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The Batman is probably the most irrelevant superhero movie in recent history. It was so irrelevant, even the usual outrage baiters didn't bother to make a ruckus about the raceswapping. The Nolan Batman movies were the peak of the genre, and even the MCU had a huge impact on culture. The Batman came and went with a whimper. Zero cultural impact. Those who are too young to remember the absolute pandemonium that was the hype for the release of TDK will not understand this.
It's obviously infected by leftism like everything else and everyone knows crap when they see it. There's nothing to really be excited about. even libcucks can't maintain their interest.
>Crappy movie is instantly forgotten
Is Robert Pattinson even coming back?
It has some great unintended comedic moments.

"You're not my real dad Alfred!"
Maybe because they rammed him down everyone's throats with ten different movies, shows, and cartoons.
I went to it twice and both times the theaters where packed so idk what you guys are talking about
2 is in preproduction and I haven't heard anything about them recasting. Seems like a bad idea to continue with this since no one cared about the first one, and then Gunn is introducing his own Batman.
it isn't necessarily pattinson's fault. he has the look for a young batman and the acting chops. the problem with the batman is that it was drenched in liberal confirmation bias and identify politics.
Sequel is confirmed, but Battinson is relegated to elseworlds and will not be part of the main PCU.
Outrage Baiters tend to quiet down when the content is very obviously solid. The few gripes they picked up on with Catwoman were ignored by the public because they just weren't issues with them.
And I still see memes about this movie every day. Your nebulous "cultural impact is something you just FEEL, okay?" started to die out as a thing in the 2010s. Just look at Avatar 2, not even Box office is really a measure of it. There's hardly any objective measure of it, so I'll just say that the one metric I have is that I see frames from it constantly to this day.
>the public loves emo batman your criticism of woke nigger catwoman did nothing chuds!
Maybe making a new adaption every 2 years for a few decades let to some mild exhaustion in the audience
yet you constantly post about it
Yes. I don't tell people what opinions to have, I just say it like I see it. Even with Catwoman being made bi, most people just went "well, fucking duh, have you seen her?"
yes because of the ip people checked it out. But the movie doesn't have a fandom after the fact like good movies do.
avatar is the definition of normie crap. My older family members who don't even speak english watched both avatars and they have no idea what happened. Normies just watch it because of the blue people but there's no real fandom for the movie itself.
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>The Nolan Batman movies were the peak

Wew lad.
Frfr no cap str8 bussin' post
>The circles I spend time in don't talk about it, so nobody does!
If you spend a few minutes outside of /tv/ you would know that's blatantly not true
>I saw a packed theater so it means everyone loved it
If you spent a few minutes reflecting on your stupid post you would know that's blatantly not true
Nah. Even marvel movies regular people talked about them in real life.
>was so irrelevant, even the usual outrage baiters didn't bother to make a ruckus about the raceswapping.
Yes they did
People who want "serious Batman" still prefer the Nolan films and people who want "fun Batman" prefer the Burton films and Adam West.
You can piss n shid your diapers all you want, the nolan flicks were the most well received and highly anticipated Batman movies in the last 2 decades.
BB and TDK were the peak. TDKR had issues but was still ahead of batfleck or this piece of shit movie.
Why are disneyshills so scared of this movie?
Yeah, the worst issue was that it didn't bring anything new to the table. It felt like replaying old hits. Similar to Force Awakens.
I think they want to make it a real slowburn, like it's the capeshit equivalent of Stein's Gate. Atmospherics didn't impress though so I doubt it would merit a rewatch.
The only recent marvel movie that's talked about more than this batman is the Marvels because it was the biggest financial flop of all time
Yeah it’s so irreverent” that you guys keep spamming the board about it every day all day
We literally had this thread not even 12 hours ago, kys
Because marvel and star wars are getting their shit pushed in so disney has activated the pajeet spammers. Remember when joker came out and became more culturally relevant than the entire MCU put together? We had threads like this every couple hours for 6 months
Good. Cultural impact coincides with success, and success means the Jews will milk it for the next decade, so be happy it didn't have a huge impact.
>black woman mayor is very on the nose
>bullet proof armour
>unnecessary joker
I think that's the only gripes I have about the film. The white privilege line is cringe but it's said by a mutt city slicker which is pretty in character, she also unknowingly said it to a millionaire.
>it's another 'I didnt like it so no one did' episode
>Cultural impact coincides with success, and success means the Jews will milk it for the next decade, so be happy it didn't have a huge impact.
Lmao. Ultimate Cope.
>It's good no one cares about this shitty flick, b-because da jooos
It's derivative and extremely stupid
I thought it was pretty good, even made a friend on the way out because some chick I invited didn't show up
Wow! Even that chick had more common sense than you not to show up for this piece of shit movie.
What am I coping about? In your imaginary scenario, what is my opinion?
I have literally only seen people really like the movie, except on here where these threads are spammed every day. I just hope the sequel uses clayface, hush, freeze or ivy instead of joker.
Because it was loved by capeshit normies and film bros alike who memed everything they could about it. Very forced. Still better than all Marvel movies but it's still not that good.
Already mentioned. Learn to read
>>It's good no one cares about this shitty flick, b-because da jooos

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