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This really wasn't half bad, and not nearly as bad as the screeching here had led me to believe. The only truly awful new show has been Discovery, and the rest is just people throwing the baby out with the bathwater.
It was so anti everything star trek I wanted to throw up, but the casino episode was kinda fun.
Season 1 was tremendously stupid, however it got slightly better in Season 2, and 3 works more if you're the one the nostalgia is catering towards.
all of it was bad, the fact that RLM thought 3 was acceptable but refused to watch strange new worlds, which is the only acceptable nutrek is embarrassing
mike fell off
>RLM out of nowhere
Every time.
Season three was legitimately great and was an excellent course-correction, the TNG farewell their movies didn't give us, it basically felt like Star Trek VI The Undiscovered Country for the TNG cast and crew.
Mike watched Strange New World's and hated it because of all the reddit quips.
>wasn't half bad
This is not acceptable. Stop using this phrase as the excuse. Trek is supposed to be an AAA franchise and we hold it to a higher standard. This show shat of Picard's character and all that Trek stood for while replacing it with edgy tumblr-esque values and carricatures. The final season was a desperate and obvious attempt to appeal to jaded fans using nostalgia memberries.
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>and we hold it to a higher standard
Oh please
it was raw, desperate, disgusting, pandering fanservice

...which i was fine with, for reasons clarified by what you just stated. might as well give a real farewell aside from TNG's closing poker scene if that didn't suffice.
Canonizing the destruction of Romulus was really stupid, they should have left JJ shit in its own corner. I don't know what it is with that guy and wanting to destroy every setting he can, they barely stopped him from blowing up Coruscant too.
>I don't know what it is with that guy and wanting to destroy every setting he can, they barely stopped him from blowing up Coruscant too.

Guaranteed that was supposed to be Coruscant in Force Awakens and they were told in the 11th hour by someone high up the Lucasfilm chain that still has connections to George that it couldn't be Coruscant, them coming out later and making up some bullshit about how The Republic Capitol was moved to a different planet was some hilarious, backpedaling bullshit.
It was, Stewart is an insufferable old moralfaggot.
You've let a dying website for gay memes shit in your brain, you aren't human in any way that matters.
It was bad. It was actually worst than Disco.
I love the fact Stewart demanded it not be a reunion show then they ended up making it a reunion show because it failed so hard
>haves and have nots are thing again
>racism is a thing and Picard is GUILTY
>drug problems are back too
Yeah..n.nnice Ss-Star Trek.
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Being judged by women sure is trekking the stars!
It was always a thing. Roddenberry couldn't pull his head out of his ass long enough to decide if they even used money or not, but we see poor refugee types multiple times.
Possibly with fringe societies, but TNG made it clear that humans had it made among themselves finally..that's the whole point of the show.
TNG disputes what it made clear five minutes before all the time, "the klingons joined the federation" is the first episode. We see poor humans constantly. Why was Vash doing what she did? Did she need money? How come?
You never saw poor humans on Earth. Only in far off colonies.
S1 was garbage
S2 was unwatchable
S3 was ok memberberries
Yeah, I'm just not watching it. Star Trek died with Enterprise, like how Star Wars died with TPM.

I don't really understand how people continue watching franchises after they're turned to shit. There's so much entertaining programming out there you could be watching instead, and yet you sit there and go "uhh Star Trek? I liked that 20 years ago, I wonder what it's like now!".
only a retard could think this was any good
>Star Wars died with TPM
No one thinks this.

>I don't really understand how people continue watching franchises after they're turned to shit. There's so much entertaining programming out there you could be watching instead
Season 2 Episode 9 Hide and Seek is the worst hour of primetime television I can remember.
Justify the borgs turning friendly, OP

All you need from season 3 is episodes 4 and 5. Just watch it out of context. The rest is mediocre.
We hardly ever see Earth at all in TNG except for Starfleet Academy and a vineyard, but we do see some waiters working in a restaurant in DS9. Why do you think they wait tables, because they find that to be their life's purpose, bringing some faggot his shrimp?
The details don't matter but it is clear that Roddenberry envisioned and advanced, futuristic society. The makers of Picard don't have any vision at all. They're not futurists, they're LARPers. They take what they've seen on TV and haplessly create some content for it, without rhyme and without reason.
You could argue that it died with Attack of the Clones instead, it really depends on how old you were when TPM came out.

