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who is clicking on these?
Also pajeets make these
>you might also like this
You, you are clicking these.
Who is supposed to be Ironheart here?
If they don't include the words "fan made" in the trailer, YouTube should fucking ban these. Personally I block any channel that makes these
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who's clicking on these?
i'm pretty sure i've seen a furry game on steam where your character has a massive horse cock and you use it to suck up your enemies
Probably kids. I read somewhere that the internet is full of underageb& looking at things they shouldn't look at, including this very thread probably. Pretty grim if you think about it, you want to have a discussion or say something serious, make an effort post? Here's a retarded two syllable reply

If there are any parents here, ban smartphones until they reach 18. For your sake and the sake of your child.
>youtube used to put news channels on my recommended all the time
>blocked/not interested all that trash because I can't stand "journalism"
>next week it would be back again
>now youtube blocked the recommended page on the app and is asking something to show it again
lol and lmao, meanwhile, my fyp is fire
did you catch the name
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>in a few years everywhere you go on the internet and almost everything will be AI slop by some subhumans
great future
that would be kino though
We frequently have entire threads about these AI thumbnails and trailers where half the posters think they're real.
Why does that thumbnail look AI generated?

go back to tiktok fag
Reminds me of the early youtube days and its fan made trailers

shit used to be creative back then, now it's all AI slop.
you already have Man From Uncle.
be happy about that.
india has 2 billion people
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More importantly, who makes these?
Especially the one with the "heckin wholesome not!pepe" or the "buy meme coin" just scream fifty layers of post-irony and "please please click my add I paid bitcoins for these".
i tried looking for it but i don't remember the name or anything
>pipe's not even going into his mouth

Now THAT's what I call slop racing!
Amazing. Every frame of that shit is AI generated, isn't it? Including the music and the AV voices. But they made it look and sound like an actual soulless "larger than life" movie trailer.
It's actually 0 if you do that
there must be diplomats from other countries,and white people working on international companies there.
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if you want a picture of the future, imagine a pajeet shitting all over your civilization - for ever
this means more pajeet inceldom.
you will actually have less poos going around the world if males lose virginity in their 40s.
they are made by bots and clicked on by bots, sometimes by the same ones who made them
If you're retarded enough to end up in India, you don't deserve to be counted as a person
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>every pajeet with internet access can produce hundreds of pictures & hours of fake video with a single prompt in broken english
Is this the future slopfags want?
>Every frame of that shit is AI generated, isn't it?
lmao butthurt leftist artfag detected

AI is the future
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NTA but go jump in front of a train, Jagdish
Yeas, but is it a good future, rajesh?
>you already have Man From UNCLE
severely underrated movie that doesn't get mentioned enough here. Also is there a more hit or miss director than Guy Ritchie? His movies are always either great or shit with no middle ground.
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one day, an Indian will be born who can withstand a direct train hit
it's called evolution, they just have to keep trying
Not how evolution works. Long before that happens trains will have evolved to hunt indians outside of their tracks
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>imagine a pajeet shitting all over your civilization

no need to imagine it when Canada exists
neck snapped?
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Katherine Langford, she played a future grown up version of Morgan Stark in a cringe Endgame deleted scene
>will smith as popeye
this could have worked 20 years ago
Looks like jeet Spiderman
ngl these look almost real
>1911/beretta look
They're both great but it looks totally out of place in bri'ish spy kino. Do with this info what you will.
And faggots were rooting for AI like it was going to make kino. Destroy india
as-salamu alaykum, my pakistani brother
Yeah not a goat fucker though, nice try street shitter
You can't even drum up enthusiasm for a race war with jeets because everyone just kind of pitties them while at least slightly disgusted.
Ah, you are practicing Taqiyya. Inshallah, one day you will be allowed to freely express your devotion to Islam.
Children and sirs
it just started. give it a chance
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Why indeed?
There is no rational argument for allowing jeets to access the internet. None. Zero.
>You Won't Believe IT!
>jacked Timothee
Letting the third world onto the internet is mistake we will never stop paying for.
Americans have been on the internet since forever.
Without an American you wouldn't be able to reply to that post
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Alien Romulus had an absolute deluge of fake trailers over the last year for some reason. Maybe it's that it was known about but didn't release a real trailer until recently, and there's a lot of easy footage of spaceships or vague sci-fi horrors to mix in with bad AI voiceovers and probably shots of Cailee Spaeny in Pacific Rim Uprising since that's the only sci-fi film she was in, and a whole lot of thumbnails with Moner getting raped by a Xeno. They must have been furious when a real teaser finally dropped.


