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I'm ready for campy action scenes with 1970s music playing in the background and Lois kicking ass with a giant laser gun.

Are you?
Imagine not being fully satisfied with Superman I-IV.
why he looks so weak lmao
post wrist
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henry bros, we're so back after this shit flops HARD
nta but he does look on the smaller side in comparison to calvin's superman and 99% of comic superman
Are Snyder fans delusional?
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Good question.
I hate the costume so much, terrible all around. I knew it was going to look like all those other awful MCU outfits with the shitty lines everywhere. I've predicted basically everything that could go wrong with the movie. I predicted the fact it's a meta commentary, predicted that Clark will be a zoomer, predicted the meme cast. I have 1 more prediction that you all can count on; this movie will be reddit incarnate.
I am prediction, because this is Gunn after all, that the third act will be all some overly dramatic point about Superman overcoming his daddy issues, but i almost wish this can't be true because what daddy issues Superman could have? Gunn wouldn't portray Pa Kent as abusive or distant. Jor-El? But the dude is dead.

It's just that every movie of his is about daddy issues for some reason.

I have a prediction too. There's going to be way too many women and black people.
>way too many women
you gay?
replace III and IV with returns. i know you’re a boomer and you can’t let reeve go but III and IV are bottom of the barrel dogshit.
>III and IV are bottom of the barrel dogshit.
No. Your recommendations are the canine feces, anonymous.

Women don't belong on the forefront in movies about heroes. They're not heroic.

Superman Returns was extremely gay.
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>I'm ready for campy action scenes with 1970s music playing in the background and Lois kicking ass with a giant laser gun.
This going to be a typical Gunn capeshit, no doubt. Just look at the cast. Teenage humor, CGI slop action scenes, tons of obscure characters and references, etc. I just don't think this can work with Superman, specially his humor. It's too edgy for Supes, and when he tries to be dramatic he always goes for something very cliche and dumb like the little animals being killed in GoG3, that kind of shit is pure hack slop.
ever heard of love interests?
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Holy shit. She should be playing Superman.
You get what you pay for with Bryan Singer, but at least he respected the legacy of Superman I & II, moreso than the greedy producers that made III & IV.
Manjaw but glorious body and legit 10/10 boobs. She's probably the only right choice in the cast.
He used Superman II to turn Superman into a dedbeat dad and date rapist.

I'm not entertained by watching romantic relationships; I'm not a woman.

The whole reason why they add that crap to movies is so that women will buy tickets.
>but at least he respected the legacy of Superman I & II
A little too much imo. He made a 70's movie (with 70's clothes, plot and pacing) in the year 2006 and it was boring af. He puts a lot of character everybody knows that can't die in cheap dangerous situations whose payoff you can see a mile away, brings Marsden to play a cuckcold (again), Bossworth has no charisma or chemistry with Routh and ffs what was the kid's plot, who the fucks thought that was a good idea. Spacey Lex was fine but his lines were pretty dumb, Parker Posey was cute as always but underused.
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>legit 10/10 boobs
she looks like bruce willis' daughters

Looks like a dude with breast implants

Clark needs to get with Hawkgirl
they have extremely wide jaws, she has a pointy one, learn the difference
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If they were going for 50% of the New 52 suit then it should have looked more like "harder" material. Going inbetween cloth and that lining just looks weird.
you lack immersion skills.
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Looks like Halloween costume from Amazon
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my bad, sir
the new superman outfit has a built in fupa?
i think thats a bulge
no, the sort of flappy bit that goes all the way to the hips
he needs to stuff that codpiece with a few pairs of socks to fill out the material
>the sort of flappy bit that goes all the way to the hips
those are caused by his bulge pushing out against the fabric
it shouldn't be that loose in the upper area is my point and looks like a fupa
this is a multi million dollar movie, right? you'd think the clothes designers would do fittings

Looks like he stole Ma Kent's granny panties.
i mean itd be weird if they had that be overly tight, he's a super hero, wouldnt be ideal to have his balls and dick in a front wedgie.
also you seem to be misusing the term fupa

super weird
i know what it stands for, is there a male equivalent? it was just a humorous post and i didn't expect anon to get all semantic about it
They’re BTS photos, the suit will be mostly cgi.
because it isnt some female version of what you seem to be referring to, you are using the term entirely wrong, why use such a term in a post where you are asking a question? that's just asking for people to not give you proper answers to your question.
small bulge
This time it's Superman HIV
>small bulge

I get it now. James Gunn is gay and he's trying to appeal to gay audiences with the granny panties.
the coveted diaperfag demographic
But can he act, compared to Henry?

By acting you mean acting like an emotional faggot? Superman is supposed to be stoic and kind, not a raging faggot wearing diapers
i am done with superheroes so whatever
one can acknowledge and discuss bulge differences in regards to the overall appearance of a superhero suit without it being tied to homosexuality.
>Man of Pozz

No offense but this sounds like some faggoty gobbledygook
offense taken, why do people on this board lack maturity skills?
How is that baggy suit even going to fit under Clark's clothes?
I'm ready for the most dogshit pacing imaginable, both the suicide squad and guardians 3 were complete slogs.
yes, let's all be mature and very serious about it when discussing the groin area of capeslop characters
it was a discussion about not only the appeal/ aesthetic of the *overall* suit, but the functionality of it as well, if you can't see that then you simply have the maturity levels of a middle schooler.
who gives a shit? lurk moar
Wrinkles, a man's jaw, and a man's hairline.

She looks like she's 10 years older than discount Cavill.
So he blows Cavil out of the water.

Henry Cavill would beat the brakes off you kid.

No. He would blow Cavill in the water because he's a gay man who likes to suck cock.
dont try and act superior than me, faggot.
The suit looks like cheap cosplay, and completely dysfunctional. Is that the answer you're looking for?

Even fans are lashing out against this suit.

