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How did America really get so enamored with this pedo looking fuck in the first place? Were people really so surprised that chudjak here turned out to be a pedo?

These ads also suck shit
people used to be forced to watch commercials more and you'd see the same ones 3-5 times per episode of a show
>How did America really get so enamored with this pedo looking fuck in the first place
most people weren't, it was just subway's marketing team that shoved it down everyone's throat (heh, get it)
He went from a regular guy to Epstein Jr in a year
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>the pedo grin
he wasn't able to get away with, unlike some people
>all ugly people are pedophiles
So... You're a pedophile?
Justice for channing she dindunuffin
>Let’s make a regular guy the mascot of our billion dollar company nothing could go wrong
>claim to fame is simply not being fat anymore
is this the american dream
Well we're on /tv/ so...
It went fine for twenty years, that's pretty good honestly.
Jared became famous because he was a gawky jew.
It was a chance to put a jewey jew in the public eye, so jewey publicists who look like him jumped on it.
*America* isn't enamored with anything. Every "popular" topic of pop culture was focus-grouped and selected specifically by a small group of trillionaire jews.
He was comedic fodder. We always made fun of him and his stupid commercials. Everyone knew it was a marketing gimmick because subway bread has always been shitty, processed high sodium meat and bread loaded out the ass with sugar.
He wasn't even a pedo, he was just into young teens.
it was an ad campaign. subway paid for media exposure to advertise their shitty food.
7 to 10 yos dont count as young teens you dip
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I can't believe this asshole got rich from just shilling sandwiches. Meanwhile, I'm probably going to work until I die.
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>height 6'2"
based cunnychad
He would have gotten away with it, if he changed his pronouns.
Oh fuck of faggot. Anyone can be a pedo and to claim they look like a pedo is reductive ignorant and just plain stupid. I would be money yo look like a massive chomo yourself. The monday morning quarterbacking is unreal.
Jared only fucked kids in thailand. So its okay. Jared gets sent love letters in prison. He gets treated well by the other pedos in pedo prison.
This makes the manlet seethe. Imagine getting mogged by a pedo. Brutal.
There are 12 year olds on social media making 10 million to fart in a microphone and pet their broccoli zoomer hair. Dont compare yourself to faggots and losers online/tv. You know what else tge pedo used all his money to pay lawyers and is a registered sex offender for life...do you want those things too? Then stfu.
c o m f y
Fun Fact: Jared Fogle and Daniel Larson are in the same prison right now.
>keep jews in their minds
>even if it's bad
>they won't expell us
>Daniel Larson
Literally who?
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they shoulda made Clay Henry the spokesman all along!

He was a corporate mascot. Would you say that America is "so enamored" about that woman from eSurance? Or whatever company it is, the one with the quirky woman who's overly enthusiastic in an "endearing" way.
>Fogle was born in Indianapolis, Indiana, on August 23, 1977, to Norman and Adrienne Fogle. He has a younger brother and sister. He was raised in a Jewish home. He had a bar mitzvah while on a trip to Israel, and then was confirmed by his Conservative-Reconstructionist synagogue.
Every fucking time
i never bought this whole subway helps you lose weight crap! ive been eating 6 to 8 subway subs a day and havent lost nothing! infact i think i might even be gaining weight instead! this diet is a scam!
The flo from progressive bitch? Yeah I kinda would
The carefree smile of a soul at peace.
eat more and more. it will start working eventually.
Most people are at most dimly aware that she exists. She's not Marilyn Monroe; America is not "enamored" with her.
Imagine being a fat loser and lucking into the cushiest gig imaginable, where a major fast food chain pays you money to eat sandwiches and do commercials, and you fuck it all up by being a pederast

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