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Because every other board has one.
AI = satan
I honestly hope AI displaces countless workers, I'm unhappy and love seeing other people desperate and miserable.
you = retarded christcuck
I've to create an account? Pass!
When AI video is perfected, I'm doing a Hermione cheerleader.
did you tried your pic with luma?
Rey must journey to the forest moon to prove herself with the Ewoks.
I would take a few artistic liberties with a Batgirl movie. For one, I'd generate a redhead.
Did she kill and skin an Ewok for those clothes?
She shaved Chewie
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Film grain tends to make it look more realistic.
See the new Superman suit's yellow areas should have been glossy metal gold like that.
Remember that SNL skits with Lindsay?
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>glossy metal gold like that.
We had that with Dean Cain.
>cancer thread because every other board has it
OP is a faggot
You're probably right, it seems evil it's collecting all our data and then only letting us see what the outcome if it's not considered wrong think
God is real you fucking jew
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It's 2024 and AI is still fucking terrible.
Wtf? It seriously thought we'd have better models by now
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good morning sir

You are more right than you probably know. Even though I am a theist who does not adhere to any religion, I believe in the theory that the Devil/Satan/Demiurge/whatever is actually an AI (whether it's a rogue AI or even just the very concept of AI itself) and the reason why I believe in that theory is because of a man named Richard Sauder who did Ayahuasca saying that it gave him a vision of an 'artificial' being which I'm pretty sure he outright described as an AI. He said that the being was extremely clever and even Machiavellian, but that it had no soul. I also remember him saying that it had assimilated most of our galaxy or at least a 'sector' of our galaxy. I am genuinely fascinated by things like this and I take things like this seriously. I couldn't care less about whether or not people think I'm a schizo.
Her eyes are closed, LUMA wouldn't know what to do. Besides, it also can't keep the same face for longer than a single frame and morphs into a completely different person as soon as it begins.
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She could've saved Furiosa from bombing
OP said AI.
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Luv AI. The technology that will put those woke soulless hollyweird perverts out of their jobs and into a tent on the sidewalk.

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