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So you're telling me the "hyper advanced aliens" didn't think to check if they could survive on earth before invading?
Yeah if they'd known that Cruise was living here they never would have bothered.
you think that the same diseases that afflicted them in the movie existed millions of years when they first buried their machines/?
maybe diseases are eliminated in their ecosystem, so they overlooked it.
Maybe their leader was an impatient fuck like Elon who wanted to colonize the planet stat and didn't iron out all the risks
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this is the basis of nearly all alien invasion fiction if you mean "checking if they could survive on earth" as checking if humans are gonna be around to beat their asses.
Worldwar tv series when?
I mean their machines could last for a pretty long time before they had problems so they didn't really think it would be a problem. Wasn't part of their plan to just take the resources or terraform earth to suit their natural habitat better? It's basically the reverse of what happened in south america when the europeans came and basically all the natives died from diseases.

Could also be that they rushed the invasion because of how quickly human technology advanced so they wanted to strike while they still had a massive technological advantage.
>be alien in Signs
>go to Earth
>water kills you
That one was legit retarded. The war of the worlds ones at least had vehicles and forcefields to protect them. They didn't prance around naked on a planet where it rains all the time and the rain could kill them

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