I do understand a buffer period. Maybe Enterprise was shit, but maybe they fixed it for the Star Trek reboot movies? Sunk cost fallacy is hard to avoid. But I really don't understand how people continue to watch garbage over multiple years with the hope that maybe the next one will be a bit more like something they watched 30 years ago.
Yes. In those very same episodes they talk still talk about Earth being a paradise. And yes those workers are there because they enjoy it. Just like the ensign cleaning out the holodecks every time someone splooges
>a dying website
Nobody liked this show. It did terrible. And drove away its fans (ie the kind of people who would be on a message board talking about Star Trek). You sound bitter about nobody liking your show. Did you write for it or something?
You're arguing with a disingenuous faggot who may or may not have written for the show. The show sucks because it fucking sucks. Its grimdark horse shit with poorly hamfisted modern political messages
>b-but star trek was always r/politics tier
No. TNG was not like this at all. TNG was optimistic and clever. I don't give a shit about DS9 or any other bullshit before that anon brings that up too. Picard was a TNG character. This was not written as if it took place in that same universe. This show didn't even have anything to do with science fiction. It was some introspective whiney fucking self-centered garbage written by millenial shit head trust fund kids. Has absolutely no resemblance to TNG.
You either quoted the wrong post or you lack reading comprehension.
Well stated. Picard is bad non-fan fiction.
>The details don't matter

Sounds like the future "paradise" of the UFP is one where people have the same talking points as an obese HR lady. "Serve the shrimp and clean up the Andorian shit from the toilets John, this is your life's purpose, so fulfilling, we're a family!"
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>woman killed in the most painful way possible, just to see her die
Data tacitly admits he would murder him in turn
Muh optimism
>Simping for the organized rape of a once good sci-fi universe

Anon, no part of this was ever good and no amount of shilling will ever fix Star Trek, Star Wars, or any of the rest of it. It will continue to be bad forever and we can never go back to what it was, no matter who takes over or what is done. Simple as.
Season three was a pity hand out after the failure of the first two seasons to gain any traction. The franchise is dead anon, and its run by people who hate it and you
>it was always grimdark and written terribly by millenial shit heads who look and talk like Wil Wheaton and think that Stacy Abrahms is a hero and intellectual
disingenuous faggot arguing in bad faith
>>The details don't matter
The details of Earth society have NEVER been central to TOS nor TNG. They have always seen exposition through fairly vague narration that left enough tom the viewer's imagination.
PIC's failure comes from filling in the blanks with crap.
>Data tacitly admits he would murder him in turn
Not them, but you're incorrect. It wasn't going to be murder, it was a justified killing. The Bible says "thou shalt not murder" not just "kill."
Everyone watching including my mom knew that Data was right. Yes it IS optimistic that a robot could, by himself, make the correct moral choice.
Sounds like you have trouble forming coherent sentences without meme language and buzzwords. Millennials were in diapers and wombs when most of the same tropes you're bitching and crying about were first written in TNG, the difference is that now you've been trained up by grifters and terminal onlineitis to see the word salad you're always bitching about around every corner.

Data closes the episode with a hammy quip, wow, how "kino". Data closes the episode with a hammy quip now? Oh god now...it's the MILLENIALS!!!!!

