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is the party horn effect coming from the stream or is there something in my room?
>director being a retard again
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>jimmy shit blood
jimmy saying he shit blood today kek
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Jimmy shits blood
J.J. Jimmy shits blood
is this the first appearance of the laugh track? i was wondering when they were gonna do that

you seem upset, faggot aspie
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I'm 26 and I couldn't build a table. I don't even know if I ever used a hammer in my life.
Jimmy's shitting blood? Damn, he's really taking this bloodgames thing seriously. I admire the dedication.
just go letty cam
Letty literally putting more work into trying to get someone to do the work for her than building the table would be.
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thats just one of his go to lies to seem interesting. he said that like 15 times in S2. Said he was shitting out stomach lining too
>they're not pwaying fwair
you're just too retarded to get my jokes, sorry
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>vance gets to cream on THIS tummy
do you not know that we have video evidence of how she fucks?
Who is Xavier? TJ?
>laugh track
He listened to Jon on how to store T-levels and now he's shitting blood.
tj is too low iq to understand ck. hes a complete fucking pseud.
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building things is a lot of fun anon, it's never too late to start with a small project
how does he know hes shittin blood if its portapotties?
he probably gots a bloody anus
>Jimmy and Tay both shit blood
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When they said bloodgames, did they mean Jimmy's asshole?
build a box first
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Post this pup
If you want ORDER in this Tank, TJ must appear in bloodgames. Oh, and for every day they don’t, I will send in a Marky TTS. Starting tonight. I’m a man of my word.
you take the fun out of everything. nobody cares if you are a s2 historian who watched every second and feel the need to flex whenever anyone types anything
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If I throw up it wipes me out for days.
I'm shitting blood.
Hoarderman riches.
12 Years MMA.
The white man walks alone
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anyone have the video loop of this with the music that used to piss people off in the /ftl2/ threads
Letty is being useless because she hopes it will frustrate Vance into doing it himself.
have you ever wiped your shitty ass even once in your life?
what a fucking flaming homosexual. no wonder why women dont find him attractive.
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jan rankowski
jace connors
deagle nation
commander (from MDE's great war movie)
data pagan guy (from ideas man)
josie isnt there to approve marky tts this time
Given infinite letties and an infinite time horizon do you think the Letties could build a table?
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Jimmy has an angus fissure not a hemorroid

Cream is useless
How can you niggers not post the full OP? You lazy low IQ pieces of shit
To save the world which fish would you poop on (wet spray type)
letty is literally sub human.

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so fucking ugly and annoying
reminder that xavier talks good and not many people can do the same
>outhunter classed
Taylor gets a pass for being cute but I have zero clue what her role as an NPC is terrible larping
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what is jezza up to rn
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It's both. She's actually that bad at doing things so she's playing on it to get Vance to do it
Wow TJ has a lot of aliases
This. I have dealt with women who use this bullshit tactic.
>camera cuts from princess letty to jimmy going AHHHHHHHHH
yes. it was my asshole itself. if your shit is black thats when you should be concerned.
Jon cam chads check in
you didn't make a joke

you on the other hand are too retarded to get the joke of this season, you're taking it seriously like john is
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The DUKE & his brother XAVIER RAVENBLOOD have been locked in battle for hundreds of years. As a result of this feud, XAVIER has been exiled from the vampiric clan. This summer, the STARS are in alignment for the BLOODMOON RITUAL. This is Xavier’s opportunity to strike. By gaining the support of the VAMPIRE HUNTERS, XAVIER can use the FIVE ITEMS to enact the BLOODMOON RITUAL to cause all of the vampires of his old clan to be not just harmed by sunlight but also by the moon. However, the VAMPIRE HUNTERS do not trust XAVIER and consider him a potential threat.
THE DUKE, even after the BLOODMOON ritual, may only be slain by GREG HELLSING’S family heirloom - the CROSSBOW.

>Current BLOODMOON status:
In order to gain access to a new school of Magic, THE WITCH must win a game of CARDS on a TABLE that she herself constructs. This quest currently appears impossible because the WITCH is LAZY.
>This night, one of the HUNTERS will be slain, as prophesied by VOODOO MAMA JUJU, and join the VAMPIRESS.

Secret Quest:
Tayleigh has accepted the role of XAYLEIGH RAVENBLOOD, and agreed to serve as bait for her dark masters plots.
By donning her patron’s outfit, XAYLEIGH can cast PUP FORM. PUP FORM grants additional HP.

