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>Steve-O: No, Bill! Noooo! You can't light up that doobie!
>Bill Maher: (laughs)
>Bill Maher lights up doobie
>Bill Maher is the kind of guy you want at your party
>Steve-O is the guy that shows up to your party even though you don't want him there
bill mahers a dork but he low key rules
You're an overweight old man now Seth, weed is not a personality
I am wondering why do you say that he's the kind of guy you want at your party? I am personally never invited to any parties and am wondering why.
not Jewish enough
>Steve-O: Come on dude! You have to let me in your party! You just have to!
>Bill Maher: Hey ladies, is this guy bothering you?
Yep. Another win for Bill Maher.
Maher refused to light up around Sharon Stone though.
That just shows how little respect he has for Steve-O. Talk about a real power move.
Good banter. He's a personality.
steve o got a dick tattooed on his face. insanely based of him to do that desu
No, it's not cool.
>Bill Maher: (has a broad worldview and a wide collection of well thought out positions built on years of experience and contemplation)
>Steve-O: Woah, dude, I'm sober, haha!
they're both faggots you're so weak you can't even be around someone smoking or you'll relapse or you're 60 years old can't can't not get high for an hour
who goes to parties anymore im almost 30 fucking years old
Right after he did it though he immediately made a video telling everyone in the world that he was going to eventually laser it off. Like holy shit dude why did you ruin it like that, you could have left everyone hanging for more effect to think it's there for good, but the fucking lame idiot just IMMEDIATELY tells everyone he's going to get it removed.
>Bill Maher is the kind of guy you want at your party
self-righteous, sanctimonious, pompous asshole, the life of the party!
nobody said it was you queer, the point is you shouldn't walk around pushing your beliefs and rules on other people. You have a cuck mentality.
People with friends and families. But you wouldn't know anything about that
>Steve-O: Hey look at me, dude! Look at me! I need attention! I'm even more interesting now that I'm sober, haha!
Maher just released some tips to help get us laid, Realtimebros we're going to make it
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this jewish atheist is angry nobody likes Israel
>be Steve-O
>act like an unshakeable crazy stunt man who can do anything
>enter Bill Maher
>Bill Maher: Hey Steve-O, want a Dooby Snack?
>Steve-O:Aaaaaaahh, noooooo, noooo! Help meee! Please Bill Maher, please! Please put the dooby away!
>Steve-O: yoo dudes
>New Rule: If you get a dick on your face, you're a gay nigger, okay?
Bill Bill Bill Bill Bill Bill!
>Steve-O: you can't beat crisp mint
Bill Maher made me realise that you can do whatever you want no matter how retarded and ugly you are, as long as you're confident. No one is going to beat you up anymore.
I liked it when Bill shat all over the nerd from the office and his stupid Soul Boom book.
>im almost 30 fucking years old
people have parties and go to bars and do fun shit with their friends well into their 70s bro wtf
>hey Bill I want to be on your show where the premise is that we smoke weed and drink but uhhhh no drugs because I’m heckin sober!
Hate Maher all you want he was not in the wrong here
Say what you will, but it's not a party without at least one guy like that.
>>im almost 30 fucking years old
>people have parties and go to bars and do fun shit with their friends well into their 70s bro wtf
a tiny % close to zero
Bill, how did you get here?
You’re joking right?
>Bill Maher is the kind of guy you want at your party
He can keep a good conversation and knows how to hang loose even if he can be full of himself.
>Bill Maher: (has a broad worldview and a wide collection of well thought out positions built on years of experience and contemplation)
That recent tour of appearances he did on other shows recently, just being completely oblivious to what’s happening in the world was so good.
>a bunch of zoomers giving verbal fellatio to the chief contrarian baby boomer himself
>cherry-picked different years
>Atheists includes two years worth of data instead of one.
What retard made this data-graph?
Just as try-hard and dishonest as militant atheists.
Hit em with the chant!
LMAO good luck keeping even a sober Steve-O out your party, that bitch Bill Maher can't do a thing to stop it
Sober Steve O is the fucking worst. guy used to be so much fun too.