Pull your string and repeat a few more buzzwords, anonbot.
Data was actually pretty logical in his conclusion - Fajo was absolutely prepared to torturously murder additional people to keep data in line, for as long as that was an effective motivator. If he can fire a phaser with lethal intent to protect the lives of others, which he has done, then he could kill Fajo to prevent further death and suffering.
You wrote a terrible show that everybody hated except for your small, incestuous circle jerk of faggots in LA. Your industry is dying.
>y-you're the writer
We know you guys just sit around getting drunk and stoned and decide on whatever blows your mind at the time. We know you have no concerns at all professionally and that you enjoy it when fans are hurt.
I can tell they're spot on. You are a writer for nu trek. lol I respect Honey Bucket cleaners more than you. By far.
nta but you sound butthurt ngl
I'm totally fine. There's decades of real Trek I can revisit any time and I don't have to look at Woke Trek ever.
Define "woke" in a coherent way that sounds like you've thought about it for more than five seconds, i.e. isn't laden with buzzwords you learned from other obese greasy retards with bad breath on /pol/
you already know them inside out
Bait threads deserve lazy bait replies
>you already know them inside out
I do not, which the greatest thing. I'm the Star Wars guy that centers on the real original SW; Trek is lesser to me in importance and I've always enjoyed it causaully. I own one original episode on VHS and have the original movies on DVD and Blu-ray.
>Define "woke" in a coherent way
When you blatantly attack white people by name. I win, you lose.
good for you but it's the final destination for trekkies im afraid. the new content doesnt cut it.
when you promote left-wing hot button topics of the day in your movie or tv show. i dont care if TNG promotes non-binaries in a general way but if picard shits on ICE because it's the current issue it's just retarded wokeism
>anything that disagrees with the reddi...erm, 4chins hivemind is...LE BAIT
Like I said, you're a pathetic subhuman. You can't even converse or form thoughts.
Nobody else would feel the need to defend it so passionately. Like if somebody didn't like TNG, my reaction would be "oh okay whatever". But you got really butt hurt and started talking about how this site is melting my brain and right-wing grifters have swindled me. This could only be the mindstate of the LA faggots who wrote this crap. Trust fund attitude.
>blatantly attack white people by name
Which never happened, you probably some faggot meme and some faggot greentext posting by a faggot like yourself, and you thought it was real because you aren't very good at thinking.

>so passionately
I'm typing words on 4chan, talking to a moron that can barely grunt out a few words without crying about "bait" or thinking anyone who disagrees with them must be a secret cabal of writers come to defend a four year old season on a dying website that gets less traffic than most instagram accounts. You take this shit hole seriously and you project that onto others. All I'm doing is having fun watching you writhe around and struggle to act human, you're the one having a conniption fit over being wrong on a website.
>when you promote left-wing hot button topics of the day
Kinda like how TNG promoted communism, homosexuality, transgenderism, race equality, and every other popular and unpopular (at the time) leftist platform possible. The only difference is you. You watched TNG before your subpar IQ and the internet had time to meet and produce a drooling invalid who thinks everything is "woke". If you saw TNG for the first time today you'd be crying and shitting about it day and night.
>barely grunt out a few words
See, this is what's giving you away. I'm legitimately picturing Wil Wheaton on the other side typing this. You guys really think you're highbrow intellectuala fighting against rural fascists or whatever the fuck. Your show sucks. You suck. Stacy Abrams is a a fat retarded nigger.
>Which never happened
It did, you guys said it word-for-word on Twitter, remember? Then you had an old lady chew out Picard. Then you had a black woman-who was doing drugs right then-lecture Picard on privilege.
You know damn well what you did, you smug little bastard.
you're a faggot
Yes, I'm sure you "legitimately picture" all kinds of retarded bullshit to help keep your retarded fantasy world intact when it comes into contact with disagreement and dissent, that's sort of a marker of a low IQ person and isn't at all surprising.
>yo-you just think you're fighting the rurals!
No, you're just a fucking moron who can't stop jerking off to /pol/ memes long enough to form even a single sentence like a human being, it's like trying to talk to a goldfish.

Disagree with the 4trans hivemind!?!?!? Well, uh, you must be:
>no wait, the writer
>no wait, you're a secret commando fighting the same culture war I'm obsessed with, I KNEW it
I mean this with all sincerity, you're less than human, and people like you should be sent to the bottom of the ocean for the good of mankind. You will never amount to anything, you will never accomplish anything, and you can tell because you can't even accomplish making a coherent point on a website while arguing your little retarded heart out, even given multiple opportunities. Absolutely subhuman.
You're getting wrecked by them. lol
Maybe "belch out" another few paragraphs, that'll learn us.
You're retarded for thinking Picard is any good, Wil
No, it didn't, and if it did, go ahead and show me the clip. Not a meme, not "everybody knows", not your twatter account you use to bookmark dog porn, show me the scene. Should be easy, it totally exists and isn't just a product of your meme born prion disease, right?

