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You think the feminists were cool with her eating three times as much as everyone else?
I laughed when I saw this, not because shes fat, but because I instantly imagined these threads bitching about it. Predictable loser bitches
The oasis town where furiosa comes from is only very shortly, it goes fast into the wasteland. But yeah, that jewish wetdream depiction of it was cringe. Furiosas mom too.
That killed the movie from the outset
lol perfect, get filtered worm
Thematically it could’ve made sense if everyone there was completely obese. Like they have as much food as American or Nauru.
But they ruined it by having one obese chick and everyone else looks like they’re starving to death.
It may be the funniest film scene in recent history.
Can’t imagine why everyone starved to death, no sir.
>I laughed when I saw this because my mind went to a place and instead of accepting it as something that formed in my head I just projected the guilt of doing the wrongthink to people that I think are my enemies
Maybe she's the head chef or some shit, who fucking cares? You do. You are triggered because fat woman bad.
She has a hidden stash of cheetos. Haven't you seen Lost?
This is a leftist woketopia, run by women, multiracial & renewable energy.
Probably also full of lgbts.
No, Professor Xavier, my first though was "whelp, that's gonna ruin it for most of the 4chan dispshits" and behold here we are.
It's Zion from The Matrix, all these hollywood elites believe the same thing.
>you know what we need guys?
>Also, Rachel is XXL, so lets feed those silk moths more
Keep dying on that hill like a retarded fanboy
What, you're telling me they'd be better off fighting warlord men in the desert?
it was your concious decision to come here
I'm not dying on this hill. I'm thriving on it. Had a great time with this film while you seethed and stimmed for 2.5 hours.
Your first thought was "gee that bitch sure is FAT".
Otherwise you would not have been able to deduce how 4chan would react if you had not made the observation first.
It's a parable, the white male patriarchy (represented by Immortan Joe, in Fury Road at least) is all that stood in their way.
I stay for the good ones. And for reminding redpill losers what sensitive babies they are. The podcasts you like aren't gonna break it to you.
most of us didn't watch your flopass movie you seething freak
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meanwhile the men parade the women around as wares
Fair enough, that was mine too. So we both had this first thought. My next one was "lol the chuds getting triggered right off the bat," while yours might have been something like "Well there goes the entire integrity of this film! Goddammit, why do they have to shove this down my throat everywhere I go? The wokes are destroying cinema, the west and my life, jesus I'm so miserable in this era I wish I could live in 1950s"
Bitching? She sticks out like a sore thumb, so do you, fatty
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why? afraid you'd l... l... like it?
yeah fat people tend to stick out, especially when placed in the center of the frame. Obviously she stood out. I'm just baffled that a 2 second shot will ruin a movie for the likes of you. I'm genuinely concerned about you.
there's nothing wrong with liking movies that twitter told you not to like.
you could just not go to twitter.
>This is a leftist woketopia, run by women, multiracial & renewable energy.
>Probably also full of lgbts.
and they ran it into the ground in what, 15 years? even the lush vegetation disappeared completely.
Miller is based.
You will eat ze green eggs
Not really, the Green Place wasn't even there anymore in Fury Road and Joe had nothing to do with the green place. He just wanted his hoes back. In fact, you could assume the failure of the Green Place was ecological mismanagement. All of these people died except the few left in Fury Road, who just spung on the opportunity to siege Joes place while he was away.
Yeah I meant The Green Place.
your brain reproduces this exact post on a daily basis.
that's your function. that's what you developed into. to type out all of those words every single day.
Yeah dude you can come to your conclusions for yourself, or you can get scared away by what your proxy dad tells you on his podcast
She's in the fucking way!
What happened to The Green Place, anyway? By the time of Fury Road it's a swamp but no explanation is given.
still not watching your shitty movie lel
I don't see what's wrong here? Big is beautiful and you can be healthy at any size.
I didn't make it. An 80 year old "cis whiteman" did. Id like to see what you can do at 80.
the old hag vuvalinis in Fury Road said something about the soil and water going "sour" or something but they didn't seem to really know. it wasn't an attack or any external factor tho.
they were a bunch of multiethnic fags led by women, the obvious deduction is that it was their own incompetence and mismanagement.
or maybe the obese one ate everything, even the trees.
Post a picture of what it reads when you’re standing on a scale.
Why are they all so clean, in this post apocalyptic desolate world? They look like they're in a stage play.
The feminist woketopia couldn’t make it last. Leftism is a diseased ideology.
>Bad soil
Intelligent farmers know how to fix this.
Take your mom's weight, subtract yours, that's my weight.
>Angel stolen by imps from place of abundance, Heaven
>She is sworn to preserve her Apple and find Heaven again
>Dementus, Luciferous, not knowing what to make of an angelic being
>sells her off into the Pit to serve humans

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