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Tay waiting at her porch for angry tayrats edition
Important Links:
colombine footage
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evening all, the peeps who got me into fishtank seem to be enjoying this season just as much as s1 and from what i've seen it's been pretty fun so far.

xavier carrying, sam's having a ton of fun but the fish are so friendly with one another it's kinda odd but i dig it
are Taytriots crazy enough to confront Tayleigh irl like how Bad Ideas haunted Josie in that convention?
Go to rehab, son.
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posting here use this for anti-tay memes only please thank you
If the bitch mad then I take her to bucky
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/bant/ niggers are genuinely deranged, Tayleigh needs to work on her shooting in case one of them try something.
hey guys, Jet here
I'm gay, and I'm retarded
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Good morning I love Betty
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Good morning I love smoking crack
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the only thing that could salvage this shit is a massive trainwreck of incompetence, injuries, and legal troubles for Sam and Co.
instead it's mediocre and boring and Im not even gonna bother
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only if she agrees to help heal me
I don't think so, she has a gun and so does everyone in her backwoods redneck neighbourhood and I think she can legally shoot anyone who steps near her trailer cause her mom owns the land its on
all cams are down
Was it a wise idea to not have any simp bait for 2.5?
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how many times did she throw up on s2? genuine question
this nigga been on my mind i can't lie
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Jet better bring the brown girl back tomorrow.
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baesie mogs
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Josie won.
Season 3 should be early 2010s swag theme, mandatory obey snapbacks on 24/7
Why did Sam try to get Jimmy to throw up?
When he is pulling up?
Trish is allowed to use her phone?
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That idea sucks, so they're probably gonna do it
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Cole lost. Peter pals run this shit from now on.

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That's a lotta brown sugar.
Haven't ever seen a girl exude as much feminine sexual energy as this one before. Hope I can catch her in real life one day.
Yeah at this point she realised how many of her fucked in the head fans have bbc cuck fetish and she's going o exploit that
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who is this delicious brown KWEEN?
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Grobies controlling the 2.5 fishtant score from home. She's the one doing it.
It would be so cool
Why wouldn't she? She's not a contestant.
why does she have a bbc fetish? whats wrong with her? she said she didnt like bbc last year
having a historical theme adds nothing
she is so gooned out of her mind that watching disgusting porn isn't enough she also needs people to make fun of her for it
They can do the freshest air jordans challenge
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the sweetest kind
No it wouldn't, kill yourself
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Taylor insider here, Dallas and Greenshark have been plotting together behind the scenes. Things are about to get dark
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What was his name again?
Put on vixen clothes with is a porn brand onwed by the same jews who own blacked, and people made fun of her for it, so she bough a black dildo to shoot with and airsoft gun with it, and now she's doing this.
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>Summer dumps her streaming career to hook up with guy she met in Vegas
>Betty posts a video of herself literally gagging on a black dildo as a "joke", then some interracial porn specifically to humiliate her head mod
>Tayleigh stops streaming to go fuck some guy in Kentucky that paid $50 (plus shipping), now on season 2.5 and openly mocking her simps