>B-bu-but you need to wait for the trailer.
Did we need to wait for the trailer for [picrel]? No. It looked amazing. Sure, there were some people nitpicking, but it's nothing to what we're seeing now.
Maybe they will improve the costume in post
The fact how much you sperg only proves how afraid you are that Gunns version is gonna be the better Superman.
That's immediately what I thought of lol
The cope is unbelievable.

Yeah I can't wait to see Lois roundhouse kick a 225 lbs man through a wall and then take out a spaceship with a giant bazooka while Queen is playing in the background, you big dumb son of a bitch.
No one gives a shit about your pedo director.
your subjective opinion isnt the objective yet you people act as if it is for some reason, maybe due to ego, not sure, but its retarded.
not to mention the main reasons you people think it supposedly looks bad is because youre too busy living in the past and comparing everything to the cavil version. is it that difficult for you to create your own thoughts and opinions? you seem to lack that so much to the point of even thinking its some gotcha moment to bring up how "even the fans" dislike the suit. its pathetic and i hope you feel embarrassed to the point of correcting this behavior of yours.
Don't need to compare it to Cavill's suit. I'm not that anon but even when comparing to previous Superman suits used in low budget TV shows the new suit sucks. Take that Superman TV show that ended not so long ago. The actor playing the Superman was small in height and smaller in muscle mass, and even his Superman suit managed to be more form fitting and more professionally made, and this in BTS photos from the sets.
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Why does EVERY SUPERHERO COSTUME look like this nowadays? Whether it is Marvel or DC. THEY ALL LOOK ALIKE

It looks bad because it is bad. Most people think it looks bad. It looks bad in and of itself without comparing it to Cavill's Superman.
I'm reserving judgment until I see some footage, maybe we'll get a teaser at SDCC next month.
>booo hooo hooo I'm superman waaaahhh snif
great superman,snyderjeet
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>not to mention the main reasons you people think it supposedly looks bad is because youre too busy living in the past and comparing everything to the cavil version.
So it's unfair to compare the new suit to the earlier suit? Seriously? Is that your cope?

Go to YouTube and search for superman suit reaction, 90% hate it and the remaining 10% are admitting to it being seriously flawed. And YouTube is cookie-cutter as fuck.
That promo pic is so weird because it doesn't even look like Cavill, it looks like character actor Fredric Lehne.
I'm not even going to watch this movie bro.
I'm not your bro, you filthy pajeet
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>I'm not your bro,
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He shouldn't have a package bulge like that. It looks like underwear. You're supposed to not have anything there, just like the comics. This is the first time I've seen this violated in film. I hope they change it.
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Reminder that Gunn was fired from Marvel for his pedo tweets, and only took on the director role for the DCU to save face.

Anyone who supports this pedo's redemption project is dirt to me.
No way you enjoyed The Quest for Peace (mulletman moonfight). No one was fully satisfied once Richard Pryor showed up in III. The series NEVER recovered.
In Black Panther 2 they used CGI to get rid of the bad guy's bulge, they should let Superman have a big dick.
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The baggy underware makes it look like a diaper.
>I want to see big bulges in my R-rated movie
What the fuck is wrong with you man?
He's SuperMAN, obviously he should have a huge dick.
But still, all of them look like they could kick new superman ass in a fistacuffs
>I have to make random shit up to find any form of high ground.
Keep going with your pathetic seething. It is more entertaining than what Snyder glued together.
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This ugly bitch is 4th lead?? She looks VERY xenomorphic. Where'd they find it? YUCK
Look for it crawling on the ceiling drooling on everything.
That's not Christopher Reeve's face.
It's a movie for kids you fucking degenerate, not a gay porno. Why would they add a CGI bulge?

This new Superman looks straight up gay and he's friends with black people. WTF is Gunn doin'?
>I haven't seen the movie, but it's going to be entertaining.
Shills used to be subtle.
He already has a big bulge, I'm just saying don't use CGI to cover it up.
Snyder shills never have been subtle.
You're more obsessed with Snyder than you are with Gunn. Take a moment and think about that.
I don't hate Snyder like some people do, but I can understand why you could think that Gunn will deliver a better movie, even sight unseen.
I feel that way about Michael Bay. Any day of the week I'd rather watch Soderburgh or Aronofsky make a certain movie than Bay. I wouldn't consider it "shilling". Snyder has a very specific style that resonates with *enough audience to keep him working, but is basically critical poison. Strange with the very vocal fanbase. I don't know much about Gunn movies, but he appeals to the masses more.
Returns is dogshit. Its only gotten retroactively praised by reddit Snyder-haters who spout all that "hope & optimistic Superman" nonsense. Reeve is the GOAT because he was sincere while striking; Returns was corny and Routh was plain dull.
Yeah. Gunn is very contrived with his emotions and they come out of nowhere after 2 hours of 2008 gross out Troma shit humor. Although I love Scooby Doo 1&2
Yeah he's a better actor than Cavill
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People only hate Snyder because he set such a high standard, that it's impossible for these newer directors to live up to it. So the IP has no chance of survival.
Lol. What is your favorite movie with the new actor?
>People only hate Snyder because he set such a high standard
How does this guy still have fans after his last three trash films?
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No one really likes the new suit or the new actor. You can literally go onto any YouTube video comment section, Twitter, or other social media.

I feel that this movie is going to underperform.
I just enjoyed every single second of it and saw it twice in theaters.
I love III 2.
It's less about him setting a higher standard and more about people looking for DC to deliver them some sort of different kind of capeshit, more reminiscent of Christopher Nolan's Batman.
If the offer is for more generic action comedies with capeshit characters they already have the MCU movies covering that for them, which is what they're already invested in character and plot-wise. So watch the same kind of movie but with DC characters instead?
You can see that movies like Joker and The Batman, which are very different tone wise from the MCU movies, did a lot better.
NTA but I saw a clip of a movie he was in on Xvideos where he fucks Mimi Rogers.
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Routh mogs both but dude got a shit script and Singer the hack.
I'm not sure why people hating on Zack Snyder. Zack turned me into a Superman fan. So it's a bit disheartening to see Gunnfanatics shit on Zack for no reason.
>Zack turned me into a Superman fan
Same, but then I watched and read other Superman stuff and realized Snyder's Superman kind of sucks.
Yeah, because this is how the suits should look. They should be skin tight, emphasize the curvature of muscles, and be concealed under a business suit.

