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Why did Frozen Empire flop?
Because Mckenna lost her innocence.
I didn't even know there was another one after that shitty girl one
But I don't have ads and I don't watch TV and I live in the middle of nowhere so I don't see too many billboards that aren't for local businesses

It's a comfy life
Afterlife did not make numbers to justify this, I assume there were contractual obligations.
you living the sneed life?
Who the actual fuck cares about fucking ghostbusters of all fucking things? There are actual fans of this? I refuse to believe it. It was a goofy 80s flick that at best begets a mild chuckle. Grow up you retarded faggots.
She smokes?
>og ghostbusters
>fat miserable old dudes
>laugh at themselves and the situation

>new ghostbusters
>wacky kids and a genius girl

take your mary sues and comic relief and shove it up your ass you talentless hacks.
Ghostbuster's fanatacism is slightly less insane than Bill and Ted fanaticism.
I remember no less than 5 years prior to Face The Music's release, someone posting a Bill and Ted fansite in deep anticipation of a third film.

Like I really need an Adventures in Babysitting expanded universe.
>>Adventures in Babysitting expanded universe
Because the kid actors are awful, Paul Rudd is a fucking joke and I really dont give a flying fuck about the OG cast, they just make me sad and remind me that I'm old too.
Found the faggot watching Orphan Black for the 6th time.
>She smokes?
Because teen struggling with same sex feelings has been done to death and has no place in a childrens ghots movie. Basically they put a fucking chick in it and made her (maybe) gay and lame.
>Who the actual fuck cares about fucking ghostbusters of all fucking things? There are actual fans of this? I refuse to believe it. It was a goofy 80s flick that at best begets a mild chuckle. Grow up
Sar, we did! Blame Hollywood, not the chuds of 4chan.
it didn't
it broke even
phase 2 of dont tell mom the babysitter's dead cinematic universe
Because it was a soul-less cashgrab. It was boring as shit to boot
No cute 13 y/o tomboys.
I'd have more respect if they went all the way in on the lesbo romance. Instead, they half assed it. Emily & Kenny hooking up is the kind of gayness people can stomach.
They shoulda made the boy gay for that fat ching chong Podcast
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Absolutely, city slicker
>Adventures in Babysitting
>Don't Tell Mom the Babysitter's Dead
>The Babysitters Club
Too algorithmic, jokes didn't land and most of all the lesbian romance disgusted family audiences and mainstream viewers
it was hardly a movie
I heard by word of mouth lesbianism was featured and so declined to take my family. We eschew immorality.
ghostbusters literally can not do sequels. they always land flat. they'll reboot it again, or make another cartoon, and that'll do well, and maybe they'll release ecto cooler again, but a sequel will always flop

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