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First it was just the movie, but now they're straight up sticking to race-swapped Ariel in any new Little Mermaid media.

They've given Black Ariel an animated tv show with a distinct lack of white people.

Why is cultural appropriation ok when it's European culture but not any other culture?

What is the end goal here? Is this all just some demoralization tactic?
what do you mean?
she's always been black
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i miss redhead ariel
OPs one is a redhead too.
>getting demoralised by a toddler's cartoon
lol. lmao. So called top minds of 4chin
that animation style is so ugly and unappealing

nah, that's pink hair
The ip belongs to disney and they can do whatever they want with it
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doesn't mean we can't complain about it
It could have been a huge hit if they had cast Francesca Capaldi as the lead. Huge missed opportunity there when they literally could have had the perfect actress for the role.
Studio execs thought they needed to make Ariel black because most white people don't give a shit if Ariel is black but it might net them some more black viewers. The problem is that studio execs are fucking retarded and got the ugliest nigger possible.
Yeah screaming into the void is really gonna change things. Bob Iger is sweating bullets right now reading this thread.
It's based on a public domain book. There's nothing stopping anyone from doing an adaptation of The Little Mermaid
Because WokeGODs are winning
wow she would have been amazing
Black lives dont matter
She looks like she's 40
This. They can vote Dem even when they're dead.
nigger disingenuousity
>most white people
White liberals are brain dead outliers and their opinions absolutely should not be taken as representing the thoughts of the majority of white people. And beyond that the raceswap really hurt the overseas potential of the film particularly in Asia where the change was completely rejected
Out of 10
They literally change multi-million dollar movies because of 5 or 6 faggots complaining on Twitter though, faggot.
>most white people don't give a shit if Ariel is black
Funny how reality kind of proved them wrong though.
>oh no, they are using a nigger Ariel
fuck off, watch the original and thats it, i dont give a fuck about kids, i couldnt care less about murrican kids being liberals and retarded, that means more advantages for the rest of the world.
>What is the end goal here? Is this all just some demoralization tactic?

reducing whites to a slave/scapegoat race. it might just bother you abit as an adult, or maybe you think you are too smart and abovei t all... but it conditions your children to hate themselves, have no goals, and become apathetic towards life. A person who doesnt care about anything, can be used/abused by whoever is motivated to try.
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>zoomer with Tiktok-fried attention span won't read entire post before replying
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she is so cute bros

we need more far apart eye actresses in kinos
This show was announced before the movie came out. Disney really believed it was going to be a huge hit like their other remakes. Instead, adjusted for inflation, it did worse than their largely forgotten Cinderella remake.
Markiplier never said that
People are allowed to think something is shit. Who cares what the creator thinks or doesn’t think?
>actively admitting that this hurts American interests and that it is in fact in the interests of Americans to care
OK, weird flex if you're going for the "Trying to shame other people for caring" tactic but whatever.
They simply picked the most talented candidate. I know how much you hate meritocracies, Chud.


Get. Over. It.
>Bob Iger is sweating bullets right now reading this thread.
No, he's sweating bullets when looking at the current Disney Stock and Park Attendance Numbers.

>Captcha: WN SJW
time to update the bots guys, nobody cares about this anymore
>Wish I could BeEeEeEeEeEeEe
Less is more, that’s what made the original a timeless classic
someone post her boobies.
Black girls prefer Ariel to Teona, so they made a black Ariel for the black girls.
>wandering fREE
sounds like shes wheezing
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What do I call this genre of person?
Someone update your bots. They're making up lyrics.
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Timestamp 1:41, she literally wheezes out the word "free"
Uh...Chudbros... I've been thinking...what if...Halle Bailey is just a good actress and singer and there's no grand "conspiracy" or "woke agenda"....H-Hypothetically of course..
>getting demoralised by a toddler's cartoon

It's Disney ragebait marketing
She's a good singer but she didn't need to be Ariel
Is that how they got the gay nigger from Hamilton to do a terrible generic Caribbean accent for Sebastian? He was just a better candidate than literally any teal Trinidadian.
>400M when you retards were betting on it outperforming Mario on the first weekend
Lmao fuck off
>Tariq Nasneed
Ugh I can’t stand him, arguably more than Awkwafina.
They couldn't call for a second take?
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I didn't post Part of Your World. I posted Part of Your World Reprise II.

