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Adulthood is when you realize that the only television worth watching is The Sopranos and classic Simpsons. All other television is for midwits.
>All other television is for midwits.
What do the dimwits watch?
whatever you watch
I watch the Sopranos and seasons 2-9 of the Simpsons on a loop
reminder uncle jun killed dickie moltisanti
Rome is good, too.
damn I agree, 32 yo here
Just having one good season doesn't count. Same goes for True Detective (and its season 1 is kind of overrated anyways)
The only thing that made the Sopranos worthwhile was Gandolfini's performance. The writing was all over the place with goofy caricatures while also trying to be super serious. Like Silvio driving Andrea to her death for instance, you have a total satire of the genre who's supposed to deliver on a harrowing scene? And Paulie always with the unfunny zingers. There's a reason David Chase became suddenly incompetent as soon as Gandolfini died. It was never Chase. The Sopranos as an overall show is mediocre.
>Paulie always with the unfunny zingers
OH! opinion disregarded
Also the Twilight Zone and first season and a half of Twin Peaks. And also anime.
it is the best
ill easily take ATHF, KotH, Frisky Dingo/Sealab, and even Futurama which is severely underrated on here because of some perceived reddit quality when its like R&M but good
I always wanted to watch the Sorpranos but the main character is a fat ass. So no.
SIlvio driving Adrianna to her death is a very very good scene, his performance is excellent, the monotonous random boring country rock car radio playing fits what its like to head to your death no ceremonious sound, the flash to her escaping is a great rug pull, the kill itself is one of the best hits in the entire show, i love that scene
Extremely shittilly drawn ms paint simpsons porn is the highest form of art humanity has ever achieved.
Anything else is superfluous and pedantic to even consider.
Don't @ me n word.
dont like it when the main character is fat like you?
yeah, stick to anime dude. keep daydreaming that you're an anime character
my friend used to say breaking bad was the best show ever, i corrected him and made him watch Sopranos, within 2 weeks 2 seasons in he came to me hat n hand to tell me I was right before explaining to me in detail why its the best show ever and how it blew away all expectations, but miss out on kino if youre not a fan of kino
Youre an idiot. The main character is fat. And by the time the series was popular as hell, there were like many seasons already. I know shows that go on tend to have gay subplots and stuff. But the biggest turn off is the main character.
Breaking Bad could've been good. But within the first 3 episodes, I stopped. That bitch roastie wife was too annoying.
I was a kid pretty much by the time Sorpranos was popular and even kid- me knew I shant be watching a show with a fat ass main character.
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Deadwood is better than the Sopranos on a per episode basis, HBO were just a bunch of fucking cunts who cut it off too soon
California cocksuckers!
Understandable. One of the most annoying characters (and faces) ever
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Dr Katz is very comfy
The Wire is better than Sopranos, too many loose ends left unresolved.
This little fag was filtered by the young pope
Yeah. The Smile horror movie poster looks like her.
Ok, Mr. Patrician. What seasons would constitute classic Simpson? Also is Patrician still what the cool kids say?
Such as?
I'm on the Sopranos now. Overall it's pretty good. My issues might be more my problem than a show problem. I'm about the fuck over it with dreams/fantasies, I hate that shit in general and they do it a lot here. Slightly music heavy but it's not that bad. I just prefer real action vs sike that didn't happen or pseudo music videos. Cool waste 5 minutes showing Tony laying in bed because some writer has a hard on for some shitty song. It's like Myspace.

But yeah the show is pretty good, I keep watching it which is saying a lot in modern times, the episodes tick by pretty fast. I'm not sure how realistic the show is but I'm going with not very. Everything this Paulie guy is asked to do there's some kind of problem. And in a weird way they don't even appear to make that much money, not really anyway. Squabbles over a few hundred bucks between captains and shit. It almost seems like you're better off being an associate than caught up in their nonsense.

Oh yeah it's bothering me that the FBI are pushing Adrianna so hard she doesn't know anything significant and never will, women are kept purposefully isolated.
It's a post modernist deconstruction of the mob movie genre
>Not including The Shield
You're the midwit.
Is sounds like you're filtered by a lot of it.
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remember when is the lowest form of rewatching
lotta loyalty for a royce supporter
Absolutely filtered.
He's a filtered retard. Things in life aren't always tied up neatly, most things aren't. Usually dumb fucks like him have issues with the Russian in pine barrens and even stupid fucks cry about the conclusion to the issues between Hesh and massive genius.
If you're an adult, you should have a lot more favourites than just the first 2 you saw on IGN's top 10 list.
The Sopranos
The Shield
The Wire
The X-Files
Twin Peaks
Breaking Bad
Better Call Saul
True Detective

List more kinos.
the only value in re watching sopranos is to pretend that you were in the mob.
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Ask Uncle Junior for advice, last digit is his answer
1. Whos speaking here? Is somebody speaking? [ignores you in derogatory way]
2. Judge Crater, how the fuck should I know?
3. Fuck you want, a boutonniere?
4. Believe what you want my little Nephew
5. Listen anon what you dont know could fill a book
6. Go shit in your hat
7. I answer to bigger people than you, my friend
8. You yap worse than six barbers!
9. sharp as a fucking cue ball, this one
0. Half a fucking tray in there!
I will never forgive it for being responsible for the Deadwood Team not getting to make Deadwood but Republic Era Romans making the basis for their law, instead of Deadwood.
am i allowed to sub out Simpsons for Home Movies
The proof that the Sopranos is the most plebbit show ever made is that people don't talk about the plot/character but instead repeat the same stale memes 20 years later (gabagool, 20 years in the can, varsity athlete, etc...).
The only interesting part of the Sopranos was when they were in Sicily because it showed something new instead of a flanderized version of every single mafia movie ever made.
>The only interesting part of the Sopranos was when they were in Sicily
they were never in Sicily
@ you
>Oh yeah it's bothering me that the FBI are pushing Adrianna so hard she doesn't know anything significant and never will, women are kept purposefully isolated.
What are you talking about? Pressuring any kind of remote associate is exactly what they do in a RICO case, woman or man. The big guys may keep tight lipped about the actual goings on but that's not necessarily what the feds are even looking for. All they need is a name of some junkie retard who is at the periphery of any of the operations, so they can start tailing him and lean on him hard the second he fucks up and gets caught with trafficking quantities to further spill about a hit, or a laundering front or anything else they can use as leverage in the RICO context. It's all about association and general mundane operational intel.
why do i suddenly want to go to six flags?
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And plus The Shield
Nah, it would the Emma Peel years in The Avengers, Seinfeld and Ren & Stimpy.
> one good season doesn't count
I don't know any good 6th season of any show ever, they all flanderize way to fast.
Me and word?
Absolutely horrific take
Succession is straight up better than The Sopranos, tho.
On the other hand, early Simpsons' seasons being the best television of all time is something I'm willing to concede.

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