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Write me something meaningful!

Also I think The Whale is the Forrest Gump of our times.
No one here seen the whale? It’s definitely worth watching once.
something meaningful...
how's that?
come on you can't not like forrest gump

it's a well made comedy just like the whale
how old are you?
I hate everything that ever made me feel special, because it was an unsustainable high. It leaves me feeling hollow in mediocrity, as if a part of myself is missing. Thus, cursed to strive.
My head is weary, underneath rays of light.
>Forrest Gump of our times
So it's autistic and stupid then. Like you.
i guess that's understandable then
Why do you like watching autistic and stupid movies?
This. OP, why are you not replying to this anon? He did what you asked.
how is striving a curse? you just need to learn to see beauty in the mundane
The Whale is overblown, substanceless misery-porn and Aronofsky is a hack. Forrest Gump was at least kind of funny.
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>my university is kicking me out
>8 years and no degree
>almost a decade of my life and I have nothing to show for it
Y-Yeah, College doesn't m-matter!
damn bro sorry i'm not willing to blindly slurp the cock of mediocre indie slopfests just because of a solid lead performance, guess you're just 2intellectual5me
I’m crying now literal tears running down my cheeks. I wasn’t a fan of the ending and I’m not pro faggotry but it was a unique movie that had some laughs and showed the sad reality of our times.
What was the whale even supposed to be? A meaningful relationship with his daughter? Was that his whale? Or was it those yummy looking pizzas? Were those pizzas his Moby Dick?
have you ever felt a kino moment? a moment of your life that you thought, "that would make a great scene"
well, you dont need a movie
coz you lived some kino
very few humans become hollywood directors
and most of them sell out
but if you just wanna chill and live then youve got it made
and if you wanna make a indie movie, thats easy too
but you dont need to
coz those kino moments are yours
>have you ever felt a kino moment? a moment of your life that you thought, "that would make a great scene"
Not really. My life was a grey nothing that I deluded myself into thinking that'd get better at some point. I have no stories. I have no experiences. Nothing weird has ever happened to me. I am just a nothing person.
you typed this poast. what happened a few hours ago? where do you live? in amongst niggers?: document their arguments and cracksmokage. out in the country? make field recordings. how often does that owl visit?
> I deluded myself
thats an interesting character point. why? what gave you the strength to delude yourself? you seem to believe that delusion is wrong. why?
grey is just shades, its just waiting for colorful paint
>what happened a few hours ago?
My father called me a retarded idiot who's good for nothing, and that I should accept that I'm retarded.
>where do you live?
In a city.
> in amongst niggers?: document their arguments and cracksmokage.
There are no niggers here.
>out in the country? make field recordings. how often does that owl visit?
No owls here.
>thats an interesting character point. why? what gave you the strength to delude yourself?
I didn't have anything else to cope with about my lot in life.
>you seem to believe that delusion is wrong. why?
Because I've finally realised that the one thing I thought I had up my sleeve, no longer works. I always thought I was smart, turns out I'm not. My Uni is kicking me out. I have failed utterly in everything I've tried. It's over.
>grey is just shades, its just waiting for colorful paint
There's no colour coming for me. I don't want it, in any case. It'll be more delusion hinging on moments. Better get used to the acceptance.
Just popping in to say you are a good man inspiranon, it's always good to find people trying to prop others up and help make life better, rather than do the opposite and tear people down. Helps me focus on the beauty of the world again and remind me that good people do exist. Keep on keeping on, brother
You're just depressed man, it happens and is a very consuming and awful thing to go through, but it isn't everything. You'll come through the other side eventually. Don't give in to cynical thoughts and give up on life, something new is just around the corner and even the darkest situations give way eventually, odds are you will feel truly happy again soon enough, despite what your depressed mind may say. All you have to do is hold on and not dig a deeper hole than the one you are in. Failing uni fucking sucks, but it's not the end of the world and no reason to give up on life.
ah, a europian
you didnt actually adress my point on delusion though
the romans, who believed in the roman gods, created the greatest roads, and poop tube systems, that we still use today
oh my science morty
>muh father
yeah my dads a prick too
>muh uni
yeah university doesnt mean much unless its PHD shit and then only stem shit
>There's no colour coming for me. I don't want it, in any case
that right there is a kino fucking line, man
you have poetry
no one can tell you not to live through pain
>It'll be more delusion
so what? so whats wrong with believing in bigfoot? what, the atheist utopianists are gonna march along and insert metal in your jaw to make you smile at certain times?
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bad movie. instead of finding a way to elevate the fatty it simply debases everyone else. as if everyone does soemthing as disgusting as eating themselves to death, just less visably. when he reads the things his students wrote that he considers "meaningful" he only chooses the bleakest statements, ones that preclude the possibility of any future happiness. in the end the movie has such a low view of humanity that all it takes to transcend is to walk half the distance from your couch to your door amd to raise a miserable, hateful daughter who once wrote a half decent essay. life can be bleak, yes, and man is given to folly, but even so this is too much. 1/10.
seems like in the end it really didn't do much for his career
his entire thing was that he died for his daughter
he was a selfish asshole his entire life and then finally learned to sacrifice himself
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Thank you for trying anon. I have been feeling empty for a while now, too weak and cowardly. I thought I had something in me to change it. But today was the final declaration that I failed, completely, in everything.
>Failing uni fucking sucks, but it's not the end of the world and no reason to give up on life.