It doesn't work for this new tick and baggy rubber fabric that Gunn went for.
I see the super diaper is back.
Comparing Henry Cavill’s Superman suit to James Gunn’s new iteration is like contrasting a perfectly grilled, tender steak to a fresh pile of dog shit. Superman never garnered as much attention until Zack Snyder’s vision, which happened to be flawless—Cavill's suit was a masterpiece, like a prime ribeye cooked to perfection, radiating heroism and strength. This isn't about having our heads up Snyder's ass; it's about acknowledging the sublime perfection he brought to the character.
Do you Snydertards ever think maybe Snyder tanked all yhe goodwill DC characters had? That dip is BECAUSE of how bad the Snyder films are.
Those Snyder films were huge because of Batman and Superman and the DC brand, NOT because of Snyder and his meathead choices.
>This isn't about having our heads up Snyder's ass; it's about acknowledging the sublime perfection he brought to the character.
Jesus Christ. You people are fucked
I really ferl bad for him. He could have been great as Superman. Though I'd say the same for Cavill. Both seem like good guys too.
>Superman never garnered as much attention until Zack Snyder’s vision, which happened to be flawless
Do you guys really believe this? Donners Superman made over a billion with inflation. Snyder's Superman didn't even get anywhere close to the characters peak popularity
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>Superman never garnered as much attention until Zack Snyder’s vision,
Wow. Yeah. Snyder fans are living in their own demented little world.
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You know what? Even as a kid I had many issues with Donner's Superman and some of the choices Donner made, but there is no denial what a MASSIVE popularity those films had. They cemented a vision of Superman in the eyes of the public. Same with Burton's Batman the next decade.
11 years later people are still talking about the Man of Steel. It's the standard to which this new movie is held to, and to which it fails to reach, by the majority opinion.

The majority reception has been overwhelmingly negative.

People don't want this new movie. It is that bad.
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Technically, "Superman" would not be exposed to enough resistance / gravity on Earth for him to develop muscles; much less, the kind of musculature that would resemble the typical human physique.
>Those Snyder films were huge because of Batman and Superman
BvS had a bigger opening day than Avengers and then fell off a cliff. Seriously it made 25% of its final domestic take on day one. The promise of Batman fighting Superman is what drew people in but the actual film itself is what drove them away
We went through this same song and dance with The Batman. Even before that I remember being here when Affleck was cast and it was met with complete ridicule even when the suit reveal came out and he looked sad next to the Batmobile. Now he's the greatest Batman ever to some people.
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>Now he's the greatest Batman ever to some people.
And Afflek doesn't want to have anything to do with the Gunnverse.
>We went through this same song and dance with The Batman.
The exception proves the rule.
>People only hate Snyder because he set such a high standard
Did you even see Rebel Moon?
Superman gets his nourishment and powers from our sun retard. Sunlight is what makes him 6'5+ and extremely muscled. He would wither away to skin and bones if you put him in a basement for a long enough time sure
I didn't. It looked like absolute shit. I like MoS.
>Though I'd say the same for Cavill
Yeah, he was the closest fit to an exact copy of the Superman from the comics. Really wish he could have had a more competent director and a better script to work with.
Wait! Nathan plays Green Lantern?
So you're telling me Zack Snyder managed to tank the DC characters so bad that directors like James Gunn who made The Suicide Squad couldn't manage to win back any goodwill? This despite a good streak of Marvel's superhero films and a good critic score to help him out? This like with a 10 span of difference?

Yeah seems like it
Looks like a horrible MCU suit
Even has those stupid fucking lines on it
Wasn't The Flash movie filled with DC characters, including several Supermen and Batman among them literal Michael Keaton back as Batman and CGI cameo of Christopher Reeve as Superman?
Why wasn't that a successful movie as well if audiences are drawn to Batman and Superman sharing a screen together?
Even the WB execs thought that movie was going to be a success thanks to all the characters and cameos.
>Why wasn't that a successful movie
Because the lead was quite famously a lunatic who most people thought was a pedophile
>Why wasn't that a successful movie as well if audiences are drawn to Batman and Superman sharing a screen together?
Because it had Ezra (who I like as an actor and unironically think is innocent of some of the accusations) that was basically universally hated because of various controversies, An incoming reboot that everyone knew about so it's not only not interesting to people that hate the old Universe that's getting binned but also now polarising for the people that did like it, had gone through a billion rewrites and directors.

If the movie had been more transitional and a celebration of all that came before it'd probably have done at least somewhat better but it was basically rigged from the start to fail

Should have just gone with the 2016 version of the script which was a lot more down to earth and small scale
It also had Affleck who called it the best work he's ever done as Batman. Maybe he was still drunk?
There's probably more scenes that were cut that he did
Remember he was supposed to be in Aquaman because up until James Gunn took over the WB heads were playing with the idea of taking another stab at a JL movie down the line (but not a sequel to Snyder's one)
Mystery meat, we got some of that in the UK with Maisie Williams
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>BvS has a couple of cameos setting up the 3rd movie in the trilogy
>Gunn's Zoomerman has 50 fucking heroes and villains in it
>Remember he was supposed to be in Aquaman because up until James Gunn took over the WB heads were playing with the idea of taking another stab at a JL movie down the line
Now was he supposed to be in Aquaman first and then replaced with Keaton or the other way round before both were scrapped?
So just because of the leading actor the and the upcoming reboot, that at the time the producers said could eventually feature more of the same characters if this one was successful, the movie tanked?
Michael Keaton's Batman, that was all over the marketing, couldn't save it? Not even news of Reeves' Superman and Cage's Superman cameos?

