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Is this the best Spielberg movie? It's the only one that I can re-watch and get a kick out of any time I put it on
I actually like it.
i really like Duel
Bruh, why is bru stuck at the LAX. At least roll up some za
for me it's Empire of the Sun
stupid ass film, tucci was great but why the fuck did they shove in the corny romance and normie-fy Navorski
everything in this movie feels as phony and low effort as his tom hank's accent
Why does Tom Hanks love airport movies?
I remember watching this all the time as a kid on cable. I mostly remember the burger king scene.
Is it really that good? Damn that’s the only one I stayed away from because….well, you know, a guy at an airport the whole time.
>le terminal
Immigrants are magical and good
For me it's catch me if you can.
There's something about that movie. In particular Tom Hanks' joke
>knock knock
>who's there?
>go fuck yourself
>he figured out the quarters
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It's basically what you described, but with the Spielberg flair which means great camerawork and a cute ending
>a cheeseburger cost 74 cents during the color tv era
It's so fucking completely over.
I fucking hate this movie. How anyone could think it's better than Jurassic Park or Minority Report, ET, Indy, Jaws etc...
Which are the other ones?
It was strangely comfy.
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This movie turned 20 last week
I love that movie. but it's because I can kind of relate to it. so many fucking times I was stuck at the airport for hours and hours, every single year. I would wait for my friends to arrive from the US/Europe, Japan and Korea. (once everyone was together. then we took a bus together to a rural area, gated community. no niggers. no chinese. just us. happily together)
tucci was incredible. he was based as fuck. funny aswell
This. Binned.
Indiana Jones
it's a good movie, in my opinion.
>except for our country, we don't allow them, unless you're a pedo on the run and one of us and you need sanctuary
too sentimental for my liking
Is this the one where Tom Hanks falls in love with some woman but she rejects him because she's an idiot?
Lost in translation
Catch me if you can
Minority Report is his best kino
I held off on watching it for a long time but Spielberg really directs the hell out of it so it stays interesting. Some of the romance stuff like the Zoe Saldana subplot goes a bit too cheesy, but it’s a very endearing film overall.
I always liked this movie. Comfy
Duel and Jaws are his best. I don't care what lamentation of the effect of Jaws had.
He’s not an immigrant he’s there on vacation to do one thing and leave
>if you touch my kids again, i kill you
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not even close
ib4 kubrick dude maybe you should have made it when you were alive instead of your super cuck snoozefest movie
I still don't understand what was the stewardess' problem.
Minority report
buddy 1 dollar cheeseburgers were common until like 2 years ago.
What's insane is that it was only 75 cents at fucking JFK
first movie that ever made me cry
my buddy is convinced this movie was made to make americans more comfortable at the airport after 9/11
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absolutely not
Mentioned this film the one time I briefly met Tucci and he lit up and started yelling. Assume it’s one he’s proud of
This movie was the saturation point of Hanks for me. I can't watch anything with him in it and see the character he's playing, I can only see Tom Hanks playing somebody.
But my answer to the question would either be Raiders or >>200609242. I could rewatch either any time.
This nigger was given many opportunities to leave IRL and didnt because he's mentally ill
Why don't homeless people just go live in an airport?
I found living in my car easier. Airports dont make sense because you cant get to the good areas without a ticket
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>no niggers. no chinese. just us. happily together
Why wouldn't they just kick you out?
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Nah, spielberg pumped out serious kino back in the day

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