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Gwayne the daring edition
Prev >>200678367
Rumao faggot
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>Targ blood percentage
No proof
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Valyrian % in Targ blood
Why was the OP pic deleted?
Nevermind, just phonefag things.
>Caraxes, Vermithor, Sheepstealer, Syrax (probably), Moondancer and Vermax vs Vhagar and 20 good men
Kino battle
>None of them have pure Dragon blood
Do we KNOW Helaena and Daeron aren't in the fight?
baela dies this season
It just proves that only Targaryen blood % matters for dragon hatching
Honestly I just want to see targ fucking shits dead
literally impossible, she has a role in the ending and is one of the dance survivors
More likely Jace
thank God
Daeron isn't cast, Halaena could fight but that's still absurdly stacked odds.
Her only role in the ending is getting cucked by alyn
It proves week written mythology
How? I had a feeling they would kill her dragon off, let me guess it’s Aemond who does it? He’s going to be responsible for any character death from now on isn’t he? /
that would be terrible, him dying at the Gullet makes more sense
There were only 9 houses who could ride a dragon and Velaryons or Rogares weren't one of them
Will they show as far as the Maiden's Ball just to have Baela and Rhaena drag in some nigger toddler and have the entire room stop in awe of just how beautiful this one nigger in particular is?
She doesn't die.
Do you know that Corlys bastard sons (who have no Targaryen blood) will ride a dragon right?
I just can't get into this series. Everything about it, from the awful colour grading, forced diversity (we wuz valyrianz n sheeeit), Matt Smith's ugly face, reusing the GOT theme, leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Just an ugly, bland, soulless mess of a show that isn't fit to shine GOT's boots.
How do you know?
are there actual leaks on any of these?
Yes, aemond will kill baela to deepen the daemon rivalry
Consider the following
>She's a nigger
>She doesn't die in the book
>Her nigger brother who dies in the book didn't actually die here
But the emotions and sentiments Anon
based Aemond
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He's here....
Leaks? Why they would change Jace dying here rather than dying in the Gullet would be weird, but he dies regardless so the axe falls eventually. Baela doesn't die and they aren't changing the fate of a character to kill off a diversity hire.
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African slop. I'd rather watch anime.
How exactly will the fall of King's Landing be an "epic" battle? Who does the greens even have defending the city at this point? Helaena with Dreamfyre, Gwayne Hightower, and that tranny pirate? I have a feeling this will be another Battle of the Bastards, where it looks very good on the surface but makes zero sense logically
20 good men vs four to six dragons.
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Oh brackentwink, PLEASE be ok….
So Daenaera Jace and Baela's child when?
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When does this Tranny show up ?
> tranny pirate
kek is that Aemond
Makes sense. We need a reason for Daemon to basically commit suicide to take down Aemond. It never made sense to why he would do such a thing in the book. There’s got to be a reason he’s been set up as such an absent father to the twins. /
unironically I would like this and it wouldn't change that much but I'm not sure the ages add up
Then go watch anime and get the fuck out of the general.
I hope they stick with george's original plan of having a war of the roses tier conflict resolution (before the pedo brainrot fully set in and compelled him to shoehorn in the sexiest 6 year old westeros has ever seen)
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Emma is such a beautiful they/them person
That might just be stupid enough to be real
then hopefully Aemond kills both of the niggerinas for good measure
they need to have daenaera so they can have partly black blackfyres in future shows
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Let's get it on!
I ship it
The blackfyres have already been cast. They are white.
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nice titties but we can go bigger
No it's this troon >>200686469
He's apparently playing Racallio Ryndoon who is the new Triarchy leader that the greens will recruit
Velaryons (show) need to go extinct so they could justify present day Targ huwhite-ness.

