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What was the moral/point of this movie?
women are children
I can't bring myself to watch this movie because I like Emma Stone a lot and don't want to see her doing weird degrading stuff.
She not only does weird and degrading stuff in this movie all the time, but apparently is now specializing in those roles almost exclusively.
wether ot not it was intentional, this film ended up showing how fucking vile and putrid so many of our accepted norms are
>championing a woman who sleeps around
>championing becoming a prostitute
>at the end of the day some cuck with no self respect still loves her
>all men are retarded except the wise gay nigger
10 years too late.
>What was the moral/point of this movie?
Scotland breeds degeneracy
>feminism is about being a dumb whore

good movie unironically
That all women are whores, even the children.
Something like:
>It's ok to fuck retards
Frankenstein. redux. . . . .
her newest shit is even worse
gets blacked at an orgy
That's okay, I'm not going to watch any of it.
>except the wise gay nigger
He seemed to be rather misanthropic and afraid of the world. I don't think they were affirming his views.

Yes but he didn't get humiliated like every other character.

>"father" is a grotesque eunuch abomination
>"husband" is a cuck
>"lover" ends up being a cringy simp
>"former husband" is a sadistic psycho
>all the whorehouse patrons are degenerates

But the black guy is smooth, cool and doesn't get any comeuppance. Not even a bad word directed at him.
I feel like celebrating casual sex is shortsighted. Sure when you are young and attractive and can get it effortlessly you might find it neat if everyone is dtf but what if you get old or into an accident? What about disabled people? In a society that places value on hedonism you would either have to accept being alone once you become physically undesirable or be okay with your partner fucking others which can't be good for your mental health even if you cope by saying "I want them to be happy".

Call it cope but as an unattractive guy who can't get sex effortlessly I just stopped desiring it but I would still like a gf but the idea of her being through several guys and possibly cheating on me is just too unpleasant.
It's a soft push into Pedophilia Movie. The story is about a brain transplant, A Baby brain into a Woman body and it's a Prostitute.
The Evil Disgusting Nature Of The Synagogue of Satan.
Morality is too concerned with "bad" consequences. Progress is rebelling against the rules, consequences be damned (or romanticized, even better incentivized by AOC, Inc.)
Euros love black cocks.
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>Godwin dies
>bring your father/husband unconscious back to Godwin's lab for surgery
>don't save your creator and adopted father, lash out at someone you hate instead and turn them mentally into a farm animal
retarded and cruel movie, dictionary definition of thinking you have more to say than you actually do
there are people who like this movie and will then use "pretentious" to describe many incredibly better movies
also, where am I?
most people can't tell the difference between a child's brain and an adult woman's
woman alway win at the end
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>he didn't watch the best show of 2023/2024
i seriously ishy gishy
I don't subscribe to the belief there has been a good show since Deadwood.
I don't really watch shows. I do like all three of those people, but, no, I prefer to stick to films.
I think you mean worst show of 2023/2024.
Nathan hasn't made a single decent thing since episode 1 of the rehearsal. His career (if he ever even had one to begin with) is Joever.
Is this the thread?
There are 2 thematic tracks to the movie:
-one is a very woke "feminist journey" that ends in a literal dyke utopia where men are accessories (not the original novel's ending btw)
-the other is a more libertarian approach to life including sex, which is shown as something regulated by the body rather than the mind, as in: if the body's sexually mature it will look for sexual pleasure and the mind follows
he admits fault. he tells her he really only wanted to hurt her for being optimistic.
the surgery doesn't work if its a straight brain transplant, as there isn't enough room to reconnect everything. hence the baby brains in the mother's body.
>But the black guy is smooth, cool and doesn't get any comeuppance. Not even a bad word directed at him.

Shes calls him a scared child. And that him projecting his fear onto the world is what makes him belive the world is bad. Did you weven watch the movie?
I wouldn't know. I turned it off the second the brown dude was flirting with her
"what if barbie had genitals" the movie.
im biased though and aatched and barbie back to back.

Did you? Every other man in the movie gets humiliated or is grotesque and the smooth black guy what... exchanges a few sharp words with her? Yeah bro totally comparable.
>I can do what I want without consequences because I am a woman
The film
chernobyl and true detective s1+2
>What was the moral/point of this movie?
Don't let the world define you. You can be whatever you wanna do.
So a lie, then.
what's it called?
...so i can be sure and avoid it.
it's a mini series, so it plays out like a long film
You are the last remaining Curse shill on this board. They stopped paying you to do this months ago bro just quit it. No one liked it. You're like that Japanese guy who thought WWII was still going on and didn't surrender until like 50 years later.
"Thought exercises" are fun, unless some blue areas since 2020 have turned rhetorical Q's of "bodily choice" into actual policies that's always on the side of infringing on others, not of being left alone (what if petty theft under $950 is allowed? what if the homeless addicts are an OK problem we pretend isn't getting worse? what if unhappy teens just need gender reassignment?)
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and you're like that autistic faggot who spazzes everytime someone enjoys something that he didn't
Oh yeah I forgot how bound in hard science this premise is. What was I thinking by dismissing it as contrived movie sorcery.
Duncan's character writing is rushed to a point of making him look a bigger shizo than a literal baby brain retard.
No where in the introduction scene it is even hinted that he sees her as anything but a braindead hole to fuck and then he starts sperging out. He is a supposed heartless womanizer but in three scenes starts throwing himself at anyone who winks at her.
>bro it's like about control he wants to like control this vagina for himself
Then you know actually do shit such people usually do. Slap the shit out of her, don't run out of the room crying.
2.30 h long this movie is and he couldn't pace it decently.
Another fun fact: there’s been a few cases where people need entire hemispheres of their brain removed. The result isn’t just half a brain forever, the remaining half fills the empty space and re-divides into hemispheres. Now apply that to the idea of a baby brain in an adult skull.
Based shill noticer
Because you were calling everyone shill
That women are not actually poor things, they have the easiest lives of anyone, know exactly what they're doing and are extremely manipulative, shallow and narcissistic
>The result isn’t just half a brain forever, the remaining half fills the empty space and re-divides into hemispheres.

