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I know you're out there Producer lackeys. Listen up. If the new Harry Potter show comes out and there is zero trans justice and zero raceswapping, it will be controversial, and it will be the first to define the controversy in the context of the 20's. It sounds innocuous but the shitstorm will be absolutely unbelievable, yet palatable for discussion at every metaphorical dinner table in the United States.

You will own the judo reversal of ragebait castings. The sheer plethora of people who will feel involved is unfathomable, and it will be the only thing terminally online trans people are focused on for months on ends, and everything hates them. It is like an engine with the power of the sun growing on a tree low enough for you to grasp with no effort. It's free. It costs nothing, you won't pay a white actor a penny more if you don't want to. It is all in tbe oalm of your hand. JK included every necessary token either on purpose or via legroom and it would be cheap as hell to exploit those to meet both npc's and chuds halfway. You can't even be blamed for going off of 20 years of public perception of the characters anyway. It will be a shitfest trying to discredit the non-action in the slightest.

Or, you can make hermione black and have it be show number 1000 that people said the same exact thing about the last time it was done, and go into the trash bin, and enjoy having successfully squandered another easy opportunity to rape cash for the sake of snagging a few guaranteed snub-white-culture esg dollars. Like a ho.
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I mean you're stuck with JK Rowling might as well lean into it
I just want Luna, and I want her to be cute and Irish.
The last one was pretty good, but this time you can start when she's still cute and funny.
Luna and Draco will be black
They could make Death Eaters good and cause forever shit
Imbalance? Balance is relative. If everyone's salt intake is high then you have a normal salt intake. Everyone is tired of trannies. They have no guilt preloaded in like black people or milked dry from a cow and forced in by money like jews.
it could be kino but it won't
everything must have niggers and fags
demoralization is the primary function of TV
They have worked up to the point where they can antagonize and demoralize the other have and through that exacerbate the antagonization and demoralization of the good side.
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>Draco will be black
they wouldn't dare.
>They could make Death Eaters good
this, DE suck both in the movies and books which is bound to happen in a children's book but i hope they rewrite their parts a little

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