Else, the showrunners will pull a 'color-blind' casting as they are wont to do in these recent years.
I imagine the dunk and egg adaptation will have a significantly stronger writing/dialogue since they have George's work to go off of.
A tranny isn't the worst casting for Ryndoon... Just have it walk on stilts to get to six feet tall.
Depends on how much they decide to change for MODERN AUDIENCES
And so did Hotd
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Too obscene for this show
the dance already ended with baela rhaena and alyn alive so what's one more
>no cripple sunfyre killing moondancer
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where is anyone getting this baela death idea? seems stupid not to have pic related
It's one retard trying to push a fake 'leak'.
An anon said it higher up in the thread.
I feel only two emotions watching this trash: anger and boredom.
An anon said she dies. It was with spoiler tags so it must be true.
Rhaenys dies
So they turned Hugh into a simp for Rhaenyra?? Wtf are they doing? I hope Ulf the Based still betrays her at least
> No it's this troon
Kek I know but tranny pirate fits Aemond
And how involved George is in writing process. Since he won't finish ASOIAF anyway, he might as well give D&E show his all focus.
The episodes are emptier and emptier despite the relatively long runtime and bloated budget. 2 minutes on a silent scene showing Rhaenyra playing with her children and staring at flecks of dust in the streaming sunlight. Why?