Sounds true.
She'll do legalporno next to guarantee a brave and empowering Oscar win
You can look up the studies/journals
I get that it’s a retarded riff on Frankenstein but in the end both the creator and the creature pay for their crimes to humanity in the original. No such comeuppance in this because support globohomo feminism tranny train.
When sex was only about procreation it didn’t seem as cruel to deny people it because technically if you’re too sick or weak to have sex you wouldn’t necessarily want to have your children potentially saddled with any health problems. However modern society views sex as recreational so you’re literally telling others like incels that they don’t deserve the most basic of pleasures. So it feels more draconian than anything.
I like the episode where the brother tries to get his inheritance but yeah the rest of the season was crap.
After she had a kid right? Disgustingly degenerate
That point in her career where she has to start showing more skin if she wants to continue having a film career
I still haven't seen this shit. Anyone got a webm of the sex scenes?
The natural state of women is to be a whore.
Yeah I don’t get this mentality. You have kids who will be traumatized for life because their mom took dick on screen. No one recovers from that.
I can tell that you have.
How come Brazzers hasn’t done a porno parody of this yet?
Humiliation ritual involving copious amounts of scat

I'm a lefty feminist and I hate this movie. It's a shallow 2nd wave power fantasy about a woman who becomes a boss by following her every whim with zero accountability for her shitty behavior. Yes, some of the people around her are shitheads, but she is completely irredeemable through her actions are we are only supposed to sympathize with her because of her gender. When she sees the suffering people in anguish below her on the ship, I expected her to start hurling rocks at them or something. No reason is given why in this moment she's suddenly developed empathy, considering this scene is just moments after one where she kicks an innocent man unconscionably hard in the groin.

Ridiculous movie that hides behind the idea of empowerment to showcase a selfish woman's sociopathic escapades.. Unsurprising to find out it was written by the same dude who wrote Cruella, which is pretty much the exact same movie but with a PG rating.

I loved The Favourite.
Fun facts:
Morality exists due to thousands of years of trial and error. That's why morality was roughly the same across the entire planet, culture to culture. That's why women didn't rule anywhere, from Europe to some tiny island in the Pacific. Morality can be thus defined as "what works" to create a stable society.

Also, progress for the sake of progress is actually a bad thing if there is no end goal in mind. It destroys what works in favor of something that likely won't.
grow the fuck up
Normies are going to hump. This is a fact of life. They are going to grunt; they are going to sweat. After the monkey mating ritual, whence the eyes are locked, the flesh gyrated, and the subtle signs communicated, the two lovers will undress their little pale monkey bodies and commence the hump. They’ll sweat and hump, grunting and groaning, as their pale monkey bodies collide over and over again. They’ll oohh and they’ll ahh as they grunt and groan and ohhh gooodd. Flailing and contortion is a matter of course. After many oohhs and aahhs their muscles will contract and ohhh gooood will their muscles contract. The muscles contract so good that the chimps will exhale and sigh and cease the hump, sweating and breathing hard. They will do this because it is their purpose.

Often times they’ll get so into the oohhs and aahhs and grunting and humping that reason will leave them; the female becomes pregnant. “How did this happen?” They’ll wonder. Sometimes the males will become aggravated after the hump. They’ll go to other chimps, bar their teeth and jump up and down: “My muscles contracted sooo good after we went oohh aahh, your muscles have not contracted in such a manner, I bet you wish your muscles contracted so good.” Seldom a chimp (or perhaps the mating pair together) will regret their oohh aahh grunting muscle contractions and turn to their tribal shaman, saying: “I feel bad about my muscle contractions, what should I do?” in which case they will be instructed to sing ritual prayers into the void and limit such muscle contractions as best they can. This is the average normie existence.
That's a lot of words to say you don't get pussy
This anon’s muscles contract!
dunno if pasta, probably is, but it's my first time reading it and I shall bump to show my appreciation for it right before the thread archives from page 10
>Progress is rebelling against the rules, consequences be damned
some of the rules we currently have:
>you shouldn't rape people
>you shouldn't kill people
>you shouldn't steal
would it be "progress" if we all decided to rebel against these rules?
It’s my drunken OC. Spread it far and wide!
It's caused by a rare autoimmune disease that eats your own brain half and causes seizures. I've only seen children affected by it and the children develop a phantom hemisphere of the missing half of their brains. Fascinating. They grow up mostly normal.

The procedure is a hemispherectomy.
Understanding one’s place in the world and finding out what you want.
You guys get caught on the whole her becoming obsessed sex thing like it didn’t happen to everyone of us in highschool
Most feminist online seem to hate it tho. On twoxchromsome on reddit the opinion is largely negative
It doesn't divide physically. It just starts acting like it, like making up for the missing parts.
Manderlay rehash as Meta-Awardsbait satire.
>several guys

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