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What are some examples of dishonest filmmaking?
that's very honest filmmaking desu
Its pretty common in the midwest and the south. mountain west too I think.
Eh, the original pick has some cherry picked bullshit, all the women are from their prime and filtered while Sandler is old and unexpected. Young Sandler was a decent looking guy with a good hairline, his love interests weren't that unbelievable

Now anything with Jonah hill is another story
>There's never any movies/shows where some fat uggo hooks up with Chad
Now that Harv is out and his lady friends have taken over production houses, will we be seeing the opposite soon?
>Young Sandler was a decent looking guy
Adam Sandler is a mega rich comedian actor, he can get any woman he wants
This was so bizarre. Jonah was grotesquely fat here and the movie acts like it's a totally normal pairing.
He was young and still looked good if a bit slobbish in Happy Gilmore. Drew Barrymore isn't attractive.
Whenever they potray american soldiers as the good guys
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The new That 70s show reboot trying to convince us that THIS is unbelievably hot.
>hollywood Jew writes movie in which he bangs blonde shiksa

Tale as old as time.
This meme is inaccurate. I know plenty of men that y’all would consider “slobbish” or “unattractive” who have very beautiful wives. You wanna know why? Because nice guys win in the end, unironically. Men like Adam Sandler peak in their 30s and 40s, that’s when they can have fun and get with more women than “Chad” could even in his prime. Women fully mature in their 30s, both mentally and physically, which is why they start marrying less conventionally attractive men at that age who they feel can provide them with safety and is husband material. So if you’re a young man but can’t get girls now, don’t worry, in 10 years women will be crawling to you after having had their “fun” in their 20s! And don’t try to date younger women when you get older, younger women are immature and boring, they’re still finding themselves.
>Because nice guys win in the end
Stopped reading here. Go post your fanfic somewhere else, retard.
do you take bait all the time or just itt?


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>do you take bait all the time or just itt?
I dont know, why dont you tell me LMAOOOOOOOOOO
I need to become a famous funnyman and i'll make sure to cast all the hottest black women in hollywood as my wife/gf
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i wanted reply with the fat fuck from bridgerton but instead i found this https://www.forbes.com/sites/virgietovar/2024/06/27/bridgerton-are-we-still-not-ready-for-a-mixed-weight-romance-on-screen/
pic related wrote it
Collegehumor summed it up pretty well
This also happens with Ben Stiller and Woody Allen
I wonder why
women are how they look
men are what they do
>mixed weight romance
There always needs to be a big titty blonde in the timeline that seems to be a law of the universe. If one just gets addicted to drugs or dies or retires, the universe will create Sydney Sweeney.
adam sandler was the most successful actor that used the aryan blonde and the ugly jew trope in the media
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>Spoiler Pic

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