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I don't get it.
>Sneed's Feed & Seed (Formerly Chuck's) is a joke and innuendo from the animated television series The Simpsons. The questionable validity of the punchline and confusing nature of the joke's structure has turned it into a tool for trolling and memes referencing the original quip, which uses the scene from the show as an exploitable in photoshops and other edits. After spreading to 4chan, "Sneedposting" became a widespread shitposting format to reference Sneed's Feed & Seed.
the sign is a subtle joke
Its funny cuz it all rhymes but if you switch sneed with chuck it doesnt ryhme
There’s nothing to get. It’s just discord spam forced by one really autistic brown loser. He just desperately wants to be the next baskin, but can’t replicate the sovl that made it so great.
/tv/ changes words just so the joke makes some sort of sense
>Feed & Seed both rhyme with Sneed, what rhymes with Chuck that starts with F & S?
Pathetic knockoff of Bane, which itself was just a pale imitation of Baskin.
The joke "Sneed's Feed & Seed, formerly Chuck's" from the TV show The Simpsons plays on a linguistic pattern involving rhyming and phonetic similarity, which creates a crude humor once the pattern is recognized.

Here's the breakdown:

The store's name is "Sneed's Feed & Seed."
The sign also says, "formerly Chuck's."

The joke hinges on the implied rhyme and alliteration. If the store used to belong to Chuck, then following the same pattern as "Feed & Seed," Chuck's establishment would have been called something like "Chuck's Fuck and Suck," since "Feed" and "Seed" rhyme with "Chuck" and the pattern would follow with similar-sounding verbs.

This subtlety makes the joke funny to those who pick up on the wordplay, as it sneaks in a suggestive and crude joke under the guise of a seemingly innocent sign.
Sne*drags are trannies
Search sneedhon to learn more

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