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*Gets completely redeemed in the eyes of real fans while the culture warriors out themselves by continuing to get triggered by kino*
>have to wade through oceans of diarrhea to find one good episode

Imagine if you went to a restaurant and they served you a plate of shit with an M&M on top.
>ew look at all this shit
>yeah but that M&M redeems it though
I binged The Acolyte yesterday. It's not even that woke compared to all the other shit out there...

It's just boring as fuck, and terribly written. Also, the visuals are garbage.
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It really is becoming obvious now who the grifters are and who the fans are.
>Food metaphors
Go exercise fatty
>completely redeemed in the eyes of real fans
If all it takes for "real fans" to like slop is if it has pretty lights and colors, and halfway decent choreography for a change, then they deserve everything they're getting.
>real fans
They're also NPCs. Everyone getting their opinions from youtube men are NPCs. The fact you made that screenshot proves you are also an NPC.
anyone that was a real fan of star wars walked away long ago, who do you think you're shilling to? the niggers, fags, and women that the new stuff is filled with?
i am so confused. i thought it was conservacucks calling libtards "culture warriors". but it seems like this guy's a libtard calling conservacucks culture warriors
someone please update me on the lingo
What's this guy's name? Darth Zipperhead? Little on the nose since the guy is Asian.
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>making a sith lord helmet out of a droid helmet
Damn you mouseshills suck fat cock at this holy shit
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Reminder all nu wars is faggot shit
If women and minorities are so powerful and creative, why are the shows they create so awful? From word boo Disney has been phoning the it in. This is content, not art and they can't even bother to make that with any care.
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Real fans don't watch Star Wars anymore.
They should have just made a condensed single run movie. But that doesn't sell their channel, so.
Real fans don't watch yidsney fan fiction. Kill yourself shill poojeet.
lesbian, morally relativistic, racially diverse space witches is not woke....? And when a considerable part of the marketing is explicitly about it being queer, that's also not woke...?
You're just as fat as him
I can imagine the ackolyte shit getting clearanced as fast as that SW preschool show did.
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>mouseniggers are still shilling their nigger dyke space witch show on an anonymous malaysian underwater basketweaving forum
lmao the absolute state of yidsney
Glad you agree.
>one good episode
It's not good, everything other than Smilo Ren is absolutely retarded
Death to Disney.
Threads like this is how Disney's marketing department is going to save their shitty show?

Yeah ok lol. Sure thing.

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