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Eat at a local restaurant tonight. Get the cream sauce. Have a cold pint at 4 o’clock in a mostly empty bar.
Go somewhere you’ve never been. Listen to someone you think may have nothing in common with you.
Order the steak rare. Eat an oyster. Have a negroni. Have two. Be open to a world where you may not
understand or agree with the person next to you, but have a drink with them anyways. Eat slowly.
Tip your server. Check in on your friends. Check in on yourself. Realise your wife fucked another teenager.
See the pic of the highschooler gamer cum on your wife’s thighs. Cry a little. Drink a little. Call your dealer at 3am.
Shoot up in a curious little singaporean dive bar. Masturbate to the thought of your wife getting railed by a 15 year old.
Cry a little more. Text her. Be submissive and pathetic and be humiliated by her.
Fire a revolver round through the roof of your skull. Burn in hell for eternity. Enjoy the ride.
this but unironically
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Go to India.
Fire up the cow dung grill.
Tell white goyim they have no culture.
Kill yourself.
why should i listen to a guy who killed himself?
Never underestimate a woman’s ability to completely fucking destroy a guy’s will to live.
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He probably annoyed that jap with a bunch of self hating white guilt bullshit and japs having manners and non confrontational made him think he was agreeing with him
Bourdain was a cunt but I think this is good advice, genuinely
Reminder, he paid the kid she was grooming to not talk to anyone dude deserved it
this isn't a meme, stop being a cunt OP.
i was raised in japan and recall mixing wasabi into onions sauce being the most popular way of eating unseasoned sushi
Who the fuck keeps making hate threads about this guy 24/7? He's been dead for like ten years now, give it a rest dude
the loser Bourdain who the Clintons killed with a doorknob roped suicide
not yet
Is this where that sushi webm comes from?
They're funny. Fuck you.
Yeah the world would be a better place if more people did shit like this.
>noooo. I need more Amazon shill threads for their latest slop with no organic or humorous posts, just political and outrage baiting the entire time!
Be the change you want to see retard. If you think you can make a higher quality thread that knocks this one off the catalog then do it.
fieri board
It's already seasoned perfectly,
It doesn't need a onions bath.
Wow, Jeffrey Epstein is still alive?
>Give customers an option
>heh we'd totally murder these people over a poor meal choice
Holy c*w what a fr*akin' bad a*s
So he basically paid young bull for his own cuckolderly? Well he always reminded how you should tip your server.
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If you come for the king, you better make sure you kill him.
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I hate Anthony Bourdain but this copypasta gets spammed so much on this board I unironically find myself eating at the local restaurants in my town, drinking alone at the empty bar on a Friday, going outside and hiking. I haven't had rare steak, oysters or a negroni(let alone two) though. Don't think I'll be tipping my servers either or checking in on my friends.
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Everythings relatable till "tipping", stopped reading "friends".
Do you not have friends? Why not?
Why do “foodies” get so worked up about food? I can eat michelin star food and love it, and I can eat mcdonalds and still love it. Why do these faggots care so much? I guess there taste buds are more developed, but why do you have to be a dick about it?

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