What else can I do? Work as a bricklayer? My knees are already awful. With no degree you can't find the most basic of white collar jobs. In this climate, what can one do? And beyond that, I will find some job, one that I never planned for, just to survive. What's the point then? I'm not handsome or strong. I'm not charismatic. I have nothing to offer. I suppose I could live to consume. What's the point to me? All I ever wanted to do was contribute a bit and make myself feel good about being talented at something. I'm dumb, ugly and useless. I can't wait to die desu.
>you didnt actually adress my point on delusion though
I thought I did. I just figured all the bad things that happened to me were just a prelude. That all the hurdles were to point me to the right direction. I don't see how being kicked out of Uni and being 27 with no degree or direction helps me. I can't delude myself any longer.
>yeah my dads a prick too
Mine's a passive aggressive coward, that's what bothers me.
>unless its PHD shit and then only stem shit
It was Physics. I failed that, and got the confirmation that I am retarded. That was the core of my being. I was the "smart guy". Not a genius, but smart enough. Now I'm just a guy.
>that right there is a kino fucking line, man
Thanks anon. I guess I could go to the army and try and write? But what? Maybe read my physics books myself, try to make myself a scientist on the side, publish a paper in my 40s?
>so what? so whats wrong with believing in bigfoot?
I used to feel God, even when I cursed Him. I used to feel something around me. Not today. Today it's all gone. It's just me and my failure.
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>'m dumb, ugly and useless. I can't wait to die desu.
and yet you have a bunch of fellow retards waiting to tell you that you are ok!
why do you need the army? why do you need the anything? you can write as much as you want
if no one listens then so what? i made a shitty movie that no one cares about
but it was fun to create
feeling is different than reality. just because your fellow man doesn't make you feel happy, doesn't mean you aren't kino
>and yet you have a bunch of fellow retards waiting to tell you that you are ok!
I guess.
>why do you need the army?
In my country you have to do a year of mandatory army service, otherwise they grab you and put you in prison.
>why do you need the anything? you can write as much as you want
I don't have anything to say in my writing however.
>if no one listens then so what? i made a shitty movie that no one cares about
Doesn't that get you down?
>but it was fun to create
That's true. Back when I was making things (nothing major, just tried to make a couple of stopmotion videos, or tried sculpting/painting action figures) I felt happy, or at least content. Nobody really cared, but it kept me going.
>feeling is different than reality. just because your fellow man doesn't make you feel happy, doesn't mean you aren't kino
Huh, that does actually help. In the end, all I've got is me, right? I'll never amount to much or have a happy life, but who cares at the end of day, nobody cares about me one way or another. Maybe I should just kill my outside sensors and focus on what's in me. Find a job to survive, then just find good ways to pass the time. I don't want to marry, certainly not have children, my genes are rotten. So if I just have to make time pass on my own, there are avenues. No reason to try and make anyone proud of me, or like me, there's always me for me. Yeah, I think I could live with something like that.
No I meant Brendan Fraser
Sorry, replied to myself by accident
What do you think of Lawrence of Arabia? Casablanca? I'm guessing not only "not get" movies made before you were born, but you literally haven't watched any movie made prior to 1980. Just a guess.
the world makes me feel sick. i can't see the trees outside my room without wanting to kill myself and everyone else. any tips mr the whale?
Are you 350lbs?
> well you’re doing better than some others
Be thankful for everything you do have. Which is a lot.
I am surrounded by filth. Not just my room, but the people around me. I am filled with deep hatred. This hatred seems to be never ending. And when I am in public, I act normal and friendly, as if the hatred isn't there.
I'm not saying you should do drugs, but what exactly is the argument for not doing drugs, given your ostensibly bleak view of yourself and the world?
yeah it's generic 2020 oscar slop
It's 11pm and I feel like something sweet: Should I make pancakes or a hot fudge sundae?
They should have made it more like forrest gump, fattest gump. Like he’s there for all the big moments in food history, like him being there when they invent the kfc bowl, or when mcdonald’s got rid of supersize etc
He was the whale, he's a great big fat guy who lives on land rather than in the ocean where he'd be weightless. Everyone in his life was pursuing him not to kill him, but to try and get him to re-engage with society
Just like peeps of 4chan.
i imagine they'd cost too much.
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just finished watching it, it is amazing and definitely a must watch. Definitely made me want to take up writing and stop wallowing in misery.
Do you think he fell on top of and crushed his daughter at the end?
four seasons on doom patrol are the greatest resurgence that I have ever witnessed. I look forward to watching all of them and hope more of the lesser known comics get adapted.
both is you want to.
I ended up having Raisin Bran instead.
you learned the lesson of the whale.
I don't watch movies about gay people. I don't like them and I don't want to spend time or money watching them or straight actors portraying them. Even in a negative light.
I'd love to sink my cock deep into her fertile pussy
The webm of him jacking off was more than enough
you are just like the missionary in the film.
I'll take your word for it.
This quote is from The Art of Getting By or something?
me something meaningful!

Also I think The Whale is the Forrest Gump of our times.
I haven't seen it because I couldn't give a shit about the plight of fatties. That's not even mentioning the fact Brendan Fraser plays a fudgepacker, the same thing that got him kicked out of Hollywood. I lost all respect for him.
a hundred grand is way too much money, he should have gone to the doctor.
Cringe. The movie was extremely corny and stupid. Of course the religious character is a hypocritical fraud. The daughter is a greedy heartless cunt. But the gay 800lb man who abandoned his wife and child to take advantage of one of his students is supposed to be this sympathetic martyr who has a beautiful soul, as if everything that is wrong with his life isn’t his own fault. He’s the one who ate himself to death because fucking candy was his God. He’s the one who destroyed his own family and ignored his child. He uses his own shitty health as a tool to emotionally manipulate his nurse friend etc.. the guy is a disgusting, evil, waffle-stomping cretin just like all morbos and if the movie actually managed to make saps like you feel bad for that wretched walrus then you shouldn’t be allowed to vote.

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