I'm sure you'd like that, but no. I wish your vagrant father had been a faggot, for the sake of the food stamp budget if nothing else.
>Kinda like how TNG promoted
nope. it never promoted current hot button issues of the 90s
shut up wesley
You're pathetic. The entire world saw your anti-white tweets. Then you made a black woman chew out Picard over racial issues we have now and not in their time. You're evil. You are all the bad lowly things that you just called the other anon.
>promoted communism, homosexuality, transgenderism, race equality, and every other popular and unpopular (at the time) leftist platform possible
it absolutely didnt
and it quite famously didn't want homo characters
types like you still complain over the fact that it didn't
you disingenuous fuck
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A man walks into a room full of flat Earthers, says its round. The flat earthers cry and scream and throw shit and howl like the monkeys they are. "lol u get wrecked ese good morning sir" says the anon.

You people are dumb as dirt, in other words, not that you'd understand that. You find something agreeable in the incoherent tard ranting of your fellows, and mistake that for "wrecked" because you're as smart as a well trained house plant.

>no wait, you're Wesley!
Of course.

It did, you just didn't realize it because you're kind of a stupid person who doesn't realize much of anything without a meme to help you get there. And now you're hypervigilant against the exact same sort of messaging and beliefs that have always been a part of Star Trek, because the youtuber told you it was "the message" and /pol/ said it in green, so you know it's true.
where is the NAFTA episode of TNG? the south central riots episode?
>no scene
Yeah, that's what I thought. Same old story with you knuckle dragger apes. "Everybody knows", some memes, some pull string buzzwords and on and on...never the scene though. If you were a little smarter, you might understand what that means, but unfortunately you're you so this will go over your head again.
>It did
It didn't
>I can't argue based on the merits of Star Trek
>I'm losing! How can this be!?
>I know!
>It did, you just didn't realize it
pix or it didnt happen. which controversial issue of the 1992 presidential election did it address in a blatant way?
>they didn't cover EVERY thing, that means they didn't cover anything!
Do you see what I mean when I say that you're stupid? No, of course you don't.

It did, and I gave you a picture of one such episode, but because you let some fat faggots on youtube give you a prion disease you aren't capable of understanding that.

I didn't say you believed in flat Earth, though I wouldn't be surprised. I used Flat Earthers as a universally understood stand in for stupid people, to illustrate how a room full of stupid people might agree with stupid ideas and other stupid people, and come to believe that correct ideas and correct people are "wrecked" and other retarded nonsense.

Unfortunately, I didn't count on you being so stupid that you wouldn't understand that, so it evaded your grasp like a fine mist the same way so many things have evaded you in this thread. It's really difficult to communicate with you via text when you're functionally illiterate, not that you'll understand what those words mean.
You mean like the picture of the Israel/Palestine Ensign Ro episode that I just showed you?
>I-it didn't cover the election
Yes, we know you're so stupid that you think if it covered anything it needed to cover everything or else it doesn't count, you've (or someone with as many extra chromosomes) said that already.

Picard didn't have a hyper-inflation episode either, so I guess it wasn't "woke" after all. It must have been...LE BASED. Oh wait, I'm sorry, here:
>I didn't say you believed in flat Earth
Uh uh which is why you brought it up in a fucking Star Trek thread. I won't read your posts anymore, Stat Trek writer faggot, you're disingenuous.
>Do you see what I mean when I say that you're stupid? No, of course you don't.
see i have exposed your bait. but let's continue this because it's fun. you cant name 3 hot button issue of the 92 presidential election that made their way into TNG in a hamfisted manner
You're just wrong. Also bothered

To repeat an earlier anon, there famously weren't gay characters even though you retardedly said it promoted homosexuality
People like you still complain over the fact that TNG didn't have a fag character
You're retarded
>You mean like the picture of the Israel/Palestine Ensign Ro episode that I just showed you?
there was nothing specifically israeli or palestinian about it. it was a general occupier/refugee situation like they existed in countless instances throughout history. it could also be applied to the lessons learned about the 3rd reich or the warsaw pact
picard conversely would have them time travel to actual israel to make a direct statement about a specific situation
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Wow, we're back to
>uh um uhhhh BAIT!
I thought you'd cycle to something new after the Wesley thing, couldn't come up with anything? No, it isn't bait, you're just a moron who can hardly form full sentences, definitely can't read them, and can't really have a conversation without shitting your diaper. I'm sure this "they didn't cover EVERYTHING, so they couldn't have covered ANYTHING" angle seems like a good one to you, but I'm sure you have all sorts of retarded ideas like that.