So i guess you need more than just of the same characters or even the same actors playing the same roles, huh?
Originally Keaton was supposed to become the "Nick Fury" of the MCU but then Batgirl was cancelled (which he was in) and the plan was to keep Affleck
>every movie of his is about daddy issues for some reason
It's because James Gunn is a child raping faggot who was likely abused by other faggots when he was young. It isn't a mystery
>i guess you need more than just of the same characters or even the same actors playing the same roles, huh?
Yeah. It needs a lead people don't think is a pedophile. That would be the main thing
The other way around.
The initial plan was for The Flash to end with the idea that both universes were mixed together.
Michael Keaton's Batman would then become the main Batman everyone knows now and he'd cameo in all the new movies as the defacto Batman.
Meanwhile The Flash ended with an epilogue teasing more of Ben Affleck's Batman, but he's stuck in some weird destroyed universe or future needing Flash's help to come and save him which was apparently meant to tease a future movie called... Crisis on Infinite Earths starring both Keaton and Affleck in leading roles. Possibly even more Batmen.

Then plans changed during the late stages of The Flash production and the reboot was now off the table. The movie would end with everything going back to normal.
So now Affleck was called to reshoot all the scenes that Keaton shot for his Batman cameos in all the movies that were being produced back then.

But then James Guun became the new CEO and things changed once again. Gunn called for new reshoots for The Flash movie, the third set of reshoots now, and now the universe didn't get fixed but an entirely new universe to be born.
This meant Gunn going back and killing all the cameos that both Keaton and Affleck shot as Batman for all the different movies in production.
I thought it was Gunn and Safran who cancelled Batgirl?
But now this movie has a director people think is a pedophile.

How things going to work?
It was.
>The Bunk
Sorry Anons but it's kino now
Isabela Moner and Milly Alcock. If I didn't know any better, I'd think Gunn is a /tv/ user and jewel appreciator. It'd be even funnier if he cast Sophia Lillis as Batgirl. The casting choices are mostly sound with the exception of Perry White being black again which is such a cucked decision.
Nobody but you lunatics seriously think Gunn is a pedophile. Ezra had a very public breakdown that was further exacerbated by the click bait press
The suit would be perfect if not for that awful New 52 collar. Fuck's sake. You do the undies but then add the subversive and ugly collar? This will bomb, anyway. No one cares about Superman. The only superhero people care and respect is Batman. Spider-Man is still kid shit but Batman is the only superhero everyone loves and respects. When you have serious filmmakers who despise capeshit all make an exception for Batman, you know he's on his own league. I only care about The Batman Part 2.
She's not mystery meat at all. That picture makes her look way darker than she usually is
>No one cares about Superman.
I do
Gunn was friends with condemned pedophiles, he was in a themed party about pedophiles dressed as a priest with the condemned pedophile, he was called as a witness for the court hearing that condemned said pedophile, he called said condemned pedophile to cameo in the Guardians of the Galaxy movies, he tweeted about find children sexy and wanting to fuck children, he posted about wanting to fuck children in his self-made personal forum and shared another condemned pedophile post about finding children sex.

Meanwhile Ezra Miller a queer freak hung out with a native 16 girl because she thought herself to be a tranny and he native parents weren't cool with that.
>No one cares about Superman.
I don't think that's true. We've been having constant threads about this but we also got a lot of behind the scenes pictures of upcoming Marvel productions, most of it looking worse than this yet theres no threads.
/Tv/ is not the real world, my friend. I've seen no one ever talk about this movie in the real world. Or know that it exists. Meanwhile, up to the release of Joker and The Batman I had people I know tell me how much they want to see them. The Batman side of DC is the only one people care about .. I'd say Joker 2 will make way more than the Superman movie.
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It is because Snyder soured the DC brand that badly.
Naw. Warners just offered him some Dunkin gift cards to say it.
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I went to a free screening and still felt ripped off.
I like the look of the suit. I don't really care about superhero stuff though, so maybe I'm not the target audience.

>I'm ready for campy action scenes with 1970s music playing in the background and Lois kicking ass with a giant laser gun.
Yes. Really, I'm ready for anything that isn't overwhelmed with bathos and irony.
That no other director or actor could save it? Really? Really, REALLY?

Or maybe those movies just weren't that interesting. I mean in the end it didn't stop Joker, did it?
>that isn't overwhelmed with bathos and irony.
Thought luck, it is a Gunn's movie after all. Bathos and irony is mostly what you'll get.
Yeah. Affleck was great.
Too bad he was in such a bad movie.
The only reason there's a "Snyder cult" is because Snyder's movies were good. You don't have a Hamada cult, or Dwayne cult, or even a Gunn cult, because they've done nothing unique or special.
Even the bad movies Snyder made people don't give much of a fuck about, and i am talking about die hard Snyder's fanboys.

Take that new zombie movie he made. You had more people asking for more of the German character but that was mostly because of the spin-off movie that was directed by the German actor that played the role.
People were interested about Rebel Moon because of his name and ideas, but not so much about the movie outside of maybe the director's cuts to see what's different.
So even Snyder's die hard crazy as fuck fanboys care that much about movies that he made that just didn't land.
The best thing about Returns was the 360 game.
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Gunn is trash. I'm not sure why people are looking forward to his shitty toilet humor.
Because of his Marvel's movies. DC fanboys are craving for DC to be the MCU 2.0 and that for a long time. They think Gunn will finally pull off what Whedon couldn't.
If this one end up being a dud, watch them making a sudden shift and start to prop up... i don't, the Russo brothers as a possible good replacement. Or the guy responsible for the new Deadpool movies. Forgot his name.
It's amazing how everything about it is plain awful.
Marvel didn't even start with a Universe. The idea was pitched after a few successful movies, so it naturally evolved in a sense.