And these are just from BEFORE the first real trailers dropped, there's been more since then that can now use actual footage from the trailer.
Youre severely retarded. What a waste of trips
>Alien Romulus had an absolute deluge of fake trailers over the last year for some reason.
This was so particularly pervasive that I've seen people on /tv/ actually confused about what Alien Romulus even is. More than once I've seen people ask "Is this that fully AI generated Alien movie? I remember seeing that AI trailer."
It has already begun. Youtube. Search engines. You have to wade through so many computer generated slop to get to something relevant, much less to something you had in mind
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These jeets have got it twisted.

Once you start noticing some of the same titles or specific generated images, I wonder if a bunch of these channels are from the same group. Several of them have dodgy subscription services being shilled on their channels so perhaps that's the angle, get eyeballs on their scam vids.
>watch episode
>want to see teaser for next episode
>go on youtube
>click this video
Zoomers and Alphas will be getting nostalgic for 2020s slop like The Acolyte and RoP because they were the last shows to be made by humans.
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since they can't distinguish truth from lies
It's going in right there you fucking retarded scumfucker, I hate you so much I want you to choke on a vibrating tail pipe your dad should have used you to paint a turd like the rest of his cum good lord please commit seppuku on your nutsack
what the actual fuck is that font you terminal troon
>I'll look so cool as the train rushes past without me flinching. My confidence comes from the knowledge that trains are no wider than the tracks they run on
The real question is why spoiler title videos aren't banned. Like it's not enough to have a video that's the ending of a TV episode or movie or game they also have to say exactly what happens in the title too, what a load of bullshit.
When the first New Mutants trailer released I stopped watching it thinking it was a fake trailer made up of reused footage and voice clips
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Grab a fake thumbnail and bring something funny back to us, /tv/
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Fuck I’d actually watch this lol
No fuckin way
Not only did they do the Daily Wire's thrown together Snow White with one of their correspondents, they did it four times. They really will do a fake trailer for anything on the release schedule huh?
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Oh THAT'S why they use AI for the thumbnails usually, cos they can't use photoshop for shit.
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>that robot voice that doesn't even sound like Anya Taylor-Joy
>Karen makes Indian take bath
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I don't even know who this is supposed to be. Some sort of blowup doll cross between Sweeney and Anya?

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I don't think Zendaya has that much tit.
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I saved a buncha those from a previous thread. Fascinating the psychology of the pajeets who made them and the people who fall for it and click it even ironically.
What are the actual videos? I ain't clicking on that shit to find out.
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instead you'll get turbo jew Kick Ass as 007. depressing.
Even if they go there to maintain the trains?
You're a streetshitter
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Discount Shadow

what makes me pissed off is that those 24 minute videos of Text to speech describing everything that happens on the movie. these channels have always called "recaps" on them
I have a bad feeling this is the future of the internet.
I hate those too. And I hate how successful they are. Many videos make millions of views. Easy money.
>Movie ending explained
>Goes through every scene in detail from the beginning to the end
>40 minutes long
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maximum effort
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Ah yes, another opportunity for Keanu to try his English accent
>I know where the BAHSTAHD sleeeps! I brought him there...to Cahfax ABBEH.
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sirs, please redeem the views, i needful ad revenue for she
Well it's not one I would have thought of.
Fuck tiktok, fuck tiktok, and motherfuck tiktok
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>indian mentions pakistan
the whole world hates you Panjeets
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We hate both India and Pakistan.
Just nuke each other and leave the rest of us alone.
Uh... that's how nuclear war works... r-right?
I don't get some of these. The only reason I remember Knight & Day is because they filmed it here in Boston.
Damn you, pajeets... this one is pretty good...
Though I know she confirmed she isn't in it. Probably too busy filming that Acolyte shit.
They seem to LOVE Keanu ont here, him, Jenna Ortega, Tom Holland, Pedro Pascal, The Rock and Margot Robbie pop up constantly in the thumbnails
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I guess I'm not as well versed in Spider-Man man bad guys but who the hell is this supposed to be?
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something about this makes Cavill looks really short, like he was 5'5 or something
These are like shitty soulless versions of the old fanart I used to make in high school on my bootleg copy of Photoshop 5.0. I used to submit to an online comic movie site. Some of them from other users were pretty well done. Now some intern working on a Youtube channel just uses an AI prompt to make these cheap slop thumbnails for clicks.
Bet the actual trailer is dogshit using some shots of her in His Dark Materials and a shitty AI voiceover.
I blocked those shits, you should too
Probably going by some Google list of most searched for actors.
No fucking idea. Maybe some combo of a white Venom like symbiote and Goblin armor?
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I'm surprised Screen Culture is still around. They have been doing false advertising for a long time. They probably have a deal with Youtube.
I'll be honest the fake trailer didn't help me much
Here. Took me two seconds to make these.
If I worked on the prompt and negative prompts I could make them look better and then do multiple characters and paste the images together in GIMP.
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Doesn't matter, does it? It got you to click on it and that's all that matters.
Those were the daaaaays!
No it didn't, I haven't clicked on anything, that's just what I assume it would be.
>Also pajeets make these
>if you want a picture of the future, imagine a pajeet shitting all over your civilization - for ever
>Kill all streetshitters.
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HollyJEWS blown the fuck out! Time for kino is here!
>AI will usher in a new age of entertainment!!
>literally 99.99% of it is some combination of nonsense noise, extremely low quality, soulless clickbait algoslop, literal scams, pure leach content that relies entirely on somebody else's actual effort, or an open attempt to "replace" somebody else through automated knockoffs of their work
>all of which drowns out actual original content due to the volume at which it can be churned out by people whose entire goal is to make easy money
Seriously, imagine being gifted with a tool which supposedly grants you infinite ability to create with a click, and the most these people do with it is make shitty fake clickbait trailers for somebody else's show
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I'm not even sure who the actors are meant to be, but Flash's tiny face is funny.
>female grifter character introduced with big tits who seduces Homelander
They already did this in Season 2
Dude, we're still in the very very early stages of AI and what you're seeing right now are just for commercial use which of course people will only use for these low level shits since that's what they know. Imagine what glowniggers are cooking up with AI right now with their super computers.
nuke the following groups:

