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it fucking sucked
I can't believe how hard /tv/ shilled this movie
Then let's get it done
I watched the first movie and it was the most boring forgettable shit I'd ever seen. Sequel came out and it seemed like nothing had changed so I never watched it. Not gonna watch any of the other sequels either. I like James Cameron as a person but I fucking hate that he has dedicated the rest of his career to this shitty franchise.
Worst movie I've seen in theaters, they made the story generic and 0 thought-provoking as possible so low IQ retards go to watch it and dont feel left out.
fuck off you bunch of queers
Convince me to watch Avatar 2 right now.
I will have gay sex with you if you do.
bluepilled normalfags actually believe this slop made 2 billlies
OK here again, I don't know why Netflix wasted its money making this slop. And there were a ton more episodes too, not just the first and second one (I only watched the 2nd episode though as that was the one /tv/ kept going on about).
>I can't believe how hard /tv/ shilled this movie
>I watched the first movie and it was the most boring forgettable shit I'd ever seen. Sequel came out and it seemed like nothing had changed so I never watched it
>Worst movie I've seen in theaters, they made the story generic and 0 thought-provoking as possible so low IQ retards go to watch it

You dumbfucks.

Such a great franchise. So much potential. So many places to go. So many angles to cover. So beautiful. Redefines expectations. Absolutely mogs everything released the passed 2 years.

There's truly nothing like Avatar. And yeah, I've seen Pocahontas, Ferngully, Dances with Wolves. Not even close.
there's alien whales
>series is called Avatar
>first episode is about a guy that came from the sky
>second episode is about water
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>it fucking sucked
>I can't believe how hard /tv/ shilled this movie
Eh they’re okay it definitely wouldn’t be as interesting if the visuals weren’t so good
whats with the gay retarded hair
It's how bligger hair grows.
My hot take is that James Cameron has always been a mediocre storyteller.
The reason Avatar sucks compared to his old movies is because it's CGI instead of practical effects (with some CGI mixed in here and there).
I'm also a faggot
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nobody here likes Avatar except this lady.
>My hot take is that James Cameron has always been a mediocre storyteller.

A hot take and a wrong take. Who do you think he should be more like?
Massive melty fag there is potential yes, but the second movie does nothing with that. Is the slop of the century, made for idiots because the movie simply cant be a bomb financially. Its not interesting, the graphics are the only thing keeping the clown show afloat.
Well I thought Alien was much more compelling than Aliens so I guess Ridley Scott before he went senile.
Tasteless faggot. You haven't really seen it unless you saw it in IMAX 3D as Cameroon intended.
I still wonder whether he died or he is just spamming /uhg/ memes in unrelated threads now.
MCUcks still crying to this day
it's fucking amazing
it's colourful and amazing on big tv's, also there are bountiful scenes with A-cup titties
>it's fucking amazing
Truly it is.
I don't rememeber much discussion about this movie anywhere when it came out. When I saw its final tally, I was surprised, as I've never heard anyone talking about seeing this movie. Granted, it's all anecdotal, but for such a huge hit, it really didn't seem to make any splash at all.
>side character is obsessed with BBC and dedicates his life to its pursuit
>/tv/ doesn't meme this guy every day
I am disappoint. This board's changed
It was alright, I'm pretty sure Cameron just likes making lenses and VFX and avatar is just an excuse to show it off.
it's not /tv/.
it's reddit + (((they)))
0/10 you're just butthurt
Seriously, I have zero interest to pirate this movie and see it on my TV. Avatar is only good on theaters, but fuck me, its groundbreaking visuals are not enough for me to arse myself to download it and re-watch it. Perhaps if there is a full 4k 60fps HDR version of it, I might be interested.
I need 3D before I will watch it. 4k 48fps version would be nice, but was only in theaters.