But Gunn is introducing all these irrelevant character into "the" Superman movie. Guy Gardner, Metamorpho, Hawk Girl, Mr. Terrific, Rick Flag Sr., Ilana Rostovic, Bride of Frankenstein, Eric Frankenstein, Nina Mazursky, Dr. Phosphorous, Johnathan Economous, Weasel, G.I. Robot, ... do we really need all of these C-list characters in a Superman movie?

There might be comic fans beating their dick to all of these cameos. But to most people it will just seem cluttered.
The level of "excitement" for when Whedon was announced as the newest director of Justice League movie was the same. Bunch of nerds gassing themselves up about how Whedon was going to save DC, how he was going make the movie be great, how someone was going to finally respect the characters, and yadda yadda.
Specially the nerdy trades like CBR, The Wrap, and so on. They'd make tons of articles about it and even publicly wear t-shirts with the saying "Joss Whedon is my master" or something close to it during exclusives and interviews. Not even joking.

Then the movie got release and we all know the rest.
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>Go to a Gunn thread
>Snyder's name is mentioned more times
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No one even wants Gunn to direct this movie. It's all cope.
ITT picrel
criminal he's not Hal. he voiced him as such many times and it's perfect
>Sean Gunn
>Maxwell Lord
jesus FUCKING christ get this nepo crackhead out of your pictures, James!
What retarded metric is that?
You think if someone is trending this can only mean something positive?
I don't understand what this request proves.
We know snyder fans are idiots.
We know gunn fans are idiots.
Now we know that some idiots outnumber others?
More people search for content Snyder on YouTube.
It's supposed to prove that Snyder is more popular even though he's not working on an major project atm
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And just after WW84 did an awful Maxwell Lord too. Gunn is using this movie to make a not-so-stealth Justice League International, which would be fine on it's one but in the first of a Superman series is a really bad decision

>criminal he's not Hal. he voiced him as such many times and it's perfect
Yeah but Hal is very a straight guy, Gunn needs the edgy and fowl mouthed Green Lantern in his movie.
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DC never did well, and superhero fatigue has set in.
>James Gunn's Superman Looks Like Shit
That's just your terrible attention span.
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Jealous kike lmao
Shut up ESL
>big game raping

Made me chuckle
Best looking Superman ever!
Stupid-ass lines, I swear.
Yeah, I'm not holding out much hope. It would be nice, though.
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Go back.
They're scared, that's what they are.
Damn, Routh looks good in motion. I only ever saw his KC suit in pics before.
Mexicanman still looks like shit, however.
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looks like a random photo of LA or San Fran on halloween desu
It is
Unremarkable Lois, ugly weirdos, nigger diversity roles. No thank you.

I assume it will be more competent in terms of character and story than the dour boring nothingburger Snyder shit we've been getting but in the wrong way for Superman.

It's still possible he could pull a rabbit out of a hat if we had some exceptional performances and character interaction. Like if the Lois bitch was Margot Kidder levels of interesting unlike all the boring bitches we've been getting, and the story really works. He'd better really suck the audience into the story right from the get go if he's going to pull this off though, and will be hard to keep them there with that cast.
>inb4 one of them drags you right out of it within the first twenty minutes.
>Clark will be a zoomer
Clark is not a zoomer, he's a millennial; pretty much all the characters are millennials.
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Look at that poor posture. That's not superman. Dude's geeky as shit. You cannot replace Cavill. Just retire the character.
Who is buying this? lol.
Lois is too old and the cast is way too big. I get wanting an established superhero world from the jump but it feels like too many people even if the movie is 2.5 hours long.
I will watch for she.
This is how the retards keep getting away with it. It's like the first Captain Marvel film and the first Nigger Panther. Get lots of moneyz based on the goodwill built up by previous good films and while MCU was riding high. Then the usual idiots say it proves that people want more stronk whammen and nog shit, but the truth is, those films were pretty shit and negatively affected the returns on subsequent MCU/superhero films, it just doesn't show up in the numbers until later.

Like if a top restaurant changes the menu with more 'diverse' food and hires an incompetent Chef based on political ideology not skill, then the restaurant will still coast on its prior reputation for a while before going into steep decline. The idiots will point to the peak when it was all "working" and say it must just be a bad month or the 'muh economy', totally failing to deal with the fact that if their stupid shit was actually what the customers wanted, the line would be going up overall, not flatlining and precipitously falling. Idiots like this will make excuse after excuse until a business is literally in the grave.
So will I, but selling a 5 foot 1 Hawkgirl is a tall order ... or not a tall ord... fuck, you know what I mean.
Explain people coming back for Zack Snyder's Justice League or Wan's Aquaman 2, but not the rest?

The truth is that Shazam, Shazam 2, Gunn's The Suicide Squad, WW84, and so on all sucked. Nobody cared for them not because of Snyder but because those movies looked and sounded unappealing.

You can all cope by blaming Snyder for DC films sucking so much these last years, but you've no argument for a movies like Joker making money. Because Joker actually interesting unlike that Harley Quinn movie.
Noho hank as metamorpho? I'm so totally into this casting even if I have NO interest in the rest of this shitshow
>Pantsu over trousers
LMAO wtf is even happening here
He'd have to be in his 30s to be a millennial. Zoomers at their eldest are late 20s.
Fanservice for losers.
>Marvel didn't even start with a Universe. The idea was pitched after a few successful movies, so it naturally evolved in a sense.
The MCU had a universe from day 1, remember the post credits Iron Man scene?
If you meant X-men and spider-man, even then they wanted to do something, just didn't work out that early.
>If you meant X-men and spider-man, even then they wanted to do something, just didn't work out that early.
Wolverine was planned to cameo in the first Spider-Man, but they couldn't find his costume.
The actor is 30 years old.
Explain to me why Snyder never even got the DCEU off the fucking ground if he's so great. The MCU was passing him by creating hype for all superhero flicks and he's there trying to get the DCEU motor to kick over with every single film only for it to sputter out some easy money and die in the arse right after.