Looking back on it, Josie is a saint
She had a stalker show up to meet her at a convention and try she's remained positive and appreciative of the fishtank audience
wtf are all flowstream cams down?
I wish I was her. If I looked like this, Laker might touch me.
I <3 Haters
whats even her logic and reasoning here? is she just trying to piss her dad off?
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fuck that. early 00s tank. jncos, numetal, slipknot, system of a down, flying with bottled water and mystery e press pills you didn't have to test for fent
Is there a lore reason for a Greg vs Jon boxing match?
No one knows. She was on for awhile then Jet removed her like a fag when Jimmy sperged and inadvertently said she broke LARP. I think it's a bit though and she will return tomorrow with the other NPCs (who also regularly fail RP every day lmao)
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confirmed here
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>white girls are all mentally ill deranged whores
>brown girls mog
maria is also happily married to a white king.
its not that i hate white girls is that they steadily and consistently proven themselves to be the absolute worst
she gets off to the attention so she constantly pulls stunts like this that have gotten increasingly more chaotic and consequential
She really is a prime example of a femgooner. Shit is actually crazy to witness like what the fuck has to happen to turn you into that
She gets off on humiliation and humiliating the RW guys that follow her.
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>is she just trying to piss her dad off?
Anon, she doesn't even know who bio dad is
>She had a stalker show up to meet her at a convention
She even tried to protect that stalker from ridicule initially. She also refused to go on the cryokeen dating stream because it "sounded too mean". She never punches down.
Swag Tank is beast mode
Josie schizo woke up and is spamming the thread which means it’s time for bed
Why do people obsess over her? Is it because her looks and autistic act/interests make her seem more attainable? Honestly trying to understand
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unironically if flowstreams arent around, this show would be fucking dead by day 1
go easy on him, he's a self hating jew he can't even afford to give his waifu any money and he thinks about killing himself everyday.
>white girl bad
Letty and Taylor are fine, they're not all bad.
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she gives us sad shitty porn of her pristine holes.
we give her attention.
and it all runs like clockwork.
>cams arent even on
people paid $60 for this lol
getting raised by a convicted prostitute mother and then put on literally dozens of psych meds as a preteen probably has something to do with it
For some reason this the most believable out of all the Taylor insider posts
why do people let Jon have his way? he's a fucking midget, you could kick his ass easily fr
nah there are plenty of retards that would put up with the shitty ass official site
She's just the biggest attention whore related to this show, mentally ill and desperately clinging to her 15 minutes of fame from season 1
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This is now a nighttime Josie thread
I would like to see him and greg fight, we know greg has some heavy hands.
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im not jewish
Insider here,
I'm in
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A buff midget with tard strength
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Dallas is not only Greenshark. She is everything. Soon you'll understand.
Surely you meant "stwengf."
Outsider here
I don’t know much about what’s going on
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WTF josie got an in with the illuminati?!?!
she just can't stop hauling them dubskies
Betty insider here,
I'm black
that's milkreset and aceii haha
Maybe if it only involved Dallas, too on the nose
He gave himself away by seething about White women lmao.
Cole, tell jet to bring you on. He will. You would be perfect for this setting as a regal compatriot of the duke. Love you buddy
Funniest post of the week
that's literalwho and literalwho2 haha
I don't get it
how long until we get a black homeless crackhead as count blackula?
he would be so fucking great
Jon would kick the ass of everyone there short of Sam and Vance
Yeah it's grim
>He thinks Dallas and Greenshark don't talk
Jet here
me neither
honestly, Jon is the type of nigga who'd kill himself if he ever loses a physical altercation, I understand why production are being careful with him
cole here (actually)
I was raped
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Actually fucking kino
imagine being a fucking colecuck. insane.
>he thinks being a simp editor for an egirl makes you a friend of the family
In cider here
I’m all sticky lol
I think Jimmy can take him, the only reason why Jimmy didnt knock the shit out of TJ within the first minute of their fight is because TJ proved later on hes too fucking retarded to knock out
Josie said she got a male prostitute in Japan, she is definitely not a spring chicken.
Schitty insider here, the blacksmith’s wife pegs the blacksmith
>why do people let Jon have his way?
because that's the price of jontent
as for normies he meets everyday? most people will avoid or appease him to keep the peace, they 100% identify him as special needs
She made him a crochet shark a while back
this shit blows
Don...? Don't tell me it's true...
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Bro Jimmy is so fucking out of shape he would probably be out of breath before he landed a single punch
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as a "payment" for his work lmao
She said that on S2 to gaslight Shinji you absolute retard.
I'm Ugandan. Do I even have a chance with Betty?
That's poosheisty and spottemgottem
You are literally an Israeli, kys
He's such a retard and gets grating very quickly but you really cant get this type of shit out of anybody else.
This was in like February
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Eternal beauty
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jet would kick his tard ass easily
he's been getting swole as fuck building the town of schitty
Chance? my nigga you'd have a chance even if you were dead
All these women are fucking whores you idiot. They're all broken and usually have cut marks.
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Retard here
Why is Jon fatter now with a gut? Is he a roid monkey like Sam?
I only think he’s funny when he’s freaking out or completely humiliated so he has some kind of use
I'm Betty. Do I have a chance with a White Aryan man?
Jet isn't tiny, that's more than enough to kick Jon's ass, Jet is like 6'0 flat I think
I know for a fact he's close with both Ethan and Dallas.
proud of this lil nigga for finally doing something about his physique
Unfortunately this season has not been engaging enough to forget my troubles during it's duration. I am stuck with my thoughts again. Greetings from Japan.
quit larping zoomer cunt. you dont remember the early 2000s. loser.
Absolutely, my negro
josie's a turbo autist and a brony but she's a good person that's struggled a lot because of mental stuff and it's nice when good things happen to good people. it's not that deep. be happy the female version of yourself isn't cutting anymore for the time being

