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>Get a skill
>Your time is Gold
>When the taps are running, fill your cup
>If you have a shit job, note the difference between toil and a job which you can still pick up skills from
>Find a mentor in your 20s
>If there's a fork in the road, take it
you don’t have to take his advice. that’s all that is, advice. you want my advice? sometimes even when you follow someone’s advice and do things perfectly, shit just doesn’t turn out in your favor. conversely, other things do work out. you need to realize that life has no rhyme or rhythm or secret formula set to make things great. some people work all their lives to nothing, some people are born into wealth and had their shit set from the jump. that’s how it is. you just do whatever the fuck you want to do, who cares.
Why do you waste your time making effortposts on a board which doesn't deserve it?
because i care about all of you and want you all to succeed.
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Damn, here's a fiddy
Zoomers lose their mind when someone tells them not to waste all their time in discord goon seshes......
>Bad things happen to good people therefore my actions have no consequences
No one is going to mentor you for free, this whole mentor shit is beyond retarded. People might mentor you in a job in which your base skillset has some value. Like an engineering job.
I want Sam Hyde to do a cover of the Baz Lurhman song Everybody's Free To Wear Sunscreen.
I thought that was his point though? To find someone who actually cares about their job, observe them so you know they know what they're doing, and then ingratiate yourself (while not making it weird) so that they want you around and want to help you? He mentions this tip about mentoring lots, and Nick also chimes in occasionally with stuff about getting people little gifts and acting in a way that makes you likable.
I find it funny that literal spoiled brats like Sam who had a Dad who's a Doctor and who was a board member of Columbia and Nick who's parents were literal buddies of the Clintons think they can give any advice about how to start off from nothing
Sure man, if you say so.
You live in America in the 21st century. You didn't start from nothing, dumbass. You're just as spoiled as them.
You aren't going to observe an engineering doing their job. Nobody has time for you just to watch and do nothing. This is a make believe scenario. People who are good at their jobs don't want to teach people shit or be disturbed by them unless it's literally their job.
I'll give you a tip, learn shit yourself, mentor yourself and get some grit.
>People might mentor you in a job in which your base skillset has some value.
He's not talking about your summer job as a fry cook, he means ingratiating yourself with the experienced people at your first real job. In my experience those guys love nothing more than sharing what they know
Sam's dad left him and his mom in an apartment so he could remarry a Philippino.
Oh sorry, I guess I should ask my Plumber Dad to fund my artistic endeavor so that my retarded shit with problematic themes can get shown on national television SUBVERSIVELY, oh wait
NTA but Sam said it himself, including that his father dropped half a million (00s dollars) on his education. And that was just one way his extremely rich father spent money on him.
The average American is not the son of a multimillionaire.
Nobody is going to fucking go out of their way to teach you shit. They might give you tips but you better do basically all the learning yourself. I'm a software engineer, nobody mentors you. You learn shit yourself the end.
No those guys want to do their job and not have some newbie disturbing them. You people have adhd or something, go sit down and learn shit yourself.
>an engineering doing their job
Pay attention to what you're writing, then give me advice, because you sound fucking stupid here. Also, to respond to your point, I agree, you should focus and do most of the work yourself to get into the field, if you're ALREADY in the field and starting out, you should foster relationships and try to get a mentor, that was my takeaway from Sam's advice.
You americans aren't that much better off then other countries. If you are poor then you are literally below the average big city chink.
Stop posting this unfunny try hardmon this board you filthy faggot. I don't care about your pathetic daddy issues
And also be born into a millionaire family and be a psycho drug addict and get even more millions of free money from crypto because you used it to buy drugs?
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The fact you unironically watch videos like this and take Sam's word seriously makes me concerned for you.
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>get sponsored by ifunny
>resort to reading donations
>be Alex Stein's bitch
>milk the lonely incels in your audience
>suck edie's troon dick
are these skills?
Oh fuck off. Like I give a shit what you think about my writing ability. You have a nothing burger education and speak one fucking language. You understood 100% of what I wrote despite my typo and think you can discredit my argument based on that, because you know you have nothing to offer otherwise. Nice try retard, go ahead find your mentor fry cook.

