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>I could've been different.

Could you, /tv/? Or is it cope?
No, there is no "could've". Life is deterministic and can only play out one way. Nothing could have been different.
Maybe for you but I can pinpoint endless moments where I made a wrong decision that closed a path of events for me which were so obvious and now my regret is eternal. Your logic is cope. You could've been different but you fucked up and wasted your life.
you didn't make a "wrong" decision. That would require free will, which you do not have. You simply played your part as it was meant to be.
Listen Ray, there's infinite should've, would've and could'ves. You can let them keep you awake at night or you can just do. Caspere knew this.
Past tense is always a cope
That is cope to absolve you of your mistakes and regret. But you will pay the toll when the time comes.
>le causality made me do it
>I don't cope or dilate, Ray. I just fucking ruminate. Caspere knew this.
Don't bother he read himself into being retarded
As if you knew. Thanks for letting us know, God (I refer to you as God, the originator of all things, since you would have to be God to say such a thing in such an assured way).
Bring God into this if you like, but it changes nothing since you'd only be playing things out according to his plan and you cannot deviate from it.
>this is what blackpilled losers actually believe
whatever helps you sleep at night
Feel free to remain seething and continue to wallow in your regrets.
I'm not wallowing in anything I'm actively making changes in my life and things are getting better, crazy how that happens.
will we get a second season of True Detective Season 2?
>will we get a second season of the worst season of True Detective
Pretend you have control then. That's the real cope.
sometimes your worst self is your best self
I was more bringing the originator into this and you can call that God if you want because that seems to be what people do, but even if I was religious, I would say that God bestowed me free will through powers which are beyond my comprehension. You don't have the perspective to assuredly state that everything is a matter of processing and nothing more. You have the perspective necessary to question free will, and that is it.
Regret is often the first step towards changing for the better. You don't want to change for the better though. You prefer to stagnate and then cope by saying that it was all predetermined anyways. One day the realization will sink in, but by then it'll be too late. It'll probably be the day you stand before God.
>I would say that God bestowed me free will
Why would you say that?
Oh, i agree that regret is a catalyst for change, but that regret stemmed from something that stemmed from another thing. Saying that you're now changing things for the better because of regret is only further evidence that you're in line with causality.
Because religion accounts for free will, and if I was religious I would find God's will to be absolute (and if I was religious that will would be for me to use free will to make my own decisions).
And what decision could you make right now that isn't a result of anything that has happened or is happening?
>religion accounts for
Having the thoughts today more than I have in a long time.
Obviously nothing. The only thing that qualifies as being removed from cause and effect is the first instance of will. This response doesn't get to the point of the issue, it's restating. We're speaking of choice within a moment. If we keep going it'll continue to be restatements, because neither of us have the perspective necessary to answer questions like these in a way that matters. You could very well be correct in your postmodern assumptions, all I'm saying is that dogmatic postmodernism is inherently redundant/contradictory, and you're acting guilty of dogmatic postmodernism.
Reading comprehension.
I just wish I talked to this one girl. I just wish I knew better than to ignore the obvious signs that she liked me back. I could have been part of her social group and be a normal person. Instead, I'm an autistic N.E.E.T loser who watches anime all day and plays video games. All I got to run on is settlement payments from this accident which should fuel my hikkikomori lifestyle for 2 more years.
>choice within a moment
Which, as you've already stated, isn't removed from cause and effect. There is no free will within that "choice".
There's no way for you to know that things wouldn't have been worse for you if you had talked to her. There's no reason to think they would've been better.
Since you want to restate more, I guess I'll return the favor.
>I would say that God bestowed me free will through powers which are beyond my comprehension.
If all that exists is as we perceive it and nothing more, then you are correct. You don't have the perspective to act dogmatic about ideology which in the first place is meant to inherently combat dogma.
NTA but I don't think a denial of free will requires any of the machinery of post-modernism. It just seems obvious to me that neither determinism nor randomness allows for free will. Frankly, I have no idea what "choice" even means in a metaphysical sense. There's a reason the axiom of choice in math is so weird.
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This sounds dumb I'm sure but what is "free will" if every action has some kind of reason behind it?

Even if I do something random it will be because something made me feel like it.