>inb4 le ebin slowburn

You can edge your audience without fucking the whole pace by stalling the plot. You can have your brooding atmospheric shots without compromising your characters' agency. Even normoids are complaining about Rhaenyra's inaction. Somehow, the showrunners are so committed to painting the two female protagonists as these restrained, sober, war avoidant messiah-esque creatures. So the conflict is not steered by them. Rather, it is ignited in a 'series of coincidences and unfortunate events' type fashion. Which strips the characters of any agency. In their quest to empower their female characters, the showrunners have effectively neutered/culled two perfectly sharp women (per book). So Alicent is a perpetual victim of her father's. And is borderline schizophrenic in her values. And Rhaenyra is... well, a non-character really. I think the word that describes her best is mother. Which is infinitely less dimensional than the supposed bloodthirsty caricature that F&B paints. Good God.
F&B was a cashgrab written by his editors from bits and scraps of lore that he offhandedly wrote with one hand whilst furiously stroking his pink fat mast with the other. It's the equivalent of feeding ChatGPT the 'Princess and the Queen' novella, and a handful of copypasted Claudio-Caesarian dynasty articles, and telling it to complete a book in that lore direction.
>Calling himself Lord Hammer, Hugh desired to become a king. He gained support from the soldiery who believed a prophecy which spoke of a new king arising once a hammer falls on a dragon. Prince Daeron Targaryen threw wine in his face when he made his claim known, and Hugh threatened to beat the boy. The next day Hugh wore a crown of black iron, which Ser Roger Corne knocked off. Hugh nailed three horseshoes to Roger's skull, and the ensuing fight between Hugh's and Roger's supporters led to three dead and twelve wounded. Hugh slept with the widow of a knight whom he had killed during First Tumbleton.
Hugh of all people being a simp is certainly a choice
They took this and have shat out 'boo hoo my sick daughter'.
I mean they didn't care about the ages when they made Alicent and Rhaenyra the same age and they changed Alicent's children's & Joffrey's ages too
To be honest with you ageing up shit is something I don't have an issue with. Still find the idea of shit like the Night's Watch just falling in line behind a what sixteen year old Jon? weird. Not to mention shit like eleven year old Daenerys getting mind broken by Dothraki cock.
Is there any magic the maesters aren't able to deny as fanciful stories or things that are gone forever?
True. Is the J + B = D idea based on any actual leaks? I like the idea but I'm not sure they'd consider it.
>the funeral is a sara hess invention and CONdal went with it
>CONdal gives the final say to her for female lines
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>sara hess
how will she ruin the mad Lads?
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Just started this show and three episodes in you fags are trying to convince me that this girlboss shite is decent?
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Cute and canon!
She will make them fags
>believing fags
your fault.
i always answer anons that it's shit and Viserys is the only good thing about it but idk if it ks worth watching the show for him.
Bracken hands typed this.
> convince me
We don’t care about you at all anon.
i can see it happening since Laenor is out of the picture.
Can you link the Livestream link?
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Suit yourself
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Will he reappear though or has he died offscreen? Addam shouldn't be able to claim Seasmoke as long as Laenor is alive.
>I'd rather watch anime.
post good animes.
>Addam shouldn't be able to claim Seasmoke as long as Laenor is alive.
do you really think writers who made pic related will not simply ignore the lore again?
No we haven't idea what happens after E4 (except for Rhaenyra's story)
This just shows Aegon is the chosen king.
and it contradicts the white hart that showed up to Rhaenyra in Aegon's birthday.
CONdal simply doesn't care about lore.
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i choose human non-monke female.
True, the writer narrative is Rhaenyra. I don't have to accept it, though.
my point is CONdal is a hack and is dnd level.
i don't take sides in the dance because it's Jaehaerys' fault for not establishing succession laws while also establishing the precedent of the king choosing his heir.
the one without fetal alcohol syndrome
Vaemond uses the word "Illegal" when describing the succession change, implying that there was established succession law which the hack writers just didn't really talk about Viserys violating
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She’s so pretty, bros
>iron maiden t-shirt
uh based
Honestly this, it's such a poignant end to the conflict that really drives home how useless and ill-considered it was. Why the fat guy decided to fuck it up * have no idea
Emilia is prettier
if there had been then Jaehaerys would also have done it, there obviously was no law just precedent which can change
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>Emilia WAS prettier
if it wasnt for the makeup and filters she would look even worse
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My nuncle is a challenge I welcome, if he dares face me.
Emma is superior because she doesn’t have poojeet blood in her.
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The precedent should be that every king legitimizes his bastards on his deathbed and let's the strongest come out on top.
i haven't seen her for a long while.
>poojeet blood
Emilia is pretty white for having that in her. isn't she?
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>Clarke is part Indian, of maternal Indian origin. Her maternal grandmother was the child of a secret affair between Clarke's great-grandmother and a man from the Indian subcontinent, and wore light make-up to conceal the darker complexion she had inherited from her father.
So bleaching is possible
open succession?
it's easy mode in ck2.
Her grandfather was cucked by a pajeet.
Anyone have the Aemond and brothel madam clip? I want to check something.
So, why does Aemond have a mommy fetish?
top fucking kek
this can't be real
why didn't he off her grandmother?
If I were cucked by a pajeet I’d kill the pajeet, honor kill my wife, and then an hero.
bongs are just cucks
>Sunset found her squatting in the grass, groaning. Every stool was looser than the one before, and smelled fouler. By the time the moon came up she was shitting brown water. The more she drank, the more she shat, but the more she shat, the thirstier she grew, and her thirst sent her crawling to the stream to suck up more water.
Of course, now this makes perfect sense.
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I'd just be repeating myself, the term illegal was used which would refer to violation of law. My chosen interpretation is that Viserys' action was both against tradition and law, as Vaemond said. People just didn't dispute it because Viserys was a tyrant who would kill anyone who would question him on this topic so they all just waited for him to die to ignore his tyrannical illegal edict.
George is such a romantic.
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Watch this happening and the kid somehow is more white than black because of Jacaerys and Baela's side from her father, Daemon. That's how you save a future blooline and not making them black. If Jacaerys is not the father, there's not a chance for Daenaera's bloodline to end up white. They can only save it by making Jacaerys the father.
his weird sexual shit and perviness are why I wont actually read the books
We have already talked about it at length. It’s not really a fetish, she is just someone who doubles as both a mother figure and a lover figure for him. She is the only one he can be vulnerable around, and she clearly recognises how dangerous he is. Trying to influence him into caring about the small folk, that people like her get hurt when princes get angry. Foreshadowing the destruction we will see Aemond inflict on the small folk eventually.
Expected the toddler's head to go flying off in the crowd when the wagon got stuck on the road
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You think Daenerys will ever return/make a cameo in future ASOIAF stuff?
>Foreshadowing the destruction we will see Aemond inflict on the small folk eventually.
Hey man, that's all handwaved as way as him not being in control of Vhagar just like killing Luke.
Do you not know about episode 4?. Aemond is going to be even more evil than his book counterpart.
when they retcon season 8 with it'll be dany / faegon / jon in a 3 way battle
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didn't he at the very least divorce her?
i know paternity tests and the like are illegal in france but i didn't know bongs had it hard too.
>implying the traitorous civil war causing side wouldn't be white
uh, based?
and again that means Jaehaerys was also a tyrant doing illegal shit by calling a council instead of picking the "legal" heir
that there was any debate at all about who should be heir, which there is several times in Targ history, is proof that there was no law and the choice of an heir was frequently more complicated
record of lodoss war
sonny boy
vampire hunter d
bungou stray dogs
plastic memories
paranoia agent
put some gundams in there too
afro samurai
aoi bungaku