No, I'm right, which clearly bothers you. The Outcast was clearly the sexuality and gender commentary episode, but you types (read: retards) always handwave it away because you can't argue against it, so you'd rather just pretend it doesn't exist, which is your solution to most things. You're retarded, and I've demonstrated why several times, but funnily enough that very same retardation makes it impossible for you to understand. Sad.

I look forward to you pulling the string and cycling through your list of buzzwords and meme phrases again while you insist The Outcast doesn't count because of some garbled and incoherent word salad.
>oh yeah, well what is two plus two?!?
>and DON'T say four, that doesn't count!
You're just a pathetic slime of a person, and you'll never accomplish anything. You can't even accomplish making sense in a Star Trek thread, where you have time to think about what you're going to say and write it and rewrite it until it is perfect, and yet you come up with >>200687577
You're still wrong
Hot and bothered
he's baiting. quite blatantly so. because he's bored and he thinks he's sticking it to us kek.
I am not hot and bothered, you insipid, imbecilic ape. Subhuman racists WILL be defeated.
>there was nothing specifically
There was, again you were just kind of stupid and not infected with youtuber grifterism yet. Did you think Picard was going to look straight into the camera and say "THIS IS THE ISRAELI EPISODE, THESE ARE PALESTINIANS...OR ARE THEY!?!" or something? Is that the standard you hold TV up to now? No, of course not. Now the simple act of casting a black person or a woman is evidence of a secret agenda and you can write a four hundred page manifesto about it, but in this specific case they need to stare into the camera and say it or it doesn't count. LMAO. What a fucking monkey.

Nope. I see we're now into the "uhhh U MAD haha got you!" meme language repetition circle. Just the typical anonbot slop. Maybe you can start false flagging or something, mix it up a little.

Nobody is "baiting", that is something you retards do because you're dumb fucks and you think getting someone like me to call you a dumb fuck on a website before they close the tab is the height of culture and entertainment. You really need to get over this idea that anyone disagreeing with your retarded ideas and incomplete sentences and 4chins hivemind memes is "baiting", or you're never going to grow into anything new. You don't want to stay stuck as a retard do you?
>I am not hot and bothered, you insipid, imbecilic ape. Subhuman racists WILL be defeated.
you're also not baiting kek
>There was,
pix or it didnt happen
Ah, there it is. "I can't win the argument, so I'll argue against myself and win THAT argument, and these anonymous strangers on the website will be really impressed", what a classic. It's a wonder you're too stupid to understand hamfisted Bajoran/Cardassian = Israel/Palestine occupation episodes with such a sharp and definitely not meme-poisoned mind.
You're so mad, Soi Trek writer.
Pics here: >>200687388
Where they've always been, where you were too stupid to understand. Cue five hundred posts where you say "nuh uh, pics pics pics" until the other party retires from exhaustion, and you sit there in the basement, diaper overflowing, convinced you've "won" something in life, at long last.

Yeah, you said that already too, pull the string again and see if you can cycle to any new phrases.
Calm down and watch that magical negroes movie again, Soi Trek dude.
>Pics here
ah yes the typical palestinian girl without headscarf or veil and arms exposed
^legit mental illness that has nothing to do with what was said.
You really are a soi trek writer.
>you disagree with me...LE EPIC MEMES!?!?
>that means you watch [product] and do [thing] and are all these others things I imagined
Never saw that movie, retard, never will. I hate blacks, and would shoot every black into the sun if I could. You're just a fucking retard, that's all. It's why you can't form sentences or discuss things like a human adult and need these bizarre coping mechanisms where anyone who disagrees with you about anything becomes everyone who ever disagreed with you about everything else. You're just really sort of low IQ, like most people left here.

Apparently you're too retarded to reply to the correct post. That's okay retard, I know what you meant. Someone understanding context and intention must seem like magic to you, huh retard?