Also are you in control of your thoughts? Don't they just appear out of thin air?
No, they would've. Most likely, I would've been in a relatioship with her and had her friend group which was extensive and go out, be more socially calibrated, experience things and, first and foremost, fucking LIVE. No, I'm here posting in an anime forum because that's all I have. I'm not even that much of a social sperg, I just didn't want to make thing serious. I wanted us to joke around and tell edgy jokes all day so her liking me romantically made me experience this needless terror and I pushed her away because I was juvenile and didn't want to be reminded of growing up and romance. It's over now. She goes to concerts and performs in this small band she has and I'm here. Fucking nightmare.
>if I do something random
you can't
*holds up spork*
>I would've
There's no evidence for that. You could have just as well been in a car accident and died on your first date. While there's no evidence for that either, and without knowing all the variables, it may have just as well turned out that way.
He isn't blackpilled at all. Being blackpilled is crying about past failures and how your life could have been different and how you failed but you're too dumb/ignorant to change/take advantage.
>he doesn't into the quantum-probabilistic factors of synapse transmission
go read more Peter Watts you fucking pseud
If choice does exist in a metaphysical sense, it would imply the existence of a somehow conscious God with its own will. Choice is inherently inconceivable from a metaphysical perspective, which is what led me to say that if it does exist it is granted to us through metaphysical forces which we could not comprehend (which is also a possibility). From a purely a priori perspective (though "a priori thought" can never exist in the truest sense since logic is arrived at through empiricism) choice does not exist, you are correct. That being said, our perspective is obviously (as stated) not purely a priori.
>There's a reason the axiom of choice in math is so weird.
Redpill a midwit on this? Im curious
There is evidence for it. It's common sense and logic. If I didn't push her away, me and her would've continued our friendship and maybe more. I would not have been cut off from her friend group and other kids of my age group at the time and wallowed in my room all day. Those are absolute cold hard facts. I appreciate your point of view but I can't shake the scent of cope in it.
>common sense and logic
lol no
It's a guess at best.
>bruh things would have definitely went the way i wanted them to go
Are you telling me that you've accounted for every single variable at the time? What about the dark skinned man in an ally that rapes and kills her two weeks from that point? Oh, you already saw him with your magical ability
anyway, season 2 sucked and was gay
>True Detective season 1
prestige television event starring two irl biological brothers acting their asses off.
>True Detective season 2
nondescript stunt-cast cop show. IT SUCKS.
>True Detective season 3
>True Detective season 3
nondescript stunt-cast cop show. IT SUCKS.
This realization cured my suicidal depressive regret that I had been trapped wth for years. After I realized that my life couldn't have been any different than what it was, I found R.C. Sproul's "The Invisible Hand: Do All Things Really Work for Good?"
being blackpilled is also crying about how it was always over and you never had any control over your life
Babby's first existentialism
>still being filtered by season 2
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Yeah. I could have been a lot fucking worse
Insane stretch of thought. Life isn't The Butterly Effect. If I didn't push people away, I'd still be with them. That's all there is to it.
What thoughts?
Regret is for losers. What done is done. There's only forwards. Fix what you can, learn your lessons and move on
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Life is just stupid and I would not overthink it and try to minmax it. It's because there are billions of people and the internet that you see the few who made all the right decisions which makes you feel like you could also have lived an ideal life like that. We are not born to be happy we are just pawns in the game of evolution.
vanilla sky has the adage every moment is a chance to turn your life around.
I could've chosen to keep drinking myself to death, instead I stopped and became handsome and now I no longer feel my liver. Pretty big change.
These people aren't actually "happy". People who convince themselves of nihilism and then think that absolves them of having to care about anything are just idiots. It's all a simulation, free will isn't real? So the fuck what? You're here, you feel, so do others, make your life as good as you can. Literally what else is there, pretending being miserable makes you smart? Pathetic.
locus of control will help you navigate life better than being a passive passenger.
not him but thinking of could'ves and shoul'ves is a vice and the real cope. The reality you must stoically accept is there are no "right" worlds, or alternate timelines. What was could only be what was, because it's what turned out happening and this is the only world, even if you cope by making up a different one in your mind. The real cope is imagining you know better, and you were personally slighted by the universe, and if only you did something else, things would be your way and therefore right.
stepping down from the abstract, OP is very pragmatic. Ray is an alcoholic, a genetic factor, who encountered trauma. There's scenes showing how he had a certain kind of personality, like the dream saying he was a nervous child. Like >>200678048. Could he really be different? or was he doomed by being a neurotic, shy child? Will you blame child anon for not being brave and embracing the inherent danger of existence but for seeking comfort instead? Do autists with avusive parents ever have a chance? I like to think so, but there's a difference between being hopeful and being drunk in motivational tiktok
>there are billions of people and the internet that you see the few who made all the right decisions