Go watch the clip, retard. I'm not looking it up for you go search the fucking archives it's been posted a million times already.
This. The josieposter is an Israeli who posts nonstop. He admitted he likes loli too, he's a pedophile
tsmt only broken women go on this show
I'm brown and my dick is small, do I have a chance with Betty?
Why is he shuffling?
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he's bulking
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wosie is supreme
march, at that point he was already working for her as an editor and making proper videos. you're coping
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This is now a Joe thread.
The shark was on Taylor's stream in February at Dallas's house
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insane amounts of "i was molested by my cousin" energy
what being a bald manlet does to a mother fucker.
Has anyone noticed Jon breathes really heavy nowdays? Isnt that a TRT thing?
she seems nice. i wish her well
>Jon getting his ass kicked
>Tayleigh freaking out after being verbally assaulted by TTS
>Jimmy attacking Letty
>Taylor revealing that she's a whore all along
Trust the plan, Production will eventually make it happen but we're only 3 days in so it'll be too quick
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I'm gay and my dick is small. Do I have a chance with Nick Mullen?
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>tayjeets with their lies again
the truth literally burns your flesh
he's on TRT and bulking so he's got the wheeze
oddly specific. did something like that happen to you?
Joe Goes used to be so good. Crazy to think this guy trooned out. I couldn't believe it when I found out a couple years back.
nope the stream was on the 2nd of march. i guess she must've started crocheting it a few days earlier which still changes nothing lmao
>josiepedos astroturfing in a desperate attempt to get people to watch her
>another thinly veiled taylor cuck fetish post
You're a freak
maybe its from gaining like 30 pounds of fucking fat on his body?
He hasn't uploaded anything to his channel since the troon reveal video
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i would forever kneel if goran makes even half of it happen
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You are schizophrenic.
I've been saying since day one that their "relationship" goes beyond him just being an editor who took a liking to her relationship with TJ on the show. I remember at one point on a stream at Dallas' she was talking to him over a walkie talkie thing which I found really odd.
I'm so sorry
Astroturfing what?
Bummy status?
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Little smooch to make jt all better
Sam and Jet getting attached to the contestants ruined Fish Tank, now they're too scared to pull the trigger
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Y'all hate when you see a nigga smile
You listed them least to greatest, silly anon
Go White boy, go White boy
Watching the clip isn't going to stop her from being a whore. Keep coping.
You want them to shoot the contestants in the head??
Just like the cult stuff in s2, the airsoft larping is getting really old and boring when its 100% of content they have planned.
How does that make her stand out from all the other generic autist girls who aren't awful people though? They are a dime a dozen at any convention, why obsess over this one in particular? The ease of accessibility?
its almost like taylor is completely fake, an actor, an elaborate scheme to which the end of i still have to figure
How's the boondocking going?
That was probably supposed to be a fishtank reference, but yeah they clearly coordinate things together.
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Shitting in this chug's face
because she was on fishtank?
I admit it, I think Brian is cool now, I hated him in S2 but seeing him committed to keeping the LARP alive and actually trying to make shit happen won me over.
this sucks
Vance bashing that vamp earned him a spot that isn't last desu
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yes, one of them at least
tsmt, she was acting from day 1. her editor is actually her brother in law and her talent manager
you guys can't see the signs, he literallly had 2 different crosdresing episodes on his show
I think he uploaded a video about how trans women are women or donald trump or something

What's more funny is that he edited the moment he would kiss girls on a cheek without asking out of all his videos lol
How do you figure that from her having a friend who is an editor
poopsie mogs
oh fuuuck uberhaxornova game of life playthrough im watching that I loved that as a little bably child 9 year old but niggas didnt like that my age zoomers really but wt fi guess unadalterated internet acesese was common even then
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Greg's been training
Taylor better step up her game
Greenshark is not Ethan, they've talked to each other in her twitch chat before
She actually never said it on camera but Shinji claimed she said it on his stream probably due to esl and being retarded
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Yeah but the reason I found it odd was that by that point she wouldn't have known him for very long (assuming he was just a rando editor she just recently came to know) and she was already doing bits like that. She was still being coy about TJ at that point, but was doing that with shark, the guy who was editing lovetank videos about them lol.

idk that it matters though, it's just a minor curiosity in the ever expanding Fishtank Extended Universe directed by Jeet Niptroon.
What would save this season?

Taylor/Blacksmith's Wife/Bex/Trish wearing less clothes?
Damn this is my first time hearing her voice and it's more insufferable than I could have imagined. Legit sounds like a beaner tranny trying to imitate an anime girl
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niggas head ah me they aint heard ah you
>having a friend who is an editor
kek some friendship it is, she's exploiting the simpnigga
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Which would you rather?