I'm literally just gonna scare him off with a doob
this, Maher has thoughts on literally everything and could dish gossip til the sun came up
Gay zoomer, e celeb bullshit
Smoke a doob at him, Bill!
>he thinks it's zoomers sucking off Maher
Fucking lol, he's peak milennialfag. He's like ShortFatOtaku if he were a Jewish Boomer.
I don't know who is more insufferable, Steve-O or Bill Maher? Steve-O is a cringe sobrieter who demanded no weed, and Bill Maher is a cringe boomer stoner who refused. It's really not newsworthy, but we are just lucky as the consumer that the retarded interview never happened in the first case.
It was a completely reasonable request from someone giving up drugs and who doesn’t want back on them. Bill refused for whatever reason so Steve didn’t go- neither of them are exactly in the wrong and it’s not really newsworthy. The real cringe is OP for making this thread about it like it’s a big deal
>It was a completely reasonable request

For most people, yes....but the entire "shtick" of Bill Maher's podcast is that he smokes weed and drinks during the interview. I hate to sound like I'm simping for him, because I fucking hate him, but it's no surprise that he said no. And like I said previously, we are all lucky because the interview would have been gay anyways.
He didn’t smoke weed when Sheryl Crow was on and that was just cause she wanted to sing the next day or something .
I remember when i went through my fedora atheist days in my teens and thought this kike and Dawkins were cool.
Curious though why they never criticized or "debunked" Judaism
Steveo is such a faggot. You're the one with the addiction retard, I shouldn't have to bend over backwards because of it. If someone smoking weed is going to send you spiraling down again then your just fucked, there's no hope for you.
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>Steve-o: No, Bill (pops adderal)! You can't (takes ritalin) just light up that doobie! (downs half a bottle of xanax to stop himself from committing suicide) Don't you know I'm sober!
>Bill: Oy Vey my fellow white people!
it's not just smoking weed around him. he even said people do that and it's not a big deal. it's a tiny ass room with Bill Maher where he just gets annihilated on booze and smokes the entire time. i
you shouldn't need to be stoned to make your shitty program
>go into enclosed place with pot head
>get mad when there's weed on a pot heads private property that he chooses to go to
Oh so he's a even bigger retard. Got it
>pot heads private property
Bill asked him on the show. Steve-O asked for him to not smoke pot out of respect. The fact that Bill can't do an entire podcast without getting completely fucked up is more retarded than anything. he embarrasses himself almost every episode
>Steve asked him not too
Oh so that means he just has to do it? I'm not letting some faggpt come on my property and tell me I can't drink or smoke
obviously not. which is why Bill said no and why Steve-O didn't end up doing it. i think Steve-O was fine with the booze btw. he just has a problem with being in a room full of smoke
>bill said no
>steveo didn't do it
So why is everyone assblasted at bill then?
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don't like it,
don't go on the show
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Then don't come on the show.
>hey man can I come to your house?
>of course man
>oh by the way can you not smoke or drink while I'm there
>sorry man I don't think I can do that
>oh OK man we'll I can't do you show
This sounds like a completely reasonable conversation between two adults. Steve o is a bitch for getting ass blasted about it
>>bill said no
>>steveo didn't do it
problem solved, what a waste of time
people think he should be able to cater to guests and not smoke for an hour out of his life, i guess. i don't fucking know. dude could come in blazed as fuck and booze the entire time if he really wanted Steve-O
Steve o just isn't important enough to make someone want to alter their homes/lifestyles for, even if it's temporarily. Dude thinks he's Obama or some shit
which is why he didn't, you dumb fuck.
adults grow out of weed and don't rely on it for a personality
I'm not sure what this has to do with the conversation. Replace weed with literally anything and my point still stands
People actually watch this? Haha.
the point is bill maher is a 60 year old teenager
remember when that one pornstar said Bill sucks at having sex but has a giant dick?
>used to do drugs and get shitfaced on a daily basis
>"I have seen the light now! Nobody can drink or do drugs in my vicinity!"
Ok? And that's his right faggot. You sound like a retard when you expect everyone to change their lifestyle around you because you have a monkey brain that gets addicted to chemicals too easily. That's your problem, not mine you fucking addict
you sound like this
Have no idea who the guy on the left is but Maher is the ultimate I want to look cool guy.
In the privacy of my home? Yes you retard I do what ever the fuck I want. You still living with mommy?
you sucking cock for your fix, junkie?
I definitely wouldn't want some buzzkill "recovering alcoholic" loser like SteveO at my party, but I would feel actual embarrassment if a fucking dork like Maher showed up and talked to my guests
>you're a junkie for smoking pot
I'm the junkie?
you're the guy getting all defensive on maher's behalf because weed is so important to you
can't even be a professional and stop his filthy habit for an hour for his fucking job
i bet you also rock up to work blazed out of your head and smelling like a bum
Bill Burr is sober so i wonder if he asked Maher to not drink in front of him if he would do it. Probably
Nigger I already said change weed with anything else and my point still stands. Your ex junkie brain is fried man
Okay then, why are you so angry and resorting to name calling? Let's say this was a vital issue, is it a man's right to do as he pleases on his own property against the wishes of one of his guests?
You tell me dUmB fUcK
never touched a drug in my life you fucking idiot
Maybe you should then you wouldn't be such an asshole!
Because bill burr is actually respectable/accomplished and would be good for your show. No one new is tuning into your show for Steve o. But bill burr? Of course they are. Also I don't think bill burr is a big enough of a faggot to make a big deal about it to the media after the fact that you both agreed to not do the show
Lmao fucking nerd it'd because no one likes tou enough to offer you drugs
>uhh yes they did
No they didn't
i know that Burr would never request that. just proving that the retards thinking Maher would and should "never bend" because it's his show is bullshit. he absolutely would but realized he would rather get high than have Steve-O on
ah yes, wasting copious amounts money every week to become a braindead retard like you and your fellow stoners
>he would rather get high than have Steve-O on
Instead you waste money by typing on 4chan instead of going out and making money. SAD!