The crew has ordered an ABOVE GROUND POOL. The pool will be used for something called the ‘BLOODBATH’ and, sources tell me, will be full of water dyed red.
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>strike three goran.... strike three
She’s TJ’s wife. I’m sure when she shows up she’ll have an actual role.
FUCK thats based and so romantic
what's the joke of the season?
are you stupid or something? explain why exactly it matters. nobody uses those links it's just retarded shit taking up space. this isn't an /sp/ college football general or something, it doesn't matter. just scroll down and pretend nigga lmaoo
can't fucking believe I missed this
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Is larping as fun as it looks? How do you even find a group to do it with?
Holy moly
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I don't feel like I've won
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>family doxed
>grindr account discovered
>mother exposed as a meth smoking, fireball guzzling whore that drives your little brother around while under the influence of both
>horny grindr fags sent to your grandmother's house
>now pedo allegations on the cusp
I'd feel bad for him but honestly, he deserves it for thinking bagging someone as fugly as Tayleigh is worth acting like a smug dipshit about.
jimmy 100% stopped taking his meds again
>letty using 2 inches of the saw
no rules dipshit
You think you can restream from us and just walk away?
The wife of a deceased villager. She gave Tai a quest to escort her to lay flowers on her husbands grave.

It may be a dropped plot point following TJs arm snap
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>letty and vance building a table is too silly. can we get some bandits down there and keep switching the director cam back to basecamp? nice.
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Chip is so kind
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lol kill yourself
This table
Until matter finally collapses on itself
Jet have 911 on standby
Is this bitch for real
vance and chip just sitting there about the let her cut her leg
that's what i thought
Letty is gonna cut her fingers off
real larpers take it like 99% serious, where this is maybe 2% serious so it depends
Holy shit this is difficult to watch.
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comes across that it would be mad rules lawyers and unwarranted self importance. The fact this is a bunch of wiggers who don't give a shit seems to be massively in its favour
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She's just the goblin who rumages around aimlessly
that's was the joke he was trying to make retard
What was the 'smug dipshit' thing. I hope people aren't going full sperg mode on a random dude just because he posted a picture of a cat and a bag
Yummy a cuppers
dude letty is gonna chop her hand off

no it isn't, god damn your existence is sad
jail. turns out posting nina's nudes under a twitter account with your full name and then saying "i'll just say they can't prove it was me" was not a stellar defense.
(it's actually true)
Jimmy unironically has bigger tits
It requires a fine balance of autistic but not too insane
Attend a local Ren faire
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i'm a dog chasing cars, I don't know what I'd do if boss negga actually did pull up in this bitch.
yo did I miss anything?
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pump the brakes kid thats ourguy you are talking about
>constantly whines about his ugly face because hes obsessed with his ugly face like a gay man
couldve fooled me
>letty actually cutting for once
>director switches to tayleigh
fuck you
Her role is Lady
So does jet
But Bex has the best bum so it's fine
"When She shows up"?

TJ is a woman?
whatever you say, bud
>retard director
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manual labor and building shit is for men, things that require your brain and intelligence are for women
that's why as soon as the playing field in education was even, women began to do better than men
you can cope and seethe all you want but the stats don't lie
shouldv listened to maria, kid
holy kek do you have more of these you can post
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things that fags think makes fishtank interesting
>wholesome vibes
>friendly pranks

what actually makes fishtank interesting
>mental breakdowns
>exposing dark secrets
imagine playing with a group of ugly (male and female) letty's that won't stop trying to jew the rules and will bitch and moan if you ever break character. that's the average LARP game.
instead of director mode they should just let you tap into the feed of the handheld camera. you literally can't access it otherwise right now
>Unsoaked wood
>No heat nails
the misogynistic producers set letty up for failure
Kentucky Fried Tay
Why are we switching to basecamp? Shit isn't happening there.
She’s just looking for excuses
Normally, her strategy leads to a man saying ‘look, I’ll do it for you, watch’ but this entire quest exists to force her to not do that
dont be retarded, women are midwits made for sitting quietly in class and highlighting words they dont understand in textbooks
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>the way cole reacted when he got kissed by some ugly flip
100% his first kiss.
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should put his face on pearl from blade
Women in stem are glorified bangmaids I assure you
nigga we do not want to be part of your sissy hypno shit, go back to twitter
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I hate her voice so fucking much holy shit
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there was an entire google drive out there
the guy has serious issues
>didn't measure
based 4 different sized legs table.
Is Jimmy getting unhinged?
As a bonus every woman attending those has the BMI of Blacksmith Wife nothing less
there's metal in the wood anyway, it was rigged from the start
most mentally fit gen Z
wtf is this
we can only hope
True, but just wait till Jimmy is able to purchase a BBL. Why do you think he signed up to be on the show for?
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sure pete whatever you say lmao
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Jon, staring at the Ravenblood pee pee again.
>sweaty letty
STOP! I can only get so errect
Never done it but the show actually makes it look fun if you do it with people as retarded as yourself and don't take it too seriously
Sometimes hot cosplay girls show up to take photos
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she marked them with a piece of tape but then she cut down the center of the tape instead of the edge
watching cowboy lift instead of any other dull shit going on
when are we getting to the sex part?
he made a twitter space where he pretended to not know what fishtank was or who tay was, hoping to bait people. he then posted a trollface. he might've called her fans cucks on her last stream too.
Occasionally that’s not true - sometimes a guy brings his normie girlfriend along
one of letty's many victims
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>my last thoughts are of you getting fucked by a huge kingston dick
Do they seriously not have a tape measure?
Has anything actually funny happened or is this literally just a group of autists larping in the woods.
The way he was making out with her was actually insane. Also Trish is hot you fag
>be bushchad
>dislike letty
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>Danger could be lurking around any corner
ralphie cum
That's kind of retarded, Maybe he was a dumbass.
TJ is the only legit person to be woman trapped in a “man’s” body. She thought her greatest completion to be Tayleigh in S2. As you know, men don’t consider women to be actual competitors. Just look at Letty with the saw right now.
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kino shot
when me and bex get together
respect my pronouns
>making out
KEK. whatever you say incel.
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Letty's psycho ex

