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Naming the years BBY and ABY is the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard.

Yeah, it was a decisive victory for the rebels. The empire suffered major losses, but was it really year zero?

The empire lasted for another 7 years after that battle. It took them about 20 years to build the first Death Star, and they were mostly done with another in less than half the time. Don’t forget that Death Star II was fully operational as a weapon, it just wasn’t completely armored yet.

The battle of Endor should be year zero, since that battle not only destroyed Death Star II, but killed the emperor himself.

That's what BBY/ABY stands for? Star Wars really just get stupider the more you learn about it.
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He heeey
No, it's not. That's the calendar system the Rebels used and then implemented it once they were in charge.
It's not named that in universe
Mouse Wars is not Canon
That's not what they use in universe.
I'm positive year zero should be resetted to the galactic empire inauguration.
>Star Wars really just get stupider the more you learn about it.
We have such sights to show you.

This. We don't know what happened after the Battle of Endor because that was the end of Star Wars (unless you choose to accept the Zahn trilogy as the follow-up which would be a based thing to do)
It should be Battle of Central City so it can be called BBC.
That's probably what the Empire used for the basis of their own calendar, but the New Republic obviously wouldn't want to mark that moment as being a good thing worthy of denoting the years for their own calendar.
>Battle of Central City
Battle of Bentral City?
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Why you do this?
I've spent most of my life believing that the Death Star in a new hope was the same Death Star in return of Jedi, just battle damaged from the explosion. I assumed they were rebuilding it.

Am I crazy for thinking that?
Ahh that brings back memories
Do they actually use this calendar system in universe? I always thought this was just for the audience to know when some occurs in referent to the original movie.
Very. It was atomized. Blown apart into tiny little atoms. Nothing recoverable.
>Death Star in a new hope
The thing was fucking eviscerated, I can't see how you would even reach that conclusion.
BBY actually stands for Big Black Yaddle
You guys are zoomers. In the original version, the Death Star wasn't atomized, it was just a simple cookie cutter explosion. I'm sorry I had to pull seniority on your asses, but back in the 80s, almost everybody assumed it was the same space station.
Empire at War Forces of Corruption has a mission set just after the Battle of Yavin and you can clearly see the remains of the Death Star after it was destroyed, so you're not the only one who thought this.
bby and aby aren't used in universe, it's just for the community to sort things in the timeline simply using the original movie as a reference point
>In the original version, the Death Star wasn't atomized
Yes it was, retard.

That's what happens when you don't read the opening crawl of ROTJ describing DS2 as a new armored space station even more powerful than the first dreaded Death Star.
Then you dive into the dark seedy underbelly of the Expanded Universe to learn there was a prototype Death Star framework built near Kessel in the Maw Cluster of black holes as part of a secret Imperial facility for superweapon development that later lead to the Sun Crusher developed as a starfighter sized ship using resonance torpedoes to blow up entire solar systems by causing their sun to go nova. Both the Sun Crusher and Death Star Prototype were eventually destroyed in the black holes.
Our calendar system is based on the birth of Jesus, despite he changed nothing in his entire life. The only real changes happened after he respawned somehow, but then mysteriously fucked off.
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just announced, a series focused on the adventures of the death stick dealer we see in the club scene of Ep 2
Making the second Death Star so much bigger just seems like a waste of resources when they could've built several smaller ones instead.
The Death Star is stupid as fuck.
Just a big dumb laser. It'd be cooler if it was just Sheev's throne from which he would cast down force storms onto disobedient worlds.
>Rogue One is about the discovery that the Death Star only "works" when the Emperor is on it
>Rebels claim to be restoring the Republic
>use a ridiculous new calendar era instead of the one that the Republic actually used
It's like they wanted everyone to know they're a phony regime that needs Luke Skywalker to wipe its ass for it.
We know tons of shit that happened after, it's in books, dumbass
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Here's his droid.
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In some of those old ass comics, they got Naga Sadow using Sith artifacts to make stars supernova.
The apex of the Death Star could have been an altar with an affixed Sith artifact through which Sheev casts out enhanced force storms capable of devastating whole continents. You would see the lightning churn out from the DS, and it could form a horrible life draining cloud that produces more lightning.
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Here, this is for you.
This sounds luke sequel trilogy garbage
You're an idiot, but this concept sounds cool so I'm going to head cannon it.
>You're an idiot, and I'm going to be one too
I thought that as a kid when I first saw ROTJ
What was the purpose of making it into a planet shape in the first place?
Gotta make room for 2.4 million people that Luke eventually slaughters.
When shit gets big enough to generate its own gravity it naturally takes on a sphere shape. So they built it as a sphere since any other shape would start crushing itself. It's one of the reasons Pluto was declassified as a planet since it's a misshapen motherfucker.
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There is a lot of shit crammed in there.
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i meaaaaaaaan