HR Moms
Convince me that India doesn't own Google. From the Google play store, to YouTube, shit like this is dominated by Indians. Fuck I despise this shit.
>Imagine what glowniggers are cooking up with AI right now with their super computers.
As noted, scams. They'll be able to trot out whatever Joe Biden 2.0 empty suit they wish as a candidate after they flood everything with endless deepfakes, so whenever he has an Alzheimer breakdown on TV, there will be plausible deniability.
donkey looks truly defeated
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Look out, Mufasa! It's a geographically unlikely tiger!
AI is taking over everything. You see and hear it everywhere.
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Loving the random extra canine
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> can make whatever you want
>just make sequels to current blockbusters
Green Lantern looks like Green Arrow from Smallville and Flash looks like CW flash. WW kinda loooks like Daddario.
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They'll do this for anything huh?
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I actually hate pajeets so much bros it’s unreal
My local news had some dumb fluff segment the other week where the weather guys tested their skills in ice hockey. Each skill segment was introduced with an obviously AI generated title card. The spelling was right but the font was all fucked up and weird looking. It's insane how just adding text in MS paint is obsolete now. Just AI generate text even if it looks like trash.
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>The Matrix
>The Matrix Reloaded
>The Matrix Revolutions
>The Matrix Resurrections
>The Matrix 5: Future World
Yes that's a likely title
>menorah on the beret
npcs, the masses, this show is popular af
its pajeets
I kept confusing it with kingsman
They probably fired the graphics guys, and decided to tell their minimum wage, coffee fetcher intern to "just use AI bro."
The only time AI has actually pissed me off so far is when I try googling art for a character I think looks cool and around 50% of the image results are shitty ai images. They shouldn't be allowed to be put on google image results, it's a total infestation
looks like they have the hollywood mindset too
just wait until you see the AI upscaled thumbnails, these are slop deluxe
Asphyxiate me with that ass, officer brappenplappen
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i fall for these all the time
Are these "pakistanis" in the room with us right now?
These costumes look better than we are really getting
>even the AI version of Cavill sounds like he's dying of boredom, reading his lines off a monitor
why did he have to lack acting talent? life is truly cruel. he would have been the perfect Bond and also great for all kinds of other roles if only he could come across like a living person and not a stiff model on screen.
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The Prophet(PBUH) admires your neverending efforts to battle the haram graven images made by machine djinn. Even as you lie to yourself about who you are to further the cause.
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Ballsy AIshit like this will probably mark the end of fan projects. Fair use will probably be neutered and even if not people won't bother with their genuine fanworks as they get shuffled into zero effort AI shit. All thanks to thirdworlders trying to scam for easy money, even going as far as slapping the official company logos on their bullshit
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Why isn't there a fucking great firewall around India already to keep them quarantined to their own shithole part of the internet?
I would drive a long way and pay the $25 bucks to watch the unnaturally belated Beetlejuice sequel if it were a dark erotic horror splatter film.
is that the "you're breathtaking" conference? he even has his mic on
These are IMPRESSIVELY shit. Do they really fool people?
Poos coming up with better ideas than any jews shit out in years
Saw a preview for this as a test screening. I thought 35 minute unsimulated sex scene between olive oyl (jada pinkett-smith) and Bluto (august alsina) while popeye was chained to a telephone pole and forced to watch because olive oyl hid all of his spinach was a bit self-indulgent.
probably a Xiaomi phone
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That sounds like something an AI would want us to think.
I would probably watch a Will Smith Popeye movie desu
But that will just make it so I'm a few generations, all surviving indians will evolve to be able to tank a train
You are forgetting that the train is already 2 steps ahead in the evolution tree. Pajeets won't be able to keep up, they will be extinct
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actually it's just what the same techbros want us to think who previously wanted us to think bitcoin was going to replace the US dollar and sometimes they also want us to think that quantum computing is about to become relevant. if they're gamers they wanted us to think VR was going to become mainstream for a few years there but by now even they have to admit it's not happening. hot off the presses they want us to think ROBOTICS are about to take off, like humanoid robots are just about to become those creatures we know from movies. how? AI of course, and if that's not enough just throw in some quantum computing lmao. it has to work because we're all saying it in unison!