embarrassing. unprofessional. unironically.
A group of autists larping in the woods with TTS is what it is
>undergrads in female dominated fields like psych, sociology, etc. have lower IQs than undergrands in male dominated fields like math and physics
really makes you think...
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some cool shots this season
godspeed anon
Yep, the best programmers are all women, everyone knows it
Why would they need one?
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We can have both big silly
tasteful pokies
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Perhaps someone can organize my weights
Because they're all retarded
>ah yes I seem to recall you glancing at my fine penis the other day…
I miss Jezza so, hope he's ok
He wanted to roll with the big dogs. Prepare to get bit!
They did for a second after they kissed for the first time, it was only for a bit though
what do her simps see in her? i just dont get it.
Those things are bone dry man
>jon so retarded he couldn't set up the flag properly
tip: every time you see someone call it incel rage, it's probably him or his femboy friend. he was 100% expecting seethe in the space but all he got was some guy with a soundboard spamming NIGGER over and over. tay was listening lol

notice how no one fucks with tay or her family?
Tai better make this an album cover
very very disrespectful
It wasn't
Does anybody else think the blacksmith looks like a minion skibidi?
Wosie is cute!
It's simple. Josie is a good person with a good heart
kek that was a great line
ok coal
You learn eventually that woman don't really have personalities and aren't interesting. They are simply cute or not and Taylor is very cute.
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>My hero is currently resting upon the mountains, calculating his next devious plot. The Duke will be felled by The Great Xavier Ravenblood!
Don't worry about it.
You might have severe autism if you think the rules on a gameshow somehow condemns his actions. Don’t think you’re capable of determining what makes “men”
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Our Paladin
Bex looked disgusting--nipples protruding--in her purple shirt before Jimmy. Very very disrespectful.
Has anybody gotten good pics of her face yet? From the glances I saw she looked kinda cute
>Taylor is very cute.
shes an ugly greasy pig
Beautiful shot
Here you can see a cuckbuddy trying to gaslight in real time
anything gonna happen today
Who were letty’s 859 other texts from
They attract a lot of they/them libtard types too which is kinda funny. They're really into the cottagecore sundress wearing high fantasy thing.
funny how nobody had the balls to hang that up at basecamp
Brrr, skibidi bop bop dob yes yes
Skibidi W nim nim
Skibidi bop bop dob yes yes
Skibidi W nim nim
She’s ugly cute. High sex appeal.
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hell yeah
now THIS is kino
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he won
if letty and josies physical appearances were switched but their personalities were the same, who would be the most popular?
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Allegedly one of the fish was supposed to join the vampires last night but it got postponed because people were sleepy after bloodgames
Cowboy spotting masked highwayman
>postponed because they were sleepy
an average man would already be done with the table by the time Letty cut two boards
Letty is left handed?
I missed blood games, I wanted to watch a recap but it’s hard finding clips on yt now
It sucks but it's only because they're mean to Jon. Jon is retarded.
All of you niggas sucking letty dick