if you like asoiaf you may like these anime too
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Impressive. Very nice.
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maybe I'd be less racist if all blacks looked like that
they end up being like 1/8 or 1/16 black, they can have a range, you just know they'll want SOME characters to be black at least partly
Depends how they'd treat the Blackfyres, they could also go with them being in the right and tragic losers.
All misunderstandings.
this makes more sense from a writing standpoint as you have endless writing material
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Rewatching the first season before I start the second and I still don't understand why Daemon takes Rhaenyra to the brothel
It's a really weird part of the show
if they cast them all with white actors, then what you write won't come true, probably
>why Daemon takes Rhaenyra to the brothel
once you open a woman's lust valve it never stops craving sex
>if you like asoiaf
>You may like Plastic Memories
Nigger what
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He will repeatedly trip and accidentally decapitate everyone in Harrenhal. /
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forgot to quote
lots of character introspection, development and tragedy
but I might have been memeing a bit
>I want these people punished!
>Someone takes a head
>Wait, not like that!
None of these sound real.
why is that image so funny
He wants to fuck her but at first he imagines it as trolling Viserys and manipulating Rhaenyra. Then when she's actually into it that freaks him out and he realizes he actually loves her so he backs off because he doesn't want to hurt her. Targaryen dynamics.
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I thought it would be funny for an anon to mirror it as I am just a lowly phoneposter.
soooo what were the tyrells doing during the dance? their bannermen are ostensibly leading the greens and they’re just chilling at highgarden? how can the warden of the south be allowed to just not pick a side by both greens and blacks?
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Same reason this was funny.
I just want to see dragons fuck shit up
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Third best tits in the show behind Tyene and Roz
Their lord was like 6 years old
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Who would win?
>Third best tits in the show behind Tyene and Roz
You just made me go to youtube to watch the clip of Cersei killing Tyene and her whore mothe
>I never asked for this
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Lmao thank you anon you’re a star.
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>go to youtube
ive got it right here
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Aemae has no chance against Dnomond's honed senses.
and to think yesterday we spent 50 posts insulting each other over archives
even more reason to pressure the regent into picking a side
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this scene makes me hard
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That wasn’t me anon, I don’t get into arguments on Norwegian racing sardine forums.
On one hand i want to be surprised for the shit that happens
On the other hand i want to read the fucking book or w/e so i can be up to date on these threads
I'd say her tits are average, I think I like her butt. Emilia Clarke's ass is such a mystery to me cause there's something about it's like oblong oval shape that throws me off, like it's too long for her body
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I shall pretend to believe that
Now post her ass from the same scene. It was truly a sight to behold.
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this scene makes me hard
Perfection. Wonder what that actress is up to now and if she'll ever show the goods again
>normalfag that doesn't even like torture
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post her dad's reaction
Gods I wish I were in that bath with her
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>Wonder what that actress is up to now
nothing i think
according to imdb she played "Young girl" in the 2024 movie What About Love
before that she was in the series The Swarm and Willow but there arent any upcoming projects on her imdb

Absolute perfection. After all these years I'm still in awe.
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So either she quit acting or she's getting no work meaning it's time for the girls to come out to play...
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the perfect comedic image
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So what happended to them when King's Landing got roasted? They're safe down there
I’m serious. Even when other anons are fighting my eyes glaze over and I don’t even read what they are arguing about.
i fucking love emilia
she wanted the good roles but she needed the porn ones
im so tired of fat chicks like her, bros

saw an actually thin and fit chick at the store yesterday and almost couln’t keep from staring. sad to see you faggots fetishizing fat chicks unironically, like you’re already 60 year old men who can’t score anything better
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>100% rhoynar
Some proper retard made this. Daynes are Stone Dornish. Which are a big part First Men, a major part Andal and almost no part Rhoynish at all.