Normies don't know the difference between Marvel and DC. You think they even know all the ins and outs of Spiderman's rights deal with Sony? Half of them would go watch DC shit and say it was one of the shittier 'MCU' film ffs, because they didn't know the DCEU was distinct or even existed in terms of capeshit writ large.

'The Suicide Squad' is all Gunn, and like the Guardians of the Galaxy has its own style and you can take it or leave it. I didn't personally find it all that good, but it was at least better written and coherent, with a few laughs, but I'm not convinced his style suits characters like Superman and the shit coming out of the production ITT seems to support that.

But I NEVER liked Snyder's style or thought it suited superheroes at all. There's nothing even wrong with super serious and le gritty necessarily as evidenced by Joker. Superheroes like myths and legends are better when they have some kind of point to them, otherwise it's just a bunch of clowns flying around in capes 'doing shit'. Snyder shit was pointless and is the crap that looks and sounds unappealing.

Snyder had a fair shake. Gunn hasn't had his chance with more serious characters yet, since DC still had a torrent of sewage in the pipeline that's still flowing, so jury is still out.
>Explain to me why Snyder never even got the DCEU off the fucking ground if he's so great.
For the same reason Richard Donner never properly finished Superman II. For the same reason why Tim Burton was replaced by Joe Schumacher.

By the way, you got filtered as fuck by Snyder's capeshit movie. Not because you find them bad or anything, but because you're arguing about their "point". KEK.
>Gunn hasn't had his chance with more serious characters yet
James Gunn was giving everything on a silver plater. The property he wanted, the characters he wanted, the budget he wanted, the rating he wanted. They were so sure his movie was going to be such a major critical and financial success they let him get all his wishes. He even got a TV show greenlit ahead of the release of the movie, because they were that sure.
He didn't do work on "more serious characters" because he didn't want to do so. I doubt this Superman movie will be any more serious than The Suicide Squad or The Peacemaker.
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No, they were a fucking mess from the start. Are you going to blame studio interference for this? You're the one filtered because you think lip service like that is 'le deep'.

That fucking '300' shitty looking background too, fuck it's worse than I remember.
You literally got filtered. KEK.
not watching a jewish superman, even if the creators were jewish
certainly not watching a james gunn superman regardless of the actor
look i hate women and fags too but this guy is both and that's why these jokes just don't land
Yeah, because that shit wasn't a fucking joke then and since. The whole movie is fucking pseud garbage.
Snyder by exceeded the early MCU during his tenure. It's after he left his work started to crumble.
>Snyder cope dick sucker
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Then soon after with the Justice League everyone was aware that Zack Snyder and all the subsequent movies starting with Shazam started to do much, MUCH less.
Captain Marvel 1 - a bajillion dollars - must mean it was a great movie right?
>[insert shitty Star Wars movies here]
>[insert retardo Woke shit here]

It's all so tiresome.
The only reason Captain Marvel did well was because of marketing. They convinced people that they needed to watch that movie to be able to follow Endgame.

I still don't know why you use it as an example. Specially when people still watched ZSJL after how awful Justice League just because of Zack Snyder alone. Yet they couldn't give a rat ass about The Suicide Squad, or Blue Beetle. They almost gave a crap about Black Adam but only because of a second cameo from Henry Cavill.
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>1 group movie
>3 group movie (1 extra cut)
She's hideous.
why he looks so bald lmao
Taking James Gunn's Superman movie as seriously as you are is the exact opposite of maturity.
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These Gunnfags would lick Gunn's feat even if he stepped in dogshit.
is that the girl from Sicario
You are a very confused sad little man.
>Tout Snyder moneyz as proof his shit isn't shit.
>Find excuses for other shit that makes moneyz as not proof
Snyder was never a good fit and he's a demonstrable hack. Get over it.
I only want to see darkseid bring the armada and fight cavill. What a waste of money all this is
Genuinely curious if we can get a little Dora energy into Hawkgirl. The character is always such a cunt with a chip on her shoulder.
In 1 year you'll admit that Snyder won.
ooh campy tee hee, oops my rectum just prolapsed again tee hee oohh my plastic pants are full again tee hee woopsie just pulled another yard long tapeworm out when wiping my little bummy bum tee hee oooh so campy
Gunn didn’t make Jimmy black, he showed ultimate restraint.
This is how Snyderfags look to everyone else. I hope you're aware of that
What about Perry WHITE?
I need to see it with effects and context
Everything looks like shit without post and I just want good writing which we haven't seen in years.
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III was great actually
I want Superman to be a character again. He's been a plot device for Batman since BvS
Everyone is going to think he is Clark
>Lois is too old
>Superman actor: 30
>Lois actor: 33
What? They're both in their early 30s
>Weird dark and moody alien suit for guy who murders cities
>Bright and colorful kino suit for man who inspires people and gives them hope
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do you not think early 30s isnt old?
Just because you want the same boring and superficial take on the character. Otherwise Cavill was a great take on both the golden age version of the character and the 80's version of the character.

Fucking casual fans, man.
At least Superman is going back to his jewish power fantasy roots.
No, Superman is clearly already a superhero given the fact that they have merch in the movie, and Lois is years into her career as a reporter
Why do we need them to be in their 20s? I'd rather they were actual adults
My take is that anyone who cares or discusses this should fucking die.
20s is adulthood, wdym not actual adutls?
so the hack designers feel like they're being creative
still looks so kino here wtf
It's been said that Jimmy Olsen is gay in this movie and has an Asian boyfriend. Make of this what you will.
Fucking hack Snyder fanboi samefaggot who doesn't understand Superman character at all. Pathetic.
If true, I'm out. Done. Finito. Not watching. Fuck this faggot shit.
>Jimmy Olsen is gay in this movie and has an Asian boyfriend.