real niggas are on that Tay drama
Qrd on bloodgames?
you fucking evil bastard
Josie with letty’s body - easy question
Letty’s brain is too lazy to even stream once a week
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Yeah. Iirc there's a weird amount of lefties across both seasons
it wasnt one of this fish, it was just someone and that someone ended up being the king
she questioned if the saw was left handed
You're asking if Josie would be popular if she was an ugly mexican boy with also a terrible and lazy personality?
You could make an entire season dedicated to Letty attempting any kind of physical or manual labor.
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forget about the tits. look at that smile :)
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Did chip say something about a General Roberts earlier? I may have misheard or something but it was right after he told letty the king was missing while they were trying to cut boards.
An average man would have finished the table and FUCKED letty ontop of it
you assholes summoned the josiecels
Makes sense. Lefties are more likely to be abnormal in some way.
beefer did a sneedful
but sam HYDE came in and did a kamehameha
that's when all of the fish and sharks got on their knee and protested
sam HYDE was forced to call it off
basically, nothing at all happaned and nothing at all resulted from it. this was surely supposed to be an elimination, though.
Tai defeated Xavier in the final round because guns beat swords
The best fight was Greg vs Xavier
Tay stole the CRYSTAL CLUSTER reward and gave it to Xavier anyways because she is his ‘pup’ but has successfully pinned the theft on airsoftfatty
its like a noh mask
please understand this is very hard, she's LITERALLY sweating
just tuned in
are they building a table? that's my favorite reoccurring challenge
or are they still building a shrine? i tuned out around that time yesterday
The first relatable woman they saw on the show
Where are they going to put the table?
I appreciate that letty didn’t capitalize on the the streamer girl thing. The others that did end up being fodder for bantoids and I end up hating them. Seeing letty is refreshing because she hasn’t been all over the place for the past year.
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Mental illness
>can I take a break
It was inevitable. They stumble out of /bant/ every once in a while, along with the Taylor simps/haters that just got here last thread. it fucking sucks
saw that fuckin bible!
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who are you people
No, he didn’t say anything like that, go edit your own dumbass knowyourmeme page
I've been wondering this the whole time. Larping looks kinda fun but it's probably riddled with autistic hardasses
but they don't relate to her, they all want to fuck her.
Watching tai is the only thing worth doing right now
my bad, relax dipshit
...and letty cam ded
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She's a cute and sweet and hot as fuck breedable little squaw.
He was a pedo before the game show.
LMAO shes doing the sarcastic thing she does when she gets mad
Jesus you people are fucking pathetic losers.
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I kneel, Tayleigh mogs
Yes they are. And I agree, it's a solid bit to keep bringing back, always leads to at least something sorta entertaining
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the main characters
Vampires, off duty
Women don't really have personalities? If Ayn Rand looked like Taylor, would you want to date her?
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they are trying to convince letty to do a 3 leg table so they dont have to wait for her to saw 2 more kek
is he ok
I wish I interacted with girls in real life
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Chip looks like Rasputin
God she's the worst
Josie, but I wouldn't like her then
damn thats actually really sad. cant believe simps lost their shit because she was fucking some dude. ah oh well.
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>you dont control my life! *sarcastic childish retort*
She's a groomer with a fucked up fungus toe and she tries to get young girls to harm themselves over discord. She also likes to kill hamsters by throwing them against a wall as hard as she can.
Someone give Tai a stack of newspapers and the leaf blower
Wat da fuk am I doing wif my lief?
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is sam off the roids? He looks kinda flabby and unfit compared to when he had his boxing match
Day 5 and these guys are still lighting fires by putting a piece of paper on top of sticks and lighting the paper on fire with a lighter…
This is genuinely good cinematography
>bad at talking to people
>nice when given the chance
>likes toys and anime
It's a 'she's literally me... we're perfect for eachother!!' situation
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what you're engaging in right now is LIBEL
muh exotic alphabet
Get a cam on tai NOW
How about Gloria Steinem, Mr. Dubs?
this was kino, even Jimbo is smarter than her
Jon will challenge TJ into doing pushups when he sees the hottest girl clinging on to him when he arrives, even when TJs arm is visibly fucked up.
He gawding da basecamp
LOOOL!!!! Fuck that lesbian. 'She's' next. SEND MORE TTS MESSAGES!!!!
Anything planned for tonight? It’s my guess it’ll be a few waves of vampires.
duanye said he looks like a transgender minion
It's honestly the funniest thing that could happen
What are you 60 and still mad at women get out of here
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teej is a fucking dimwitted manboy without balls or a soul FUCKING LUMP
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To build a table, first you must construct the fabric of the entire galaxy.
>She also likes to kill hamsters by throwing them against a wall as hard as she can
What was her deal with that? i heard it was multiple times disguised as accidents
Shit, I meant Andrea Dworkin, either way, living with them would be fucking intolerable even if they were beautiful
ugly bitch
This is really good.
Mushroom spotting with Tayleigh :)
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Strong independent woman in action.
My guess is it’ll rain and knock out the final non-central camera (The Downs)
Didnt she score highest on the IQ test
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>letty table building
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THIS. pseud faggot pedo.
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they didnt tho, they got mad cause she ghosted her fanbase to have meth benders and rim twinks
Yes and Shinji is also HIV positive...
I acutally like the way Josie looks so that's a hard question. I'm stumped.
what fucking technique, letty
I’ll start seething and sneezing if Chip and Vance start helping her again
Go back to your containment board
she doesn't have wood salts or heated nails.. idk if this is going to end well
I can. It's just like 5 dudes with money who give a shit. Everyone else is just laughing
there are zero (0) attractive features in that face
you’re too old to be this mindbroken by this kid
we all know she could have endlessly shit on her fans just so long as she wasnt fucking a guy