1. Tayleigh dies immediately
2. All Tayleigh fans die and no one posts about her again
3. Peace in the Middle East
>doing that
Doing what, a small stream gag? It's not that serious
on the hunt for fake succubuses
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Hell yeah
In what way?
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Why are Josiefans obsessed with Tay?
She did say it on camera. It was one of her gaslighting bits. (The only one she did with Shinji I think). It happened in bedroom 1. Shinji's just retarded and ESL so he thought she was serious.
How about
>S1 Fish (any order)
si nigas talmbout joseies pure virgiin status which is wild and niggas like tay nd letty brother get off fdat sheeeit ni ngaggruf ust enjoy rapetank as an idea nd dnotn pay attention to internet perona;ities like pgl is decent but uberhaxornova was kino as an 8 yeart old zoomer niggas shut up just cum just nigger just rape
relax shark we're just shooting the shit tonight, no harm intended.
yeah this is the right one
none of them
tayleigh deserves the fallout and her simps are the crucial instrument of it
Taylor insider here. Taylor will fight Ian Jomha in creator clash 3. Screenshot this
2 and 3 but only if the Israeli Josiecel dies too
I'm so happy this lil nigga decided to stay for the rest of season 2 <3
dude is losing hours of his time a day to make videos for an egirl he's parasocial towards because she got with an autist on a sam hyde reality show
Not that they both aren't shit but josiecels literally pathologically hate white women and fear any competition
You're talking to one false flagger. Josiefans didn't even watch S2 other than basement stairs to clip Josie sightings.
>Legit sounds like a beaner tranny trying to imitate an anime girl
Literally what it is minus the tranny part(I think)
Kek I wish he'd post again
tj and taylor vs ian and anissa would not be a terrible mixed tag match
peace in the middle east would mean the destruction of israel so he would die in that option.
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>josiecels literally pathologically hate white women
Kill yourself
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they started this beef for literally no reason when they thought they were on top.
also 99% of josiegods couldn't give 2 fucks about tayleigh or even aware of this.
Think I touched a nerve there ligman
Lots of great Television & Film discussion going on here!
flowstreams dead?
Went to bed early can I get yesterdays cinegrid image
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Insider here, Betty's top twitch/discord mod and reply guy no longer follows her on Twitter
literally all the cameras are down what the fuck you want people to talk about?
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Anissa would cancel the fight due to her torn uterus and Ian would lose for the third time getting him closer to inevitable alzheimers.
Nope she said that Shinji should escort in America never said she had seen an escort herself. The “Josie saw an escort in Japan” but comes from when crash was jokingly making a reference to the season one bit where they did an ad for an escort and then after crash finished speaking the retard Shinji says “in japan” with no further elaboration.
kinda looks like taylor on the right
holy fuck you /bant/ fags are literally beyond mentally ill
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Well I've been watching the boys and the niggerloving has been turned up a notch this season
Its that one jewish faggot, no idea
Please use one of the other 149 threads to talk about actresses asses and tits.
He could always flee back to Russia, though. I need it guaranteed
>cams are down
>cams come back up
>its Jet reading out a long letter apologizing to MDE fans & the Fish Tank Community for a disappointing Season
why is he erect
>and tts is turned on
Idubzz getting his shit rocked by TJs tardgression would fuckin rule.
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qrd past 4 hours?
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not me
RIP big B
someone make me ai CK tits HUGEEE please
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Jewboy would get drafted for tsar putin and die for Ruski Mir like he's always wanted
thats the fishtank meta take it or leave it
90% taylorseething
This season is already leagues better than season two though
Taylor is great and I'm excited she is on the show
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this retard is such a faggot. why do you guys like them so much?
jollibee and whiteclaws
it's the duke, look out!

/bant/ fags are like an evil deformed sibling of /ftl/ that should be locked in the attic for eternity
for the lulz
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Another night of faggot fishtank fans complaining about everything but logging in every day to watch
Idubbbz training
>Light fitnessboxing and shitty advice from his wife
TJ training
>Fighting for his life against a man 3 times his size in someones livingroom
TJ would win
tl;dr is he talking shit about letty? if so fuck him. is he letty simping? if so whatever.
what drug are you on?
It's afternoon in kikeville but ok

Regardless everything I said still applies
beats dying for demonic kikes and zogged wemierica any day
Friend Tank does it again
taylorfags are just the easiest to bait and fuel these posts themselves, they give goyillion (you)s to every baitpost like the greenshark or actor shit regardless how obvious it is
AB is obviously really biased so i dont really pay attention to his analysis.
nice tranny sucking lips, eddie sends xer regards
Literally nobody likes him other than the other twitter orbiters. I predict he's gonna end up like Rockystream one day.
but i guess this time around they're not as likely to fall for pastas though, that's improvement
does anyone have the full uncensored image of that poster he gave idubbbz in the end that days "youtuber kings"
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Marquis de Taank status?
tayleigh took cock
marquis marquis marquis marquis
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Then why are you here faggot
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fatty's lost like 100 lbs and i think we can thank ourselves for it
But at what cost
based bummy buster
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He's gonna make it bros
His biases are my biases so he's watchable
His fishtank meta video is practically a love letter to letty
The thing about taylorcels is that I'm 90% sure they don't watch her streams
hes still a grotesque life form
proud of this dude
You can thank Bliccy for linking him the cheaper russian one.
He's responding to a question she asked him shortly before they went to bed. She directly asked "AB" about the different cameramen and their different styles and how people act based on that or some shit like that (I was only half listening to her)

He's joking that it was a fail RP on her part because she directly referenced something from the outside I think.
Hey guys Sam here

How should I reward Jet for how this season's going so far?
i want to fuck letty hairy muff
i myself am a taylorcel and don't watch her streams lmfao, but i do like her and wish her well just like with most other contestants

