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Movies/series about why small American towns and states so decayed, ugly, dystopian and grim?
Michael Jackson used to moonwalk these very streets
Niggers enter, whites leave
Simple as
You WILL watch Gummo and you WILL be happy and you won't be a giant smug faggot about it who thinks all midwesterners should be put in FEMA camps because they don't understand the joys of hustle and bustle.
gary is lowkey kino. best beaches in the u.s., great food, hella drugs easy to score
did you know that the ASCE rates America's drinking water at C-
movies and videos about nice American towns won't get views
the Florida Project is pretty on point, went to university in Florida and there is a pretty huge and ubiquitous underclass that lives out of motels in most Florida cities

the US in general has a pretty settled policy preference for letting areas prosper or decay as their economic conditions warrant, New England is littered with long abandoned farms deep in the woods and the West is dotted with old mining and ranching boom towns that are long abandoned. there's a long cultural tradition of people migrating to follow work and opportunities
people relocate now less than people in 1950
Best beaches? Yea swimming in freshwater water in Lake Michigan in the summer and somehow there’s seagulls and there’s warning signs about bacteria infection
>Movies/series about why
>about why
Racism isn't allowed on this board
that's not true look at the southern border.
he said people
That was approximately 70 years ago.
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What's even going on in Indiana? I've never heard of anything happening there or anyone living there.
I'm literally there right now.
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The Goose directed a movie, Lost River (2014), that is set in a run down town.
Nepotism, niggers, democrat policies and female voters enabling it all.
Why don't midwestern crackheads just move into the cities?
>The History Channel documentary Life After People was filmed in Gary, exploring areas that have deteriorated or been abandoned because of the loss of jobs and residents.[51]
how embarrassing
im a big city slicker and in a few weeks im moving to a bumfuck rural hick small town with a population of 1000. doing it for a reset and fresh start. what am i in for?
If you was "big city slicker" and never experienced small town life, and mostly the people of these towns, then you are fucked.
why am i fucked :(
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My towns fucking awesome. Don’t you about you fags.
What are the downsides of living in the midwest
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>im a big city slicker and in a few weeks im moving to a bumfuck rural hick small town with a population of 1000. doing it for a reset and fresh start. what am i in for?
What's the population of the county? What is the economic situation of the area? How close is the grocery store, hardware store etc... to your house? All these will change the experience of a rural town.

Also, if your rural town is within a few miles of a town or city with a larger population, most of those rural folks may just be people that don't mind a farther distance to the grocery in exchange for lower taxes.
>What's the population of the county?
2022 census says like 1400
>What is the economic situation of the area?
info says there's a lot of work available but ill be working remote
>How close is the grocery store, hardware store etc... to your house?
jewgle maps says they're all within minutes of my house
>rural folks may just be people that don't mind a farther distance to the grocery in exchange for lower taxes.
the town is like 30 minutes outside of a major city
>small American towns
Gary is a shithole city full of niggas. It's not a small town.
Manufacturing leaves, people leave
Simple as
I truly think as housing costs get higher, people are going to start to return to these rust belt cities for how much value you can get. Not all the cities but I'd wager at rust belt city with major sports teams (detorit, Indianapolis, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Pittsburgh etc) Are the best buys someone could make right now.
Gary isn't, or rather wasn't, a small town. At its height, its population density was around 4k people per square mile which falls just short of triple the current average US city density.
Nothing anymore. All the factories closed down.
Great place 50 years ago but that's what happens when you let crooks in and use the city's budget as their piggy bank. I remember when I was in middle school, and this lady took money from the city to fund her trip to Hawaii.
It's easy to blame him, but outsourcing started at least a decade before he got in. And regardless of that, you just can't compete with a nation of people who will happily accept peanuts in compensation for risking their life in hazardous work conditions.
Capitalism doesn't work, your towns go to shit, jobs disappear, you get ethnically replaced by immigrants who don't notice how bad things have gotten and will gladly take your jobs and do it for less and with a smile.

You can blame it on "niggers" or whatever, the reality is that China literally produces like 1/2 the steel in the world now.

Communism wins.
You should watch Anchorage.
I love zero-budget pictures. Anchorage is a depressing little flick about two brothers, both of them unsable drug addicts, driving across the country and staying in abandoned buildings. It's got some great imagery, all shot in real abandoned shitholes in America.
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what we can see is that nationalism wins. and a relatively fixated ethno/cultural identity that last more than one decade helps too.
I drove through here on my way back from Chicago one time, it was comfy kino in a Stalker (1979) way
niggers aren't the problem, it's a symptom, if a town had jobs and opportunities wypipo wouldn't leave
>small American town
gary was a medium sized city until the steel industry shut down

here's a beginner's guide
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Meanwhile Communism lost the Cold War and most of China lives in conditions unironically worse than this, literally renting CAGES ON THE STREET to live in and eating food cooked with oil salvaged from sewers.
Corporate greed
>i am brown immigrant invader and i love american flag
do amwricans really
that doesn't work for appalachia
depends on property taxes but yeah. and that's what californians have been doing for a WHILE now lmao
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>Exter, New Hampshire
Oh nice, can't wait to move in!
>50k new transplants move in, buy up all the cheap housing, increase traffic, food prices, cost of living, and affect the atmosphere of the town
Anon, never ever ever advertise how awesome your town is.
This looks like the one presentable looking street in the town, where the rest varies from bland looking middle class homes to swathes lower class hovels. Source: grew up in a small town like this.
>Shut down jobs because no military industrial complex war
>Realtors tell whites that blacks are moving in so they sell their house cheap so they can sell the land to the government to build freeways and bypasses

Many such cases.
I moved here from California. My town is basically 98% white but it's like 70% normal white people and the rest are racist hicks literally living in the 60s.
Most houses are run down, rotted wood, dirty windows. Most whites here just collect government assistance, there's so many businesses looking for workers too. Also there's only 1 movie theatre here and it's dirty as fuck because the people working there all look like ex convicts.
Communism isn't winning because China is a Capitalist country. Capitalism is so powerful that it has fucked up the west and is now what Russia and China bow down to. All the rich Californians leaving the state are literally being pushed out by even wealthier Russia and Chinese interests.
Don't fall for the rural meme. You'll miss being in or near a big city, trust me. Most of the anti-city stuff comes from obnoxious luddite tradlarping conservicucks. The outskirts have just as many niggers, drug addicts and spics as everywhere else, except now you need to drive 50 miles to buy groceries.
This is why things will never change. Capitalism is fucking you in the ass while the indoctrination of the false dichotomy is making you ask for more. It's insane how easily manipulated rightwing crybabies are as long as you give them a catch-all boogyman.

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