thats the only reason they lost their shit
naw she's very gross for many reasons
This retard should be giving handjobs behind a tim hortons not sawing wood
What's the table for?
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>when he arrives
anon, he’s too scared.
Part of Josie's charm and which fits with her personality is her weird mexican alt-girl look
guys did letty remember to salt the wood? cant make a proper table with unsalted wood
My sources are telling me that Jimmy put metal into the wood
To humiliate letty
boomer post
kill yourself
You are a groomer with a fucked up fungus toe and you try to get young girls to harm themselves over discord. You also likes to kill hamsters by throwing them against a wall as hard as you can. Faggot
Letty to build
im warming up
anon it's spelled EN ROUTE not IN ROUTE
They think they can take advantage of her because she has a child like mind
i dont belong there dude, Tay read about 80% of my comments on the streams but I could care less about watching streamers
seethe more zoomer. your girls are ugly and braindead.
It's for an old ritual, the ritual of humiliation.
she's not getting dicked good enough. if she were she wouldn't be this much of a dry cunt. cock buddy, do better. should be ashamed.
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I believe this because you posted it just now
Some have alleged, since season 1, that Letty is ‘lazy’
These allegations emerged after she cleaned one spot on the wall for one hour while Josie cleaned the entire house nightly
Now, in order to earn money, Letty has been offered a simple quest - cut 4 pieces of wood and hammer 4 nails

It has taken her 4 hours and she’s only halfway done
More importantly, she should make sure there isn't any metal in the wood
She did ask the trader for wood salt when he gave her the quest, but he didn't have any.
They're gonna run train on jet on it
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Who is higher up on the KWABOTY rankings?

Tayleigh - For sacrificing her entire fanbase for $50 and Kentucky meth. Also enduring several public humiliation rituals while her dad watches.
Jared - Having to fuck this ugly hag, also getting doxxed and exposed as a faggot trannylover.
Taytriots - Cucked by Jared, while also being constantly misled and humiliated by Tayleigh
That kike negga aint larpin I wish they had saved him for much later
From Left to Right: Jon, Soda Man, Cowboy, unknown npc, Jimmy, Dr. Marrow
You faggots for being obsessed seething spastics
well then this table is just fucking doomed i guess
why are people on twitter so afraid of posting lewd shots of any the female fish but will post homoerotic shots of the male fish?
Waiting for >>200666666
Will it be in the god forsaken thread?
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where is he?
>”uuh uhhh I don’t know”
>”production told me to stay home”
jet just destroy the bible and say vampires did it goddammit.
She didnt shit on anyone bro, she knew there was cool guys on her streams, not just cringe redditors.

Its the same with Summer and Abi, most of us dont care she fucks and sucks, its more so who they fucked
pretty sure that's on purpose.
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they're gay
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I guess not
they don't want another "jon almost destroys letty's passport" to happen
Todays battle will be a test of magic (yugioh) and will take place on the Witch’s (Letty) table
>post homoerotic shots of the male fish?
there's even a guy who spams dick edits. we have it all
This and no olive oil on the blade.
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because fishtank twitter people are insufferable fags
That's such a childish response what the fuck lol she's cooked
It's his daughter's birthday today.
Can't wait, I love covid jokes and think the mere mention of pronouns is funny as fuck, praise kek
Ben from production said his faces made him laugh the most.
There is no way that there were "cool guys" in her streams lol that's some wild delusion
Director should just keep the camera on Letty and if we want to look at base camp we can just do it ourselves. We want to watch Letty try to build a fucking table ffs
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The people demand tabletank
ftl twitter fags actually get mad at jon freaking out about "da wules", I will never understand these fags
it's why the jokes funny in the first place
You're unironically probably 35+
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TJ literally worked like scared straight for me. I saw what a pathetic worm he was and I couldn’t allow myself to be anything like that.
>that audio cue when tai asks chris if he knows what happened to the crystal
pretty kino desu
Sam riding around on nightmare is one of the most sovlful parts of the season
Is there seriously no way to manually switch to the hand cam? I'm stuck watching first-person Letty.
wtf am i looking at here? this angle's like an optical illusion
big ol fat pig
no really dude, for example check out the type of dude that likes Taylor, all cringe ass anons.

Tay has a unique look even Alex Steins noted it.

She liked us but idk shes always been an insecure junky
all fishtank fans are insufferable fags
"Pseud" "plays ck" faggot alert
Probably spending time with his kids
this is actually pretty good bait, reddit spacing and all
Someone really needs to send her "There are so few Taytriots left that no one even bothered to screenshot your feet"
QRD on the blood moon last night? missed it
Just accept the fact that Tayleigh always was a cunt. Move on and let her fade away.
handsome niggaminos
reading the posts on here make me feel the same way
Kek. It's over for her
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Letty finally takes off her jacket faggot director decides to switch some where else.
Jimmy sucked Jon
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Same energy
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jon sitting alone at the schitty
Someone already posted that clip
he is. low iq dumbfuck.
yeah well its my kohlchan posting style

