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>too scared to name the jew, makes up an imaginary bad white man
What a reddit show.
are we finally ready to admit this show wasn't very good?
it was implied that the cult had connections to political power in Louisiana
are there any Jews down there?
It was extremely good until the the finale.
It was the best finale of any show
2/10 bait
Minority by 2035 btw
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All according to plan
It's always been overrated normalfag slop
It was boring and anticlimactic, and the hospital scene was corny.
go back to plebbit
Anyone still using this deserves to be swinging from a lamppost
you sound like a hollywood executive who exclusively produces soulless slop
Childish overly emotional response as expected.
It dragged on too much in some parts. The finale was solid though.
>just 2 more weeks!
it was a run of the mill detective show right up until the end that elevated it
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Jews in Israel you mean?
How is the finale not soulless? All that rising action, all that anticipation and excellent tension building, only for the bad guy to be a fat hick who gets killed in 5 minutes.
Who do you think is making these worthless racebait threads 24/7?

Watch the unoriginal faggy response to this BTW
>spent years pouring over the case files trying to find out who it could possibly be
>solve the case in two seconds because green ears must mean spilled paint
>This is pure kino
>It's overrated trash <--- (you are here)
>It's overrated but still pretty good
>It was pure kino
I eagerly await your post in 5 years
What should he have been? An alien? A CGI cyborg? And why pretend the finale was him getting killed and not what happened afterwards?
Yeah two grumpy old men learn how to be friends, never seen that concept before.
You could trivialize anything with a brief summary but it won't make you any less filtered
They were satan worshipers though, so not white
I've been told the 1st season had a pizzagate-like plot. Is this true? Is there a conspiracy about a pedo ring with its HQ in the basement of some taco place? Whats going on
First season is the only good one.
>show has minorities in it
>/pol/ throws a tantrum
>show doesn't have minorities in it
>/pol/ still throws a tantrum
There's no pleasing you. No wonder no studio panders to you.
Fourth season is the only good one.

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