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why isn’t this shit more popular? it’s fucking hilarious, and no one knows about it.
Way better than curb.
>I play real sports. Not trying to be the best at exercising. Fuck this guy.
These Danny McBride/Jody Hill colab shows are unapologetically not woke, so they don't get shoved down everyone's throats
Season 1 was some of the funniest shit I’ve seen
Not funny.
Like Curb, like Always Sunny and like fucking Trailer Park Boys.
>casting lindsey lohan as his recently out of rehab daughter
Too ahead of its time but apparently everyone knows righteous gemstones
I’m still pissed theyve basically eradicated summer heights high and those other shows from existence.
April was so hot in this show god DAMN
you don’t like curb or always sunny?
Season 4 was classified R18+ because of Sacha Baron Cohen showing his erect penis
People talked about it when it was airing
I said what I said.
Nta but Sunny unironically insists upon itself. It's a guy who was sort of funny in high school, then you hear he has a stand up comedy gig a decade after and you check it out and he's still doing the exact same shit at 30 as he was doing at 16, and he doesn't understand that it wasn't all that funny then, it's just painfully depressing now.
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the first 10 seasons are hilarious.
Trevor Bauer is playing Kenny Powers Mexican season irl right now on his YouTube channel. At any moment now hes going to start calling himself el Diablo Blanco.
what do you find funny anon?
Americans aren't funny. Period.

It was very received and popular 10+ years ago, when you were just a wittle baby, zoomer
Ok this explains a lot
Sorry you're a gigantic faggot :(
I hate the logo looking like some gay sports logo
Truly hit at the perfect time. Avoid nostalgia-fagging like the plague but it’s insane that we used to have decent media, that comedies were actually made because American media was still for America rather than a shitty insecure globe that doesn’t speak english.
Don't look up what she looks like now bro
No, they aren't
anyone got some more rarely discussed shows like this from back in the day?
i binged this whole show in like 2 days a month ago.
Arliss. Anyone who hated that show is a fag
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april hugecannons
most reddit takes fucking ever, complete faggotry, kill yourself.
Win Ben Stein’s money was a fun Jeopardy knock off
I love chubby southern girls with nice tits
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yeah breh i know what you mean
are season 3 and 4 good the mexico bit fell short pretty quick
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It came out in like 2008 and ran for four seasons on HBO. It's funny as fuck but was never going to be massively popular. The fact that you aren't posting Righteous Gemstones, which is Danny McBride's current show and very much in the same vein sort of proves why the McBride/Jody Hill HBO stuff is terminally niche.
couldn't get into this at all. Vice Principals was breddy gud, though. EAstbound's still the best.
3's decent, 4's excellent, might even be better than 1.
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The girl who played April always was a fat girl trying to get out. She actually blew up big and fat after Eastbound and was more successful as a fat actress with a long-running sitcom on a major network.

She's so bad at controlling her weight that if you google her it's impossible to tell if she's currently fat or not.
I wouldn't say the first 10 but the first 5 or 6 are great. Some of the best. God bless Danny DiVito.
Gemstones S3 was pretty meh but the first two seasons easily blow Vice Principals out of the water. VP is a very overrated show that only gets hyped because 4chan is full of Goggins simps. It was an attempt to make an ensemble that downplays Danny McBride only they forgot to actually create additional characters outside of the fag played by Goggins. It's literally a show built around the episode of Eastbound where Kenny Powers plays a boring, unfunny guy working at a car rental place. VP is terrible.
fuck me, she looks horrid
Jody Hill and Danny McBride are the best comedic team of the past two decades.
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She does. That's why Katie Mixon's been successful. She's literally a fat, frumpy, disgusting, shrill, aging hambeast who ended up that way basically at the perfect moment in her career.
t. antwon mitchell
goggins is kino and vice principals was great
getting drunk on the reg, getting high on the reg, good times on the reg
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Thanks for signing your post but sorry Antwon. You're just wrong. VP was a massive waste of Goggins and Shea Whigham and several other great actors but probably necessary preparation for Gemstones. That's why the show was canceled. It just wasn't that good.

I will give you though that this bitch was perfectly cast as a smoking hot American teacher we all had in high school. Shame she didn't get a part in Righeous Gemstones. She was the best part of VP
Anyone else remember Bored to Death?
Another HBO show from that same era that I never see discussed on here
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>haha accents and poor eastern europeans
This was my favorite show In high school I felt so cool watching this when no one else I knew did
yea it's one of my favourites
i liked blunt talk too
not watching the anti white religion stupid last thing jody made fuck that, vice principals is the best thing he ever did your not tricking me with that crap fuck off
Bridgerton, Ted Lasso, and The Boys
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>Danny McBride
You post like an Australian.
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>claims Gemstones is "anti-white"
>shills for unfunny VP where McBride and Goggins get bullied by a she-boon for two seasons
>Goggins is a fag in an interracial relationship
>and one of the waifu-bait characters is strongly implied to have gotten blacked
Great job, retard.
used a body double for the tiddy scene in the car
everybody knows this it was extremely obvious
>shills for unfunny VP where McBride and Goggins get bullied by a she-boon for two seasons
She was only in the first season and in the final episode
>right in my plums
Poor mans Trailer Park Boys.
>only in the first season
Oh, "only" in the first season and then one episode of S2 meaning they're "only" getting race-cucked for over half the episodes in this based white man's show that isn't like Gemstones. My bad.
I lived in Park Slope when this show dropped so it was pretty hilarious seeing a show about your neighborhood
Mammy does not like the sluts.
Who the fuck is this guy?
Mexico was funny as fuck. Each season has its own unique charm.
Jewish slop
One of the funniest shows.
>maybe you could be a telescope operator
The black biker week shit was hilarious.
There will never been a mainstream tv show like this again. Maybe a webseries at some point. Nothing as funny as this.

You're welcome.
literally the first time I ever heard of this show
The best parts of Stevie was how much of it wasn't particularly funny but him just being retarded. It works because anyone who *isn't* autistic and delusional knows someone who is exactly like him.

Stevie is me. I am exactly like this.


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