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>if you stop watching shitty shows "the algorithm" will tell disney to stop making them
does he really believe this?
Asian women have dark nipples and vulvas.
To be fair what could Third Reich Mike get away with saying without getting shunned by his Hollywood buddies.

Someone link the episode with the weird nepotism defense.
Has he ever talked about how the Nu Trek shows have abysmal numbers but run years and years?
He means Al Gore Rhythm
>does he really believe this?
Mike believes in whatever will get him a walk on role with or without dialogue.
he's retarded and his brain is rotted
all of them got cancelled tho except the one mike liked
>does he really believe this?
Maybe. I would have said no a couple years ago. But Mike has really demonstrated a lot of bad decision making these past couple years. The jokes about his "Dad brain" are like a decade old at this point so it's not really surprising that he's declined even further. For a shoot he could have some legitimate cognitive issue.
Look dude he just really fucking hates that Captain Kirk called him a podcaster that one time. He'll say or suck whatever you want to get out of being a fucking youtuber at fifty.
Disney will aggressively market their shit to the point that enough people will watch it, for it to not completely devastate their profits.
Plus, people are paying for streaming anyway.

Placing the blame for bad media on the handful of "hardcore fans" who care, is never going to work, for this reason.
For every one of you, there are a hundred normies, who will just watch the terrible shit anyway, just because it's there, in front of them, and they don't have real hobbies or interests, and they need noise to stop their brains thinking.

It is correct however, that you need to just stop hate watching all of the trash at this point, and develop a taste in things that are worthwhile. Not to "spite Disney". For your own mental well-being and development.
Why say this shit when anyone can look at the numbers and prove you wrong? Do you get off on being wrong on the internet?
Mike Stoklasa just says random things to sound smart and never thinks the logics through.
Disney spent billions on the IP, they're not going to stop making star wars shit just because you dont like it, kathleen Kennedy either has to die or a hostile take over needs to occur.

Not even cowboy hat man getting a promotion changed anything
He's right though. That's absolutely true. The problem is slopheads like you just won't stop. You're the cancer.
why so much seethe threads about mike recently?
Filoni was always a retard. He was only shilled by babies who grew up on Clone Wars.
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lots of babies triggered by his comments about a some space fantasy show
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Piccard got three fucking seasons
>nooooooooo dont make fun of muh edaddy
Your e-daddy is a faggot, hon. Crying about "prequel babbys" or "chuds" will not change this.
Daily reminder, ALL of Disney Star Wars can be blamed on RLM fags and their astroturfed hatred of the prequels.
>Rian Johnson should have directed the prequels
>Obi Wan and Reeva were great and if you don't think so you're a racist
>The ACKolyte and lesbian witches were great and if you don't think so you're a racist
>inb4 RLM was right about everything - bot replies
Companies like Paramount will let shows like Nu-Trek run indefinitely regardless of ratings until they have their buyout offers rejected, then panic sell assets and close subdivisions just to cut costs. The way RLM has been framing the argument for several years is intellectually dishonest, probably because theyre beaten millennials too tired to fight anymore.
they didn't say any of those things
Because a fuck ton of people watched it. Even the third season was in one of the most viewed original streaming shows when it aired.
Sorry, I get my franchise ruining Jew cucks mixed up
>J J Abrams should have directed the prequels, George Lucas should have directed people to their seats
they also said
>Luke Skywalker was intended to be nonbinary
>Palpatine somehow returning was a metaphor for the inexplicable tenacity of white patriarchy
>Lando and Mon Mothma were the main protagonists of the original trilogy
From what I could glean from their waffling in the acolyte review, I got the following:
>star wars doesnt deserve its status as a cultural battleground and arguably never has
Agreed, but that doesnt mean that worthless cultural battleground should be ceded to an ultimately poisonous ideology.
>all writing is going to at least slightly reflect the political views of the writers, what matters is the quality rather than the politics
The issue there is that baby boomers wrote stories with their politics in mind, where woke hollywood types write their stories in the service of their politics. Its almost universally hamfisted and could only be less subtle if they taped their script to a brick and physically hurled it at the audience. You're just not going to get a quality story if actually telling the story has to take a back seat to a message - the right is just as guilty of this as the left (see ladyballers), theres just way less of it.
The problem is that the right can't seem to (or more likely doesn't care to) separate genuine expression of the artists and the politically motivations of the woke hollywood shit. Can understand why, since the over-saturation makes it difficult to tell, but rightoids have thrown so many gay babies out with the rainbow bathwater, that they have to pretend their Daily Wire content is good.
Wow all these hit shows and Paramount still cutting costs of around $500 million, closing websites and selling assets like a motherfucker. Now either those stats are total fabrications, or having all these insanely success Star Trek shows did nothing for their brand deals and streamer subscriptions. Which one is more likely, considering the current situation?
They make like 2 billion a month from Disney+ subs alone. They could make the entire webpage into nikocado scat for a month and still make a billion at the end of the year. It's really not even about money anymore
the genuine expressions of these artists is literally fuck rape kill whitey burn this motha down sheeeeit
>star wars doesnt deserve its status as a cultural battleground and arguably never has
Well yeah. That's what we all said ten years ago, when we politely asked them to not hyper politicise all entertainment. But just by saying that, you get yourself pigeonholed on the "chud" side of the "culture war", as if any of that means anything.

Look, there's just normal stuff, that's made to entertain people, and then there's a cabal of assholes like Kathleen Kennedy and Ryan Johnson who have made it their mission to agitate and destroy.
How exactly I became the instigator in any of this, I don't understand.
The best the fence sitters can come up with is "well if you call her cunt, she HAS to be a cunt". She doesn't, and she shouldn't have been one in the first place. I'm not the aggressor in any of this.
We've already seen this take effect as every TV and film studio is scrambling to recoup at least some cost from their massive flops. I'm sure the metrics required to pull the fire alarm are handled on a case-by-case basis, but the money has already begun to run out. Even their "sure hits" designed to fund a slew of other projects aren't making as much as they need, so they end up cutting costs. It may not necessarily be the thing that gets the most hate, but a project with low engagement is an easy choice to cut loose.
That's true though. If something doesn't make any money, they will simply stop making it.
That's economics 101.

The problem is, people will NEVER stop watching star wars.
Doesn't account for ESG money, or people who pay for Disney+ "just because", and then don't even watch the shows.
It's not like every bit of profit is corresponding to a sold theatre ticket.
it must be nice to have no nuance in your worldview. simple, stupid, serene
But a lot of people watched the shows, market responds in apparent demand. That's the whole point they made. Describing how Paramount is doing as a whole shows nothing against this point.

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