Concede now.
Markiplier never said that
No they don't, retard. They plant the twitter users so they can point at them and make the changes citing a false consensus.
I heard that Markiplier has a gigantic penis, is that true?
She sings terribly
it's true, it's in my mouth right now
I don't think the girl on the left is the target audience.
>she's not
>O' Keefe
Okay so you're just a drone.
Look at Disney's marketing and the content they've invested in over the past 4 years

It's becoming increasingly obvious they're trying to actively exclude whites from Disney.
The OKeefe interview just confirmed it.

>Hur dur he's a right winger so it's all lies

Political leaning doesn't make what the Disney executive admitted to in his interview any less true.
She's a six-time Grammy nominee but keep coping.
marxists hate white people. never forget that.
>She's a grammy nominee
So's Cardi B. Doesn't mean they aren't shit.
I’m not subscribed to Markiplier’s OF but somebody who is should give me a QRD on his girthy throbbing package
>>Hur dur he's a right winger so it's all lies
No. Specifically O'Keefe is known for selectively editing videos and generally being a clown. No one takes him seriously outside of gullible rubes
Unless OKeefe is good at sentence mixing, it seemed pretty clear that the Disney executive said they actively dsicriminate against white people.

I've been editing videos for years, I can tell when a sentence is mixed, and I did not hear a trace of it in the interview.
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It really should have been her
Does Disney pay Indians more for weekend shilling or no?
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I’m no MAGAtard, but there sure seems to be a lack of confidence in the Democratic Party after that debate…
Agreed. she's beautiful
That's one sexy forty year old
They're there for sex appeal
>Peoples rehearses and fake reactions
bidenfags vote against their own economic interests
Hummina hummina.
Why Ariel? Why not make a NEW mermaid for the black actress to play? I still say they should have adapted Little Mermaid into a new story set in the Pirates of The Caribbean movies. Good way to bring back that franchise while also using the Little Mermaid story but not the same characters.
I feel bad for her. She got a shitty hand me down white role instead of being able to play an actual black character. Is is shitty for them these are the roles they have to settle for.
>poo in the sea
>poo in the sea
>under the water you won't get the knee
Because most people don't seek out new things, they like the familiar. By sticking to a well known IP but lazily race swapping characters they can kill two birds with one stone.
There isn't much of a point of arguing or raging. Our enemies want as few white people as possible in media and they will take any position that they believe will lead them to that aim in the given circumstance. Our enemies are the transnational Western business and political class plus their immigrant and minority pets. Instead of arguing with them hoping to prove anything or change their minds, it would be smarter to use highly otherizing language against them and put on a spectacle designed to convince white tax cattle / normalfags that the aforementioned types are a kind of cancerous foreign object infesting their homelands. It is also important to not be "conservative" as that word is traditionally understood, because the impulse of the conservative is always to defend existing institutions. This is a trap because all key institutions in the West are occupied by hostile groups. Instead, conservatives should play the role of the critic, underminer, and fifth columnist in the years to come
white fragility
Imagine actually believing this shit
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This. Disney is just a small company that makes kids movies. They don't have any long-term plans for cultivating future audiences, and their executives are certainly not on record stating they want to use the company to push their ideology on children.
nta but lots of white women were posting about how black Ariel was the final straw for them concerning woke Disney.
>there is no such thing as ideological or political agendas......unless if the rigthht is doing it
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Why are they like this?
>All shills stay silent after the link was posted
lol you dickless trannies were caught lying again.
Just kill yourselves, you fail at everything and you were going to do it anyway.
They want to appeal to blacks, who famously can't get enough of swimming and the water in general
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>It's a ploy to put more blacks in the water
Our Disney
>mom! The cartoon is genociding me again!!!!
Lmao at the so called "superior" race
It's because they fucked up with the move and Disney is not one to admit error so they double down on their stupidity. Just look at the state of Marvel and Lucasfilm. It's only a matter of time before 20 Century gets fucked.
Based shabbos goy defending kikes for no compensation
If you talk about it + watch it, guess what that means?
The white leftist women in charge have a black fetish and barely know anything about their own culture, wtf are they going to know about other cultures.
1+1=everything gets blackwashed.
>If you talk about it + watch it, guess what that means?
You made up the second part.
Unfortunatelly they couldn't find seashells of her size
Cringe "superior race" getting triggered by a toddler's cartoon
>muh joos
You havent lurked enough if you haven't seen (((patterns))) arise from all this
When I see someone on 4chan write "jooooos" instead of kikes, I think of those chud comics where the artist can't bring himself to draw a swastika so he makes some kind of scrawl shaped like a 4.
>Whites stop buying garbage merchandise
>Change tact and raceswap all of the protags into being black
>Blacks jump on it spend what money they do have it on because they now think the corporation is their friend and it's sticks two fingers up at whitey