And their parents made the right decisions, and their parents' parents, and their parents' parents' parents. People like to think that their success in life is their own effort, and that's true, but only a certain percentage of it.
Easy there, idiot. Accepting that there is no free will doesn't mean that I'm miserable. And I care about plenty. You're making a lot of unfounded claims here
That's absurd. You cannot pretend to know how things would've gone, not do you have that amount of control over everything.
What led you to this thank conclusion?
*What led you to this conclusion?
What purpose does saying such an empty statement and "acceptance" bring you, then? That mindset, from what I've typically heard, is usually accompanied by general apathy and a lack of willingness for change.
Your snark betrays you.
Randomness doesn't give you free will.
You've heard wrong. And you don't seem to know what snark means
NTA but where should I start with Peter Watts? Been looking for a good sci fi book to read.
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Ah, no logical defense when asked a simple question about his ideology and upset he might have to google a word I used correctly. Some hollow "acceptance", there, chief.
I'll continue believing you people are stupid (after giving you a chance). I accept your concession, thanks.
You seem like a miserable person

>What purpose does saying such an empty statement and "acceptance" bring you, then? That mindset, from what I've typically heard, is usually accompanied by general apathy and a lack of willingness for change.

I'm not the guy you asked but determinism gives me purpose because it proves that there is something greater, more mysterious, and more wondrous at work than anything we know.
>because it proves that there is something greater, more mysterious, and more wondrous at work than anything we know.
Determinism doesn't necessarily mean there is a shape or plan to it all, or not a controlled one at least. It doesn't "prove" that as you say. You can say determinism is "one thing lead to another". What started the chain? Nobody knows. It is mysterious, I agree, but it's an unanswerable question.
Again, this belief to me seems to be used by people as a way to strip them of responsibility. You just tried claiming there's a puppeteer controlling it all. Well, does that mean the man who chose to drive drunk shouldn't be punished? If his choice was actually just one link in a chain going on since forever, was it even his? Does the supposed presence of this puppeteer change anything at all for the family he ruined by crashing into them?
You make your choices and you reap what you sow.

>Determinism doesn't necessarily mean there is a shape or plan to it all, or not a controlled one at least. It doesn't "prove" that as you say. You can say determinism is "one thing lead to another". What started the chain? Nobody knows. It is mysterious, I agree, but it's an unanswerable question.

We do know who started the chain, deep down, we all know. Our ancient ancestors all knew. Some people, many people, spend their entire lives trying to disprove what is proof positive all around us, of a loving one G0D who creates and sustains all of existence. The trickster beings that all of the ancients knew about throughout time would rather be your god though.

>Again, this belief to me seems to be used by people as a way to strip them of responsibility. You just tried claiming there's a puppeteer controlling it all. Well, does that mean the man who chose to drive drunk shouldn't be punished? If his choice was actually just one link in a chain going on since forever, was it even his? Does the supposed presence of this puppeteer change anything at all for the family he ruined by crashing into them?
You make your choices and you reap what you sow.

Just because the drunk driver's choice was one link in a chain going on since forever, does not absolve him of his actions. He is responsible. How can that be? Because though we all find ourselves in deterministic arrangements--his alcoholic genetics from his family going back generations, his personal reasons for drinking too much--we all have an ability to respond appropriately, unless some mental handicap prevents those people from being able to make choices for themselves. Despite all of this, his choice to drink the night of the accident, his choice to get in the car and drive, are his responsibility because he still chose to do what he did.
he did NOT see that coming
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Oh, really laying it on thick for me.
Just to respond to it anyways: which god? And which of "His" words are true, as there are many? Isn't God a bit of a trickster himself with all the whacky shit happening on earth of no real consequence?
I wanna see what kinda shenanigans these spectral tricksters get up to.

>are his responsibility because he still chose to do what he did
Determinism is the belief there is no freedom of choice, anon, so why is that his responsibility? I don't know what determinism says about a drunken mind making decisions, but I'm sure you can argue that while intoxicated he wasn't even "himself" at all but basically possessed by literal spirits. So that's like double determinism.
Why do you separate those "deterministic arrangements" with what happened on the night of the drunken driving? He had no control over any of it, it seems. He COULD have Ubered home, but only on paper. In deterministic reality, he was always going to drunkenly drive home.
No. It was always going to end up like this. But it doesn’t matter.
kys thoughts
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Wyrd goes where it may.
You're not in NY are you?
Did something happened today?

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