Sam's advice is mostly shit and memes and if you think it's 100% serious and applies to you then you are an idiot.
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Christmas example
buy an ad you dumb marketing interns
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But all Sam cares about is sucking you dry.
If Sam gave real advice, he'd be teaching you the proper art of grifting. You know, what he's an expert on, the stuff that made him a millionaire. He wouldn't lead his flock in circles with platitudes and off the cuff bullshitting if he was genuine. Secretly he hates all his fans and the last thing he wants is one of them creating competition for him.
sadly this isn't an ad, this is just retard thinking mentors that will teach them everything are out there waiting for them. No hard work on their part required.
You're on the internet at 3am. Kys, you fucking waste of life.
sensible advice, anon. sadly you'll only get jaded zoomers and ironic shitposts
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Sam says the mentor thing to offload the pressure of giving real advice.

The only goal with his "bullshit advice" is that because it's common sense, statistically one or a few of his retarded fans will randomly stumble into large amounts of money, and suddenly they'd feel they "owe" it to Sam to become one of his whale supporters. It's a cult, but youtube/the internet is the middleman so Sam can have the privilege of never taking direct responsibility for anything he says to his fans. So good/bad advice doesnt matter, Sam just needs to imply taking credit when one of his retards lucks out and disavow when one of them loses out.
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>you need to realize that life has no rhyme or rhythm or secret formula set to make things great
True, sometimes even the best laid plans fall through. "Sure things" aren't.
But, you'll never get anywhere good if you never try. Sure, sometimes trying will burn you, but it's also the only way you can improve and better yourself: effort.
>you just do whatever the fuck you want to do, who cares.
You should care, it's your life. Try to be better. I won't say every day needs to have tangible improvement, but when your mindset is "I want to be in a better place and the way I get there is through my own actions," you will over time notice a positive change. When your mindset is "Whatever, dude, everything's fucked," then you can't really be surprised when shit stays fucked, can you? In fact you won't be, you'll tell yourself you nailed it and called it and were totally right -- a whole lotta good that does when it's STILL shit.
Pessimists get exactly what they want and they're still unhappy, do don't bother being one.
Ok so since you made a lot of money with this mindset, can I have some please?
Never said I was making filthy money, your snarky response tells me I struck a nerve, though. What about "Try to be better" upsets you, anon?
Your dad could get you into one of the highest paying trades around but he can't help you become an e-celeb therefore your life isn't fair
>software engineer
I see the confusion, you people don't call it mentorship, it's "networking".
I'd rather go down swinging than roll over
Why aren't you making mad buxxx? Just be better mang?
>I care about you
One post earlier
>you just do whatever the fuck you want to do, who cares
>Nobody is going to fucking go out of their way to teach you shit. They might give you tips but you better do basically all the learning yourself.
That's mentorship bro. People who have achieved showing you the way to get there. If you're retarded, they're not gonna keep trying.
>suck that tranny dick
What percentage of Americans are "making mad buxxx", would you say? What's the dollar amount of "mad buxxx"?
How does me giving you money help you make mad buxxx, sounds like you wouldn't have earned it?
This is true.
Advice is most valuable when it's about very specific things. General "life advice" is shit, especially when it's coming from random strangers on the internet.
Not him, but I don't care about you. Nor should I. You're a whiney faggot blaming a random e-celeb for your unhappiness. Probably a virgin. Helpless faggot. You wouldn't even take any good advice if it was given to you.

Here's the only good advice you deserve. Put the barrel in your mouth, pull the trigger, and remove your whiney ass from existence.
Why would I care about earning it? Dude I just need money to live, the fucker at the grocery store demands money when I go buy food, not to mention the piece of shit that demands money for the tiny little studio I'm in.
>Guy gives advice
>People mad
Cause if you can't earn it, then when I just give you some and you hand it off to the grocery store clerk and your landlord and run out again, what's gonna happen next month?
Good luck with the irony poisoning, big guy.
>>Cause if you can't earn it, then when I just give you some and you hand it off to the grocery store clerk and your landlord and run out again, what's gonna happen next month?
I need about $250k for the rest of my life, just do a one time payment and I'm good.
I'm just tired all the time but never sleep. There is no cure.
Sam is a tragic character. Legitimately incredibly intelligent and has some great insight but if my life looked like his I'd ropemaxx.