>captcha gn8t
gnite i guess
Letty has a nude moaning masturbatory orgasm on camera.
that better not be fuckin mayo on that dog
does anyone else have a gameplan on how to play the traditional fishtank, and not this spinoff? i was bored and drunk the other night and brainstormed a plan on how i'd play, similar to ian on big brother
I've watched pretty much every Taylor stream except for maybe 1-2 and that's how I've come to some negative conclusions about her but her simps are in the honeymoon phase, which I understand, but I fear they will soon go the way of the Taytriots who were similarly certain that they had her personality figured out.
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I think these threads need more edieposting, since we're all posting our favorite trooons like Wosie and Tay anyway. Now the threads can be gemmy
It's all shit but jewboy is a draft dodging self hating jew in israel cheering on other men's deaths so he can live in his fantasy
Anything happen after the late night vamp attacks?
you're just an obsessed schizofag then, even worse
back to the sharty tranny chaser
Is this season going to have a winner or is it something where all of them try to survive together?
iron sharpens iron
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>3 nights later
>No fishtoys
>No viewer submitted quests
>TTS on for maybe 1 hour every day
How are they expecting to make any money?
Usually I get more hate for Taylor seething but tonight it was the opposite tbqh.
letty is getting raped by jon right now
you know Sam got fucked by a tranny, right? This is an LGBTQ+ thread, always has been. You're a gem.
>draft dodging
factually incorrect
>self hating jew
im not jewish
Jet Chris and some wiggers spent like two hours shooting air soft guns and then we’re watching trump debate clips loudly until around 3am. The fish will be getting up soon while the wiggers sleep in til noon. Jet it up.
Jon is not into women, this has been established
No, I'm a man of science who does his research, puts the time and effort into my studies before coming to conclusions. Sad times where that's considered a bad thing over being a mindless follower. C'est la vie!
Nothing inherently wrong with that but popularity on the show massively eclipsing popularity on streams can be a bad combo
She banned me for a relatively benign copypasta so that's no fun. But being real here, she's a simple hot girl and that's fine. Not that much room for drama there.

I do say that she did not like those greenshark questions on the Q space tho
i want jon to glaze my holes
>Fishes are up doing nothing
>Production is sleeping
>Jet comes to basecamp scratching his ass
>"Uhhh todays mission is to collect rocks"
>Jet goes back to sleep
She was more upset about the Greenshark questions than she was the fact that they were shitting on TJ kek
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so anyone have any pics of this lex npc who kept talking about her bf at basecamp and looked kinda like the infamous 4chan nudeobama?

captcha: WPJJ
make money?
jet just wanted to catch some sun with the buds and have some fun larping in the woods, all on sams dime obviously ;)
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>they're now resorting to showing all-season viewers to create the impression that anyone's watching this shit
wow, a 1pl8 squat...
Damn I didn't think he had it in him
What happens if a fish loses all their lives?
Very Indian
I saw that earlier and wondered what that was about. I'm curious how much they've inflated that number too lol.
now activate javascript
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Endorsement numbers are up
Turns to vampire i guess. I guess they cant just send them home lol
sam decapitates their head with a rusty axe
it is >:)
>Jon least endorsed
Its jonver
time to endorsed jawn i guess
How is Jon lower than Tayleigh
are then even up to date lmao, jon has done way too much shit to be lower than tayleigh. jimmy too docile to warrant those votes too
She doesn't have a BBC fetish, you can literally see how disgusted she is sucking the BBC dildo in that webm
why the fuck would she even have it to begin with let alone put it in her mouth and film it lmao
she even shot it with a gun.
why would you shoot something that you allegedly love?
god bettyseethers are so fucking tarded
The last time endorsements worked "Vance" was still "Greg" so the current numbers mean nothing. I expect Vance's rating to plummet now that people have seen him on the show and remember he says or does literally nothing.
wtf happened with betty I got out of the loop after s1
100% cooked. How could Vance be leading when he just got there
People were trolling her and saying she had a BBC fetish so she bought it and sucked it on cam to show them how disgusted she is by it and prove them wrong.
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she showed /bant/ her pristine holes and now they're all clawing at each other for just a whiff
Jon has been mostly annoying this season. Him constantly failRP and arguing with NPCs was entertaining for a very short period but it got to a point where it was impossible to move things forward
>and now they're all clawing at each other for just a whiff
more like desperately tryin to get her potty trained
This but unironically
Cobra looking healthier
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silly bitty
That's an unbelievably retarded line of thinking that would only ever make sense to someone as deranged as her
its the jawn monkey paw.
on one hand his tardness and energy fill a lot of the dead space on the other it completely ruins
and derails things when shit actually gets going.
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>the most endorsed contestants all have a penis

