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How do you respond without dying?
Why were they even there again?
>step back outside the doorway where the electronics don't work
>toss a grenade into the lasers to deactivate them
I'm short
Why didn't the laser security thing just do the full laser-net maneuver thing right at the beginning?
Just shoot the glass.
maybe doing it this way provides more training data for the evil ai
Like, because of zombies I thought
I like to imagine the music that plays in the scene isn't part of the scene it's actually a part of the trap.
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>Whoops, wrong door!
Dance off bro, me and you
someone post that gif with michael ironside and that whathisname who freezes lasers with a special gun - perfectly logical response
Like you could even fit through a door
like this
I wouldn’t respond. I would listen to the lasers, which is what no one did
Kek what the fuck
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If the red queen had succeeded in killing everyone, that outbreak wouldn't have happened.
>Press "A" in my mind
>jump through the lasers and twist body to avoid them
>when lasers come back i run up the wall and backflip over them
catherine zeta jones
based and freezepilled
The trick is to make yourself look big and stand your ground
Bring a mirror with me.
that's the one I was talking about, thanks bro
the expression on Ironside's face when it "works" is absolutely priceless :)
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>pshhhh...nothin personell...kid...
The only way to defeat lasers are skin tight uniforms.

Shout “This statement is false.”
> throw in smokebomb
> but it's a COLD smokebomb
> wait for lasers to freeze
> shatter them and keep going
I wouldn't do anything. I'd sit down and listen to what the lasers had to say.
Cover myself in mirrors
Grab the conveniently placed pipe on the roof and gymnastically raise my legs above the single laser
Congratulations you just made 100 more lasers
Exactly; and now they bounce back and destroy the emitters
I wouldn't say a single word to them. I'd wait until the lasers were out of the way. and that's what no one did.
more time
You never disappoint, /tv/.
Those National Treasury movies are nuts!
Is that Michael Scofield?
Be reflective
>smash the glass walls (or just shoot them with guns)
>laser fries its own electrical components
You got it.

Or maybe this. But I'd probably die fapping.

I understood that reference.
To fuck with people. Umbrella is an EVIL corperation (not in a faggy leftist) actually evil.
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I love comic book science.
Just shoot whatever is making the lasers. Movies are so dumb.
Because it's controlled by an amoral AI checking to see the skill level of the team coming in and jeopardising its lockdown, so it'll know what it has to send after the rest. If all of them had died from the first beam like a bunch of mall cops then it would have just released one zombie to deal with them.
What if you used a mirror? Would it do anything
>suspect runs out of bullets
>shoot grenade(?) out of his hand, leaving him completely unarmed
>hostage is released
>THEN choose to kill him with an expertly placed headshot
Did he also have superpowers like Cage or what?
This is unironically the kind of stupid comic shit I want more of, instead of the boring stupid shit like "Martha..." and "Jarvis, invent time travel".
Who directed this? My balls?
Obviously its that actor. Someone mentioned Ironside, which I think is a movie about Nazis living on the moon.
I saw my dad watch it once and thought it was aggressively irritating Adam Sandler tier humor
Ah, the classic paradox! If “this statement is false” is true, then the statement must be false, but if it’s false, then it must be true. It’s a self-referential puzzle that’s a great example of a logical paradox.
Just rush it, what's there to risk?
>How do you respond without dying?

I wouldn't say a single word to them, I would listen to what they have to say and that's what no one did.
retardbros we won
I remember him from the Mariah Carey music video with Eric Roberts
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Dodge them in an incredibly sexy way.
Thanks CHATGPT™!
I watched this flick the other night and there are only 3 good parts
1) first fi e mins where she shows nipples
2) this scene
3) last five mins where she flashes her pussy

Other than that totally didn't care
>kill all the good characters played by charismatic actors early in the movie so Milla Jovovovovovovovivich can slow motion kick flip her way through the franchise
these fucking retarded movies in a nutshell
I would simply do a 360 and walk away
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>mfw she and her husband tried to pull the same stunt with The Three Musketeers
>Splinter Cell 7 was cancelled for this
I'm surprised that totally spies clip hasn't been posted yet
So this is the power of archeology
wtf is this real
Prison Break really got silly toward the end.

be at one with the laser.

Fuck you, you fat cunt. Prison Break ended beautifully.
>Gets hit with the laser grid
>Destroys fucking everything
Nothing personel
huh, I didn't know that
Actually this is realistic, it's an absolute zero gun and it freezes the light particles
Because it's a movie and having a series of "levels" is more entertaining than it simply just killing everybody from the get go.
not at all
My hair is a bird
>ChatGPT 6
Hold up 2 mirrors on your sides
ackshually laser is just a stream of photon. and if that gun can freeze things to absolute zero, it's possible.
Not really, umbrella went and opened it with a second team of only scientists, which let the infection out.
Mag dump the sides of the room to hopefully disable the lasers.
If that doesn’t work then I guess I’ll die.
>Why were they even there again?
Because the Red Queen had gone berserk and
locked down the facility without explanation. Their job was to shut down the Red Queen and secure the facility. The Red Queen tried to stop them, and failed. The laser corridor was an undocumented final barrier that Umbrella's security team were not aware of. (That's the least of the Hive's hidden features, such as the gigantic cryogenics facility under the floor of that room.)
This answer is correct. It's important to understand that the Resident Evil films are not just commentary on cinema as artifice, but commentary on the nature of videogames and their game structure. It's why Resident Evil Retribution is built like a videogame with a series of "levels" and the film even has a final boss, then a videogame-style cliffhanger ending.
God damn this movie is so much better than the games.
i love sivana. i can't find it, but there's a page where he finds out that captain marvel turns back in to a little kid so rather than come up with some convoluted scheme, he decides to just slit billy's throat while he sleeps
how do I summon the RE movie schizo
You do realize Three Musketeers is based on a book, right? In fact, while it isn't super great, it's one of the more entertaining adaptations of said book. I really prefer Jovovich's Milady to Eva Green's Milady.
hello saar
Shatter all the glass before entering. Just destroy the room before you go In, and the lasers cant do shit to you.
>Not really, umbrella went and opened it with a second team of only scientists, which let the infection out.
They could only get the doors open because the Red Queen had been fried. This actually brings me to frustration I have. The Red Queen was fried in the first movie. Charred to a crisp by the EMP. So her turning up in the fifth movie was total bullshit. She only turned up in that movie because the studio wanted heavy handed exposition in every scene, and jamming in the Red Queen as a framing device was the solution to do that.
Remember, the only reason this happened was because these retards said their plan of shutting down the red queen OUT LOUD
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chat is this real?
see this is why I heckin love science. these fun little surprises are waiting around every corner
Apparently Netflix are working on a new Resident Evil TV show. The main character is Sophia Marcus, the daughter of James Marcus. She's a lesbian of course. (It's Netflix.) My suggestions are:
>Have Jovovich appear in some capacity. I don't care how you justify it.
>Sophia's objective is to reach an Umbrella facility somewhere in Europe where an anti-virus is located. So... Bring back the Red Queen. There's no excuse to not use cool shit. When you're doing a TV show and it's obvious you're just ripping off ideas from the movies, why not go all the way?
Umbrella is a joke next to real life corporations. You distinguishing Umbrella from Amazon reveals how fucking stupid you are and completely missed the point of the stupid thing you were watching.
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>Apparently Netflix are working on a new Resident Evil TV show
yikes, won’t be watching
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that's something they would come up with
Mark Antony only dies toward the end.
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>Mark Antony

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