Also sometimes he says some incredibly boneheaded shit especially when it comes to race that makes me question his wisdom a little.

Whatever his brand of humor though is called it 100% appeals to me. Or at least it did. I don't really think he's done anything great in the past decade or so but I'm holding out for WP2 to be good. I just feel like he is a deeply unhappy person though.
Not to mention how good looking he is and how huge his cock is.
If you want actual advice, listen to Nick, not Sam.
Who is the cute little gooner in OP's image?
You don't get it anon, work creates classism which creates social injustice. In the future, ultrawealthy AI controlled corporations will generate enough wealth to placate the entire planet with gibbs
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what u do when Sam pulls this on you after half a decade of loyal yesmanning and neverquestioning?
how to redeem
this isn't a make Scam Hyde horny thread, fuck off.
edie. xer name was edie
Who is this guy anyway? Someone who larps an ironic edgelord?
>dude get a skill
>dude stack money and resources
>dude your time is gold don't waste so much of it online
>get out of discord and social media groups
>get off prescription and illegal drugs weed is so bad for you Nick uses it but he built a house ok?
>avoid e-whores and bpd art hoes
>btw buy my NFT's
>and shit merch (it's shit on purpose though lol)
>buy a superchat on my stream for 50 dollars for some vague advice I've given 100 times before for free
>check out my fishtank show and buy TTS
>join my MDE/NFT/Fishtank Discords
>follow my wigger crew on twitter/insta/tiktok
>my wigger crew is made up of perc/xanax/lean/cokeheads, but it's ironic lol
>hey check out these e-whores go watch their streams and donate
>WP2?.... hmmm It'll be out soon, but come watch my standup where I do my peeing michael bit, I'm SO close to meeting Joe Rogan
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>fishtank simp threads allowed
>threads overly critical of Sam are quickly deleted

really makes you think
This is such basic advice it doesn’t even bear repeating. Your fucking high school teachers will tell you this. This is the brilliant insight of a guru?
Also the “mentor” thing is a retarded meme. Anyone spouting it has never had a real job. People only mentor you when you already have a skill they need or they have some pre-existing connection to you.
What are his skills exactly? Who has he mentored?
Most here are too brain rotted to get that, anon.
Rockystream status?
you wouldnt believe it, its the ghost of kyiv
The Rocky thing was blown out of proportion, he has a good relationship with Sam and his crew and it probably won't belong now before he's on screen with them.
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My friend farted on Sam Hyde after his comedy show when he asked for a picture. This supposed ‘tough guy’ said something like "Hey bud that was kind of weird"
So you know what my friend did? He farted on him again.
When the people around them realized they could fart on big bad Sammy with impunity they all started farting on him.
He started tearing up and when my friend noticed he was crying Sam tried to blame his watery eyes on the farts.
Well that just made everyone fart harder. KWAB. I think he's going to post a video of the incident soon


(Skip to 35:55)
I doubt that unless they're still using him as their 4chan janny
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>pretends to be anti-trans during his stand up routine


>come watch my standup
That was the final straw for me. He used to trash open mics with deliberately retarded bits, now he's doing those deliberately retarded bits for crowds of adoring superfans. Instead of mocking shitty open micers, he's mocking his own fans. I'll still watch PGL for Nick though
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Not charls?

that guy just wants money, he was gonna make Fish Tank a porn site
I see your point, post-MDE Charls had a lot of memorable streaming highlights, and that series he did with Doug TenNapel (You Can't Get There From Here) was incredibly good, but 3rd mic on PGL only occasionally lets him shine. He's at his best when he's totally unchecked and really gets rolling. PGL just isn't the right format for that.

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