And the Daynes are the odd ones out even among the Stone Dornish, as they have almost Valyrian Features.
Perfect ass, the other bath scene in Season 3 is weird though, like it doesn't look like the same ass
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this was her in Willow
apparently she was only in 2 episodes
seems like she had a bigger role in the series The Swarm

Who would win?
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im bored
mayhaps i shall post olden memery
She used a body double after season 1
Her double’s ass wasn’t as good
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Any day now my wife will get all the big roles and whip out her boobas even more
Mondnom would put up a strong fight as a psychopathic Otis Driftwood esque character from a house of 100 corpses. But Aemea is a Noldor elf from the silmarillion so would clearly win.
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>Noldor elf from the silmarillion so would clearly win.
job brutally and lose all his lands*
>and again that means Jaehaerys was also a tyrant doing illegal shit by calling a council instead of picking the "legal" heir
How do you know it wasn't codified as a result of the council
Okay grandma, you're missing out
Wasnt Gwayne already a grown ass man riding at the Toruney in episode 1 of season 1?
How is he still a twink?
The actor is 35.
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big boy
Yeah, missing out on forever waiting for the series to end because the fat man won't write.
[Barristan] said. “Throw down your steel and stand aside, and no harm need come to you.”

Khrazz laughed. “Old man. I will eat your heart.” The two men were of a height, but Khrazz was two stone heavier and forty years younger, with pale skin, dead eyes, and a crest of bristly red-black hair that ran from his brow to the base of his neck.

“Then come,” said Barristan the Bold. Khrazz came.

For the first time all day, Selmy felt certain. This is what I was made for, he thought. The dance, the sweet steel song, a sword in my hand and a foe before me.
I want to put him in my pocket
My boy is decked out, head to toe.
God i wanna sniff those hairy pits
mf looks like a Dark Souls character wearing boss armor.
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Jokes on you I live hairy girls. God I hope her bush is a jungle…
because it gets debated later with people arguing both sides which wouldn't happen if there was a clear law
>because it gets debated later with people arguing both sides
What? When?
Aegon II is the rightful king of the Seven Kingdoms
Malekith is the rightful Phenix King of Ulthuan
Trump is the rightful president of the United States of America

Simple as
Mallykins is a momma's boy who jobs constantly and is the rightful king of nothing.
By cutting half of them out.
Isn't Jon Snow being Targ still just baseless speculation?
The precedent should be that there s no precedent. The king should have as many male children as possible, and the strongest should rise to the occasion and put his brothers to the sword. That way only the worthiest (most cunning) heir takes the throne.