the super gay /bant/ gens may have served a purpose after all
boring girls
Is it true Evil Kevin is a gay porn star?
>teehee TJ im a totally innocents tard trad wife let me move in with you after knowing you for a week and you won 50k$ teehee :))))
where may one procure an extravagant luxury item such as this throne?
You don’t know how to read people at all.
Very well said. The solution is Jet needs to get angry at him when he spergs out too much because that really ended his ego tripping.
It's the PERFECT target for a beginning shooter. Large, durable, stands out on a a light background like a sand pit. And yet people still insist she got it for some BS fetish reasons.
why do you care?
/bant/ schizos lasted for more than a week? lol
im mentally ill
Why is Greg so kino despite being reddit personified?
Now the money is drying up and she'll probably be gone by year's end. Very sad.
fair enough, all the best to you
he has sovl
the comedy tour just ended too, everything is balanced only logic autists cant handle
he's not reddit he actually seems to be somewhat personable
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the S1 thread is still going
>Vance in the lead
gone to the maternity ward with tj's tardbaby more like
He plays along pretty well, doesn't ham it up too much and also doesn't think he above everyone, he lacks the smguness of your average redditor
You can get one for the measly price of $200 once the S2.5 lootboxes drop. If you're lucky Sam will scribble on it with a permanent marker.
there is no way this isn't fake, its probably multiplied 2.1x or something
She lives in a different city than him and he refuses to accept help from him, not that he’s offered anyway
wtf that looks like my ex-gf(female)
thank you :)
>not that he’s offered anyway
not that you'd know anything about that anyway
He isn’t, he’s a fucking faggot. “Asexual” predator
I love taylors voice and breasts
definitely wouldn't say she's ever larped as "trad" (although that word is thrown around willy nilly all the time) but she does play up the quirky autist awkward girl thing when shes the type to go get hammered and party with people....like that.

Def a good idea to send her off on a multi week excursion with a whole bunch of morally questionable wiggers with drugs on hand to spend time alone with.
Hey Taylor.
New meta. Being reddit is now based and being an edgy post-ironic chud wigger is cringe.
is it really light out already?
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give the man what he's OWED slut
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it's still only 2am in la, i was kinda hoping you guys would get wild again like s2 and i'd have an excuse to get crazy. jet did say he'd be better about being more normie friendly tho
>awkward autist people don’t get hammered
You are retarded
which one you want? for me it's 2
contemplate the aromatics
I would.
whats the best clip channel at the moment? I'm not wasting 2 weeks of my life watching this shit
do girls like this like 30 year old IT office worker losers?
yeah 2, on the other hand mary is fucking repulsive
not really
second from left
Awkward autist girls don't go out in tube tops and fishnets and make out with other women and post pictures of it all over their socials. They sit at home watching video essays about serial killers and tend to their collection of rocks they've found.
how could a whore like this be interested in tj lmao
Yeah just saw a clip of her today talking with Letty. She’s very attractive.
nice cock bro!
You don’t know me and can’t say with any certainty what I do or do not know
Link the clip, dawg
She isn't. That becoming obvious will be the true finale to S2 and will make the Taytriot seethe look like a joke by comparison.
Jet shutting Jon down is the best moment of 2.5
any clips of it?
I'll take it
Taylor is autistic and you’d have to be an actual retard to think she would ever be promiscuous in any way
lol i can say that with enormous certainty, i'm very confident in my knowledge
I made it the fuck up
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How is that
girlcock is based as fuck as long as its feminine and the boy is cute
You are in denial, she literally has like 30 photos of herself dresses like a slut and at pride parades lol.
hi mark or dawson
what's the strongest alcohol that also doesn't taste like shit and is not too expensive?
Just stop being a pussy and drink vodka
Did Jon get shin lengthening surgery? He's as tall as Vance now.
Wild Turkey 101
just mix a high % spirit with some soda (with real sugar)
And? That doesn’t suggest anything, you are just stupid and think that people fall into distinct categories like anime characters.
prison hooch
Russian vodka if you can find any
it's the second time you're asking me that question, you're very inquisitive. good, being inquisitive is a good quality to have
>get allegedly abused by ex
>pay for tickets to his comedy show to heckle him like 10 years later
>get told to shut up and laughed at
>spam the clip on 4chan
>doesn't taste like shit
not alcohol then
Every Taylor related post sounds so fucking fake now. People that like her shitposting in hopes of “manifesting” another
>no Minnesota
over god knows what. And people that hate her trying to make her simps look like even bigger losers.
that's all I drink usually but i want to try other stuff now
hmm, I've heard about this. I'll have to try it out
>uh, s-shut up?
Pretty epic own of the heckler referencing the time you gagged on tranny cock, Sam
Not an answer. I know more than you. Good night.
>what's the strongest alcohol that also doesn't taste like shit and is not too expensive?
Sounds like you want something sweet so I guess a sugary boxed wine maybe?
Alcohol is for retards, but the answer is vodka out the freezer
god he was such a fucking pseud when he said that lol
Who said that?
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>waifu discussion makes /ftl/ the fastest thread on the site right now

