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Why was it such total, unfiltered, undisputable KINO???
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I remember I use to watch these types of movies with my dad when I was a kid and a teenager.
Lucky you, I watched these movies alone as a kid and my dad was long dead. Cherish those memories.
if bruce les was alive today he would be considered on the same level as fraud as frank dux
Frank Doox made no KINO tho. Lee made many.
4 movies, dude.
My favorite Frank Dux lie is that he won a 60-round elimination bracket kumite. An elimination bracket with that many rounds would require 1,152,921,500,000,000,000 fighters.
Which kinos did doox make?
There are 4 Bloodsport movies.
He didn't make them
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What a total CHADtash on that motherucka
But his legend inspired them.
I like Lionheart more than Bloodsport. That also had Frank Dux as a fight consultant.
maybe he meant 60 contenders
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They knew he was a fraud after the first, that's why the other movies were to VHS
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Hell yeah
Listen bub, the fighters in mortal kombat fight fighters from different realms and dimensions. You think the fucking Kumite is any different? Once you reach a certain level of skill you aren't just fighting Earthlings anymore. Not that a civilian like you would know anything about this though...
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I haven't looked much into it, but isn't Frank Dux at it again? Something about him claiming the TRUE HEIR of some martial arts school?
Chong Li? Did nothing wrong.
That dude's wife was totally imagining a mmf threesome
Who cares? He's a proven fraud, but his lies led to a good movie.
Sickening 4chan FREAK.
The Black Dragon Society goes all the way to ads in old comic books so I’m pretty sure it’s legit.
Doox is not legit at all you fucking retards.
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>56 knockouts in a single tournament
frank "the fraud" dux gets a free pass because bloodsport is excellent
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The first time I watched this I knew I was witnessing kino by the first training montage but this scene had me screaming KINOOOOOOOOOOO
The kino goes to 20/10 when you realize the entire thing was a fucking lie made up by some fat guy and hollywood made the film anyway
It was real in my mind, remember the 6 million knockouts.
Should be edit with health bars over their heads like in a fighting video game.
That’s funny because Shao Khan is in Bloodsport too. How many souls did he defeat in Mortal Kombat, at least 60?
i know you didnt mean to leave me
on my ownnnnnn
It's kino.

The soundtrack was kino too.

That being said, the only "real" martial arts are boxing and kickboxing.
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The chase scene with Forest Whitaker always makes me kek :^)
Pure kino and the inspiration for the UFC
That scene is KINO though as well as the song.
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Is this one of the first films to introduce the tazer I wonder too?
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because of how true it is.
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The whole soundtrack is great.
A great song for /tv/
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It was real in their mind, anon.
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Very early tazers.
It's sad how the UFC destroyed most of the myths around martial arts
it was a lot more fun thinking that the dim mak death touch thing was real
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He not Japanese.
my least favorite part of the movie when Ogre makes fun of him afterwards!
I saw many so called black belt retards getting rekt in street fights by fatass to know it was bullshit in my teens.
>martial art is being African
I've watched this movie like 3 times since I first saw it late last year. it's just so good I keep wanting to watch it over and over again. It's hard to do but it's in the category of movie where the main character already has all the skills he needs to win from the get go, the movie is just so well supported by it's fun characters, fights, and interactions all the way through you never feel like it's a problem. The fact that its all fake makes it come off more like a mythical epic
And only the first one is worth seeing.
The soundtrack was awesome.
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I heard they fuggged
Webms you can hear
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This is where you fall down.
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pretty obvious they did
if you ever watch a movie and ask yourself at the end "wait why didn't they hook up?"
they fucked irl
Could have said "Chong Li? More like did nothing wrong-li"
Lucky you.
I watched these movies alone after my kid killed my dad and then transitioned so I had to kill him to so maybe the real Bloodsport is the friends we made along the way.
No he said 60 rounds over 3 days, with 57 of his wins ending in knockouts.
I grew up learning my values and sense of self worth through movies like these.
You made all that up 4chan freak.
I can't get her out of my head.
Maybe he was really high and just ran under a bridge and started kicking the shit out of homeless people while shouting
Kumite!! High-ya!!

Is Bolomode achievable natty?
>Don't like BIG GUYs, huh.
lol, this dude was such a fucking asshole, I love it.
>Fastest punch with a knockout: 0.12 seconds
Assume his fist traveled 2 feet.
1 hour = 3,600 seconds
3,600 seconds ÷ 0.12 = 30,000 2 ft./sec
30,000 x 2 = 60,000 feet/second

That means his fastest knockout punch traveled 11.36 mph. This is hilarious for two reasons. First, compare that to his 72 mph kick lol. Second, Keith Liddell has the world record fastest punch clocked at 45 mph.

Frank was so sloppy with his lies that he didn't even do the basic research to make the math impressive or plausible.
Let me show you how he did it
>folds piece of paper in half
>pushed pencil through folded paper
We don't unironic sincere B movies like this anymore
that was the joke retard
this made boomer girls wet their pants

grandpa jap should have just splashed the hot tea in his face instead of setting it down and doing a chop. like block that you fucking weeb
I already loved the movie
there's no need to make me love it more
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>why was it such total, unfiltered, undisputable KINO???
The soundtrack.

My dad introduced me to this movie in 2020. Absolute kino and I became a jcvd fan ever since
Hong Kong itself is pure kino. Walk around the city and you constantly feel like you are in one. Impossible to film there and not generate movie magic.
How is the bottom brick the hardest, wouldn't one in the middle require the most skill?
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John Woo made me love HK.
Bumping a classic.

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