t.Ottomanniggers probably.
Look, let's cut the fucken bullshit.
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Let me guess, you're a blackcel
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Everyone wants to fuck Luke
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the only reason to watch the show
He is our shooting star...
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going to be honest, I have 0 interest remaining in this show. I was super hyped for S1 but this shit is just a fucking chore to even keep up with
They butchered the source material and its just season 2. Its more fun to be in these threads than actually watch the show
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I was excited for Aemonds warcrimes before season 1, but now that they have shown another side of him it seems weird that he will just go around genociding for genocide sake
Maybe they can manage to make up an insane reason why he would do it but show Aemond doesn't seem the guy to do that
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it will be an accident egain
I have many and more problems with the show but I still really like it, I can't wait for tonight. I wish you could too anon
You jest but I'm completely fine with that change, it's just not something they can pull off again and again with the same character though
with how fucked up the timeline will be and how retarded the narrative will be twisted, Aemond burning the Riverlands will just be incel rage after fleeing from Kings Landing, and Daemon eventually killing him in a duel (which Daemon survives of course)
Could they make the timeline so the genocide is timed with Daeron's death? They could make it so Aemond really loves Daeron so when he dies he freaks out and starts burning down people
It's still good but hysterical whining from greens ruins experience a little
where is TAOOBA poster?W
Fuck off with competent ideas.
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I just watch Aegon's scenes
The plot is getting too dumb
>tfw Rhaenicent meeting this episode
yep but he's not really going to be in this episode
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Why does crinston cole say he was a bed?
Can he be a bed at any time or just some times of the day? And why is Aegon angry? Is it not legal to become a bed for a while?
>Aemond really loves Daeron
It would come out of left field when they've basically never met.
I mean in the book he got talked out of trying to fight all the TB dragons with Vhagar and then refused Cole's plan to work together and just went off killing people by himself.
what do you think of alt shill X's theory that alicent and cole were banging before viserys' death?
Well, only because they cut out the scene from season 1 where he asks how he is doing
He was bullied so its only natural he would be protective of his younger bro
>I just watch Aegon's scenes
he'll be missing for like the rest of the season after rooks rest though
I just watch for the characters and scenes I like. I do think some parts are genuinely better than the book like Aegon's more nuanced portrayal. Also Jace is cute and I'll be happy if he gets more scenes.
Where's the real TAOOBA poster?
>competent ideas
>wah nah why my favorite character the villain show is biased writers should make Aemond the way I write him in my ao3 fanfics!
Woman, chill
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How could they fuck up so badly with Daeron?
Who gives a shit about Daeron?
Anon, they already changed Aemond at his CORE, now they have to keep consistent with what they have written
irritating fujos
Anyone with good taste
Not this production, apparently.
Aemond is cringe and the actor has annoying fag voice. Aegon is better.
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If he does even for one second it will save episode for me
Because Gurm needed Vhagar out of the picture without Vhagar actually burning all the important castles of Rhaenyra to a crisp within a week.

Vhagar could have singlehandedly destroyed Riverrun, Raventree and burned the whole Riverlander+Northman Army on the march within a few days.

But since George the Fatman needed Vhagar simply out of the picture and not doing anything, he had them burning random villages.
>does his job of flying a dragon over the army so they can win
>murders a town because a couple people outside the town killed someone
>dies to a burning tent
idk what people's obsession is with him
How have we not seen Sunfyre yet??? Are we really only going to get like one scene between him and Aegon before they both get fucked up at Rook's Rest? Fuck these writers man
Chad vs virgin
which is why him doing it because he's an emotional mess after getting chased out of KL by an entire murderball of dragons makes sense for his personality
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Yes. Aegon's bond with Sunfyre is propaganda according to Condal by the way
Why is it unidentifiable by gender? Are all Brackens troons?
The answer is Yes, because all Brackens are fakes and liars.
That's a dude
And of course they gave that bond to Rhaenyra and Syrax instead
Same can be said about any dragon. There's no reason why Seasmoke wouldn't fly to Old Town.
ngl same here, he's too pretty so just looking at him is enough but I'm waiting for episode 4 because I want to see if the leaks are accurate
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I wanted a cute scene of tipsy Aegon going on a comfy Sunfyre ride. Actually if you think about it with how Aegon usually got treated by his family it would have made sense for him to be out flying a lot just to experience freedom, companionship and being away from his family, would even add to why his bond with Sunfyre is so strong because Sunfyre will never abandon him or be mean to him.
Also since show Aegon used to be friends with Jace and Luke sort of they could have had a scene in S1 of them flying together and having fun.
He's going to Ibiza
sometimes good things take time
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I want to see his dragon also
Total Turdgayryan Death
That would make aegon sympathetic and we cannot have that
I want to see him riding that dragon
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It’s supposed to be unnerving, have you never seen Prometheus or something?
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I sympathize already
he cared about his kid
I already tired from Sunfyre to be honest. Endless complaining and whining around him, no fun. More interested in Silverwing and Tessarion's designs now.
all dragons should be dead anyway
Jesus can you shut up and STOP WHINING
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>How have we not seen Sunfyre yet?
Didnt we see him in season 1?
Like whole two seconds
We saw the three siblings departing Driftmark on their dragons.
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Tessarion not in season 2. Most beautiful dragon for s2 Moondancer
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same, he was so cute in S1
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>There the demons dwell, up there. Fire and blood, blood and fire. This is their city. If you would make it yours, first you must destroy them. If you would cleanse yourself of sin, first you must bathe in dragon's blood. For only blood can quench the fires of hell.
Is he going to be that one dude who got his arm hacked off by Daemon?
Well now that we know that Aegon is getting both his injuries in episode 4 during the Battle of Rooks Rest, which are burns and shattered legs (even though it’s only meant to be burns at this particular battle and then snaps his legs during his fight against Baela) I believe it.
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but they are cute
cute like his rider
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never change
Never did that with Luke. It was just platonic.
Obvious samefag
Maelor is going to be be Alicent's and Cole's bastard
I like the way you think anon.
unfathomably based samefag
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Are there any leaks about what happens to Sunfyre?
I really wanted to see an injured Sunfyre fighting off Riverland fucks while he's just trying to rest
And of course everything that happens after
I have a feeling they're going to give his meal to Vhagar and just kill him off
it hurts sunfyre bros..
i guess it is a good thing the Strong kids died