we have BC and AC anon
The second death star was already in construction when the first was destroyed
Not stupid considering the original death star couldn't recharge as fast as the second.
A planet seige could last years with the planetary shields while the death star destroys it in one shot. It worked as a threat to make any system fall in line.
I wish it was more magical than technological, the missiles and the shield was stupid but to have a ship capable of making supernova with the dark side is great imo. Should've been a Naga Sadow design though.
The shields may be spherical
Now it’s the battle of exogul, palpatine’s true defeat
why would it be going at an angle?
fucking retard
Top is simpler to produce with scale models and compositing.
what the fuck !
BBY Drizzy, BBY Drizzzzyyyyy
Considering how long the republic had existed a thirty year interlude was hardly worth mentioning. They should've just gone back to the old republic calendar.
Wretched "New Republic" tried to redefine everything to generate an ounce of legitimacy.
the old republic wasn't fleshed out in any form other than by "name" when fans created bby and aby. its not an in-universe method of calendar keeping by any means; its just for fans to know when something happened.
its like saying its been three years since jan 6th or 23 years since 9/11 or whatever many years since the atomic bombings in japan. you can reference a big event to show time relation, but that doesn't change the calendar
>It's one of the reasons Pluto was declassified as a planet since it's a misshapen motherfucker.
That wasn't the reason, that had everything to do with its orbit, not its shape.
> Endor
> End of war

Bravo, Luxas.
Why do you need a death star when you can just use the holdo manoeuvre ?
It's a fair assumption to make because in The Rise of Skywalker, we see that the similar explosion in Return of the Jedi didn't destroy the second Death Star. There was still a lot of it intact. And this is from an explosion on a partially-built frame. So it makes more sense to think of this as the same Death Star that survived the explosion in A New Hope with massive damage. The second explosion on the same Death Star in Return of the Jedi was enough to make it fall down to the water.
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>It's not even a chairdog
ABY an BBY are just reference points for wikis to track events
they are NEVER used in universe.
It looks cool
This shot has aged poorly, yet the shot where thr falcon flies under the medical frigate brutally mogs modern VFX.
>nobody wants to just steal the torpedoes themselves despite their being the thing that actually blows up stars
KJA really is a retard. And all his stuff is just as bad, especially Tales.

Shouldn't the year the Old Republic was created be the real year zero? Even so, I wholeheartedly agree with you that the Battle of Endor is a better year zero than the Battle of Yavin. But then again, I've never considered the disney starslop films and shows to be canon and never will. lol
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What kind of plan is to get space fighters inside a half constructed battle station with increasingly narrow corridors and sharp angles? Who the fuck thought this was a great idea?
Well it makes sense for us, all christian countries using their biggest religious happening ever as a benchmark. In fact jews have their own year with their own big religious happening as a point of reference too, so do muslims. Pretty sure the chinese do too, with their own calendar and everything (with the animal years) and japs just keep resetting with each new emperor because they've been a vital part of their society forever, reaching religious levels of worship at different times.
It all makes more sense than BBY and ABY.
They had very good intel from the many Captured Bothan spies than Mon Mothma tortured to death
But he will be back again.

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