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I don't get it. What's the appeal of this?
people with autism get to watch people socialize from the safety of their NEET chamber
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Its not sterile
98% crap 2% better than any TV show or movie in years. Unwatchable without the watch threads.
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No idea.
real zoomer losers in a reality tv like setting
a 4/10?
Some people are still riding this guy's dick for some reason.
It's like going out into the woods and playing pretend with your friends.
Jezza status?
it was amusing for the first season
Maybe by modern twitchbaby zoomer standards
but its pretty sterile
Frank Hassle was cfunnier
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yesterday I watched a guy with autism waterboard himself. you tell me
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if the "girls" were actually hot nobody would watch because of the attainable factor. With this they can delude and pretend like they have a chance with the uglies. It should be called cucktank. Scam is just milking the most retarded and vulnerable people in his audience with one hand while "giving" "advice" with the other. They probably deserve it thoughever but still pretty scummy.
Something something parasocial relationships something something Fomo.
Jewish humiliation ritual. Sam hates his fans more anyone.
omg those are sick
>What's the appeal of this?
First season had a relatively fresh air about it which quickly dissipated when it became obvious the producers ran out of ideas halfway in, and now that they're already on a season 2.5 after a year the show has overstayed it's welcome and has seen massive viewership drop-off. The concept of an interactive Big Brother is fun but it would be better in the hands of literally anyone else since Sam Hyde can't contain his art school theater kid autism and his subordinates are a bunch of pilled-up wiggers. The only people left watching this are just a bunch of parasocial freaks and simps.
shut up palmer
We never did get to find out where the ice cream was in that joint.
>those self harm scars
Making fun of how bad it is and shitposting about it
So basically Big Brother but for NEET incels?

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