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Peggy had the better pitch
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Peggy was a stupid bitch
elisabeth moss is actually grotesque looking and it pains my eyes to look at that disgusting gargoyle face
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But wouldn't presenting a bottle of ketchup from a different manufacturer disprove this perfectly falsifiable assertion?
Kill yourself evil scum
She was oddly hot in The Square
that's not all she had
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you're a fag
No. 'Pass the heinz' is a genuinely great slogan. Simply asking for Heinz means asking to ketchup. I don't even like ketchup that much and still think of Heinz when I think about ketchup. When I think about other brands I don't think about ketchup, I think about some melody they had for their jingle or perhaps the shape of the dispenser. Heinz can come in any shape and size and they can play any music over someone putting some ketchup on anything I will assume its Heinz.
Why do you say this? I genuinely could not tell why one was better than the other or if either of them were good at all
do not watch queen of earth
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I'm actually there are many brands of ketchup
The premise of this ad is absurdly incorrect
Maybe if you'd actually bothered to research the topic you'd have won this contract
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I really wanted Don to beat the shit out of Betty when they started to hate each other
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i for one would love to have slow gentle sex with peggy
There's something off about her face. You'd still smash it but she's got that "I have no idea what to do during sex" look. Blowjob without tongue or sucking look. Back straight during doggy look. Fitting that the first time she gets laid in the show it's a drunken midlevel buisness beta's 3rd choice.
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it is pretty much an open secret in hollywood that she's way into the facial abuse type stuff
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Don's/Stan's was way better

Peggy's was the equivalent of having just a picture of the bottle (which the execs themselves said they wanted but don's was still better)

It's better because it lets your imagination fill in the blanks
creative is irrelevant. when the economy is good people buy things. and when it's bad they don't.
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Don's was better. Ginsberg's idea didn't tie into the product or its benefits in any way.
>when the economy is good people buy things
yeah but which things?
why did you edit chest hair onto her? fucking disgusting
Go back to Okinawa.
well usually the first things to go when tightening the belt are name brands. like heinz ketchup.
That's true, but all that means is that when times are tough, the people yearn for Heinz.
I've never heard a single person refer to ketchup by its brand name and not just "ketchup"
Would you be confused if someone did?
Is that body a black neighborhood? Because I wanna shoot kids in it!
That's probably because you're an inbred hillbilly that grew up in a double wide so you never heard someone ask for the "Great Value Walmart Tomato Catsup" before. We always called it Heinz as I recall from my affluent but relatable childhood, but that's because we could afford the good stuff.
Is Mad Men worth watching?
Fucking saved
both ads say fundamentally the same thing but heinz wanted the obvious instead of the clever
Yeah its pretty good. Gives a current perspective on the time period while also making comments about current issues. The character drama is pretty good as well, nothing insane like Sopranos where people shoot each other but still plenty of backstabbing, twists, big reveals and so on.
Its fucking great. You're presented with a delicious looking cheeseburger. Whats the first thing that comes to your mind? Pass the Heinz. Genius
I'm pretty grossed out by her... because she looks weirdly like my grandma when she was young.
Don was creating a trend though not referencing one.
>facial abuse
>can't suck dick for shit so just jam it against my tonsils and fuck my throat with a dildo attached to a toilet plunger
Yeah I could see it
>the only ketchup
it's not the only ketchup. all that slogan does is remind customers about the existence of competitors. they'll go to the store to buy heinz and see it right next to all the other brand ketchups. it's a shitty counterproductive slogan
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Look at that arrogant, stupid dumb whore.
Is the advertisement industry one big scam?

all the slogs are basically: our product is good and natural and the best quality trust me :) look at all these attractive rich people / professionals using it
That's literally how the ketchup market works. Heinz owns almost all of it except for discount brands for people somehow too poor for Heinz and overpriced artisanal crap.
Kill yourself evil scum
Kill yourself evil scum
Of course not, it's evil Jewish filth. Just an ad for smoking that glorifies the Jews in advertising. Do you want to watch a bunch of Jews being extremely Jewish?
Evil shit like this "show" should be illegal
Kill yourself evil scum
I’m going to commit suicide later on this afternoon, but before that I’m going to enjoy a relaxing cigarette
>Is the advertisement industry one big scam?
It's run by Jews, what do you think?
Kill yourself Jew
I’m not Jewish I’m Italian, I just look Jewish from the side
Why did he list cops twice?
So…….if you were in a Back to the Future situation, you wouldn’t go for it?
Great ad, but it was too modern for 60s Heinz. Which is the point with Don at that stage of the show.

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