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Was he always an arrogant Shitlib or did he turn into one at a certain point in his life?
I brainwashed him in his old age
Always that way. He, Carrie, and Harrison were fucking each other, they admitted. How far that went, who knows.
I keep Mark and Luke wholly separate in my mind and it's easy to do. Luke is smart and wholesome, while Mark "I'll pressure you to get an abortion" Hamill, is not.
>Mark "I'll pressure you to get an abortion" Hamill, is not.
I think this is what turned him. I remember this shit with his son and that hoolker or whatever she was. I think he had "help' dealing with that problem and in return, they made him support their narrative because he used to be very outspoken about the shit that they were doing to Luke as a character.
Yes, he was a spoiled California libtard Boomer, always. The difference is studios back then knew to not give actors a microphone and let them blather their nonsense into the airwaves. But with social media and the internet, Boomers have been given the freedom to flap their gums to anybody that will listen. Awful generation was just exposed with newer technology.
>I think he had "help' dealing with that problem and in return, they made him support their narrative because he used to be very outspoken about the shit that they were doing to Luke as a character.
Agreed. If it looks like and walks like an elephant, it is one.
He's an LGBTQIA icon.
Movies were much easier to enjoy before Twitter
fragile polyps lol
>I keep Mark and Luke wholly separate in my mind and it's easy to do. Luke is smart and wholesome, while Mark "I'll pressure you to get an abortion" Hamill, is not.
Luke Skywalker is a terrorist from the desert who killed a shitton of people and assisted in the collapse of galactic civilization, I don't know why you'd consider him wholesome.
>Luke Skywalker is a terrorist from
Seriously, shut the fuck up.
He was hating pretty hard on the last jedi, like he was openly stating in interviews how fucking bad it was. I bet he got offered a wealthy position in some political party on why he suddenly turned around. I think he just stopped giving a shit about star wars and just says shit for money.

Then again, I lose my respect for every prime wealthy man that lets himself go. He turned himself into a fat ugly bastard. I knew he was going to sell out.
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I miss the days when most of Hollywood kept their politics to themselves. Just make the movies (even the bad ones) and shut it.
lol he was photographed picking up cigarette butts from the ground and smoking them, how arrogant could he possibly be?
Crazy and stupid without cash infusions?
I don't feel bad saying that because I helped make Mark rich, and in return he bashes me because I am not on his "side."
internet really took the phrase "never meet your heroes" to a new level fr fr.
>Mark rich
is he tho?
if so, how?

don't tell me this young actor got a fantastic contract with his Star Wars films, cuz that can't be right.
has he ever been in another movie that even broke even, maybe American Graffiti?
They broke him with TLJ. He had a brief rebellion but he returned to the fold and accepted the humiliation. His whole life is being a slave to a party that despises him now. It's ironic.
A Hollywood actor isn't a le based Nazi and is actually a woke liberal? Who could have anticipated this?!
>don't tell me this young actor got a fantastic contract with his Star Wars films, cuz that can't be right.
It is. He's got at least 18 million dollars in cash, not counting stocks, bonds;etc.
He was always trash.
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>nooooo I hate what they did to my character if not for that DAMNED multimillion contract I would've done something, I'd quit but they held me hostage with that lofty paycheck, I could only bitch and cry and waste these damned money on booze and drugs to ease off the pain
hammil was always a disingenious HACK
i dont want them to be nazis but if they just would stfu with their disconnected from reality opinions this would be quite enough.
>joins local militia and blows up a major government structure killing over 1 million people including thousands of civilians
What else do you call someone like that besides a terrorist?
>early life
I done told you to shut up, Imperial.
it's a military installation and civilians were like cooks on a military ship ie collateral damage, it's only terrorism in the american doctrine where everyone attacking their occupation forces is a terrorist

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