What's with all this astroturfing for Bill Maher recently? Is he coming out with a book or something? Or did you smug morons find something common with him?
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Why yes I get shitfaced daily to avoid my horrible thoughts and constant over thinking how could you tell?
>Religion is stupid but a holy land for the jews in the ME makes sense
Strawmanning to avoid the point is rather disingenuous, anon.
Probably didn't
did you edit this? why would you post this fake retarded shit otherwise?
>over thinking
no. whatever it is, you're not thinking about it enough, otherwise you'd be solving it. being an anxious retard is not thinking.
That's absolute retard thought process. If you aren't dwelling on things even if you can "solve" them you're a hylic.
>even if you can "solve" them
except you can't, otherwise you wouldn't have to numb yourself with alcohol

>avoids thinking in favor of earthly pleasures (drink)
>not a hylic
son, you just went full retard
Literally the exact opposite. Maher would be getting into arguments all night while Steve-O would just want to have fun. You know, like a party.
Yeah, it's DAJOOZ that want you to maintain a healthy social life by getting out into the world and talking to people.
yeah atheists those guys who are so dishonest about whatever retarded crap you as a grown ass man believes in. if only they were honest about every stupid feeling we all had
Gimme a break nigger. god isn't real. stop being a fuckin retard
I was addicted to weed for 10 years and cocaine for 3 years. Quitting weed was hard but after the first week it was easy and I have never had a craving for it.
Quitting coke was actually easier but I would get these random cravings popping up for over 12 months afterwards.
I have no issue being around people doing coke though. It doesn't take much self control at all to stop you from doing it with them. But I hate being around people smoking weed. I don't get tempted at all, but the smell just makes me anxious and uncomfortable. I don't know if it's some weird thing where my brain thinks it's getting high even though it's not, or if it's just unlocking memories of my old self as a lazy stoner that I would rather forget. Either way I avoid being around anyone smoking these days.
being sober isn't a personality either
Two narcissists sit down in a room and engage in retarded narc power struggles

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