but for real tho, Tay should be the protag and its sad whats happening you whiteboys are crazy for not sticking to your guns
>, its more so who they fucked
so you mad that she is fucking somebody okay
He is assravaged
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>You're not my king anymore.
Tai is both the least involved and most involved in the rp and its kino
Do people like to be edgy as a way to release their residual angst or do they have an actual purpose? I'm french
no fucking way..
QRD on the aroma of Bex's panties?
the underwear saga with cole made that clear enough
Tai won the tournament and the Crystal
Tay stole the Crystal and gave it to Xavier
Chris has been bitten by a vampire and has turned
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I want to bash the directors head in!
Letty has been sawing at that piece of wood for like 20 minutes
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Hiding from Sexavier's mogging
He always pouts like a child after someone points out he's shit at RPing.
Normal people would use this time to calm down and relax. Jon is stewing in his upsetness
Hes going to go off soon on the next person that triggers him
insider here, you'd be surprised, that's all i can say for now.
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This is bullshit.
this is the third one
>Someone already posted that clip
Sorry, I didn't see.
NTA but if I ever found out a girl I was even casually seeing fucked a black guy I would ghost immediately. I can understand why the parasocial autists have issues here.
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>brings in $500 of TTS while sawing $30 worth of wood

how does she do it?
she has gross feet
I'm sure you're very easily fooled, dumb nigger.
Digits and Ben sucks dick tonight
s-she's fast!
I can barely keep up with her afterimage
Lets all stock up on tokens to STORM Tay with TTS messages tonight, she's gonna lose it!
She also changed from a 4 to 3 legged table design in order to save having to do any more work
That's a man.
Stein is 30% funny 70% annoying.
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I think Fawtty may have been bittewn by a vampiweuw.
caring about who somebody fucked in the past at all is the most pathetic behavior a man could possible indulge in
hahahahahahahahahahahha nah but hahah thats such a good idea i wont but ahahahah
Cry more loser.
I'm gonna need some context and/or a clip of this please and thank you
60/40 makes more sense to me. it's always either hit or miss and only slightly leans more towards miss.
Jet what’s ur email?
She was completely different before Fishtank. She looks like a bad bitch in here
It's actually genuinely funny how averse to any kind of labor she is. She's the type to spend more time not doing something than to just do it right and get it over with.
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>king fattius, are you just going through a goth phase?
fucking kek
Nuh uh, I demand virgin Japanese tradwifu.
throwing fruit at jon was the peak
Once letty finishs the table (lol)
Sam should come in and break it when shes in the middle of a game with xav
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Where's Big God?
its alpha behavior caring about your pride
>who came up with that idea? jetGPT.
Digits and Jon gets AIDS tonight
Tai sounds so depressed
smells like my cum
It's called pattern recognition.
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>Fuck JetGPT
lol no it isn’t
Either way he misses far too often. He'd be funnier if he dropped a lot of the political shit but his masters at the blaze wouldn't like that.
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>Letty: "But this one has a crack in the middle..."

Princess Letty learning about the various grades of plywood, so cute!
Her strategy is to bait somebody else to do it and it would’ve worked her (both Vance and Chip tried to help) if production wasn’t running the bit
Her sloth combined with feminine charm will serve her well
>thinking this is pride
lol no this is just 4chan incel nonsense. you guys will literally never get even a smidge of pussy if you live like this
Letty's got weaponized incompetence down to a tee. It's disgusting as hell but I almost admire her grift.
at the nubian queen strip club
She was a master on angle frauding jfc
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Pug cute. That's her appeal don't lie.
Bleak that you can't even have basic standards anymore without being shamed even by other men
thats literally the only feature of being a true alpha

caring deeply about society like Jon for example
>Actually considering using eyelash glue to make a fucking table
Jesus christ, how does Letty even stay alive?
they better hope those are heat nails or it'll never get through the metal in the wood
>Vance trying to explain why eyelash glue will not be sufficient
lmao jesus christ
Fattius had possession of the crystal at the games why would he come back and steal it later? I hope someone figures out it was tay
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>n-n-n-nnooooo i i uhhh i uhhh i uhhhh im n-n-n-not a pedo n-n-noooooooo
Kill yourselves nigger loving faggots.
translation: "I had to debase myself and shack up with a BPD whore to have sex"