none of those things ever actually happen because the people screaming it from the rooftops are not impartial witnesses, they are heavily invested, usually financially but at the very least emotionally, in these fads for once being something more than a speculative investment bubble. the internet has radically amplified the growth of investment bubbles as total normies who never would have bought stocks in the past are now in on the action. the casino has way more visitors these days and most of them are clueless so they get fleeced in zero sum games by the more experienced gamblers.
It’s surprisingly not AI but poor photoshop given how these cutouts have slightly jagged edges if you look closely. From what I can guess at first glance the actors are meant to be
>Glen Powell as Hal Jordan
>Lucas Till as The Flash
>Jensen Ackles as Batman
>David Corenswet as Superman
>Emma Watson??? as Wonder Woman
Yeah. I can see this coming. They will turn the show into porn. And the /pol/tards complaining of degeneracy will watch every single episode, hypocrites they are.
lol Henrry's head looks like stamped on, so unreal idiots can't into making realistic fakes
>sirs pleas make me beatiful actress for of house dragon with bobs and vegen expose enhance
why are indian shitters so fucking stupid?
And there were actual fucking retards on this board cheering this on. That's what gets me.
the future is so bright I have to gouge my eyes ouy
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That despite most of the Photoshop tutorial videos are made by Indians.
Go back to /pol/
I am
we need a pajeet removal browser extension
i'd pay for it
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The Chad Stride
I wish I could find this motherfucker Screen Culture and tie his ass up.
Just beat his knees and his legs. Smash his fucking hands. This fucking annoying, lying piece of shit. Motherfucker has NO shame.
kek, Anya and Moner have never had that much tit in their lives
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>Jeet work
Today, I will remind them
Isnt this shit copyright infringement?
weird shit
every nation should have its own internal intranet.
Bond originally used and preferred a berretta tbf
Why are you all so racist? India is going to be the majority superpower in 2030, you know
>Keanu actually is in a Sonic movie now
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Boomers and Pajeets.
Way too white and cute for this to be in the realm of possibility.
>Brown inbreds like jew slop
Who knew. This is why kikes are trying to replace the West with this retards. Get guns and become racist.
>people have been vacuuming their pools with robots for over a decade
>robots assemble automobiles
>robots stack the shelves in amazon warehouses
That may not be the reality you see in Islamabad, but in the developed world robots have already taken off.
Quantum computers actually exist but they're currently the size of ENIAC and it'll take awhile to get them down to the size of a Cray T90.
For every AI tool aimed at the consumer market as toys, there are 10 use cases for corporations to minimize expenses and maximize profits. The point of the consumer shit is to crowdsource the RLHF, then turn that training around and sell the storage/compute for those algos to corporations.
The only grift is getting consumers to pay to do human feedback work for AI training.
Holy shit this channel is amazing, fucking gold
kino + sovl
we will go full circle & people will prefer to go outside again
paki devil bastard thread
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I'm fucking dying lmao
Wrong. You are such a faggot.
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same can be said for blacks living in any first world countries
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Wow, that's low.
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Why is there just a pile of burning furniture?

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