I know that it's early morning hours, but still it's neat
kek its so fucking funny though
has kevin raped yet
never tried it straight out the freezer I'll have to try that. thanks anons
very smug
Kevin and Jon will make sweet love
Who do you think, pseud TJ
no, she doesn't
technically they do, a short driving distance
Who did he say it to?
his chat
the men at pride parades wouldn't even be looking
I know for a fact you don’t know anything now, thank you
The sun is out, it's nearly 6 AM and they're still all asleep after going to bed early, when does something happen?
sorry to shatter your triumph m8 i'm not the only person typing in lowercase
a good Rum tastes pretty good
I'd argue smoky/peaty whiskeys are good too, but you might be too gay to appreciate those
They all died in their sleep
Very sad
cool story
Jon refusing to rp might get old quickly, but him actually playing along and trying to be funny isn't funny.
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Everyone dressed like this
Sam Hyde cruises for twinks at pride parades
just drink enough wine faggot, why dou you want a strong liquor?
mad dog 20/20
thread dead post blasting
I just wish for a quiet day, me doing nothing but sucking on Bliccy's tits for hours on end
Just get him drunk. Solid 2 hours of content right there.
lol tj won. taylorcels really triggered he’s splitting them cheeks this morning huh
when it's about dick, whores become color blind
i actually had some of this the other day for the first time. the blue raspberry flavor. it was really good.
alcohol must be introduced at some point. some of these tards might loosen up and actually have some fun with it all if they're at least buzzed.
Him and every other dude there. Taylors pussy might as well be the trail of tears
this. they need to give them some "RP potions" and put some fuckin everclear in that shit
When did they go to bed? I just woke up
the wiggers only went to bed a couple hours ago, so shits not happening for a while
aw yea good shit
Letty getting drunk and smashing her head into a tree stump
Anything good happened last night?
<9mins until 6am. Whoever is in the bunk next to morale meter just moved, I just got here
just want something to get the job done asap cuz i hate having to go piss so much basically. i usually just drink a couple shots of vodka on an empty stomach but recently i just wanna switch it up.
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black ones
yeah wine is a bad idea then. buy everclear and smell it? idk
nice very dopelord esque
What time did they go to bed
sobriety is the best liquor
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the next logical step is for betty to have sex with a black man on camera. Imagine that BBC in her pristine holes…
like 11
She wouldn't do that
yeah betty HATES black cawks lol
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time to blast some dopelord then
what does this have to do with fishtank? this is Jet Neptroons show.
Betty has humiliation fetish and she is also racist so it would be the ultimate humiliation


a couple of recommendations
how does this compare to s1 and s2?
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I dont like troons, but this is so muh trans unfunny. hate this jewgre
honestly the same
the highest peaks of s1 were all fake anyways
early pre viewbot season 1 nights went sub 1k. but in general viewership is way down
Aegyo makeup. it's eye makeup asians do to look not ugly. seen her without makeup though she's ugly as fuck
Taylor is the best looking
So they can't loot guns from corpses? Only designated loot pouches?
would it cure her medical condition?
Yeah there's way less buzz with this season. Which is too bad because it's pretty good so far. The HD camera helps a lot.
A black girl!
summary execution
I think there's 2.


