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Ryuichi Sakamoto made that film. Just like he made Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence.
Saw it this year. Had no idea the majority of film would be in English. It’s a good movie.
I like how he just became a normal person at the end, like the ending of some fairy tale where the rich royalty gets taken down a notch
He's lucky he died before the Cultural Revolution. Any CCP member would have loved to skin the former Emperor alive as Commie clout.
did you even watch the movie? the fuck. he lived through the cultural revolution and was autistic enough to be fooled into becoming a communist
it's not like he had a lot of options lol
Yeah but he was genuinely so mentally stunted that he gleefully embraced Maoism, the movie actually skipped over a lot of moments from his later life like when he begged and pleaded on his knees to get pussy from some commie girl because she rejected him. He was an extremely poorly disciplined emperor
He was still a lot luckier then the Russian emperor or French king.
>tell 3 year old he's the son of heaven and can do anything he wants
>surround him with a group of weird eunuchs whom he's allowed to torture and shit
>somehow he ends up with poor discipline
it's a mystery
I thought the movie made it clear he was not a based emperor at all. He was a basket case.
This is why feudalism is FUCKED, sure you might get ruled by a philosopher king, but it's more likely you'll get ruled by some dork.
I can never get through The Last Emperor. Fell asleep halfway through the first time, meant to pick it up again but didn't. Then a while later, after I had forgotten the first half, I decided to watch it again but the same thing happened. The third time I actually watched it when I was plenty awake and got further through but go so bored that I told myself I'd watch the rest tomorrow but never did.

I'm now afraid of watching it.
Yeah, definitely a must watch it you like historical epics. The set designs and music were also god tier, and they pulled off the impossible: having a good child actor
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The end credits is hand down one of the best I have ever seen. Once the credits roll up and the music hits, it gives me so much chills.

Why don't you just watch the second half.
It sounds like you've seen the first half three times now.
Millions of people (more than the holocaust and the 6 gorillion) died under communism. It was an ongoing series of disasters leading to starvation and famine. All because of communism.
Even now, China is poorer than Mexico. China is poorer than Kazakhstan. Isn't that amazing?
Are you a woman ?
Wasn't that just regular Maoism? Online it say the Cultural Revolution period was 1966 to 1977. Pu Yi died in 1967.

The CR was when students were murdering people as capitalists for owning a wok in their home.
It's honestly not a very good movie, but DAMN is it a Good Looking movie.
He was literally buck broken by Mao Zedong. He was mind broken so hard he was just released back into the wild like he was nothing and was such a nonentity that he wouldn’t even be worth the bullet that would have killed him
So,you recognize Holocaust and 6 million?
>be emperor
>reforms the palace
>expels all eunuchs first
can't be made today
One of my favorite movies. Despite Puyi's almost fantastical background, it's a pretty good window into the dysfunctional formative aspects that you can still see in a lot of modern Chinese manchildren. Also, the blended aesthetic of early 20th century China is really kino. Too bad the real Puyi wasn't nearly as suave as John Lone.
>Just like he made Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence.
That movie is terrible. Even with his score.

RIP ryuichi.

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