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Is the best of eastern time travel fiction better than Primer?
>wubba lubba dub dub but japanese
Naa groundhog day is better
Yes, I never cared about any character in Primer while I liked all of the main cast here.
anime sucks

It was a decent watch but I liked Edge of Tomorrow better.
It's really not.
probably the best time travel fiction of all time.
I did not care for this show. Why did every character have to be some shitty weeb stereotype? Maybe basement dwellers find it endearing but in reality it's just grating and stupid.
The blue hat girl is my wife.
>best of eastern time travel fiction
That would be Disappearance of Haruhi.
I doubt it since Japs can't into science fiction properly. Especially time travel.
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you are just like picrel
The time travel in that movie isn't nearly as good as OP's
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>I have never watched it but it has to be bad
This is the only case I can think of where the live-action film adaptation of a manga was superior to the original product.
He would be, if he wifed Suzuha.
You mean not nearly as frequent
Or both? Other shows like SG get much more involved with its mechanics and use it to keep the story interesting.
Tom Cruise knows how to make kinos.
truly top tier. Minus the black people
Yes. And the best of western time travel fiction is even better than that.
what about rikki oh? or oldboy? hell I can think of a lot.
It's hard to call this the best of eastern time travel fiction when it's so thoroughly mediocre.
Haruhi used it as a simple plot device SG used it as a gimmick.
You don't know what this word means. SG's time travel is linked closely to the story and is fully explained, no plot holes. It's not a one off throwaway for convenience like Haruhi.
true. girl who leaped through time was better.
Don't forget the asspulls
>Time travel
Trash trope for pseud midwits
There aren't any.
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It has the absolute best girl in anything so yes.
why did they never explain what steins gate was? they kept refering to it but never giving details
dark >> primer >>>>>>>> ... > tranime
in terms of realism primer is the best but in terms of story/general enjoyability the series dark is the best time travel work ever
t. midwit
You haven't even watched it. It's above Dark because it doesn't spend time aimlessly meandering in the middle and end
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steins gate isn't about time travel
Steins;gate is kino of the highest order. Has anyone played the novel game that it's based on?
>steins gate isn't about time travel
Are you retarded? The fat guys daughter comes from the future?
I hope none of you look like this.
anyone that thinks this is intellectualy stimulating in any way is either a child, midwit or needs to be exposed to quality material, it's neither deep nor original and there are way way better works of fiction that deal with time travel.
time loop > time travel
At least 13 Sentinels was better than fucking Steins Gate
I'm going to talk to my bf about Suzuha when he wakes up
t. doesnt know either
Name a few.
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I really wish more people would acknowledge this absolute kino manga
post the femboy, my heart
Haven't seen Rikki Oh but yeah Old Boy. Forgot that was originally a manga too.
I haven't been on /tv/ in a while.
I see bait has gotten even more obvious in my absence.
This was epic. It's like Ghost in the Shell but not just in Japan. The Uyghur arc still gives me chills.
redpill me on this.
It was adopted from a LN, the manga came after the movie.
And yeah, the comic book sucked.
Dont compare steins gate with that shit.

Both of those are subpar quality.

> Hasnt seen the story of ricky

Watch it you punk.
Imagine being elitist about muh Japanese animes
reference to einstein-rosen bridge. so, wormholes
i liked Dark a lot, but the ending felt like it came out of nowhere. some minor side character is the cause of all the problems in the world?
What's wrong with Primer?

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