Literally no one on this site who makes these sorts of posts has ever had sex with a remotely attractive woman or a woman who respects him.
about your pride as in the females in a lions pride
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Damnation how we feelin?
There's no way that post was made by a guy.
tay and fatty gonna fuck
Some post it
Bleak that men just want to fuck inexperienced virgins because they haven't let go of the fact that through most of history you could just openly be a pedophile and people have finally accepted it as fucked up
>Letty can't comprehend how a fucking nail connects two pieces of wood
Oh my god, what in the actual fuck
During the games, Fattius hadn’t been bitten
Afterwards, he was converted to a vampire and may have come and stolen it at that point
Yeah, well I'm saving myself!!
They gotta keep him on the DL, maybe the dwarfen alcohol prohibition will be revoked and maybe a tavern will appear, with our favourite barman inside.
she's playing it up
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this may be the best image to ever come out of fishtank which is saying something
fuck off bummy bustin' chigger
so funny letty pretending to be retarded so anons can greentext about how dumb she is here XD
if you’re in any position in which you’re worried about your pride - you fucked up, not alpha
Remember when taytriots were planning on saving Tay from the wiggers abuse? And now they hate her? Crazy
Letty has genius IQ at being retarded
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What is Tay's reaction here supposed to be? I she coping? What a sad bitch.
She pretends to be extra retarded so somebody else will come and do it for her
> I was trying kindly to give him the trash.
Tay is fuckin' indian
That bitch's hair has the color scheme of cheap package design
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Lol so random XD
>jon up in heaven while simmons looks to tempt him into hell
wait the one you're replying to or the one before it?
I don't believe that's true.
you’re 30+ yo
go take care of your family lol
>Daddy Sam, Uncle Jet, let me hide in the basement! They called me “lubecooch.”
Letty is about to nail a piece of wood to her knee
because you're as DUMB as JON
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>glove on wrong hand
yes yes very funny yes yes
I love her so!
Nobody is even talking about virgins. Not wanting to date a woman who has a laundry list of past sexual relationships is a pretty reasonable expectation and has nothing to do with wanting a virgin, being a pedo, or whatever other schizo diversion you could come up with.
It's not but I forgot where I was I guess lol
Pedophile=dating someone 3 years younger than you
about your pride as in the members of a lions pride

I used to laugh at people blasting Abi/Summer for burning coal but not with Tay I sort of get it

Why cant she respect herself bro
She already did most of the work and no one would help her. She's wasting more time than if she just quickly finished nailing the wood together.
She's a good troll
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damn that's a LOT of cum
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Tayleigh shot herself in the foot and now she's behaving like she's in control. She's acting like a baby.
you just KNOW vance and letty are the perfect couple
Sexing all the local geriatrics.
I was enjoying tay camera and it died :(
the fuck i swear that house was way more open vertically
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I hate Vance so much
she did that stupid coping bullshit last season CONSTANTLY
The s1 house had some of the best images imo, s2 was good too it's just most of them weren't incidental enough for my liking.
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damn them eats lookin good
This may be one of the darkest mysteries of this season
She's extremely committed to the bit. If Letty finished it even once then someone will use that against her when she tries to tom sawyer someone else into her dirty work.
Top right img is straight out of a british comedy troup video from 2006
>it's in, it's in
it's just the way the cameras being set up and the fov of them. I remember first seeing those videos and it was completely bizarre
S2 house was too busy
>Letty actually building a table
will it be worthy of the trader though?
I hope the Duke immediately breaks this table the moment it is finished.
nice projection faggot
Or she's just extremely retarded when it comes to things involving labor because she's a neet who has never had a job and has let her parents take care of her for her entire life which is much more likely.
sam is gonna come in and instantly destroy it. hahaha so funny right?
Why does Tayleigh look british and mexican at the same time
it's actually crazy how whenever she's on camera she stares directly into it so much more often than anyone else
thats not a joke in any way retard. cope more.
S2 was too big. S1 usually if you had on kitchen cam you had 90% of the fish somewhere in frame, and then could easily click on a bedroom cam for the other ones. S2 you had to go through 10 rooms to find everyone, was too much!
White walls were better
S2 dark and muted colors possibly satanic
digital can't be kin-

but seriously why does a bunch of whippet wiggers known more about cinematography than hollywood pros?
letty tummy letty tummy letty tummy letty tummy letty tummy letty tummy
I’m hopefully that it’ll be used for a yugioh game before it’s destroyed
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JET. Frank Hassle or Xavier need to show up with a chicken plushy and ask if Tayleigh does anal or some other joke with it.
yeah and then he got his ass beat by greg kek
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I do not agree
they don't and you're a faggot
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I think she’s looking for that escape. Could be you, anon…
crazy how this prostitute just doesnt seem from her face like she'd be such a massive maximum capacity whore slut. oh well.
yeah that's definitely it. I mean obviously she plays on it, so I guess both are kinda true
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we don't care what you think.
would be funny if they actually kept these relics of fail like the shelf from season 2, but their joke is always to just destroy it
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LMAO please do this Jet
hahahahaha cry!!!!!! CRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
peter's wife?
no it was after the show ended when he said that
Anon that's ratfu and she's my wife be respectful
jew face
last remaining taytriot
Lmao even Ben almost cracked up at Chip
Ben and Chip kino.
fucking kek this is great
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i love chip
It could I mean she read most of my comments on her stream, im just sad about the situation

same as Summer selling ass in Vegas but at least she didnt have a fanbase
If it doesn't get destroyed you have to troon out. Them's the rules
what is...ben gonna do???
why is this unscripted larping better than 99% of everything else MDE has done
they won't destroy it, they'll auction it off at the end
the fact he's just another actor/crew now ruins a little bit of the fun from s1
Russian milf is returning to the show
piece a shit monster.....

I'm the sheriff of this here land....

