in the digital. We can do anything but we don’t care to.
fuck that. that's retarded.
I want to use my new adult knowledge and temperament to dominate life.
also it would provide me a way to determine if the current generation is really more retarded.
sort of wish this image went back further to cartoons of the 40s, 50s and early to mid-1960s, they had those on VHS tapes as well.
>only choice
like that's a bad thing. you can be a minor king in the current era with the wealth you'd accrue.
Yeah, at least for the millennial stuff, a lot of the older things are missing. We watched old Hannah Barbara and Scooby Doo.
I'd be really let down. I like where my life is right now. Upside is I'd totally do much better in school and probably appreciate the free time given to me. I'd also invest in Apple, Amazon, and Bitcoin ASAP.
Core Millenial/Gen Y kid culture here
Now I have the Pepper Ann theme song stuck in my head
the happiest day of my life (until very recently) was going to an old farm to watch three hours of Casper cartoons.
*chef's kiss*
>shitty image
it really is a piece of shit. it's not clear what it's trying to communicate. it looks like a bunch of noise.
whoever made it wasted their time.
>mid-decade to mid-decade
We're about due aren't we?
flat design is a fucking nightmare, get me out of this hellhole
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I might tune into Saudi Channel Two because it was a thing back then
>blockbuster was gone before generation z
Blockbuster closed in 2010 in my area so some older zoomers probably remember.
Not really, their warranties were better than anything you could get today. They turned into Car Max, which is a terrible business.
My childhood Suncoast is one of two locations still open. Pretty sure all the anime I bought there when I was little is what kept them going. They're probably still waiting on me to come back to die.
Based young coomer.
My god
Core Gen X baaaaybeeeee
Is this a normal meal for one American?
> I report Jeffrey Epstein to the IRS in about 2015 and claim the tax money payout thing
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I still know most of my friends from back then.
>end up watching Purdue vs Washington St again
>t. hysterical kikel
Cunt YOU are doing that now, except everything is racist and transphobic and instead of being a chrigger you're just the old fashioned type of kike.
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I fantasize about this all the time
But then my adult brain kicks in
>we know...

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