some more doom/stoner kino
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it's said that over time, people's faces begin to emulate their most frequent emotion. what is tayleigh's?
Taylor is my favorite.
Josie was a tiktok dancer before they said they trained her for the show shits fake
This guys ugly as shit
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she's even prettier without the makeup
Letty hates other women
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>ywn smoke hard and then fuck Betty's tight holes for 2 hours straight
Feels bad
How come no one's clipped when tay told xavier she had a boyfriend and is happy with him lol
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This is her with no makeup. You are retarded.
tay's only emotions are anger, jealousy, and fear. so one of those
it's on ab's day 2 recap
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The house looks super nice this time
I hope they don't destroy the insides and then remodel it into a soulless husk like they did on the s2 one
joniver up
Are you black?
Gosh I fucking love sucking plump juicy cocks, watching gay porn and JOSIE!!
Josie is retarded but atleast she tries to keep her personal life and her stream separate.
yeah thats the only place i've seen it. you'd think ppl would have spammed it here
Those legs gaw damn
this is januki btw
is that really s3 house? that shit looks too nice for fishtank. we need something like the season 1 house again.
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She's Jewish
She used to larp as one of those racist right wing girls
I believe you on the first two.
bitch look like a gargoyle
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He has retard strength
I fwear the jawn
kill yourself RV nigger
oh well Im going to /f1/ since its gooner talk hours, see yall when these retards wake up
Was xe trans?
>ywn make jon bite the pillow as you plow his roided beefy tard ass from behind
>Xavier takes of the mask
>it was xer the whole time
I would never talk shit about Jet again
She's wearing pants
It's on the same property
They own a good amount of land now
How do you explain her internet history spanning multiple years all adding up? Did Sam create her in a lab 22 years ago to star in his reality show?
>wearing pants
>problem glasses
>goes to gay parties
raging femenist confirmed
the uguu trad girl grift falls flat again
>"I hawd cawnsensual rowepway with Summer. I fowked her in the awse really good."
>"I can do all things twough Chwist who swtengthens me."
it's true she was trained
JNCOs were late 90's. They were a joke by early 00's.
Bexbake it up
Based E D rockers
you're right she shouldn't go to those parties
you are talking to an extremely mentally ill individual who has been denied by josie in person a year ago and been non stop seething about it daily since.
just ignore him, or better yet report him for ban evasion.
her eyesight is like -4.5, guaranteed commie feminist
>She's Jewish
well that explains everything
Jimmy licking Letty's panties.
She's super low iq. You can tell by watching her streams. She was basically peer pressured by fans and production into dating him
good boy jimmy good jimmy jimmy good boy jimmy good
there's different types of autists. most women just become some guys gf and take his personality
she's not
Even better
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Will Frank come back fatter or skinnier this season?
He's cute what's wrong with dating TJ
fatter for sure
Hopefully he dies before he appears again
He's gonna keep gaining weight until he's big enough to kill Boogie and wear his skin and replace him
why does he deserves a big tittied gf and i don't?
i bet she's cheating on him with peter!(peter W)
kek. real
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I would never leave my gf alone with Brian and the wigger crew
but then who would rape tayleigh?
this season wouldn't be complete without her shaving her hair again and getting abused by frank, again.
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Turned into a spider. Black(ed) Widow
so how does flowstreams provide a better service than those they're ripping off
says the guy who sucks on huge thick juicy tardzan cock
Pretty spiderbetty
not really, she was visibly into him before that
they need to bring back charleston white so that he can have his turn after Jordan
accidental tag
Letty sexually assaulted by Jimmy.
Letty's titties sexually assault me every day
I'd at least trust Brian around Taylor since him and TJ are good friends. The rest of the wiggers are 100% gonna rape her the first chance they get tho
any bakers?
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Good morning I hate TJ he did not have a character arc he was pushed through by the producers and was one of the most boring contestants and was way too docile and him winning was one of the results of s2 failing. Taylor is only with him for clout because she is a whore party girl and dropped him the second the wiggers invited her back to 2.5 and as I type this she is getting railed by one of the wiggers while teejay is at home. You know it's true. TJ also didn't win any fight in s2. Redditors and twitter faggots only began to like him when sam and co started pushing him on his fake character arc because mde is a cult and everyone always parrots what sam says and does.
it's free, lets you rewind the stream and frankly the interface makes switching cams easier
Yesterday. He touched her arm then smelled his hand.
i want to sexually assault letty's stinky neet asshole(shaved)
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Did you know you can identify a slut without mind-reading?

One major tell is the infamous “thousand cock stare“.

She has the look that cock-addicted women put on to conceal emotional torment. She looks wound up.

Remember fellas, women like this live a double life

1.Cutesy Wholesome Girl Next Door Persona
2.Addicted to Cock Slut (she will only revealed this aspect of her life to men who aren't needy, weak or boring, asumming she's attracted to him)
are we literally discussing here if taylor is whore or not? lol.
there was this guy on twitter who would often tweet at taylor to hangout and meet up and most of his likes and replies were to onlyfans girls thrusting. a couple of weeks ago taylor followed his private insta account
rename it sleeptank
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smella foreva <3
i think all the wigger having sex with contestant allegation are simply porn addict fantasies.
they are professionals and would never do that considering how bad it would reflect on them and the show as a whole.
Letty waking up to Jimmy standing over her.
>they are professionals
>reeeee you just pathologically hate white women for no reason
>meanwhile white women
i mean obviously, but it's /ftl/ tradition at this point
>they are professionals
i wouldn't go that far though lol
Least telling on themselves Josiefan
One of the wiggers was fucking letty day one after s1
can someone pls remind me of how tj won when he'd had all of his chips stolen
True they're not banging all the contestants
just running a train on Taylor every night kek
We have to wait for img limit.
>he'd had
they're an exception, they've been in a relationship for more than a year now
Letty slept with one of those "professional" wiggers already.
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6 hundred million years of ella! <3
very intelligently-written FT analysis to watch whilst they're sleeping

Why is everybody on Fishtank so fucking fat now?
it's strange but correct english. thanks for your useless response though.
brian surprised me the most, he looks like a redditor
oh nonono here come the ab seethers
>hello kitty
Why are girls obsessed with that shit
Tax confirmed fucked Letty so you're already wrong
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>be sam
>open twitter
>see this:
how do you proceed?
idk i guess cuz it's cute
2.5 is but a distant cousin of the previous seasons
He made a deal with fatty for more chips and dominated all the challenges + tay though shinji was on the lead.

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