Jews have been playing this same game with blacks for a long time now. Blacks having limited IQ, and thus poor pattern recognition, fall for it hook, line, and sinker, every single time. It's almost sad.
>doesn't understand mockery
>still whines about le joos
You're quite histrionic.
>Blacks having limited IQ, and thus poor pattern recognition, fall for it hook, line, and sinker, every single time. It's almost sad.
Uh huh. And what color are the maga demographic who fall hook, line and sinker for grifters on the internet.
>Le talking head said points I agree with. Let me tip him via paypal. Let's go Brandon!!
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Before this the only black disney princess was the one where she spent 90% of the story being a frog
lol lmao
don't forget to tip your favorite political head, lil chud
>they can do whatever they want with it
Including run it into the ground as far as profit goes.
>They're marketing it by making people NOT want to watch it!
This movie lost money though.
There should have been a lack if confidence in them after they admitted to literally not knowing what a "woman" is and literally rioting for months over a fat criminal OD'ing on Fentynal.
Because whether you want to admit it or not, nobody in any country of any race is THAT excited about movies made for the sake of aggrandizing/worshipping black people.


Lying faggot.
>watch it
I didn't

>If you talk about it
Bad Word-of-Mouth spreads and Disney loses money.
Nobody mentioned "genocide" until you did, though?
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allahu akbar
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>demographic who fall hook, line and sinker for grifters on the internet
You mean Leftists? Lol you faggots literally spend what little you have left on ContraPoints OnlyFans so you can jerk off pics of his mutilated rectum after giving your Paychecks to BLM so they can use the money to buy mansions and post bail for literal school-shooters and put them back on the street.
Her bf is White btw
> white royalty ruling over their black subjects
They really dont think this shit through huh
>t. san fagcisco
Me and my friend on the bottom (I look like that)
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i salute thee
literally would of been pornographic if it was a hot little white girl. just like the animation was borderline porn.
They nogged it to take away the sex appeal so they don't get cuties netflix'd
>Less religious = higher IQ
>the famously irreligious Great Plains
How so?
that's Russian disinformation, Ariel has always been African American
Still funny.
Remember when this slop released and lefties made disingenuous threads every day on here trying to claim it was a huge success when it literally flopped
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Funny how reality proves you wrong
>~$240 mil. budget
>~$140 mil. marketing
>~569 mil. box office

>Chuddie can't into subtext
>requires things to be literally spelt out for him
Many such cases. Sad!
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But I thought you went broke if you went woke? Which one is it?
Ah yes, that explains it. You're underage and retarded.
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>/pol/cel calling others newfags
Go back to rebbit already. You're the nigger refugees of 4chan. Nobody wanted you here and you refuse to conform to our ways.
What does that lemonade taste like?
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To give hope to all the little negroes that maybe, just maybe, they'll one day finally learn how to swim.
Divide and conquer being applied on the plebs to keep us controlled and subservient slaves.
>some poltard got so butthurt he edited the original to suit his narrative
Right wingers can't create. Only corrupt what already exists.
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>a-and then t-the cartoon fly married the cartoon mouse a-and I felt genocided
>a-and then the dinosaurs had feathers
>a-also that one time this children's movie had a nigger in it
Have you seen modern "art" bro? It's all just corruption, and who creates that shit? Woke retard progressives.
Top kek.
He still got acquitted tho
Lefties literally scribble over right wing memes with red magic marker and draw a maga hat over it.
That guy is a progressive btw, supports BLM and all that shit. He did shoot some garbage people though which is respectable.
He shot and killed a pedo. Nothing of value was lost.
Yeah but in this case we all know who did the editing.
And under "White" they include . . . who, exactly?
>Only 6 out of 100+ merchandise has a black Ariel

You guys need to chill lol
This doesn't mean anything considering OG little mermaid is like 30+ years old now. The issue is they have no issue race swapping Ariel and any other character and permanently keeping them that way
its more disgust than anything. "they" also always say shit like transphobia, as if i'm scared of trannies and not repulsed
The animated TV series had a black mermaid as Ariel's friend, and she was even a mute who had to communicate with sign language.

She was cute and I would've loved to see more of her. And it definitely didn't stink of any agenda. Just felt like they wanted to give Ariel a friend.

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