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why was she indifferent to being kidnapped?
Cause Gallo thinks every bimbo airhead wants to be with him for the rest of her life the Moment she sees him. Nothing more
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Have you seen his website yet?
Women want to be kidnapped. Go to your local grocery store and just grab one like you're grabbing a loaf of bread, they won't even try to stop you. Try it!
>If the purchaser of the sperm chooses the option of natural insemination, there is an additional charge of $500,000.
Fucking KEK. Pay me a million so you can have my baby, another 500 grand if you want me to actually fuck you. Honestly based, I wish I had such a high opinion of myself.
they do but not bimbos. These days, it's arthoes
>Mr. Gallo maintains the right to refuse sale of his sperm to those of extremely dark complexions.
AHAHAHAHAHAHA this has to be a shitpost
I tried watching Buffalo '66 with my GF but she was very innately disgusted with it. We only watched like 15 mins of it or so. She's kinda like a femcel or something, Idk. She hated Gallo's character for being a loser who got out of prison and the idea of being kidnapped and tossed around by that guy I guess made her sick. Also I think she thought the bimbo was a pick-me or something as well. I didn't particularly like the movie at that point but I was curious enough to watch more and see what happens but she just couldn't stomach it lol. I thought women like this movie? Idk, I see art hoes always talking about it and shit
It only gets better

>In fact, for the next 30 days, he is offering a $50,000 discount to any potential female purchaser who can prove she has naturally blonde hair and blue eyes. Anyone who can prove a direct family link to any of the German soldiers of the mid-century will also receive this discount. Under the laws of the Jewish faith, a Jewish mother would qualify a baby to be deemed a member of the Jewish religion. This would be added incentive for Mr. Gallo to sell his sperm to a Jew mother, his reasoning being with the slim chance that his child moved into the profession of motion picture acting or became a musical performer, this connection to the Jewish faith would guarantee his offspring a better chance at good reviews and maybe even a prize at the Sundance Film Festival or an Oscar.
I don't think most of them have actually watched it, they just saw aesthetic screenshots of it on pinterest
I read the whole thing every time its posted, its just too good
There has been a few edits of it on youtube. Thats how most people know the movie. Aesthetically its a very pleasing movie to watch.
I would dump any bitch who wouldn't let me finish kino.
i never understood that too
Ricci booba is the only reason I opened this thread and I am disappointed
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>My introduction to Anjelica Houston, she had fucked me so bad, can I, say that, she had screwed me so bad in preproduction in the conniving manipulations of her conniving agent to boost my budget 50 grand.
>Suddenly, it wasn’t enough that we paid her a quarter of amillion for 3 days. The GREAT Anjelica Houston. God forbid that she should have a job where she works. Forget that we paid her a quarter of a million, suddenly she has to have her own hair person. They have to fly first class her own makeup person, her assistant, the wig, the $20,000 wig. And it’s all coming out of basically my salary. The final straw is that she refused to work Easter Sunday. So, Easter Sunday we’re forced to film an exterior shot because we have no cover set, we had planned Anjelica’s inside scene and there’s this blizzard storm of rain and snow which was not a good continuity match for other scenes. So, we’re filming with this tarp over the thing, but I’m dying. I mean, my life is over, my film is ruined, I’m screwed because of Anjelica and she pulls up in a limousine. She comes in a big limousine and the window rolls down and the assistant comes out and says to me while I’m filming on set. Anjelica thought that maybe you can take an hour off and rehearse with her for tomorrow’s scene
>Yes, that was the point. That was the whole point. I said, “You tell that vicious cunt, you tell that bitch, that cunt to get the fuck off my set.” I looked right at her and she looked at me and then she started balling. Because the girls, you know, they got to twist you that way. She started balling and then she pulls away. We straightened it out later that night, but then still, you’ve got to stop. But then she was an angel, then suddenly she’s the nicest. OK, what can I do for you, Vinnie Gallo?” You can show up on Easter Sunday and not break the team
millenial arthoes loved it. assuming your gf is some kind of woke zoomer might be all different now
Based. Absolute perfection
Every girl I've shown it to absolutely loved it
stop letting a woman decide what you watch. She just tricked you into believing she has he own opinions, she probably watched a tiktok that says the movie is fascist.
arthoes existed back then too retard thats who he made the film for
you must be ugly
this, literally the hotter the girl the more they fucking love it, without exception
now post the tapdancing ones
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literally me
literally us anon, this scene is amazing
oooohhh... we got the big boy expert of arthoes here gentlemen
that's right
I fucked most of your pretty older sisters during their college smoking era's
based my sisters are trans btw
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