I saw it in theaters enough times to tide me over. An experience like no other.
I liked it. Was well worth seeing in 3D on a big IMAX screen. Absolutely stunning.
Fucking based.
Yeah if this is what "anti-woke" looks like, then I think I'm okay with Wokeslop lol
I agree. I also saw the 3d version, and it was a one of a kind experience. I only wished the movie was shorter, because watching a movie in 3d for almost 3 hours, is eye straining.
I remember lots of people gave up and removed the 3d glasses around the second half.
CG looks pretty cool, plus there are a bunch of cute thicc as fuck catfish.
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>kill best boy because audience is supposed to self-identify with the 'tards
so many simple-minded low iq in one thread - it's amazing
>I agree. I also saw the 3d version, and it was a one of a kind experience. I only wished the movie was shorter, because watching a movie in 3d for almost 3 hours, is eye straining.
>I remember lots of people gave up and removed the 3d glasses around the second half.

For what it's worth, I never had any issues with the 3D causing eyestrain. It looked phenomenal to me from beginning to end. Could've watched 4 hours.

I know some people have issues with 3D vision, and some don't look at the world in 3D, instead focusing their vision with one dominant eye and not converging the two images.

It's the difference between predator and prey. Prey animals like sheep and deer have eyes on the side of their heads, because threats could come from anywhere. Predators have wide set eyes facing forwards.

Interesting how the whales in Way of Water had double eyes on both sides, so when we see from Payakan's pov, it's still in 3D.
Netty needs to come back and comfort Neyney
Avatar 2 is one of the best movies ever made.
The theater was full every time I went to see it.
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You can watch it just for the visuals, cool whale and cool human tech.
Also, some cute girls.
>The theater was full every time I went to see it.
Same. And everyone was really nice to each other afterwards. A beautiful shared experience.

Even when I went to matinee screenings at the end of the run, it was never less than half full.

Way of Water has so much to offer. One of those movies you never want to end, and it stays with you for years.
The Way of Water has no beginning and no end.
The dreadlocks are so fucking dumb I can't stand it
that's their built-in USB stick
Kek, based, redpilled
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how will her story continue in avatar 3? Will she get tied up again?
That's how people's hair naturally becomes when there's no modern shampoos to buy from the store, ignorant fuck.
>it fucking sucked
#3 movie of all time disagrees with you.
It’s ok
I’ll watch 3 in theaters too so I guess James won on that front
anyone got any cute Tuk art?
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I already have that one.
I've tried to watch the first movie multiple times and I cannot make it through. It's just wall to wall CGI covering up a hacky children's book story. Not even worth the space on my hard drive, I think I've downloaded and deleted it three separate times.
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avatar fan art is too rare
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>even with time skips we'll never see adult Tuk

this bothers me
Tuk would never have such a shit hairstyle.
>he says of a zoomie girl
Tuk is too young to be a zoomer. Also zoomer girls here just have long hair
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I had high hopes that this artist would do an older Tuk justice but they also went with shaved side cut so I didn't save it.
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like damn, look how hot these 3 came out.
Yes, absolutely one of the best experiences I've ever had in a theater.
realistically she'd have something similar to Neytiri or Tsireya (if they stay at in the reef village)
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haha look at Kiri's white adopted ass.
It's awful indeed. Schmaltzy and antiwhite
I love Kiri
And I’ve gotten head during a Katherine Heigl movie.
>it's colourful and amazing on big tv's
im convinced a secondary goal of this movie is to convince the goyim to go buy an expensive tv to consume this slop on
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She will certainly be tied up and maybe more, who knows.
ok, what about the asians doing it today?
>o-oh, no, I, uh, I wouldn't want to say anything controversial
wow. stunning and brave there, cameron.
it looks like whaling is frowned upon when it's being done to obtain their oil, which the anti-aging serum is shown to be the equivalent of. it's not just asians that are allowed to catch whales these days, inuit, indigenous, and northern european countries regularly catch whales as well for their meat and because it's a traditional food in their cuisines.

so yea, when it's done at an industrial scale for oil rather than meat, it's more frowned upon. and because you specified asians only, it looks like you're posting with an agenda in mind.
I absolutely loved this movie, it was like a theme park ride. I also quite liked the first one. Not everything needs to be an incredibly deep thought-provoking movie, sometimes it's nice to just have a really beautiful film to look at and a simple enough plot to keep you interested from beginning to end. I feel like a lot of moviegoers have become jaded.
first of all, it would be okay for them to kill these intelligent space whales if they ate them in addition to taking the oil? you really believe that, you sophist?
secondly, it's his agenda not mine

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