Any decent pics of the Hightower armour and/or their soldiers?
True but honestly her survival is irrelevant to the story long-term. It could be changed and literally nothing would really be affected.
Seasmoke > Sunfyre
War veteran, Gullet, capture KL, Tumbleton heroic stand. Bonus: no greencels who jerks off on him and cries.
>negroid riders
Pic related was always kind of stupid and cringe anyway, and superfluous to the story.
Good masterpiece must have a flaw.
Woah, THAT'S what Tully girls look like?!
It's a freebie moment for a strong black woman to do something, it'll happen.
why? they have better scores than other targs and all their eggs hatched
>smallfolk show agency and destroy the inbred occupier's dragons
no, it was based that a girl on a tiny dragon managed to btfo sunfyre (yes it took a while but he died from those wounds)
Scores at what? Dying young?
The maesters killed Sunfyre unironically by poisoning him.
smallfolk were a mistake

I don't mind the mopheads anymore
My main issue with them last season is a bunch of them were really bad actors, but those ones are gone now and the remaining ones are fine
by no means my favourite characters but I don't mind they have a different look than just being more silver haired faggots

sorry guys I'll turn in my racism badge. And my other one.
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>smallfolk were a mistake
ok, (((targ)))
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Makes sense.
Remove your badge, Ser Anon
look would you rather have a dragon or a bunch of ugly king's landing smallfolk?
I think Corlys does a good job, he is still a nigger however.
Gerardys was the one maester who didn't do this shit and supported Rhaenyra.
True. But greencels will whine about every moment their favs get L anyway. Oh well.
new thread

>But greencels will whine about every moment their favs get L anyway.
I mean our biggest problem has been Blood and Cheese so far and the problem there was that we didn't suffer enough, properly
I just want them to adapt the books properly, at least the spirit of it if not literally word for word
And most of the things I want them to do right involve the greens suffering and taking Ls, lol
Good point. It always felt tacked on at the end and didn’t serve a purpose. Sunfyre was already crippled, as was Aegon II. Thematically it was a book version of Rhaneys dragonpit moment.
Yeah right. Explains why Rhaenyra never killed any maesters and why they poisoned Sunfyre.
when would she have the chance to?
I forgot she never had any maesters around (never sent any ravens!) and the blacks never took or held any castles during the dance
fucking retard lmao
i mean a logical reason for it
aegon killed gerardys because he was loyal to rhaenyra
If Rhaenyra wasn't smart enough to know what they were doing, she deserved to die.

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