>the rock music when Ben left
Olive Oil feet ass bitch
>quit shootin at me nigger
based chip
Lmao that was great
Letty's Schitty table
everybody knew it back then too, except Tai
hot take from a cutter
Two second guitar riff as Ben walks off
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>JET. Frank Hassle or Xavier need to show up with a chicken plushy and ask if Tayleigh does anal
This might be too evil, Tayleigh doesn't know we know...
He's gonna break it in the middle of a yugioh game and chase xavier through the woods with the hammer letty used to build it
Neptune's law: if you have enough wiggers operating enough cameras for enough time, they will eventually capture at least a few kino shots.
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my favorite one
I love hags
Letty is going to jab herself in the teeth with the back of the hammer.
ffs letty HIT IT
dont just TAP IT
does anybody have the one with the riff as ben walked away? I missed that
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HEHEHeheh olive oil! remember how fuckin skinny and ugly she is and they always wanna fuck her?
i would have taken a pallet and added legs to it
pile of poop
poop get light on fire
fire poop plagues the town
town covered in flaming poop
poop gets recycled
poop starts crying
poop eventually gets flushed
safe horny faggot
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CK looks like THIS NOW?!?!?!?
Both true, the best part season 2 for coverage was when they went "open plan" and knocked down a wall or two.
Yes she does, that's why she says cock buddy.
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it was a good house
yeah too many hidey holes of areas for fish and eventually so few fish left it was empty as fuck
Did letty take a break from building the table? I left for an hour and she’s made almost no progress
Letty is such a horny little spinner Kiss her tummy vance
jesus christ shes fucking worthless
she had to stop for about 1 or 2 minutes to watch Ben and Chip act out a killing
>Yes she does, that's why she says cock buddy.
yeah, but to about the anal part.
shes still learning what a hammer is
She’s been working non stop
And Chip and Vance have helped hold planks and provided useful advice
>Black Josie
Those were the days
>Is it in yet?
Letty's said that many times before
plus it led to this this kino:
She's a woman
What anal part? She did anal?
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This dude got psychic vampired so hard. I expect that Gormedios used his energy to fully take over Sam. That is why season 3 (2.5) was moved up, and the location of the forest is the perfect hunting grounds for a vampire spirit. Thoug, this time, he won’t just want the pure psychic energy of TJ, he will want human blood.

We have already seen an insect shapeshift into a vampire, I suspect there will be more vampire activity leading up to the full moon.
>is it in yet?
>you don't need to hold it.. well wait... it just keeps slipping out
it's interesting seeing people use tools with as little leverage as possible. in ancient times, were only certain cavemen capable of comprehending tools?
fatty has a fully auto airsoft gun
lucky quads confirm
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quadz confirm
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post them
all me btw
is this like some sort of gag nail or is letty applying 0% force like a numbskull
why anal?
the plywood has metal in it
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Frank pretends he's not here rn lol
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You chase trannies
Letty lightly tapping the nail repeatedly not driving it in at all is pissing me off
Letty is a zenmaster using only the force necessary
Yeah, even today you can see footage of Orangutans trying to use tools (emulating humans) and they use saws and hammers in exactly the same way as Letty.
qrd last few hours plssss?
>the tiny taps from the hammer
A real woman moment. This is so funny
nice screenshot , we can see what that post said (irony)
She got buttblasted by kentuckycock bro
He's gay, so he only wanted to be in her ass
what is the context ?I don't get it
I seem to remember being able to see him on the threads one time and sorta taking requests without acknowledging it towards the end of last season
im getting mad watching her now
how can anyone be as dumb as her?
Letty’s been trying to build a table that entire time.
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>xavier giving unadulterated canon lore kino to a fish
>director cam switches briefly to tay and fatty discussing greenday or some bullshit only to switch back seconds later
>letty building a table
>director cam stays on her the entire fucking time
truly goranian chemo. jet, i kneel.
having to do this with fake nails
holy shit pure torture for chip and vance
i knew "she" had a penis
shes using a chinese master carpenter technique of driving in the nail by 1000 taps
Letty has taken four hours to almost assemble a table
Jimmy and Jon thought it was gonna be funny to do a "gaslight bit" about having gay sex and everyone countergaslighted back by believing it and Jon spent the last hour begging people to believe it was a joke
dude - that would be awesomesauce
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They dont call him airsoftfatty for nothing
>exudes crazy
so would
It's literally in this thread with like a million retarded replies from the same guy
Pimp on a blimp ya'll already know
Why can't Letty understand that barely tapping it isn't going to drive it through? Oh my god
tayleigh fucked the first faggot that bought some chicken plushee from her.
Letty is either the most retarded person alive or extremely committed to the bit. Judging by how she didn't even know how to use a broom I'm thinking she's just retarded.
Letty is about to cry
Imagine being letty’s employer and trying to get her to generate even the money you’re paying her
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God he has lost so much weight
>getting irrationally upset about letty struggling to build a table
fix yourself, this shit is funny
haha omg it's gonna be so funny when he does this and she just doesnt react at all and then nothing becomes of it lmao

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