Gunnfags we fags for real now LMFAO
So white Jimmy still isn't getting blacked
EVERYTHING about the new DCU looks and sounds like shit.
Do you just believe everything you read?
I disagree
Everything leaked about the movie has been confirmed by set photos. Even dumb shit like the villain being a clone of Superman. So i believe him.
It gets worse. Apparently, Lois is made into some bleeding heart feminist and thinks that Superman might be a misogynist who thinks he has the 'right to save women' and such other Twitter buzzwords. Lex is also a heavy-handed right-wing Trump allegory in this and that female superhero from the Authority is a lesbian and flirts with Lois. She's also a miserable cunt to Clark the entire movie but he "simps" over her with no question. This will be a disaster that will destroy the Superman character forever.
The Donald Trump impression i believe, just because John Byrne made Luthor be a copy of Trump during the 80s, and they seem to pursue the storyline where Luthor tried to become president. It is too much for them to resist and not go for the Trump stuff.
I can tell you that this entire movie will be laughed out of existence when it drops. Anyone associated with it will want their name scrubbed. Think Madame Web but with the character of Superman, the disaster will be 100x worse.
Where did you get this from ? Because from the set photos Lois is smiling at Superman
I can tell that you desperately want that to happen
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>DC fanboys are craving for DC to be the MCU 2.0 and that for a long time.
I don't. I want DC to be DC. Why can't we get that?
Clark also, as evident by the zoomer hair, is a total push over cuck and it's all genuine, not just an act. He says some soiboi nonsense that will make /tv/ shit itself with laughter when the movie comes out. You will call bull and I get it but I'm telling you this is how it is. This last bit I'm not as sure about but there may be a scene where he and Jimmy fanboy over Nintendo I've been told from other people who are extras. I am not fucking kidding.
It's probable.
Means nothing. You don't know the context of the scenes. That's much later in the movie. They have a bit of a "tsundere" thing but she's more tsun than dere but Clark falls at her feet at every opportunity. You watched The Fall Guy? Same thing. Cunt woman and emasculated man.
>You watched The Fall Guy?
>They have a bit of a "tsundere" thing but she's more tsun than dere
kill yourself
shills. lol. no one has ever heard of or cares about a hawkgirl.
So you have no proof apart from "dude trust me"
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The worst part of that is Lois instead of being a headstrong actual driven professional woman being interpreted as some retarded feminist. The real Lois was always too busy doing her fucking job to worry about that retarded shit. The kind of woman feminists imagine themselves to be but are instead whiny activist retards who don't know or do anything in the real world, and so think men are trying to stop them from doing something they literally never even tried and know nothing about.
Just trying to get my point across. You're on 4chan, you're telling me you don't know what that term means?
Well, in that movie the woman is a complete cunt to the man and is bogged and ugly as hell just like the Lois actress and she berates and fucks up the main character but the main character acts like she's the most beautiful fucking thing. He has this puppydog crush on her in the movie. She looks down on Clark but has a perverse admiration for Superman, despite her political jarbon in some scenes.
Costume designer was the same person who did the GotG 3 suits, which were similarly somewhat baggy. It's likely this is the intentional look. It might get altered if execs/test audiences bitch enough about it.
Hawkgirl was in the Justice League cartoon
I do not. Hence why I told you to just call bull now and laugh your heart out (or cringe)
when you see it in the theater.
DC should've been the 'prestige' brand to Marvel's McDonalds enteprise. Get the best actors and directors who wouldn't be caught dead in a Marvel flick like Joaquin Phoenix and just make stuff like Joker. This second try bullshit is going to destroy DC for good.
Don't know what to tell you man, 20 year olds are fucking retards. Every "origin" superman movie has had him in his 20s, I've seen enough of it
projections, just because you failed in your 20s doesn’t mean other are too
>I want DC to be DC. Why can't we get that?
Because Snyder is gone.
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>Because Snyder is gone.
This is cope. WB can still hire a director who will give Superman a higher quality treatment.
They don't want higher quality.
The Mission Impossible: Fallout guy wanted to make a Superman movie. WB execs turned him down because his pitch wasn't comedic enough.
That's not superman.
That is a coin clipping, Christ killer, baby rapist, blood drinker
But they hired Gunn....
Old skool Lois was still a woman but her femininity was mostly just another weapon in her arsenal when it came to the only thing she truly cared about before Superman, getting a story.

One thing I love about this scene is her interaction with Perry White. She's his star reporter so she can just waltz into his office and talk turkey with him the same if not more so than any man:

He's still the boss but she'll straight up argue with him while Olsen and everyone else isn't so forward. They obviously have mutual respect for each other and don't have to sugar coat anything because they're both obsessed about the same shit - the news.

You didn't notice, but your brain did.
>But they hired Gunn....
A list DC characters must treat the property with respect. So far I don't see that happening with this film or his other DC works for that matter. It's all CW tier with a higher budget.
Nta but yeah, fuck the studio. Man of Steel was edited in a way Krypton and Earth segments were interlaced, pretty much like the first hour of Batman Begins. But producers got cold feet and put Krypton in the first 30 minutes, you can feel that in the pacing. They also the axed some scenes explaining the villains and Phantom Zone, that's why you get that giant kryptonian and the bald scientist out of nowhere.

Second, they decided to go 3D post production, delaying the movie in one year.

After that Snyder went "allright, let's build the DCU one movie at time", but the fucking producer had a boner for a Batman vs Superman movie for decades and chose to announce this at Comic-Con, here's the video:


MoS was barely in the theaters and the guy goes YES BVS IT'S MY TIME! He fucked the whole process. I blame Snyder for going with it, should had stepped down at that moment. That was the decision that fucked everything. With better writting and a cool head this DCU could have worked, or at least could have been finished properly.
They advantage that the guy's daughter died to fire even and before that they were having Whedon film stuff behind his back, which is why he stopped caring about finishing the movie - but not enough to also not film his own scenes without the producers knowing with the help of the actors.
Honestly that still doesn't get Snyder off the hook. While shit like that can fuck any movie, the shit he shot could never have been assembled into something that didn't look and play like shit.