Yes, they were talking about the Israel and Palestine situation without being too on the nose about it. The intended audience picked up on it, it wasn't really written for the sort of meme addled retards that would come about when the internet became ubiquitous and hand held.
That ass-furious writer just won't stop. lol
While he does mental illness, he isn't the "soi trek writer", that is the fantasy strawman you've assigned to me as a coping mechanism for your inability to form sentences or coherent arguments to support your retarded positions. That was one of your fellow retards, too stupid to work a website, in much the same way that you're too stupid to follow the most basic ideas well enough to participate in the most simple conversations. Don't go thinking you're any better than him, I assure you that you're both dumb as fuck.
>muh writer
You're repeating yourself again, pull the string Rakesh, get a new phrase. I know you can do it, have the AI help you write a few sentences if you can't.
I am better than this anon^
Voyager is underrated.
Voyager had some great episodes, but was mostly bad, and became way too focused on Seven of Nine as soon as she was introduced. She was an interesting concept, but not that interesting.
>and became way too focused on Seven of Nine as soon as she was introduced
I agree with that. Kes was also a stupid concept. The doctor saved the show, though-thoughtgardlessy.
>rest is just people throwing the baby out with the bathwater.
no, it's all trash. TDS syndrome in every single one.
Manure. Getting a bunch of geriatrics together to stumble hesitatingly through a plot that's less Trek'y than fucking Nemesis and stupider than the Abrams movies, wrapped in key-jingling nostalgia-bait to disguise the fact it's actually a back door pilot for The Captain Seven of Dyke and Edgy YA Picard Jr Show is not "legitimately great", it's fucking offensive to anyone that isn't an irredeemable slopgobbler.

Discovery was the worst, sure, because it's anti-Trek, but Picard is *shitty* Trek that tarnishes the best show by association, and SNW is Trek with all the heart and thought removed to make room for MCU-tier faggotry.

Nobody is going to subscribe to your shitty streaming service you shillcunts.
it was very shit
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The Romulan secret could have been a little more mind breaking. And if they had to keep beastie boys trek in canon, they should have just made it Picard and his Romulan maid time traveling to undo it.
I want to facefuck T'Pol everytime she shows up.
Vulcan muscles are significantly stronger than human, her throat muscles would probably gorilla grip you while looking at you disapprovingly for your illogical behavior
The base premise of the show prevents it from being good. The entire point of the federation is that, in the long term, it is steadily and constantly getting better, always. The state of the federation in this show post dominion war in an abomination as far as Star Trek goes.
watched S1 with my brother and it was pretty bad. and were both fat boomers in some way hoping it would be TNG revived but that was not to be and it was just cringe and un-engaging

hear it picks up a bit in later seasons but not likely to bother watching.

>plus we're mortal enemies now for reasons I won't get into
I am the eternal pessimist, but I watch Star Trek because it's a fun, campy, idealistic dream of what humanity could be. Picard was absolutely none of that, and instead just came across as leftist grimdark propaganda.
>Yes, they were talking about the Israel and Palestine situation without being too on the nose about it. The intended audience picked up on it,
no they didnt you made it up. you'll claim i didnt get it but you made it up. continue with your bait.
The first season is pretty unforgivable.
Picard isn't canon
Stewart never liked the Jean-Luc Picard character.
Who cares?
Only because they wouldn't let him be fully gay
I do, he would have kept more consistency in Picard if he had fought for it but didn't care. Which makes him a faggot, like you.
He was the one making demands for his character in the show like more action scenes and less captain shit so yes it does matter, TNG was good because it didn't have his petty pride ruining the writing of the show (the movies are a different story).
>I do
lol, and who are you, some faggot? Who gives a flying fuck to Andoria what you care about? Kill yourself.
We get it, you have nostalgia for the prequels.
Some of you are beyond help on this board.
I accept your concession.
Imagine if this TOS episode came out today, /tv/ chuds would be exploding in anger at how woke Star Trek is.
We get it, you watch RLM
>no argument
I don't watch e-celebs.
>doesn't deny his nostalgia goggles
Thanks for conceding.
You're right, you had no argument, just trolling. Get the fuck off my board.
There's an argument right there, it's yet to be counter-argued. You refusing to do so is proof that you have no arguments and are thus conceding, simple as.
Linking to your rage post isn't an argument. All writers will be replaced by AI and you'll suck dicks for bread.
>Star Wars died with TPM
I ABSOLUTELY think this, and if you weren't a tiny baby who liked the Clone Wars cartoon, maybe you'd have a developed enough brain to agree.
It absolutely was woke, especially for the time. All trek is woke. But some level of woke can be tolerated if the storytelling and sci-fi is good. Which it really was not for a while. Enterprise had some good arcs in an overall very meh show, and trek has been unmitigated shit ever since.
I'll wait for you to download your next opinion from RLM

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