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>excuse me, can you direct me to the bathroom for transwomen?
So how did they walk this one back?
Haven't seen a single episode of this for at least 10 years.
>If course ma'am, just go though the door to the women's bathroom, because transwoman are women!
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>If course ma'am, just go though the door to the women's bathroom, because transwoman are women!
Didn't the writers just turn Garrison's character into a joke about trannies for multiple seasons? I'm more curious how they walked that back
It always amazes me when you guys post shit like this. If you found this doesn't it mean you were unironically watching a tranny in the first place? Which would make you a faggot, or at bare minimum a hate watching retard.
It was on Comedy Central no more than a week ago.
nobody gave a fuck about trannies in 2005 and even less people even knew they exist in the first place
They undid the sex change and made him literally Trump, so the liberals forgave and forgot.
why cant it just make us curious
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Why would you be curious? Trannies take dick up the ass and are mentally ill, what more do you need to know? Only a faggot or faggot minded person would want to know more
They said he was never actually gay or trans, just a pervert, then reverted it all. Then they turned him into Drumpf because they didn't want to give real Drumpf any free advertising, then when he won the election they pretty much stopped using the character altogether because they said Drumpf jokes "were stale" (in truth they were just seething too hard)
I love that they were so sure Hillary would win that they didn't even bother planning for a Trumpidency. I'm so fucking glad that Hillary never became president, holy shit. I'd take Biden the rest of my life if it meant no Hillary.
> (in truth they were just seething too hard)
>multiple seasons of pc principle
Sure anon
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There was an entire follow-up tranny episode in 2014 where the moral at the end was literally "People who won't accept trannies are the REAL freaks that need to be excluded from civil society"


It's like how Family Guy had to ferociously backpedal the "Brian projectile vomits for 90 seconds onscreen after discovering he fucked a tranny" episode
South Park's been around so long that they have to do a ton of this
>apologize for being mean to trannies 20 years ago (The Cissy vs Mr. Garrison's Fancy New Vagina)
>apologize for being mean to Mexicans 20 years ago (Mexican Joker vs Goobacks)
>apologize for being mean to Al Gore 20 years ago (Time to Get Cereal vs Manbearpig)
>apologize for being mean to anti-smoking advocates 20 years ago (Tegridy Farms vs Butt Out)
I can't believe people don't realize where they've planted their flag now that they've made an actual "Kathleen Kennedy was right, leave her alone" episode but there's like three people left in the world that actually watch South Park and two of them hate it so whatever
whats so wrong with putting it in girlbutt, and im straight so obviously your hypothetical extremism is just prejudiced at best
>People who won't accept trannies are the REAL freaks that need to be excluded from civil society
Whats it like living as a victim 24/7? Episode pokes at fake trans using bathrooms, if that was your take away I assume basically everything in media hurts you personally these days.
When have they ever apologized for anything? Making an episode that shits on the premise for a previous episode is not an apology.
>When have they ever apologized for anything?
>When have they ever apologized for anything? Making an episode that shits on the premise for a previous episode is not an apology.
Not him, but they've gone on record apologizing for the smoking episode. It was an episode directly striking at The Truth ad campaign that made anti-smokers look like faggots, and Matt and Trey didn't realize at the time that The Truth was funded by cigarette companies specifically to make the anti-smokers look like faggots. They also apologized for some dead white girl - JonBenet Ramsey I think? One of those cases - where after the episode, new DNA evidence exonerated the woman they explicitly called a murderer in their episode.
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>they've made an actual "Kathleen Kennedy was right, leave her alone" episode
Holy fuck I forgot about that one, imagine your boomer tier hot take being that Steven Spielberg and George Lucas raped Star Wars and Indiana Jones in the '00s, but Kathleen Kennedy just improved Star Wars and Indiana Jones by making them diverse and inclusive
The phrases "tranny" and "dilate" get thrown around way too much on this board as shorthand for "I don't like you and you're dumb" but this post is from a genuine LGBTQIA++ psycho, sitting like an ogre in a mumu hunched over his estrogen bottles
They made him Dawnawld Drumph. Which has to sting a little since he absolutely gaped Biden last night on live tv in front of the whole world.
>One of those cases - where after the episode, new DNA evidence exonerated the woman they explicitly called a murderer in their episode.
This is the only one I can understand. The rest is just them being massive cowards
Link the apology which isn't in the blog and again, shitting on themselves isn't 'I'm sorry' off camera.
I found
https://www.ny jew times.com/2011/09/25/magazine/talk-trey-parker-and-matt-stone-of-south-park.html
Where they apologize for the Ramseys but not much else

Also lmfao I had no idea they had been proven innocent till right now.
>provide a source
>a direct source
>that doesn't count because you didn't contextualize it, meaning I'm still winning my incorrect argument
Holy fuck stop talking forever
>Also lmfao I had no idea they had been proven innocent till right now.
Trial by media is the most disgusting trend of our age. You do not hate journalists nearly enough. I used to think journalists were bad, but their profession was a necessary one, but now I see that's not true. The entire job of journalist is predicated on manipulation and deceit and has nothing to do with getting the truth out to people who need to hear it. That's a shield they hide behind, like jesters that pretend their criticism was just a joke if anyone tries to argue with them.

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