And if I was a suit I'd actually agree with the decision to accelerate the DCEU because they clearly had to play catch up with the MCU before the popularity of superhero films burned out. I don't blame them for those calculations. Those kinds of pressures are always going on in the background and the artists have to navigate that, use their divine influence to try to swing in favour of the art, etc. Usually it's just fighting the Money Bugs over the budget, but I'd say Snyder had plenty of money. His whole vision just sucked balls. Shit that was shot was lame as fuck and when you put it altogether you boring to laughably bad washed out crap.

Imagine yourself shooting that Costner scene. Would you be happy with that result? Honestly?
Also I don't care what anyone says, the Snyder Cut was shitty like the theatrical cut of that other film - just longer and didn't have plot cut out of it. The people who said it was good were the same fags demanding it and then couldn't admit that it was still shitty.
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Snyder's DC movies will remain one of the best capeshit trilogies ever made.
I still don't understand Lex's plan to frame Superman in BvS. If he wanted to make it look like Superman killed them then why were they all shot? Even after being burned you would still be able to tell they were shot. He has a Batman villain do it with KGBeast so why not just use Firefly and just burn them all instead? And another thing, one of the only witnesses is Pulitzer prize winning reporter Lois Lane who is never called to the trial for some reason?
Help me out here, what am I missing?
He reminds me of the first leaked pics from the last batman movie and everyone tried to defend it despite how bad it looked and then we got a diarrhea of a movie in the end
It's happening again
In the Ultimate Edition Superman isn't blamed for killing the terrorists, but for fucking off thus causing their deaths.
>and everyone tried to defend it despite how bad it looked and then we got a diarrhea of a movie in the end
That movie that did well financially and critically? It reminds me of the leaked photos of Joker and people coping that it looked nothing like the comics and that still went on to be a huge hit. You faggots do this all the time
That movie flopped, given the expectations.
There's this long ass scene of Blunt beating the shit out of Gosling, even stabbing him in the leg. Afterwards, she says she knew it was him. What the fuck?
Those movies are slop, just like modern shit where they don't care about logic, space, or time.

It's a secondary result of 'tell don't show' backarsewards retard storytelling, where you just have to take it as read that something happened because they say so. They come up with 'dramatic events' or visuals but don't feel the need to hang them on any kind of logical framework. So I am sad now because I say so, I am happy now because someone said it, now I'm on the other side of the country two minutes later for no reason and being validated by someone. Are we having fun kids?
>That movie flopped, given the expectations.
Then so did BvS
>Honestly that still doesn't get Snyder off the hook.
Indeed, that shows how much the producers fucked the whole thing since they hired the wrong people and instead of letting them finishing their work and go home they kept trying to "save" these movies. Remember that we never saw the Ayer Cut for Suicide Squad, but the movie was reworked THREE TIMES before we got the theatrical version.

>the Snyder Cut was shitty like the theatrical
It was, it's basically the same movie with a different filter and longer scenes (and none of Whedon awful quips). It baffles me Warner hired Whedon of all people to do absolutely nothing different and get a director credit.
It makes sense in the Ultimate Cut that runs 4 hours long, there are plenty of scenes building the animosity between Clark and Bruce, like Clarke making and article on Wayne, he visits the city and talk with tons of people, he's appaled by the state of Gotham. I can't remember the whole thing now because it's too convoluted. Like I said it makes more sense in the longer version, but that doesn't mean it's good.
Most of Justice League looks like it was filmed on green screen. Even Snyder's stuff from the original shoot. Seriously after watching that and Rebel Moon it's clear to me Snyder isn't why BvS looks good and it was mostly down to Larry Fong who also did 300 and Watchmen
That's just it, it shouldn't take four hours. They waste so much fucking time in these things when with a cleverly constructed scene and efficient dialogue you can 'show don't tell' most of the information you need to get across.

There are old movies that do more with 60 seconds than these shitty movies do in 60 minutes. Not even kidding.
But why wasn't Lois ever called? There's no way around that that makes sense
The ZSJL is self indulgent. The scene where Martha talks to Lois but is actually Martian Manhunter? Who the fuck was that for? Why isn't he helping the Justice League, why didn't he help Superman in MoS? When Lois goes to him in BvS why doesn't he use his mind reading powers to find the truth?
Obviously the answer is that character was never meant to be Martian Manhunter and Snyder did it for some cheap fanservice but the problem is it breaks the consistency of his own past films.
Here's an example:

It may surprise you to learn that Greedo doesn't even survive 60 seconds after meeting Han Solo, and we learn a lot of shit in that time. The time spent on that scene and your memory of that character is expanded in your mind because of all the shit that's going on spoken and unspoken, (eg. Han is cool under pressure, doesn't take any shit, there's a bounty on his head by Jabba that he has repeatedly failed to pay off, etc.)

That scene exists for those reasons, not just for something to happen and give Han something to do.

Which should make you wonder why any movie would need to be four hours long.
>like Clarke making and article
Fucking autocorrect
I don't remember, honestly my mind deleted the whole thing. Everything is explained better, even that jar of piss joke, but the movie goes for too long and nothing is really interesting.
>That's just it, it shouldn't take four hours.
100%. The Ultimate Cut makes sense, it goes from point A to B in a logical manner, unlike the Theatrical Cut which was a fucking mess of disjointed scenes. But both are a waste of time.
>The ZSJL is self indulgent.
He showed this side at first in Watchmen, but it got worse after MoS. Snyder is a blockbuster director, a Plan B Michael Bay (who is "we have Tony Scott at home" at his best), he needs a good producer with enough vision to cut his bullshit and hire a proper writer (not motherfucking David S. Goyer ffs). Letting Snyder do a 4 hour long artsy egotrip in a Superman movie is just insanity, letting him do over and over again should be a crime.
>waste of time
What makes it really apparent, and annoying is how these idiots waste so much time on total bullshit and then have to rush through important details. Like I say, totally back-arsewards storytelling.
>James Gunn's Superman Looks Like Shit
kek get over it Snyderfag, they sucked.
>Milly Alcock Supergirl
yes please, leak her suit already

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