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As a Trump supporter, this movie really hurt my feelings.
leftoids really say that geg
shitlib exposed, emasculated, and methodically obliterated
Why did he get so captured by climate change
>third world dirt worshippers successfully convincing white Americans that science isn't real

This will never not be funny
Thst movie is pure cringe
I thought it was a parody, but when i saw her haircut i knew it wasnt really, someone was serious
I cringed so hard, the solid turd inside my ass turned liquid
The movie was like a humilliation ritual for each of the acrors, like dan schnider or someone else was in charge of making it their own jacking off material to satisfy a super specific fetish
>Everyone look up and see our imminent deaths! 99.99999% of the world is powerless to stop it but look up and panic anyway!
What was the message supposed to be? I didn't think creating worldwide despair and chaos is the smart move.
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He's not wrong
Did you just not see the movie or something? The whole point was they could have done many things early on but choose not to because of corporate/government greed and ignorance, the entire movie is an allegory for climate change
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I loved Meryl Streep as a dysfunctional female Donald Trump in this movie
Damn if only my job was taken overseas this summer wouldn't be hot
> the entire movie is an allegory for climate change
How would a comet change the climate?
I wish I could turn off my brain and become left wing so that I could enjoy this movie because aspects of it seem good.
It was a meteorite
I watched the trailer, which presumably had some of their best material, it's supposed to be a comedy, but the protagonists are never in the mood to make jokes.
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If only we had a meteorleft
It's a way for rich people to feel morally superior by donating money and pretending they're saving the world. Then they feel less guilty about getting blown by 20 year olds on their superyachts.
It's not meant to be subtle, we're past that point now, we're trying to save the fucking planet
>dude just stop all industry
>dude just stop using cars and planes.
>dude we should all just change our lifestyle except for billionaires they can still use all their yachts, private jets, 100 supercars and mansions
>dude we need to do all this to stop a 1°c increase in global temperature based not on reality but on our climate models
Imagine how absolutely retarded someone has to be to STILL believe in the climate scam in 2024
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Always enjoy posting this image, really makes you people seeth
>modern day science
>not 1000% jewish
Kek at this absolute retard
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bidenfags vote against their own economic interests
That's what triggers an ice age. Didn't you pay attention in school? Don't you know how an apocalypse event works? Earth has seen a few of them in its history
>the most vocal celeb activists invariably support war mongers, fly private jets and objectify whores
Makes you think
I assumed he was trolling because I cannot fathom anyone being that fucking retarded to ask that question and be over 5 years old, let alone the 18+ you need to post here
Daily reminder that we had the tech to stop climate change in the 60s with nuclear energy.
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>no guys you have to do what I say or judgment will fall on you and destroy everything!
many such cases
>Did you just not see the movie or something?
yes lmao
They used to build Cathedrals.
the scene of him arguing on twitter was hilarious
>the entire movie is an allegory for climate change
I managed to piece it together using all the subtle clues the movie gave me
Hello my fellow hue. I took hated this movie
Mandate all unnecessary travel suspended. That means sports, campaign events, concert tours, and vacations. Then we can sit down and talk about further restrictions. Until then, shut the fuck up.
How much damage to the environment does traveling to that event cost compared to a normal person going about their life?
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Which was worse? That scene, or this scene from The Last of Us?
having children hurts the climate, chud (when white people do it)
Science aint Christian

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